《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 4


Third Person POV (Zartra)-

The rain was pouring endlessly. Lightning was flashing and loud thunder echoed all around her. The raging wind was cold, but it wasn't cold wind that froze her. It was fear and the cold gaze of a pair of sea green eyes. She now regretted for not taking friendly approach.

"Did you… did you killed them?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"No. I just knocked them out. I never wanted to fight, but I had to defend myself and besides you are Atlantians, I would never kill an Atlantian." She looked at him again, his eyes were now gentle instead of cold.

"What did you mean when… when you said, 'your father's throne?' Who are you? Are you a son of Namor?"

"I don't know who this Namor guy is, but he's not my father. My father is the one who you worship."

"I worship? But I only worshi…" She gasped, "son of Neptune? How… How could that be possible? Neptune was a God, but you are just a human. A… And that was thousands of years ago. How?"

The boy just chuckled in answer.


He was transfixed by Percy's swordsmanship. His movements were inhumanly fast. Tony's normal eyes were unable to track them. Even his A.I. Jarvis had difficult time predicting his movements.

Percy walked away from the Atlantian woman and stopped before Hercules. "Hercules! I'm going, are you coming?" He asked the Greek Hero.

"Yes, I know. Right behind ya! By the way, that was an amazing fight. You fought like a true Demigod. There is no doubt you're Poseidon's boy." Hercules responded.

"Indeed Son of Jack, Son of Poseidon. You have the same aura around you as him." Thor praised him as well.

Tony was having a hard time swallowing this. First he had a battle against aliens, then this boy falls from the sky, who turns out is from another reality. Then a god appears out of Legends, Hercules. And finally the boy singlehandedly defeated 20 trained and armed warriors from Atlantis. His life was getting weirder and weirder.

"May I know, where you are planning to go Mr. Jackson?" Fury asked the boy.

"I'm going to Atlantis, to kill this Attuma guy sitting on my father's throne, a God's throne. I may not be from this world, but still I cannot just sit here and watch someone disrespects Poseidon."

"But Mr. Jackson…" Tony cut Fury off.

"Yeah, listen kid. This is an international matter, not a movie scene. We saw you fight and you fight well, but you don't know what you're going against and nor do we. So don't act stupid." He said.

"Tony's right Percy, we can't make decision based on emotions. And this is an international matter, these matters are very complicated to handle. Besides we don't know their military strength either. We can't just wage war against a country that looks advanced than ours." Steve explained.


"This is no international matters captain, this is a godly matter and I believe that nobody should interfere in this. Let Son of Jack, Son of Poseidon take care of it. I would've done the same. You should go boy." Thor said.

Percy turned and ran for the edge. Tony and Steve quickly ran after him. If it was a normal 17 year old kid, they would've caught him easily, but Percy was too fast, even for super-soldier Steve.

"Urgh…! I hate these kinds of kids." He complained.

"You hate almost every types of kids, sir." Jarvis said.

Percy jumped as he neared the edge and dived in the ocean. Tony flew above the spot where Percy went underwater. Suddenly he saw a massive ripple ran across the water surface. Due to the storm sea was raging, but still he saw that unusually big ripple caused by the Demigod from another world. After that his scanners picked up nothing.

He dived behind Percy. Below the surface he saw nothing but a trail of air bubbles going east.

He returned to the group and saw Hercules getting on his chariot. He turned to Zartra and said, "you, Atlantian woman, return as soon as possible or you'll miss the show. See you soon Thor!" He then whipped the leash and the lions spread their wings.


Just as he got surrounded by the water, he felt a familiar feeling fill his heart. He was not wet and he was still able to breathe underwater. The power of the seas was pouring into him. He felt that ocean was happy. He felt that happiness, that cheer. A shockwave emerged from him and sped towards every direction.

He then willed the water to move himself. As he felt more power surging through him, his speed kept increasing. This feeling was the same as when he fought with his father against giant Polybotes.

He kept speeding up towards where he felt Atlantis is located. He left the storm behind and was now in calm water. A group of Dolphins came to swim with him. They were playful with him. They acted like a dog meeting his owner after a long time. Percy got away from them after playing for a while, but the dolphins kept following him.

After an hour later three sharks and a sea turtle joined him as well. They told him the directions to the Atlantis and followed him. He was now in the deepest part of the Atlantic ocean. Suddenly he thought he heard a whisper. He stopped, spun around and looked behind, but there was nobody but dolphins and sharks.

"Perrrcyyy…!" He heard the ghostly whisper again.

"Percyyy…!" He looked all around him, but there was no one, only his companions.

"Who is it?" He yelled, "come out or I'll… I'll do something to you."


"Percy…!" This time the voice was less ghostly and more clear. "Come down Percyyy…! Come down, I'm here!" The voice said. It was a male voice and Percy felt it familiar.

'What the… Don't tell me it's Cronus again! No, it can't be Cronus, this voice sounds more familiar. I should go check.' He thought. He then addressed the dolphins, "you guys need air to breathe so I think you should stay here. I'll go check the voice. You two follow me." He then gestured the sharks to follow and dived deeper, sharks at both of his sides.

He kept going deeper and deeper and the voice kept calling him.

He reached the sea floor. It was dark everywhere, but Percy could still see what was in front of him. He landed on the floor and started walking. "Percyyy…!" The voice called out again.

He walked for a while and reached an underwater structure. It was covered with seaweed and rubble. He could not see what was under all that dirt. He floated above the structure to analyze its size.

Suddenly he felt something behind him, watching him. He turned around and his heart skipped a beat. He was looking at a pair of fierce looking eyes. He focused and he saw a massive head of a metal shark. Percy quickly backed up and pulled out Riptide. The shark did not move, nor its eyes followed Percy. He realized that the metal shark was deactivated. It was five times bigger than the two great whites with him. Even though the metal shark was deactivated and half of it under rubble, it still looked alive.

Percy wondered where it came from and how it ended up here. He looked around and found another metal shark same as before, but upside down. He then returned back to where he found the structure. He lapped around to understand its shape. He could not understand its shape because of all the rubble and seaweed.

He landed and touched its surface. The structure was metallic under the rubble. He concentrated a little and tremor went through the earth. Ground started to shake and the rubble on the structure fell away. It was his new ability he had developed after the battle with Gaia.

He then manipulated water to remove the seaweed. Now he could see the structure clearly. It was similar to the Aero-subs the Atlantians came in, but was bigger in size and it looked more luxurious too.

"Percy…!" This time Percy recognized the voice.

"Dad?! Dad! Where are you?" He looked all around him, but saw no one. Suddenly water in front of him started swirl and a humanly figure appeared. The figure appeared had a semitransparent body, but waist down it had a small swirling water tornado. The figure was Poseidon, God of seas and Percy's father.

"Percy! I'm glad you came. The prophecy came true."

"Dad! What are you doing here? I thought I was the only one who came to this world. How did you come here?"

"Relax Percy, I'm not who you think I am. I may look similar to you but I'm not Poseidon from your world, I'm Poseidon of this world or I was." the ghostly Poseidon said.

"What do you mean 'was'? You are standing, I mean floating, swirling here. I mean you're right in front of me."

"This is not real me Percy. The real me disappeared thousands of years ago. After the war I was weakened, but I did not die. My essence, my spirit merged with the ocean. This is the place where it all happened. When you jumped into the ocean today, my essence flowed into you. This is the reason why you feel more powerful than usual."

"If you really are this world's Poseidon, then why you have my father's face?" Percy asked.

"It's because of you Percy! You have deep respect and longing for your father. That affected my spirit and it took his form instead of mine." Poseidon explained.

"You mentioned a prophecy. What was it?"

"The prophecy was about the future of Olympus."

"What does that have to do with me? I'm not even from this world."

"No Percy, this prophecy is especially about you. A God from another universe, that is you."

"But, I'm no God, I am just a Demigod. I'm not immortal and all powerful like you."

"Yes, that is true. That's why I called you here, to help you become a god. This is your fate, you will take my place as the God of the seas."


Herc was waiting on the beach of an island. There were many small islands near Atlantis and this was one of them. He kept pacing back and forth muttering to himself, "he's late. He should be here by now. I knew it was him the moment I saw him. Finally, the prophecy is coming true. The Olympus will rise again."

He focused on the horizon and saw the Atlantian Aero-subs coming towards him. It was that Atlantian woman.

Suddenly he felt something powerful arriving. It was underwater and was going towards the direction of Atlantis.

Herc quickly touched the circlet on the side. It turned into golden helm. A blue semi transparent screen appeared on his face, so he could breathe underwater.

He walked back a little, took a running start and jumped. One jump was enough to reach deep water. He dove straight down, towards Atlantis.

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