《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 6


Throne Room of Atlantean Royal Palace-

The supernatural commotion in the room calmed down. On the throne Percy was sitting. His slightly tanned skin suited his robust muscles. Messy black hair and Deep-sea blue eyes made him look handsome. An orange Camp Half Blood T-shirt was a little small for him, so he took it off. Now his muscles were more visible.

Zartra blushed at the sight.

"This is amazing!" Percy exclaimed, "I feel amazing! So much power flowing inside my veins. This is much better than fusing with that Vulture Goddess. Hey Herc, look at my body, my muscles, aren't they awesome?"

"Yes, it's awesome Jackson. This is the first time I've seen someone become a god. I was dead when I became one, so I don't know how it looked. You are radiating so much power. Oh, I cannot control myself." Herc clenched his fist and suddenly pointed at Percy. "Jackson! I challenge you to a fight. Show me your power!" He announced.

"A fight? Hades yeah! I'll fight you. I wanna test my powers too. So, just hand to hand?" Percy asked and Herc nodded.

"Before fight drain water from this room. I know it can do that." Herc said.

Percy looked at Zartra. She looked a little frightened. She said, "yes my king. This room can be drained by using the trident, though I've never seen Namor or Attuma doing it before. I have only heard about it."

Percy looked at the trident in his hand. He tapped it on the floor once and water started moving towards it. Slowly trident absorbed all the water in that room and the room filled with breathable air.

"That's handy." Percy remarked. He then stood up and walked down the stairs towards Herc. Suddenly a portal appeared between them and a man wearing red cloak stepped through.

"Greetings again, Mr. Jackson." Dr. Strange greeted. "It is nice to see you too sir Hercules." Zartra pulled out her sword and readied herself.

"A sorcerer? What are you doing here sorcerer?" Herc asked. "This is a godly matter, you people should stay away."

"I cannot, because I'm here for a godly matter as well. I'd like both of you to come to my sanctuary." Strange explained.

Herc looked at Percy, "I think we should go. I trust him, he visited me before. And I know he's not a bad guy, I saw his movie." Percy said.

"Then I got no objection. Let's go." Herc said.

As Percy walked towards the portal Zartra called, "wait. My king what about Atlantis?"

"Oh yeah, about that. Zartra until I return, you will govern the Atlantis. I've seen your loyalty towards Atlantis, so I think you would be best for this job. Don't disappoint me. And yeah, don't sit on that throne. That throne is for gods, mortals can't handle that much power." Percy said.


"As… As your wish my king. I will serve Atlantis with my life. I won't disappoint you. I will wait for your return." Zartra bowed deeply.

Percy let go the trident and it vanished in a golden light. A tattoo of a trident appeared on his arm. Impressed Percy stepped through the portal and it closed behind him.

'Whoa, he's scary.' Zartra thought looking at the spot where the portal was.

Third floor of Sanctum Sanctorum (177A, Bleecker Street, New York)-

Percy, Hercules and Dr. Strange were sitting around a table. Nobody had spoken for a while. Herc and doc were staring at each other and Percy, still bare chested looking at a cup of coffee in his hand.

They were sitting below a window Strange called 'Window of Worlds.' Percy could see stars through it. There were many different objects concealed behind glass cases.

"So, why did you bring us here sorcerer?" Herc broke the silence.

"To ask some questions and give some answers." Strange said calmly. "Now tell me Mr. Jackson, why are you here?"

"First tell me how did I come to this world? You said you'd tell me."

"Very well, you arrived here with the help from Infinity Stones. Two of them to be precise. Time and Space stones. After the battle in New York ended, another portal was opened by Space Stone and Time Stone helped it tear through the walls between your dimension and this dimension. That's how you arrived to this reality." Strange explained and continued, "now back to my question. Why are you here? What are your intentions."

"Two Infinity Stones? But they were all spread throughout the galaxy. How did second one appeared on earth? Earth only had Time Stone." Herc asked.

"No, the Space Stone had been on earth from the same time as the Time Stone. It never went to Asgard. But after the battle in New York, Thor took the Space Stone back to Asgard." Strange explained. "Again, I ask my question. What will you do from now, Mr. Jackson?" He asked again.

Herc was in deep thought. He did not pay attention at first when Percy started.

"I didn't know myself why I was brought to this world. The world where all the characters I saw in movie were real. But everything was explained when I met Poseidon."

Hearing that Herc quickly turned towards Percy. "Poseidon? Where in the hell did you meet him? And when?" He looked at Percy with hope.

"It was after I left the ship. In the deepest part of the Atlantic. I was swimming towards Atlantis when I heard someone call me. I went down and saw that Royal Ship and those Sharks. I was surprised to see them."


"Yeah, me too. Never thought Poseidon had something this cool. Apollo would've been so jealous."

"Yeah, even the Apollo from my world would be jealous and his chariot can turn into a Ferrari." Herc looked very surprised to hear that.

"Anyway, that's when I saw Poseidon. I mean his spirit. He looked like my dad. He told me after the war he was weakened to the point of no recovery. And on the day he died his spirit merged with the ocean. Very little part of his consciousness remained. That's how he was able to contact and talk to me. And when I sat on his throne, his spirit merged with mine." Percy explained.

"So, the figure I saw above you in the throne room was Poseidon. But he did not look like the one I remember." Herc asked while scratching his head.

"Yeah, that was my dad's face. His spirit took form of the Poseidon from my memories."

"So Mr. Jackson, you're a god now. What…" Strange got cut off by Percy.

"No, I'm not a god, not yet. That's what he explained to me. Even if I took the throne in Atlantis, I won't become a full god. I need his Seat of Power. His throne in the council chamber of Olympus. I have to find the City and restore it to its glory. Unite the remaining gods of every pantheon. And prepare for the second war."

Suddenly both Herc and Strange's expressions became grim. Where Strange looked calm and thoughtful, Herc looked horrified. He was probably having a flashback about the first war. Percy did not know what caused this uneasiness. He asked.

"Hey, what was this war? Dad only told me that it was against Celestials, but never told me who they were. Can you tell me about them?"

Herc was still in his flashback. So Strange answered. "Celestials, they are the beings that were born before the universe came into existence. They are the beings with immense power." Strange moved his hands and gold and orange sparkling rays of light formed a magic circle.

The spell broke and a floating screen appeared between them. On the screen showed a giant humanoid being holding a staff with purple light. The being tapped the staff on the ground. Purple light flashed and suddenly purple cracks appeared on the ground. People were running everywhere. A crack spread towards the screen and the video ended.

"This is the only visual record about the Celestials available. Almost no information is available about them." Strange was about to say something when Herc spoke.

"They were the original owners of Infinity Stone. They are the beings who keep the evolution of universe balanced. They attacked Earth because in a very little amount of time many powerful beings came into existence. Now we call them gods. Our pantheon was one of the most powerful ones.

Because of this, Earth attracted Celestials' attention. They came to destroy Earth. A full on war broke out. Those who were once enemies now fought side by side to save Earth. Norse pantheon joined, but still that was not enough to defeat them. They had the power of all 6 Infinity stones. It took every God of War from all pantheons to influence the war to become favorable for us. Tyr was the first God of War to die, but not the last, many more were sacrificed. The war was brutal, many pantheons came to extinction, including Greek. And we only managed to kill two of them. We finally defeated them and captured 4 of the 6 stones.

After the war stones were hidden and spread throughout the galaxy. Soul stone was taken to a distant planet on the outer reaches of the galaxy. Reality stone was stolen by dark elves. Space stone was given to Asgardians and the Time stone was given to a young powerful sorcerer who managed to survive and helped kill one Celestial. Eson fled with the Power stone, the one in the video. And the Mind stone went missing." He looked at Strange.

"Agamotto" Strange whispered while fidgeting with his pendant.

"That was the War with Celestials. But Jackson, what I don't understand is how did Poseidon knew about the second war?" Herc asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me." Percy shook his head.

"Then we have no choice but to find Olympus, maybe we'll find answers there." Herc sighed.

Suddenly a phone started to ring. Herc pulled out an iPhone from somewhere. He answered it.

"Hey Gil. How's it going?"... "Yeah, I'm not there. I'm in New York right now."... "Oh yeah, I got really amazing news for you. Why don't you come here."... "At the Sorcerer's mansion in NY."... "Yeah, just grab one of my jets and fly over man!"... "Yeah, come quick." He ended the call and the iPhone vanished.

"Where did that go?" Percy asked surprised.

"It's a secret." Herc winked.

"Who was that, Hercules?" Strange asked.

"He's a friend. Gilgamesh!"

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