《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 9


Above New York-

Agent Maria Hill was frustrated, she was made in charge of anything related to Percy Jackson, a Demigod from different reality. He appeared after the Battle of New York ended, after his arrival many new things came into light.

At first they had thought that there were only Norse Gods, but when Percy arrived, they learned that there are Greek Gods too. Hercules, the legendary Greek hero came to meet Percy.

Then they learned that the mythical Lost City of Atlantis was real. Agent Hill was overwhelmed by all of this. Percy left the Helicarrier, but her work increased even more.

The Atlantean ambassador gave them the coordinates of Atlantis, but there was nothing there. S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites didn't see anything in that area, so Tony Stark went there in person and found Percy there, he was now the king of Atlantis.

When Stark returned, another weird thing happened. They suddenly received a report that a giant lion was terrorizing the city of Athens in Greece. Hill had a deep suspicion that this was somehow connected to Percy.

Upon their arrival they saw a lion bigger than an elephant, its hide was shining like it was metal. It was standing in a street fighting the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Tony quickly joined the fight.

They fought for more than an hour, but there was no sign of lion getting tired. Bullets, lasers, rockets even Stark's Repulsor Beams didn't work. Nothing seemed to work on the lion. They were getting tired and lion was getting more angry. It had razor sharp claws and teeth and on top of that its roar was supersonic and did more damage than its claws and teeth.

When everything looked like it was getting out of hand, suddenly a green puff of cloud appeared at its snout. Couple of minutes later the lion became calm and lost consciousness. After that they quickly subdued the beast, loaded it on a cargo plane and crossed Atlantic.

Tony Stark had already left them and went back to his home. The Lion was tied to the floor by straps and cables. Hill was sitting near its jaw. She was searched about the lion on internet and found a mythical lion in Greek mythology, Nemean Lion. The lion was said to had indestructible skin, no weapon could ever harm the beast. In his first labor Hercules defeated the beast by strangling it.

She was now looking at the pictures taken during the fight. She was swiping through the photos when she spotted a silver blur in many of them. In a photo taken just before the green smoke appeared, she noticed silver arrow.

Suddenly the lion opened its eyes. It moved its head and the straps snapped like twigs. It was getting conscious and the straps and cables tying the lion were snapping one after another.


Percy was climbing the stairs of a building in Brooklyn, New York. He came here straight from Netherworld. After he showed his power, the negotiations went smoothly. After that he left all the remaining work to Zartra and came to New York.


On the third floor he knocked on a door of 3C. Door opened and Percy saw a middle aged man with brown sandy brown hair. He was wearing a yellow hoodie and baggy blue jeans.

"Hi, are you the pizza guy?" The person asked, "you're just in time, I'm getting hungry." (Gil is a couch-potato)

"No, I'm not pizza guy. Umm… I'm looking for Hercules, he gave me this address." Percy explained.

"Oh, so you're the guest he invited, come in. You must be the Jackson boy he was talking about."

"Percy, Percy Jackson. So, where is he?"

"Percy, nice to meet you, I'm Gilgamesh. He went to the store, he'll be back soon. So, Herc told me you are from different world, is that true?"


Herc was walking on the sidewalk holding a paper bag. He was thinking about what they would do when Jackson comes.

Suddenly something fell from the sky in the middle of the road. There wasn't much traffic on the road, so no one got hurt. Herc looked up and saw burning debris falling from the sky. He also saw some parachute in the sky descending towards ground. Then he heard a loud roar that he hadn't heard in a very long time.

The roar came from around corner ahead. He turned around the corner and saw a massive Golden Lion surrounded by cops. They were shooting at the beast from behind their cars. The lion roared and a police car flew towards Herc, he dropped the paper bag and stopped the flying car. He put down the car and smiled, "You've gotten a lot bigger than when we last met." He muttered to himself and jumped towards the lion.

He landed in front of the lion and punched its snout. It looked surprised, but when he saw Hercules, a different gleam appeared in its eyes. The Lion recognized its old foe and swiped at him with its claw. Herc blocked the claw and punched again, this time the lion stumbled back, stepping on an expensive looking Maserati crushing it. The lion slashed again and again and Herc blocked every one of them. They were fighting for couple of minutes. The lion slashed again, this time Herc had let his guard down, so he got knocked back few yards by the blow. He expected to hit a wall or a car, but he hit something soft.

"Whoa! that is Nemean Lion, right? It's huge!" It was Jackson, he stopped Herc from hitting the wall. Herc stood up and saw Gil behind Jackson.

"Yeah, even I was surprised by his size. He's a lot bigger now and even more aggressive than before. I'm glad you came, I need help anyway. Gil, you joining?"

"Why not, I could use some exercise, it's not like we get to fight an invincible lion every day." Gilgamesh cracked his fingers and Percy pulled out his sword.


They all charged at the Nemean Lion.


Percy, Hercules and Gilgamesh were fighting with Nemean Lion for about half an hour. Percy and Gilgamesh were getting tired, but Herc and the lion were still full of stamina. The lion proved to be more difficult than Percy had thought.

Gilgamesh had few gashes on his arm, but they healed automatically. Percy also had some scratches, but none were too deep. As they were fighting S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had also appeared. They helped evacuate the citizens and closed the area. Among them Percy also spotted Maria Hill.

The lion tried to bite Herc, but he grabbed its jaws. "Jackson, Gil, there's something stuck in his mouth, I think that's why he's so angry." Herc yelled.

Gilgamesh shot an energy blast from his hand and knocked the lion back freeing Herc.

"There's something in his mouth. I think we should remove it, he might calm down if we did." Herc suggested.

"Anybody got any idea how to do it, cause I'm not gonna put my hand in its mouth." Gilgamesh said.

Percy looked around and saw a fire hydrant hidden behind a crushed car. Suddenly a plan came into his mind. "I got an idea, Herc distract the lion." He ordered. "Gilgamesh, can you get on top of that building?" Percy pointed at the building behind the lion.

"Yeah, and you can call me Gil." He said and flew towards the building.

Percy walked over to the hydrant, he concentrated to find water pipes. When he found the water he turned his sword back into the pen and put it in his pocket. He then thrust his hand forward and the Trident appeared in his hand. He tapped the Trident on the ground and the pressure in the hydrant increased.

The hydrant blew up, water was coming out like geyser. Percy pointed the Trident at the geyser and the water turned in the air towards it. Percy was moving the water around him. "Gil!" He yelled, "jump on its back, make him fall on the ground."

Gilgamesh did what Percy said. He jumped high in the air and landed on the lion's back with a force. The lion lost balance and fell.

Percy quickly motioned the water towards the lion. The water started to swirl around lion. Chains made of water now tied down the lion. Percy slammed his Trident on the ground and a crack appeared in the road. Suddenly the road beneath lion collapsed completely immobilizing the lion.

"Herc, you need to act now, I won't be able to hold it for long." Percy said.

"Right, on it. Gil! Open its jaw wide, I'll take out the thing hurting him." Gil nodded.

Even though its body was bound, its head was free and it could also roar. Gil punched it couple of times, then when it tried to roar he kicked its lower jaw and with his hands he opened it wide. "Ugh… I hate it."

"Good work, Gil" Herc complimented him and put his foot on the lower jaw. Its razor sharp teeth looked like swords. Percy saw him put his hand inside the mouth and pulled something out. "It's an arrow!" Herc declared, "a silver arrow. Percy, Gil you can let him go, I don't think he'll attack anymore." He said.

Percy and Gil both let the beast go. Both of them were still cautious so they didn't drop their guard. The lion slowly rose to its feet and looked at Herc. It growled angrily and lowered its head. The lion started to shrink and became normal sized. Herc brushed his hand on its head and patted it. The lion growled happily confusing Percy and Gil both.

"You were impressive Percy, I've never seen anyone with so much talent. You surpass the Amazon warriors that I've trained myself. Whom did you get the training from?" A certain red haired Goddess landed in front of the party. Artemis was wearing a red dress with a golden belt. She had a golden armband on her right arm and golden bracelets on her wrists. A silver quiver and a silver bow was strapped to her back and the quiver was full of silver arrows.

"He's supposed to be in the forest of Olympus, how did he get here?" Herc asked eyeing Artemis.

"I was looking for the gate when I came across him. I tried to calm him, but he attacked me, so I shot at him. He then ran away, so I chased after him to Athens. That's when the humans came to fight with him. I supported them from the shadows and managed to knock him out, but they captured him and brought him here. He must've woken up and escaped from them. I'm glad you were here." She explained innocently. (If you watch anime then imagine the airhead girl doing TeeHee! :p )

Herc rubbed his brows, "so you shot an arrow in his mouth?" He asked. "You caused him so much pain, that's why he was… ugh! I thought you were the fifth most intelligent person in all Olympians. You know even Ares had trouble controlling him." Herc was getting angry.

"Jackson, Percy Jackson! I knew this was somehow related to you, would you like to explain?" Maria Hill came looking red with anger, two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents behind her.

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