《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 8


Tony (Somewhere Above The Atlantic Ocean)-

"Jarvis, how far are we from the estimated area?" Tony asked his A.I. Jarvis. He was flying above the Atlantic ocean in his modified Iron Man armor.

"About five miles more, sir." Jarvis replied.

"Are you sure there is something there, Jarvis? There is nothing on those coordinates. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites couldn't find anything there."

"I don't know, sir. Modern maps don't show anything on those coordinates Lady Zartra gave, but some much older maps show a cluster of islands on that location. There's also some sailors who've passed from there seen an island appearing out of thin air and disappearing in a moment."

"The only way to find out is to go there myself. Is there anything from the drones that were sent ahead?"

"Nothing yet, sir."

'Ughh… I have a bad feeling about this.' Tony thought.

"Sir, one of the drones sent ahead suddenly disappeared, there is no signal coming from it. Contact was lost about two miles southeast." Tony changed directions and headed towards the direction Jarvis said.

When he reached the location he saw nothing. He didn't stop and kept going forward. Suddenly the view in front of him changed. He stopped and hovered in one place.

"Jarvis, you seeing this?" He asked. His eyes wide open with surprise behind his helmet. He had expected vast empty ocean, but now in front of him were many small islands. "Did we somehow come to Hawaii?"

"No sir, I don't think so. Your GPS location hasn't changed. You are still in the middle of Atlantic ocean. And on the same coordinates given by Lady Zartra." Jarvis answered.

"Is this some kind of cloaking barrier?"

"It looks like, sir. I have gathered as much data on it as possible. It can be used to create that new stealth armor you wanted to make." Jarvis said. Suddenly on the holographic screen in his helmet showed some red dots near one island. "There are some people on that island, sir."

Tony sped towards it. As he got close Jarvis gave a warning, "sir, there is movement below the surface. I'm unable to scan it, but it seems to be quite large and moving."

Suddenly a massive metallic shark as big as the 'Chitauri Leviathan' jumped out of the water, did a flip and dived back.

"What the…!" Were the only words came out of his mouth. Because a moment later another shark jumped and snapped its jaw at Tony. It jumped 20 meters in the sky. Tony dodged it.

Before it could dive back, something red glowed beneath it. Suddenly a red ray of light broke the surface, its aim was Tony. He dodged the laser attack as well.

"There seems to be two sharks here, sir."

Tony shot repulsor beams from his hands at the shark that was below the surface. The beams hit on its head, but there was no effect, they just dissipated. He then flew towards the beach he saw before.

There he saw a teenage boy standing in the water holding a Golden Trident. He was wearing green sleeveless shirt and blue jeans.

"Andromeda! Argos! What in the Hades are you doing? Stop right there!" He yelled at the sea. Then he noticed Tony coming at him. He waved and yelled again, "don't attack him, he's a friend!"

Tony glanced back and saw the raging water had calmed down. He landed beside Percy and revealed his face. "So, would you like to explain, what just happened?"


"Iron Man! I didn't know you were coming. They're the Megalodons my dad left behind, Andromeda and Argos." Tony looked at the sea again and saw two giant fins sprouted on the surface.

"So, how's it been kid? You look older."

"Yeah, it's been great. I've become the king of Atlantis." Percy said cheerfully.

They walked back towards the people standing on the beach. One of them was Lady Zartra and others looked like humans, but two of them had pointy ears like elves. The other party had two women and two men. The women were in swimsuit and men were wearing cotton shirts and shorts. One had a sword at his belt and other had a SMG on his back.

"Hello, Lady Zartra." Zartra nodded, "who're they?" He asked.

"They're Lemurians, our neighbours. Our meeting was over and they were just about to leave. Guys, this is…"

"Who doesn't know him? Tony Stark, Iron Man." The guy with the sword interrupted with a genuine smile on his face and offered his hand. Tony stepped out of the armor and took it.

"They are emissaries from our neighboring city, Lemuria." Percy explained. "So, what're you doing here?"

Tony felt uncomfortable, because these people knew about him, but he didn't know anything about Lemuria, so he asked, "what, Lemuria? I never heard this name before. Where is it?"

"We will take your leave now, our King Perseus. It seems you have other matters to attend." The men and women bowed. The man with the gun pulled something out of his pocket. He pressed a button on it and something like quinjet appeared, it was cloaked. They climbed aboard and it took off.

"So, Mr. R.D.J. What are you doing here?" Percy asked.

"R.D.J. who's that? I'm Tony, Tony Stark." Tony said, confused.

"Oh sorry, In my world you are an actor, Robert Downey Jr. I got confused there for a sec."

"Tony's fine. I actually came to check on you. You pulled a nasty stunt back there, kid. Fury was so frustrated. I wanted to get away from there, but he asked me to come here. I also wanted to come, so I had no choice but accept. So, king of Atlantis, how did you manage that?"

"It was simple, I defeated the last king and now I'm the new king."

"Just like that? Well whatever, I don't care about that. Fury asked me to bring you with me for more explanations and Lady Zartra as well."

"Actually I can't go right now, we're in a middle of something. I can't go anywhere before that."

"Alright then, I can tell Fury you can't come."

"Say Tony, why don't you come with me, I'll show you around." Percy gestured him to follow.

"Sir, we can use this opportunity to test underwater functions of 'Rubber Ducky' armor." Jarvis said while the mask slid back and covered Tony's face. He started the thrusters and dived behind Percy and Zartra.

They were swimming up on the underwater hill. Tony was surprised to see Percy breathing underwater without gills and he also looked dry. Tony was wandering about that when they reached the hilltop. What Tony saw beyond the hill took his breath away. They were looking at the beautiful underwater city of Atlantis.


She was going through the forest cautiously. A pack of wolves had just attacked her. It wasn't anything to worry about, because most of them were younglings and had little experience in hunting, so Artemis just scared them away.


But now she had to be wary, because she saw huge footprints going towards the direction she was going. They were old footprints, but big enough to make her cautious. She had drawn her bow and an arrow was notched.

She was moving cautiously when she heard something move in the bushes ahead. She was in the clearing, so she quickly hid behind the nearest tree. The rustle of leaves was getting closer. The creature was really fast. Then she heard trees falling, small animals ran everywhere, birds were chirping in panic.

The creaking of wood grew closer. Artemis leaned and took a peek around the tree and saw a humongous wild boar had emerged out of the woods in the clearing. It was The Erymanthian Boar. It was bigger than a horse. Its tusks curved upwards and looked like spears ready to skewer anything in its way.

Artemis felt something strange about it. The boar changed its directions towards Artemis and ran past her without noticing her.

'That was weird.' Goddess thought, but didn't let her guard down, because she felt panic in the Erymanthian Boar. 'It was running away from something.' She concluded and started going towards the direction the boar came from.

About half an hour later she found the place she was looking for, but there was one big problem sitting in front of her. The Nemean Lion.

'Great!' She thought and loosed the arrow at the lion.


Percy was walking towards his cabin. He saw Hunters of Artemis glaring at him. He stopped in front of his cabin and opened the door. Suddenly the view changed and instead of his room he was now standing on a rock in the ocean. In front if him stood a towering figure. A weird looking staff in his hand.

The figure tapped its staff on the ground and purple light flashed. Purple streaks appeared on the water. The rock beneath Percy shattered and he fell in the water.

His view changed again. He was facing three Cyclopes instead of the giant figure. Each had a giant hammer in their hand. The Cyclops in the middle knelt and said, "we are waiting."

Percy blinked and the view changed again. Now he was in the Big House in the camp. In front of the hearth a child was sitting in a rocking chair. Percy walked up to her and saw that she was sleeping. A raven was sitting on her lap.

The raven saw Percy and flew, it landed in the window and started pecking on the glass. Percy walked up to the window and opened it. Outside he saw a beautiful rainbow. The raven looked at him and flew out towards the rainbow. He heard knocking on the door and the dream broke and Percy woke up.

"Your Majesty! It is time, your sub is ready." He heard Zartra calling him from outside of his room (Royal Chamber).

Percy (One Hour Later)-

Percy felt sorry for Zartra. She wanted Percy to wear luxurious over the top clothing, but Percy said 'no' and wore his usual clothes. After that she still hasn't spoken a single word. Percy the dismissed the thought and focused his thoughts on the task ahead.

Percy, Zartra and some of her men were going to Netherworld, to meet Queen Kala. Andromeda and Argos were following the sub.

Yesterday Tony Stark came unannounced, so Percy showed him the Atlantis, talked for a bit. Tony told him about the things that happened after he left and Percy told his story until now (some parts excluded). Apparently after Percy left the board of directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted Percy to be under them, but Fury told them what Thor said. That this matter was between gods and they shouldn't interfere.

Tony left that evening. After Tony left, the messenger came from Netherworld. Queen Kala agreed to meet. She invited Percy to Netherworld. Zartra at first objected to go there, but Percy decided to go anyway. He had to see the Netherworld.

An hour later they could see the domed city in the distance getting closer. It was a magnificent view. The dome was semi transparent, and had four golden rings on it. There was a huge door at the bottom ring. In front of the door two manta ray subs were standing guard and three people were standing between them. Two guys were wearing green full plate armor with enclosed helmet and had spears in hand. The third person was wearing red armor. The armor they were wearing looked like regular plate armor, but was somehow waterproof.

The The Royal Sub stopped in front of the them. Percy ordered the sharks to stay away from the city and got out of the sub. Zartra and two guards followed him.

The guys in red armor stepped forward. "W… Welcome to Netherworld. I… I am Nox, first knight of the Royal Guard. I came to receive you… Uh!" He was stuttering, fear was showing in his voice.

"This is the King of Atlantis, Perseus, son of…" Percy raised his hand and stopped Zartra.

"Don't be afraid, they won't do anything unless I order them to." Percy said smiling. "Shall we proceed?"

The uneasiness was still in the water around them, but Nox quickly gained his composure and said, "R… Right, then if you will follow me, I'll take you to the queen." He turned around and walked towards the door. Percy, Zartra and two guards followed him. The green knights followed after them. The Manta-subs kept their eyes on the sharks.

The door slid down and they entered an airlock. The Atlanteans put on their special helmets that kept them moisturized. The door closed and the water in the chamber resided. When all the water was gpne, the door in front of them opened.

Percy was impressed, the City of Netherworld was beautiful. From the outside of dome it was heard to make out the city, but on the inside it would rival Atlantis.

Towers could be seen everywhere. The street was clean and had street lights for the night. The road was a simple pavement road, bit well kept. Nox led them to a car like thing. He opened the door and gestured them to enter. Percy and Zartra joined by Nox sat in one and the guards sat in another with the green knights. Nox clapped and the car moved, towards the Royal Palace where Queen Kala was waiting.

The windows of the car were tinted, so Percy could see nothing outside. Nox asked about the sharks and Percy just told him that they were his father's. He tried to ask more questions, but Zartra avoided them with her own.

Couple of minutes later they reached the palace. Nox opened the door and stepped out, followed by Percy and Zartra. They were at the foot of stairs leading towards big, blue double doors. Nox led them through the door into a beautiful courtyard. The path leading towards the throne room was flanked by flower patches.

In middle of the path was a statue of a bearded man holding a trident. It was the statue of Poseidon. At the foot of the statue were three dolphins and water was spewing from their mouths.

'So, this is how he looks originally.' Percy thought.

"This is the statue of our god, Neptune, the ruler of the seas." Nox explained. They circled around the statue and entered into the throne room.

The throne room was impressive, compared to the Atlantean throne room. It was like a hallway, instead of circular room. There were doors leading to different rooms. Above them hung three beautifully crafted chandeliers.

At the end of the hallway was a throne and a women stood in front of it. The women had long black hair with few gray strands. She had blue eyes and looked in her thirties. She was wearing green outfit with shoulder pads and a red cape behind her.

She sat on the throne and a man was standing beside her, he was a middle aged man with gray beard, blue eyes and impressive physique.

Percy and others stopped at the foot of stairs. Nox removed his helmet and bowed. He had brown hair and sort of Asian looks. "The Divine Presence, Queen Kala of the Netherworld, I bring the King of Atlantis, Perseus and his Prime Minister, Lady Zartra." He declared and stepped back.

"King Perseus, you don't look like these Atlanteans, why is that?" Queen asked.

"His Highness is not an Atlantean. He was born on the surface. He defeated Attuma and attained the throne, which by right was his." Zartra answered.

"What?! A Land Walker defeated that beast Attuma and became king just like that?" Her eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Just like that." Percy nodded.

The Queen's adviser leaned in and whispered something in her ear. Her face showed surprise. "My adviser, Baxu tells me that you were breathing underwater like Atlanteans. Are you some half-breed?" She asked.

Zartra became frustrated. She was about to say something, but Percy stopped her. The Queen continued. "So, I hear you want to have peace between our two cities. If you don't want the war, then give us the Trident of Neptune." She smirked.

"I'm sorry but I can't." Percy declared. "It is my father's, I can't simply give it to anyone."

"Your father's? That Trident is an artifact of our god, not someone's personal possession." Her face was getting red with anger. She tried to mock him, but instead she was being mocked.

"Of course it is. You have his statue outside this hall." He said and raised his hand, the Trident appeared in his hand. "My father is Neptune, God of Seas." A bluish teen aura surrounded Percy.

Zartra and his guards knelt. The Netherians were surprised. Queen Kala stood up and fell on her knees.

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