《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 11



"Lady Sif! It is wonderful to see you again." Hercules started. "It has been thousands of years since I last saw you."

The woman he addressed rolled her eyes. "Lady Artemis, It is good to see you again." She completely ignored Herc (Destroyed! Poor Herc!)

"Likewise, Lady Sif." Artemis replied. "What are you doing here? You Asgardians rarely leave Asgard."

"We are here on the business Lady Artemis. All Father sent us to bring the New God that appeared recently. Thor had already met this person. Is that him?." Lady Sif looked at Percy.

"Ah! Yes, let me introduce. Lady Sif, this is Percy Jackson, son of Neptune. He is from another reality."

"It is an honor, Percy Son of Jack, Son of Neptune." The fat man said. "I am Volstagg of the Warriors Three and this is Lady Sif the fiercest woman in Asgard."

"Now I remember! You guys were in Thor's movie." Percy said.

"Thor's Movie? What is that?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, it's nothing. In his universe we gods appear different."

"Different, how so?"

"It is complicated, ask Thor he knows." Herc said.

"He is on Nornheim. When the Bifrost was destroyed Chaos spread throughout the Nine Realms. Everybody was sent to different realms to restore the balance. All Father asked us to come here, to Midgard and bring Percy Jackson back with us to Asgard. But I will definitely ask him." Lady Sif explained.

"We cannot go right now, we have some matters to attend, very important matters."

"Yes, All Father said that you might say something like that. But you must come with us first, he will answer all your questions." Sif said.

"Very well, we'll come. Drassus, take care of the Lady Vesta. Don't remove her from the Temple. Dario now that the gate is opened, guard the Bridge more vigilantly." Artemis ordered and both Dario and Drassus bowed her heads.

"Don't worry Lady Artemis, the bridge is safe with us." Miklos picked up his War-Hammer.

"Artemis, are you sure we should be going? What about Hestia?" Percy asked.

"Don't worry Son of Jack, All Father must have a reason for you to come to Asgard. Come with us I assure, you will have your answers." Volstagg answered.

"Odin was one of the Sky-Fathers Percy. If anyone knows what happened to Vesta, it's Odin."

"What are Sky-Fathers?"

"Sky-Fathers, is a council of the leaders of the most powerful pantheons like Greek, Egyptian, Norse, . Zeus, Odin and Vishnu were the ones who created the Council of Sky-Fathers. Gil was also one of them. After Zeus, Neptune became the Sky-Father, but the council disbanded soon after that." Herc explained.

The Olympian Party with Asgardian Party stepped out of the portal onto the summit of Mt. Olympus.

"Heimdall!" Lady Sif shouted. Suddenly clouds started to gather above them. A beam of Rainbow lights broke the clouds and landed in front of the group. It formed an intricate pattern on the ground, like it was burned into it. "Follow me." She said and stepped into the light. As she stepped in her figure was lifted off the ground and disappeared.


Artemis stepped in after her and disappeared as well. Herc was the next one to step in.

"Go on, I will be coming after you." Volstagg said.

Percy stepped in the light. He felt his body being pulled up. His vision shifted and he saw himself moving through space in a beam of light. The Rainbow colors were all around him. His view changed again and now he was standing in front of a large man in golden armor standing atop a pedestal. A sword was thrust into the pedestal in front of him.

"Welcome to Asgard! Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune." He said. Volstagg appeared behind him.

Percy held back the vomit. He swallowed and looked at the person who addressed him. He was a large man with dark skin and bright orange eyes. His gaze was piercing as if he could see deep within someone's soul. He was wearing golden full body armor and a horned helmet. His face looked familiar, but Percy couldn't remember the name.

"Volstagg, Sif escort our guest to the Hall of Asgard. Lord Odin is waiting." He ordered as he pulled out the sword. The portal behind Volstagg closed and a round door appeared on the opposite side.

Outside of the door a handsome man with golden hair was standing with some horses. He was looking into a handheld mirror and adjusting his hair.

"Oh, Hello! You must be the Olympians. Fandral The Dashing at your service." He blinked an eye and smiled. "Young Lady please let me help you get on the horse." He offered his hand, but Artemis just straight up ignored him and climbed on a different horse.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is second time my friend." Volstagg bellowed. Sif also chuckled. Herc patted him on the back.

The Hall of Asgard- (few minutes later)

The Hall of Asgard was as big as the Pantheon Hall in Olympus. Rows of pillars spread from the main door to the throne. On the throne a white haired man was sitting he was wearing gold armor and red cape on the back. He had a golden spear in his hand. He stood up as he saw the Olympians approaching.

"Olympians! Welcome to Asgard! Son of Neptune, Percy Jackson, Hercules and Artemis Children of Zeus."

"Why'd you bring us here all of a sudden? Vesta is unconscious in the Olympus, we need to save her." Artemis stepped forward.

"I am acting on the promise I made to Neptune. I will explain everything to you." Odin explained. "Volstagg, Fandral, Sif go meet Thor in Nornheim Secure it and proceed to end the Badoon civil war. Volstagg, after Nornheim you and Thor go to Nidavellir and deal with the Trolls." The addressed people bowed and left the hall.

"Promise to Neptune?"

"Yes, I know what is happening in Olympus, it happened in my presence. Vesta decided to stay inside the Olympus to protect the Promethean Flame and Neptune stayed outside. We expected for Vesta to go into deep slumber, but we never expected the Promethean Flame to be weakened. I believe that is why Neptune was unable to heal his wounds from the war."


"If you know everything then you must have the solution, don't you?" Herc asked.

"Yes, I do. As I have told you, we expected Vesta's slumber. To wake her up we were going to use the Promethean Flame, but now when it is dying we cannot use it. But before we wake her up we need to light up the Promethean Flame. "

"How do we do that?"

"The Eternal Flame!"

"The Eternal Flame?"

"Yes, I believe the Eternal Flame would be able to flare-up the Promethean Flame."

"Then what are you waiting for? Get this Eternal Flame." Herc said impatiently

"It is not that simple Hercules. I cannot bring the flame to Olympus, I'm not an Olympian God, you are! And I believe none of you can do it either. You need someone who can wield fire, who knows fire." Odin explained. "The Olympian Gods that can use fire are Vesta, Hades, Hephaestus and Apollo, but three out of the four are dead and Vesta is unconscious."

"Wait…! Ares is still alive! Ares can do it!" Herc said loudly.

"Ares? How? I don't think he can wield fire, Hercules." Artemis said.

"He can! I know, he showed me once. We were fighting in his arena when he used fire to set my clothes ablaze. I think I also saw him use fire in the War with Celestials."

"If that is true, then you might have a chance. Do you have knowledge of his whereabouts?"

"I think I might know about it. When we were watching Thor: Ragnarok."

"Ragnarok!? Did you just say Ragnarok?" Odin walked down the throne stairs and stared hard at Percy. He just heard something truly unbelievable. "What do you know about it? Tell me everything you know!" He was getting impatient.

"Alright, I'll tell you. In that movie there was an Easter Egg. Travis paused the movie to show it, he and Connor are huge comics book fans. They had angered the entire Ares cabin, so they showed this little Easter Egg of Ares on the planet Thor was stranded. It was Jeff Goldblum's planet where Hulk and Thor fought."

"What planet? Who's Jeff Goldblum's? What is the name of the planet?" Artemis asked.

"I think his name was Grandmaster in the movie. Planet's name I don't remember."

"Sakaar! The planet is Sakaar. It is outside the protection of Asgard, but everyone knows about the place. It is one of the Outer-worlds. Ruled by En Dwi Gast also known as Grandmaster. He is not an ordinary person dealing with him is hard and don't disrespect him, keep that in mind. Now Percy tell me everything you know about Ragnarok." Odin said.

"Alright. Ragnarok is I think the third Thor movie. The one before it had a villain was a Dark Elf. Hey Herc, didn't you say that one of the Infinity Stones was stolen by Dark Elves?" Herc nodded. "Well, He is going to use it."

"Malekith! Aether! This is a terrible news, what else can you tell me? Is that how Ragnarok begins?"

"No, in Ragnarok Thor's sister is the villain she breaks his hammer and to defeat her a giant fire monster destroys Asgard."

"Hela!" Horror was clearly showing in Odin's eyes, but he quickly recovered. "Tell me about Malekith how he was defeated?"

"Thor defeated him, with the help from his girlfriend."

"The human, Jane Foster. What else?"

"I don't remember much, but this place gets attacked and I think your wife dies. There was a funeral in the movie. Oh, and in Ragnarok you die as well."

"You said, Hela destroyed Mjolnir."

"Yeah, but he got a new weapon in Infinity War called Stormbreaker."

"Stormbreaker!? Is it necessary to let Mjolnir get destroyed?"

"I don't know, but after that he could control the lighting like Zeus and my friends Thalia and Jason. And that weapon made him even more powerful. Oh, and I forgot. You die in Ragnarok."

"Thank you Percy. You told me many things, I can now prepare for what's to come. You truly fill the words of the Prophecy."

"What is the prophecy by the way, I never heard it."

"You will learn about it when you become a God. I will be there to see it."


The Bifrost landed near the place where the jet was hidden. One by one Herc, Artemis and Percy stepped out of the light. The light drew back and only burnt patterns remained on the ground.

"Oh, come on! We have to walk all the way up, again? Why didn't he drop us near the portal?" Herc complained.

"Don't worry I already moved it here before we left." The portal appeared.

"So, how are we gonna get Ares?" Percy asked. "I hate that guy, I bet he's same as the one from my world." They entered through the portal.

"What, What's wrong with Ares in your world?"

"Nothing, it's just I hate that guy and he hates me. We even fought on my first quest."

"Who won?"

"Of course me!"

"How old were you?" Artemis asked.


"You fought the God of War at the age of twelve? Impressive! Tell me about every adventure you had I want to know more about you." The group reached at the end of the bridge where Minotaurs were guarding.


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