《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 7


Sanctum Sanctorum-

"Gilgamesh?" Strange asked. "The Sumerian God?"

"The one and only."

Strange sighed, "I guess today is the day of gods then." He muttered to himself.

"So, this Gilgamesh guy was also in the war?" Percy asked.

"No, I mean not directly. You see even if he is a god, he's not powerful enough to fight a Celestial. He offered to take the burden of Atlas, so that he can fight in the war."

"He held up the sky? But what about now? Who's holding it?"

"Don't worry. After the war Atlas went back and took his previous place. Nobody expected that. That was the most surprising moment of my immortal life. The second was when you said you were the son of Poseidon."

"Wow, that's complete opposite of what Atlas in my world did."

"After that we became friends. I visited him from time to time. Then about thousand years ago he fell asleep and hasn't woken up yet."

"So he's still alive?" Percy asked and Herc nodded in answer.

"Hercules, how many gods are currently in hiding?" Strange asked.

"I don't know, I haven't met anyone from other pantheons recently. They all are mostly in hiding or have left the planet, like Ares. After the war many gods died, their numbers decreased. They withdrew from the mortals. That is the reason the influence of the gods stopped so suddenly."

"Wait, Ares is not on earth?" Percy asked.

Herc shook his head, "no. He left centuries ago. I don't know where he is right now. Probably fighting somewhere." [*wink wink*]

"What about other gods? Who else is alive?"

"Artemis is alive. She lives on the Amazonian islands, became their patron goddess."

"Amazons." Percy shivered from recalling his encounter with them.

"Speaking of Artemis," Strange interrupted. "She has left the islands and is heading towards Atlantis."

"Wait, how do you know that?" Percy asked.

"I'm a Sorcerer, Mr. Jackson. It is my job to keep an eye on any magical being that could threaten the earth and that includes gods of different mythologies as well. Although I can't find those who do not wish to be seen. That's why I asked about other gods' whereabouts."

"Wait if Artemis is going towards Atlantis, then we need to hurry. Dr. Strange can you do that portal thing like before to send us back."

Strange nodded and pulled out a ring from his robe. He put it on and moved his fingers in circle. Orange sparks appeared and formed a circle. In just a second, view inside of the circle changed and it showed a scenery of beach.

Hercules turned around before stepping through the portal, "tell Gil to stay here, I'll come back for him once I'm done." And without waiting for a reply he stepped through.


"I don't know what is going to happen in the future, but be careful Mr. Jackson and stay safe." Strange said as Percy was going through the portal. As he entered the portal closed behind him.

The moment portal closed, doorbell rang. Strange walked down the stairs to open the door. He opened it and outside was a 6'5" tall plump looking man wearing yellow hoodie and blue jeans. His brown hair were disheveled and bushy.

"Excuse me, is this the house of a sorcerer?"

"Yes, I'm Dr. Strange, protector of this sanctuary."

"Great, I'm Gilgamesh. Is Hercules in there? He said to come here."

"Yes I know, please come in. How did you get here so fast?"

"Herc forgot I can teleport and fly. And I'd like cold beer please." He said and entered the building.

On the beach of an island near Atlantis.-

A jet landed on the beach of an island. From the jet many women stepped out. They all were wearing formal clothing. About 15 women later the last woman who exited was more beautiful than any other women on that beach. She was the Greek Goddess of Moon, Artemis.

Artemis was wearing camo pants, white T-shirt and a leather jacket. Her hair were tied in a ponytail. She looked like she was glowing, even in the sunlight. She took a long breath and said.

"Alright girls, we have arrived at our destination. Claudia you and 9 more girls will stay here and set up the camp. Nadia, Penelope, Maya, Jean, Hope, you five will go with me go with me now go and get changed into diving suits. I won't get wet so I don't need to change." Artemis ordered and the girl hurried to follow them.

The girls were running here and there, making a camp site. Suddenly Artemis heard a girl's cry from behind. She quickly turned and her eyes widened as she saw a familiar person waving at her. It was her brother Hercules.

Behind him was a portal and from it another person appeared. He did not look familiar, but he had a familiar aura around him.

"Ah! Artemis, this is the first time I arrived and you're not naked." Herc said with a sheepish smile.

"What are you doing here jerk? And who is that?" Artemis asked angrily.

"See Percy, I told you she calls me jerk." He said to the young man behind him. "This dear sister is Percy Jackson, the Demigod son of Poseidon." He introduced the man behind him.

"Son of Poseidon? H… How could it be possible." She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Yeah I was shocked too when I learned, but It is true. He's really the son of Poseidon." Herc said.

"How? He… He's… You realize what you're saying?"

"Calm down sister, I know what I'm saying. He is son of Poseidon, but from another reality. He's the one from the prophecy." Herc explained everything that happened until that moment. And then showed the footage that showed Percy falling from the sky and his fight with the Atlanteans. After that she calmed down and went back to the Amazon girls.


The girls took whole day to make camp. They erected tents on the beach. They also made a tent for Hercules far away from their camp.

While they were doing that, Percy went back to Atlantis. He went to the private library in the royal palace. Zartra acted as his assistant. She helped him in the library. There he searched for the oldest books, books containing history of Atlantis. Unfortunately he could not find anything. The oldests re order was of the first king of Atlantis, King Kamuu.

But it wasn't useless, there he learned about two different cities that were once part of the Atlantean Empire, before it sunk. The cities he learned about were Lemuria and Netherworld.

Lemuria is a city of islands. There are many islands hidden from the world not very far from the Atlantis. There live the Merpeople and ancient race of Lemurians (basically humans). It was the only land not affected by the catastrophe that destroyed the Atlantis. A council of Lemurians and merpeople governs the islands.

The second city is, known as Netherworld is a very strange city. When the Great Cataclysm happened. The people enclosed the city in a protective dome. And when the land sunk the city remained intact and settled on the ocean-floor. Located about fifty miles east from Atlantis it was once called Netheria, but after the catastrophe they renamed it Netherworld. Right now a queen rules the city.

Netherworld and Atlantis had a very complicated relations. There had been many wars between two cities. Netherworld is technologically more advanced than Atlantis, but has little manpower. When the Atlanteans transformed from air to water-breathers, their other attributes also strengthened giving them superhuman strength, stamina and reflexes, that gave them an upper hand in combat, but Netherians stayed human.

When he discussed with Zartra he learned that Attuma was planning to attack Netherworld before waging war on the surface world. Namor before him also had a similar plan. Namor even had made a deal with human organization called Hydra. Hydra provided Atlantis weapons and in return Namor would help Hydra in their war. After that Hydra would help Atlantis concur Netherworld. But before Atlantis could enter the surface war, Hydra was defeated.

Later Attuma had also planned for the war, but because of the constant rebellion by Zartra and her men it kept postponing.

"My king, I have one concern. When Queen Kala learns about Attuma's death, she won't stay silent. She will definitely wage war upon us." Zartra said.

"Hmm… I guess I have to meet this Netherian queen. But we will talk about it later. Come with me, we have meeting to attend." Percy said smiling.

By the time they returned to the island it was already getting dark. The Amazon girls had made a campfire and were sitting around it. Hercules sat in a corner far from any girl cross legged. Artemis was sitting by him glaring at him.

A girl was standing beside Artemis. She saw Percy approaching and drew her sword. In response Zartra also drew her own.

"Stand down Nadia, sheath your sword." Artemis ordered and the girl obeyed. "Percy Jackson right? Hercules told me everything that happened. So, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna find Olympus." Percy said, "and for that I need your help. Herc told me that you might know where it is."

"Don't talk to me in that tone boy. I'm a goddess. I could kill you this instant" Artemis warned.

"I guess Artemis is same in every world." He raised his hand and the trident appeared in his hand.

Her eyes widened with surprise. "So… It is true. You really are the one from the prophecy." She convinced herself, "you're the god from another universe."

"No, not yet. I'm not a god yet. I need the Poseidon's Seat of Power to become one. That's why we have to find Olympus first."

"I understand now." She took a moment to think and said, "alright, I'm in. If it is to restore Olympus I'll tolerate this muscle-head." She glared at Herc. "I need at least a month to prepare. I'll contact you after it is done.

On the next day Artemis and Amazon's went back to their island. Hercules also went to New York. He said he was going to rent an apartment there.

Two days passed. Percy was sitting on his throne listening to the report from Zartra.

"It looks like Queen Kala has learned about Attuma's death. She is gathering her troops. She is preparing for war. What should we do, my king?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'm not really good at this political stuff. You have been prime minister of two kings, what do you suggest we should do?" Percy replied.

"Oh… You're asking me. Right… Then… I think her objective is to obtain the Trident of Neptune. The Trident gives the wielder the power to control the sea. In that case, the best course of action would be to declare your existence. Netherworld and Lemuria both worship Neptune as their god. And you are the son of our god. So, the Trident is rightfully yours."

"Hmm… I understand what you're saying. Prepare a trip to Netherworld. We are going to meet this Queen Kala."

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