《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 12


The Royal Sub-

"You sure it can survive the space travel?" Herc asked Artemis. She was learning all the controls of the Royal Sub.

"Yeah, probably. I think that's why Neptune built it. This ship and the Megalodons are more advanced than anything I've ever seen. It even surpasses the Amazonian tech." She turned some dials. 'Alright! I think I figured out how to make it flying."

"Great! Let's go to space!" Percy said.

"Yeah, let's go! I wanna see Ares' face when he sees us." Herd said.

Artemis was in the pilot seat. Percy sat beside her and Herc sat behind him. Artemis started the ship and pushed a button on the dashboard. A shudder went through the whole ship. Slowly ship lifted off the water surface and started floating in air.

"Are you sure you can fly this?" Percy asked. "I always used autopilot mode. It took me wherever I wanted to go."

"I can fly this, probably." She said and pushed the throttle. The ship tilted forward and moved. "Alright, I'm getting the hang of it. Let's circle around the city." She turned the throttle and the ship moved in that direction.

Suddenly everyone's eyes went wide, because the Lady Liberty was in their path.

Artemis quickly turned the throttle again. The ship went downwards and crashed on the island.

"Alright, that's enough. I'm calling someone who can fly." Herc pulled out his phone. "Gil! Can you come to the Statue of Liberty. We need a pilot." — "Yeah, we're going to space. You're going to fly this thing." — "Just tell her that we'll be back in few days." — "Yeah, you can. Bring some for us too. Get here as fast as you can." He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. "Gil's coming he'll fly the ship."

(One hour later)-

Gil landed near the ship. He was carrying a large bag. He was wearing the yellow hoodie.

"What's in the bag, Gil?" Percy asked.

"Pizza. There's no pizza in space, so I brought some with me." He said.

"Come on let's go, we're attracting a lot of attention." Artemis said.

Gil took the pilot seat. He stared at the dashboard for a moment and started pushing buttons. The ship shuddered and started. It lifted off the ground. It kept ascending until it reached the statue's torch. He pushed the throttle and the ship shot towards the sky like an arrow.

In couple of minutes they were out of the atmosphere and getting faster by the second.

"Alright everyone strap in, we're going to warp. By the way, where are we going?"

"To Sakaar." Herd answered.

"Do you know where it is?"

"Not exactly. Odin said that it is one of the out-worlds. Under the rule of Grandmaster. We have to search for it. He said we should start from Xandar."

"Then we'll go to Xandar first and start from there." Gil said and turned the ship around.

As the ship turned, earth appeared in front of them. It was a breathtaking view.


"It's beautiful!" Artemis took a picture with her camera.

"Alright, buckle up! Next stop Andromeda Galaxy." Gil said and pushed a button.

Few days later-

"So how long will it take to reach Xandar?" Percy asked.

"Don't know! It depends on the speed of this thing. Still this Xandar planet is in the Andromeda Galaxy. It's about 2.5 million light years away from earth and we don't know how far we've come." Gil explained holding a slice of pizza.

Suddenly the ship exited the wormhole. In front of them was a huge blue planet.

"I guess we arrived." Herc said.

"Incoming ship, this is Xandar airspace. Identify yourself?" A male voice came from the communicator and a moment later a star shaped golden ship appeared before them.

"We are, uh… Stingray from Earth." Gil answered.

"Stingray?" Artemis asked.

"What? It looks like a Stingray."

Percy sighed on Gil's answer. "I am not going to call it that."

"Stingray, state your business."

"Uhh… Restock."

"Permission granted, you may land in the docking bay 13. Follow me." The guardship turned and descended towards the planet.

Few more days later-

It had been few days since the group left Xandar. This was the third wormhole they entered. Previous two led nowhere but into trouble. First one brought them into the middle of a war zone and the second one almost dropped them into a sun.

Suddenly the ship started to shudder lightly. Then it slowly grew until the whole ship started shaking like it was going on a dirt track.

The group was sitting around a table eating a pizza. As the shaking started everybody ran towards the cockpit. Gil started turning knobs and pushing buttons.

"What's going on? What happened?" Artemis asked.

"Don't know, it looks like our course has been altered. Our destination has changed." Gil answered.

Suddenly a sound of something hitting the ship came. Then another sound came and in a moment the ship was surrounded by debris and junk. Percy even spotted a toilet in all that junk.

"What's with all this junk? How did it get here?" Percy asked.

"We are about to find out. The wormhole is ending." As he said it, the ship exited the wormhole.

The Stingray escaped the wormhole and started to descend towards the ground very fast. Gil pulled the steering throttle and stopped the descent.. The ship floated few feet above the ground. Everywhere around them was debris and junk.

"This looks like a junkyard. Where are we?"

"Look, there are some buildings over there." Gil said and turned the ship. All around them portals were opening and dropping trash before closing. In the distance to the left was a huge portal. Bright red light was emitting from it as if it came straight from the fiery pits of Tartarus.

The city was made of multicolored buildings. There was a huge tower in the middle of the city. There were faces carved on it and one of them was a little familiar. It was the face of a man wearing Greek styled helmet.


"Look!" Herc pointed at the statue. "I guess we arrived at our destination. That's definitely Ares."

"Then this must be the Grandmaster's tower. Gilgamesh, look for a place to land." Artemis said.

"Gil!" He said. Gil landed the Stingray near the central tower. The gang decided to spit up to find Ares. Herc and Percy went towards the Arena and Gil and Artemis went check the central tower.

"$1000, he's in that Arena. Let's go check it out." Herc said.

"God of War! God of War! God of War!"

When they entered the Arena they heard people cheering loudly. They were holding banners that had a skull on it with two swords going through it.

In the middle of the arena were three human like figures, one of them looked like a human shaped pile of rocks, a guy in pink armor and a reptilian looking guy. They were all facing one man. He was wearing Greek styled helmet with white plum and black leather armor with a white skull on it. It was Ares.

"Come on, Kronan! What happened? You said you were gonna kill me right? I'm still here standing without breaking a sweat, kill me." He taunted the rock guy.

"You will die today Ares." The rock guy said and charged at Ares.

Ares was wielding an tomahawk, he dropped it and pulled out a warhammer from thin air. The kronan looked surprised, but kept charging. He swung his battleaxe at him. Ares stepped aside and dodged it. He then swung his warhammer and hit the kronan on his head turning him into dead pile of rocks.

The hammer disappeared and he picked up his tomahawk. "Now you two, let's finish this, I'm getting bored. The guy in pink armor aimed at Ares and fired with his gun. Ares ducked and ran towards him. The reptilian guy leaped out brandishing two curved swords.

Ares blocked his attack and threw the tomahawk at the pink guy. The tomahawk hit his arm and made him drop the gun. He dodged another slash from the reptile and punched him in the gut. The hit made reptile drop his swords. He flew back and collided with the pink guy.

Ares picked up the swords, "I like these, they have nice balance to them, I think I'll keep them. Now it's time to end this." He pulled out a minigun out of nowhere and fired at the two guys killing them on spot. He put the minigun back and spread his hands. The spectators cheered loudly.

"God of War! God of War!" people were cheering and Ares was taking it in. Suddenly he looked wary.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted and the whole arena became quiet. "Why do I smell Olympians here? Hercules!, Neptune! I know you are here."

"Looks like we got caught, let's go Percy." Herc said. And jumped over the railing down in the arena. Percy followed after him.

"Hey, brother! Long time no see? You look well."

"Cut the cheesy talk Herc, what are you doing here?"

"We came to get you, brother. You need to come back to Earth."

"Come back to Earth, Why? So you can use me in another war? I'm done being the canon fodder Hercules. Return to Earth and never seek me again. Tell Neptune I'm not coming back.

"He looks different, but the attitude is still the same." Percy said.

"Who's this little thing? This is a battle arena boy, no place for kids."

"Ahm… Excuse me! Is this thing on? Can people hear me down there? Yes? That's great. Ahm… Excuse me who are you two? Why are you in the Arena?" Suddenly a giant sized hologram of a man appeared in the arena. "Oh, so they are with you two, I see, I see." He turned around as if to talk with someone. "Very well you can talk with him."

"That was something?" Herc said.

"Who did you bring with you, Herc? Is that Neptune up there with Grandmaster?"

"No It's just Artemis and Gil. We split up to find you. They two went to talk to Grandmaster and we two searched for you in the city." Percy said.

"What do you mean? You came here with Herc? Who are you kid?"

"He's Percy Jackson, brother. I will tell you about him later when we're back on the Stingray."

"You too Herc? I told you I'm not calling it Stingray. It's my ship I will decide its name."

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain everything to me."

"Very well. Neptune's dead, Vesta's in coma and the Promethean Flame is dying. We need you to save Olympus."

"Wait, what?! Neptune's dead? When did this happened?"

"Nobody knows, he just vanished one day."

Ares was about to say something, but he got interrupted by the giant hologram of Jeff Goldblum.

"My dear Skaarans!" A cheer went through the arena. "Yes, yes. My guests have brought a really amazing proposition. The two men." He looked back, "they are men, right? Okay! One of these two men will fight my champion Ares, the God of War. If they win they can take the champion with them, but if they lose, they will stay here and fight for me beside my champion, isn't it a great proposition?"

"What? What is Artemis thinking? Herc is she really the fifth smartest Olympian?"

"Now I will choose the person Ares will fight and I choose the little man. No! I will not. This is my arena and I will choose who will fight and who will not." Grandmaster said. "Now let the battle begin. My champion Ares vs the little man."

"Little man? My name is Percy Jackson and I'm a Demigod."

"A Demigod? This is interesting." Ares pulled out a spear from thin air.

"You sure of this Percy? He's crazy powerful. I lost to him many times." Herc said.

"147 times! I kept the count."

"Don't worry, I'm more powerful now than when I fought the other one."

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