《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 10


On the mount Olympus-

"How far do we have to go?" Percy asked. He, Herc and Artemis were climbing Mt. Olympus.

"Not far, see that, there is the portal to Olympus." Artemis pointed at the summit.

"Why did you land at the foot of the mountain, couldn't you land it right next to the portal?" Herc asked. He was pulling the Nemean Lion's chain.

"There is no space to land there, you'll see." Artemis replied.

"Why is the portal this high up on the mountain. It should've been down there with a nice parking space." Percy complained.

"Yeah!" Herc agreed and so did the Nemean Lion by growling

"Oh, quite whining you two, we're almost there." Artemis grew irritated by their constant whining.

Some time later they reached the summit of Mt. Olympus. There they saw a bright white portal open as they approached.

Artemis was the first to step through the portal. Herc winked at Percy and entered after her. Percy took a deep breath and exhaled and stepped through.

The other side of the portal opened in front of a large set of white double doors with large blue crystal lodged in the middle of it. There were no walls to support the door, but there it was. Despite being covered by vines, the door looked like it was recently polished.

"That's the door I couldn't open." Artemis kicked it.

"Go on boy, You can go now." Herc unleashed the Lion. He looked at the Herc for a moment, then he turned and walked elegantly into the forest behind them.

"So, how do we get that door open?" Percy asked.

"We could try to open it by force." Herc suggested.

"No, you muscle-head, you can't use force, look at that Trident above there. It was sealed by Neptune!" Artemis pointed at the top of the door. There, behind some vines a Golden Trident was visible.

"So, what? I just tap the door with my Trident like this and it'll just pop open?" Percy conjured the Trident and tapped it on the door while talking. The jewel started to glow, it split and the door swung open.

From the inside a gust of wind came with a familiar scent of Ambrosia. Percy quickly went inside the door and arrived on a bridge hanging in the sky. He looked across, but saw nothing but fog.

"Welcome Percy, to Olympus, the realm of the Gods." Artemis came behind him. "This bridge is called the Bridge of Heroes. And all around us is the Abyss."

"Yeah, whatever you do, don't fall into the Abyss." Herc said.


"This is amazing! This is beyond my expectations." Percy exclaimed.

They crossed the bridge and the fog at the end of it started to dissipate. As the fog started to clear Percy could see grass at the end of the bridge. Suddenly he noticed a movement there. He looked at Artemis and she nodded, she noticed it too. Herc was oblivious as always.

Suddenly a bunch of Minotaurs came out from behind the trees lined on the both sides of the Pathway. They were holding many different weapons like War Hammers, Battle Axes, Helbards. Percy was bewildered by this sudden charge, he never saw so many Minotaurs at the same time, he only knew one.

Completely overwhelmed by this Percy put away his Trident and pulled out Riptide and in confusion he charged at the incoming horde. But before he could go, Hercules grabbed his collar and stopped him.

"What? Why did you stop me?" Percy asked.

"They're not enemies, Percy. They are the guards of this bridge. These minotaurs serve Olympus. Now, come let's go meet them."

As the horde of Minotaurs reached them, they noticed Hercules and stopped in their tracks. They were all wearing Leather Cuirass. They were in different colors, but each one looked intimidating.

A brown Minotaur at the front came forward, "Who are you and how did you get in? The dimensional gate had been sealed for centuries. How did you open it?" He asked.

"Are you the leader of the Bridge Guards?" Artemis asked.

"Dario Agger, Who's asking?"

"I am Artemis, Goddess of Moon and Hunt. We opened the door." She declared.

Several gasps were heard from the other group. "Artemis, Artemis from the legend? Blessings of Hercules, is that true?" The Minotaur called Dario looked surprised.

"Hey Herc, they asked for your blessing, give it to them!" Percy teased Herc.

"This is embarrassing. Hi, I'm Hercules and this is Percy Jackson." After hearing those words Dario's mouth fell open and so did every Minotaur's behind him.

Some time later-

Percy, Herc and Artemis were now sitting in one of the barracks. The Minotaur called Dario almost lost consciousness. After that they led them to the Barracks near the bridge end. Some time later Centaurs, Satyrs, Nymphs came hurriedly. Everyone was excited to see the two Gods. They talked for a bit, then a Centaur called Drassus who was the eldest of them told them the history.

After the meeting, Drassus led them to the Pantheon Hall. Drassus was a little different from his fellow centaurs. His hair and his beard were bone white and his skin as black as ebony. He was also larger than other Centaurs.


The Pantheon Hall was the first building on the Golden Road. It looked just like the Parthenon in Athens. Drassus opened the doors and the party went in.

Inside Percy saw many piles of broken stones and marble. In place of the Thrones of the Gods there was only rubble. Only five thrones were intact, but one of them had some cracks in it as if it might break any moment.

"Why are these Thrones in this condition?" Percy asked.

"This hall is in this condition for thousands of years, Lord Percy. There were originally four thrones, but few days ago that one," He pointed at the place where Throne of Zeus would be. There was a Throne with a Trident on it instead of lightning bolt. "Was rebuilt."

"Rebuilt? What fo you mean by that?" Artemis asked.

"This throne was ruined just like the rest of them, but few days ago when a dryad came to clean the hall she saw that it intact and it was shining. It was rebuilt automatically in one night."

"That reminds me, why there are five thrones. This was mine, this is Jerk's. The one with Trident, let's say it's for Percy. That one was Ares' throne, that means he's alive as well. And this one," She went to the throne which was in the worst condition. "It doesn't have any symbol on it, I don't remember whose throne is this."

"Let's count. You, me , Percy, Ares. Who's fifth? This intact throne means that there is still one God alive." Herc said.

"Where is hearth of Olympus? There should be one in the middle." Percy asked.

"Hearth of Olympus? Oh, you mean Hearth of Vesta? After the war we moved it in the Temple of Promethean Flame." Artemis answered.

The party left the Pantheon Hall and arrived at the Temple of Promethean Flame. The Temple was a white circular building with a golden dome roof.

Herc went ahead to open the door, he pulled on the handle, but the door didn't budge. He pulled again, but nothing happened. "It's not opening, Percy help me open it."

"You're the God of Strength, how am I gonna help you?" Percy said and grabbed the handle.

"Drassus, you too."

Percy and Drassus held one side of the door and Herc held the other and pulled hard, but still the door didn't budge.

"Come on sister give us a hand, don't just stand there."

She sighed and grabbed on Herc's side. Just as she grabbed the handle, the door started to glow. Everybody let go of the door and the door burst open.

"You're Welcome!" Artemis said and without waiting for a reply she went inside. The other party members followed after her.

Inside the Temple was dark. Even the light coming in from the door wasn't enough to expel the darkness. From the other end of the Temple a faint glow could be seen.

"Why is it dark? This Temple should've been bathed in light. Where is that raging flame?" Artemis said.

They walked towards the faint glow. There they saw a fire pit, but in it the fire was small, no bigger than a campfire. Suddenly Drassus stumbled on something.

Percy flicked his wrist and a shield popped up. It was glowing in the dark, in its bronze glow he saw a huge brazier.

Inside the brazier a little girl was curled up. She was curled around something.

"Lady Vesta!" Artemis cried as she saw the girl in the brazier. "She's alive, but sleeping." She declared after checking.

"Vesta? That's… I think that's the Roman name of…"

"Hestia, Goddess of Hearth." Herc answered. He looked very grim. "What is she curled around, Sister?"

Artemis turned her over. As she moved Vesta the whole Temple was bathed in bright golden light. The bright light was coming from a surprisingly small flame.

"This is serious! Vesta's Hearth is dying and the Promethean Flame is also almost out. We need to do something. You know what'll happen if it goes out, right?" Artemis looked serious and Herc nodded.

"I know that the Hearth of Olympus is important for the Gods, but what is so important about the Promethean Flame."

"The Promethean Flame is important for the existence of Olympus, for the existence of Olympians. If it goes out we all will cease to exist, we'll die." Artemis explained.

Suddenly a Minotaur came running.

"Miklos! Why are you here, what happened?" Drassus asked.

"Lord Hercules, Lady Artemis, Lord Percy, there is a woman and a fat man on the bridge. They want to meet you."

"Who are they, did they tell you?" Drassus asked.

"Yes," Miklos nodded. "They said that they are from a place called Asgard, nothing more."

"Asgardians!?" Artemis said in surprise. "Why are they here?"

In couple of minutes the Party was at the bridge. They saw a bunch of Minotaurs and Centaurs surrounding somebody. When they saw the party coming they parted and the party saw a woman wearing silver armor and a red bearded fat man in bronze colored armor.

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