《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 5


Artemis (Third Person POV)-

The Goddess of Moon, Hunt and Archery was on a cliff overlooking the ocean. An overhead tent with no walls was raised their. There was a table and carpentry tools were littered on it. Artemis was making new arrows for the hunt that was happening next day.

She fixed the metal tip on the shaft and hammered it lightly to fix it. She then held it steady in her hand to see if it had bent. It was straight. Satisfied she started to sharpen it. After that she put the arrow in a quiver leaning on the table and picked up another shaft and feathers.

Nadia was serving her today. "My lady, if don't mind may I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Hmm!" Artemis had an eagle feather in her mouth.

"Thank you, my lady. You have a Quiver of Infinite Arrows, but still you are making new arrows and mostly use normal quiver. Why?"

"I don't have much to do Nadia. I do this to pass the time and I like doing it. Are you an archer, Nadia?" Nadia shook her head. "Then it will be hard to understand for you. An archer needs to be accurate. If the arrows are limited, she won't waste them on unnecessary shots or the shots she's not confident about. It will increase the accuracy and focus of an archer. And if she makes her own arrows, she will appreciate their worth even more. It helps them sharpen their skills. It's similar to how a sword wielder works on her stamina and arm strength."

Nadia was looking at her surprised. Artemis saw that and chuckled. She then began working on her arrow again. She held it to check the straightness. Suddenly she noticed something in the distance. She put down the arrow and stood up. She walked over to the edge to take a good look.

She saw a massive wave coming towards the island. She quickly jumped from the cliff and landed on the beach below. The wave was closing fast. She walked over to water. Regular waves splashed at her feet.

The massive wave became small as it neared the land and vanished completely by her feet. She knelt and put her hand in the water. A shiver went through her. Her eyes widened. A shocked expression appeared on her face. Her heart filled with happiness and old memories.

Nadia came riding a horse. She was holding the reins of a beautiful white stallion behind her, it was Artemis's horse.

Artemis quickly climbed onto her horse and said, "Nadia, I'm going to my palace. You will go to the queen and bring her there." Nadia nodded in response. Artemis pulled the reins and horse picked up speed. Nadia followed behind her towards the city of Amazons.


Attuma was standing over a kneeling surface dweller. The human was wearing some kind of mask. Air bubbles were coming from it. The human was wearing very skin tight clothing. And had paddle shoes. A metal container on his back was connected to the mask by a pipe.

Attuma held a knife at his throat and cut the pipe. The human started thrashing. He started to swim away, but the chains around his ankle kept him in his place. A few moments later the human went limp and dropped to the floor. He died. It was satisfying and hilarious to watch them struggle for breath.

Suddenly a guard came running. He was just an entrance guard. They had to ask for permission to enter the throne room, but this one had interrupted Attuma. "My Lord! My Lord! There is an emergency. An Underwater sub is heading towards the city."


"Is that the emergency? A small ship is coming? Does one single ship look that threatening to you, that you think to disrupt my fun?"

"Forgive me my lord, but it is not the ship, but the creatures swimming with it concerns our captain. Also Lady Zartra's squadron has returned and is waiting outside the entrance. A giant looking surface dweller has also been spotted beside her."

"Creatures? What creatures?"

"My lord, there are two massive sharks with glowing eyes flanking the ship."

"What?" He then turned to his servant, "you, bring me my sword. I'll see who this intruder is."

Attuma grabbed his three bladed sword from the servant and swam like a bullet towards the main entrance of the city.


Percy's heart was jumping with excitement. He couldn't even conceal his smile anymore. It felt like opening a Christmas present for the first time. He was sitting in the Royal sub. of Poseidon himself and with it came two giant metal sharks. They were named Andromeda and Argos.

The Royal sub. was completely made of Vibranium. The strongest metal on earth besides Adamantium. The metal sharks were also made of Vibranium.

Percy saw the distance view of Atlantis getting bigger and bigger. The city of Atlantis was surrounded by underwater hills and mountains that broke the surface and became islands. The city was circular. Tall buildings (surface-scrapers) were everywhere. Every building was unique in shape and color. Road to entrance was lined with pillars. And the gate had a dome over it. The building went from small to large towards the middle. The building in the middle was much bigger than others. It was the royal palace. Its domed roof had a trident on the top. Light was coming out of glass ceilings. Overall the City of Atlantis was as magnificent as it should be.

This Atlantis wasn't anywhere close to the Atlantis Percy knew. This city was way more modern than the one in his world.

The underwater environment was lively. There were many marine creatures swimming carelessly around and in the city. There were a lot of different species of sharks. There were huge sea turtles, bigger than the one he met earlier that day. Many different schools of fishes.

The Royal sub. landed right outside of the city gate. There he saw three familiar subs and familiar people. Percy opened the hatch above and floated above the ship. He sent a mental command to stop Andromeda and Argos and gently landed in front of Zartra and her subordinates, who had knelt as Percy came towards them.

"Oy! Jackson boy!" Percy heard a familiar voice shouting from above. It was Hercules. He landed beside him. His circlet had turned into a helm and his face was covered with blue screen. "Ha! Ha! Ha! That was an amazing entrance boy! You actually found Neptune's own Royal ship! And you feel more powerful than before as well. You are a wonder Jackson!"

"Yeah it's awesome, right? These two are called Andromeda and Argos. I can control them with my mind, how cool is that?" Percy said.

"Yeah, it's cooler than Apollo's Sun Chariot. He always used to boast about it. Neptune never told me he had these. You make me jealous, Jackson. Ha! Ha!" He slapped Percy on shoulder.

Then suddenly an Atlantean arrived there. He looked totally different from the other Atlantean around him. His skin was blue as usual, but his body and muscles were more ripe and in shape where other Atlanteans were more slender.


He was wearing a golden armor. It was shaped like an upside down triangle and it covered only his front. Behind it he was wearing a fur armor. He was wearing scaly pants. His helm was also golden and had ear like horns on the sides. He was wearing golden boots and leg armor and had scaly golden armbands. He was holding a unique three bladed sword.

Zartra stood up and stepped between Percy and new Atlantean. "What is the meaning of this Zartra? Have you lost your mind? I'm your king, why are kneeling before him?" He pointed at Percy, "and who are you, filthy surface dweller? Where did you get that? That is an Atlantean technology."

"Attuma, you're not my king. You killed the rightful ruler of Atlantis, King Namor. And as for him, he came to take the Atlantis from you. The true ruler of the seas, son of Neptune, ah…" She turned to Percy, "My lord, I'm sorry, but I do not know your name."

"Zartra! How dare you?!" Attuma shouted. He was getting angry. "How dare you insult me? Did you forget the punishment you received? I knew you were plotting something behind my back, but to think it was to ask help from land crawlers. And what is this son of Neptune thing? You expect me to believe such nonsense? Ha! Ha! Ha!" Attuma laughed.

Percy stepped forward, "it's not nonsense. Didn't you notice, that I'm breathing underwater and I'm dry as well." That drained some of Attuma's confidence. Smile on his face disappeared. "I'm here to claim what is mine. The Throne of Poseidon, thanks for keeping it warm for me."

"How dare you mock me. I am the King of Atlantis, Attuma the Almighty! You will pay for your insolence." Attuma shouted and dashed towards Percy.

He raised his sword and slashed at him. Percy jumped back to dodge it. Attuma was very fast with his next attack. He spun and slashed again. Percy caught this attack on his shield. The attack was powerful than the Atlanteans he fought earlier. Percy pushed Attuma back with a shield bash, but Attuma stepped back and dodged.

Percy hadn't pulled out his sword yet, he was assessing his opponent. Attuma wasn't like regular Atlantean. He was faster, stronger and more agile than others. Percy finally pulled out Riptide. It was giving off bronze glow.

"My lord, Attuma is not like an average Atlantean. He is far superior in strength, speed, stamina and reflexes. Be careful when you fight him." Zartra shouted.

Percy dashed for a stabbing attack. He was superhumanly fast, but Attuma reacted normally. He stepped aside and hacked at Percy. Percy quickly raised his shield to block the attack. The shield blocked the sword's two blades, but the third grazed Percy's arm. Attuma grinned, but soon it twisted into anger. Because as soon as the blade left Percy's arm, the wound closed itself immediately.

'I need to be careful, I can't underestimate him.' Percy thought. "That was close!" He exclaimed.

Attuma cursed under his breath and slashed again. This time Percy blocked it with Riptide. Both swords were clashing very fast.

Attuma dropped his guard for a bit and Percy kicked him in the gut. Attuma got pushed back, but he didn't fell. He dashed again and did a spinning kick followed by a sword slash. Percy dodged and instinctively thrust his hand forward. A shockwave knocked Attuma back.

With confused mind Attuma struck again. Percy parried the blow. He then turned his shield back into wristwatch. Attuma cursed and launched at Percy. This time Percy did not move from his spot. He just blocked the sword, grabbed Attuma and kicked him on the chest which knocked him back on the rock behind him.

In just a second the gap between the two increased vastly. Attuma was shocked. he looked where he got kicked and saw cracks in his armor, couple of chunks of it were missing. That armor had just saved his ribs from getting broken.

Now the gap between strength him and Percy became vast suddenly.

Attuma jumped in the air and slashed downwards. Percy slashed horizontally. Their sword collided. The sound of metal hitting metal was loud even underwater. Percy had put so much force into the attack, that Attuma's sword broke in half. Attuma lost.

"How…? How could it be? How could I lost? I am Attuma, the king of Atlantis, lost." He knelt on the ocean floor. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I lost! Lost to a human boy! I, Attuma the Almighty, lost! Attuma the invincible, lost!" He lost his mind.

"Zartra, you deal with him." Percy ordered, "and take me to the throne. I have to do something. Come on Herc, you should see this."

Zartra bowed and ordered two of her comrades to apprehend Attuma. "Guards, Capture him. And you three, go to our base bring everyone. And all of you go spread the word of Attuma's defeat and imprison his faithful, his tribesmen." Everyone rushed to their tasks.

Percy then followed by Hercules and Zartra entered the city. Citizens had lined up on both sides of main road to see the one who defeated Attuma and was rumored to be a God or with one. Everyone was murmuring between themselves.

The Royal Palace was magnificent. It was the largest tower in the city and was more decorated. Outside the main door two statues of warriors wearing Greek battle armor were flanking. They had spears in their hand and seaweed had covered most of them. Inside was a corridor going both ways. A wall was ahead and a golden set of doors with intricate carvings on them opened.

Beyond the doors was a huge Throne room. It was a round hall with two more doors on left and right.

"This is the Throne room, my lord. Living quarters are on the third level. On the second level there is the war room or meeting room. Fourth level is for library, but it nobody was allowed to enter besides king. And on the fifth level there is the observatory. Below one level is the dungeon and below it is the treasury." Zartra started explaining. "And this is the famous Throne of Neptune." She stopped at the foot of some stairs.

On top of the stairs was something that looked like a throne made of coral reef. The armrest was visible, that's why it looked like a throne. Percy climbed the stairs. He stood in front of the throne. Then turned and sat on it.

Suddenly the entire room started to shake. Rumbling noise of stones was coming from everywhere. It was an earthquake. Then a crack appeared above Percy's head in the reef. It kept spreading all over the reef. Then suddenly the reef exploded and small chunks of it flew everywhere. Percy had stood up the moment the crack appeared. As the dust settled down Percy was awed by what was inside the reef.

As the coral reef got blasted off, it revealed the true Throne of Neptune. It was made of solid gold and intricate carvings were all over it. The throne was bigger than Percy. The headrest was carved in the shape of the Kraken. It's tentacles spread down and formed the armrest. There were Rubies for the eyes. And a large diamond in its forehead. The carving looked alive.

"Now, this is what you call a throne." Percy exclaimed.

"This… This is incredible! I never thought the real throne was under all that coral. This truly is a magnificent sight. The legendary throne of Neptune."

"Lady Zartra, I was told that there is Neptune's Trident here, is that true?"

"Yes, that is true and please call me Zartra, my lord." She bowed and then ordered one of the servants to bring the Trident here.

Couple of minutes later the servant came holding a trident. It was also covered in coral and looked rusted.

"My lord, this is the Trident of Neptune. Left behind by Neptune himself. It is rumored that this Trident holds the power to control ocean itself." Zartra took the trident from the servant and presented it to Percy.

Percy grabbed the trident and it started to glow. He lifted it and all the dirt fell from it. It was no longer rusted. It was a weapon fit for its name Oceanmaster.

"Now I understand what you're doing Jackson. But where did you learn about it?" Hercules asked.

"My dad told me!" Percy answered.


The explanation Percy gave was absurd. Herc had a hard time accepting it. But still, he knew it for a long time that Poseidon had vanished. After Percy's story he was filled with new hope and excitement. After all Olympus was going to rise again. In his eyes respect for Percy had increased.

Percy holding the trident sat on the throne. Suddenly whole room was filled with power. Kraken's ruby eyes emitted bright red light. Water started swirling around Percy. A whirlpool was formed and nobody could see what was going on inside with Percy.

The whirlpool disappeared but water currents were still swirling around Percy. Suddenly a ghostly figure appeared above him and merged with Percy. It was Poseidon. While he was merging with Percy, he glanced at Herc and winked.

The show lasted for couple of minutes. After everything died down Herc sensed Percy's power had grown substantially. He was radiating with power.

Percy opened his eyes and Herc saw his sea-green eyes had turned into deep-sea blue. He had also grown in height and muscles. He looked magnificent.

Thus began Percy's journey to become The God of Seas.

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