《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 3


Third Person POV-

"Easy there, Mr. Jackson! We don't know who these bogies belong to. They may or may not be enemies, so we have to act with caution. And also you and Mr. Hercules are our guests, we can't let you fight, so you both will stay here until more information is gathered." Nick Fury said when he saw Percy cracking his knuckles.

"Aw, man!" Percy exclaimed. "I wanna get out. I can't sit here doing nothing. Please let me come with you, I'll behave like a good boy."

"I'm sorry, but we can't Mr. Jackson. You will stay here with Mr. Hercules and Thor."

"Why me?!" Smile on Thor's face disappeared.

"Because you are more familiar with Mr. Hercules than anyone in this room. So you will stay here on standby. If the situation turns hostile we'll immediately call for you." Fury turned to Natasha, "agent Romanoff, stay with Dr. Banner." She nodded and took off.

After everybody was gone Thor grabbed a chair and and sat across Percy. Hercules did the same.

"So Hercules my friend what's going on in your life?" Thor asked.

"Call me Herc like old times Thunderer. I've been living in Dubai, got some hotels there."

"You got hotels in Dubai?" Percy shouted surprised.

"Yeah, three in Dubai and three in Abu Dhabi. Seventh is under construction in Vegas. I'm planning to make Twelve, each one after a labor."

Percy's eyes widened. Herc smiled, "how's me in your world?"

"I've never met him just saw him from afar. Jason and Piper were the ones who met him and from what they told us he sounded like a jerk. And yeah he's stuck at the pillars." Percy looked disappointed.

"Hercules's Pillers? Ha! Ha! Ha! Herc the Jerk eh! Serves him right I guess. I was called a jerk once… No, many times by Artemis."

"So what happened to other gods? Why only you came and not my father?"

Hercules tensed, uneasiness was clear in his eyes. "I… I'd rather not talk about it."

Thor sensing the uneasiness in the air changed the subject. "Son of Jack, do you have another me in your world?"

Percy recovered his thoughts, "I think... yeah. My girlfriend's cousin is a Norse demigod. I taught him how to sail, he had a talking sword. I think he was a son of a some summer god I think, what's his name… Fey, or something like that."


"That's it! Frey!"

"So, Percy! What weapons do you prefer?" Hercules asked.

"I use a sword called Riptide." He said and pulled out a bronze pen. As he uncapped it the pen suddenly turned into a glowing bronze sword. Greek layers carved on it were glowing blue with power, 'Anaklusmos!'

Hercules and Thor's eyes widened with surprise. "Amazing trick, how did you do that?" Hercules clapped.

"It was a gift from my dad. My first kill with it was my math teacher, a Fury." Thor grabbed the sword from Percy and started examining it.

"Your math teacher was a Fury? Your world sounds more interesting than ours. Talking sword, a Fury as a math teacher. What else you got there?"

"Yeah, it's pretty weird when you see it with mortal eyes." All of them smiled. "We got Dionysus as our camp director. I have a Pegasus named Blackjack and a Hellhound named Mrs. O'Leary."


"Ha! A Hellhound pet? Those things are nasty, never imagined one to make a good pet."

"Son of Jack what metal is this? I have never seen such metal before." Thor suddenly interrupted sliding the sword towards Hercules.

As Hercules examined it his eyes widened, "this is no ordinary metal. Percy what metal is this?"

"It's Celestial Bronze. Don't tell me that you don't know what Celestial Bronze is." They both shook their heads, "oh, the gods of Olympus, this world doesn't even have a Celestial Bronze. So, what is your weapons are made of then?" Percy turned the sword back into the pen and put it back into his pocket.

"Mostly gold and Adamantium alloy, but I've never heard of Celestial Bronze."

They were interrupted as Natasha entered with Bruce Banner. They took seats at the table. "They're arriving." She said and pulled out the same circular device that Tony used earlier. She put it in the middle. As she removed her hand the device glowed and a holographic screen appeared above it.

It was showing three submarine like things below the surface speeding towards the carrier. Hercules was squinting at the screen. Suddenly all three submarines broke the surface and started flying above it.

"Atlantian Aero-subs? What are they doing here?" Hercules's eyes widened with surprise.

"Atlantian? You… You mean the Lost City of Atlantis, Atlantian?" Banner squeaked. "But… But that's a myth right?" He looked at Natasha.

"You have two myths sitting right in front of you Bruce."

"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised after meeting Thor and then Hercules. But still that submarine/ plane thing looks super high-tech than ours, how?"

"This is nothing Scrawny Man. You should see the City of Olympus. The beautiful Coral Palace of Neptune, Gardens of Demeter, Golden Palace of Apollo, my own Hercules's Arena and the Council Chamber. Ah… I remember those days, I wish to see it again." Hercules was looking into a distant memory.

"Wish to see it again? You mean you don't go there anymore?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, actually…" They were interrupted by the Aero-subs landing on the airstrip. Everyone's eyes turned towards screen, silence filled the room. Everyone except Hercules were curious to see the passengers.

(On the airstrip of Helicarrier)-

The flying submarines landed on the airstrip with a thud, cause they had no tires. Tony and Cap. took the fighting stance. Maria Hill and other agents readied there guns. And Fury's face twitched. Thunder boomed across the darkened sky.

The doors of the front ship opened and a blue skinned man wearing black armor with green and gold lining stepped out. He had pointy ears similar to elves in fantasy. He had nostrils as well as gills to breathe underwater. He was holding a banner with golden trident on it. He stepped forward and held it high.

After that another two men similar to previous one stepped out. They were holding gun looking things. Behind them warriors from other ships came holding spears and swords and formed rank.

Finally, a woman with bluish green hair tied in a ponytail stepped out. She had an eye-patch on her left eye and a sword dangling from her hip. Her armor was different from the warriors and was more golden than black. She must've been some high ranking officer.

She stepped forward and the gunmen raised their guns. Seeing that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents also raised their guns. The women stopped in front of her soldiers.


Nick Fury stepped forward and Tony and Steve followed him. "I'll have you stop right there Lady. Who are you? State your business?" Fury asked.

"Surface Dwellers, I am Zartra, Prime Minister of the Atlantis and the trusted adviser of Attuma the King of Atlantis. I have come here to know your intentions for trespassing the territory of Atlantis." Thunder boomed again in the sky.

"Atlantis? Wow! And here I thought I wouldn't be surprised by anything today." Tony said.

"Surface dwellers, state your intentions or prepare for battle, because this will be considered as a hostile invasion." She said in a firm tone.

"An invasion? But Ms. Zartra we have been in this area before many times, why threaten now?" Fury asked.

"First, it's Lady Zartra not Ms. Zartra. As for the second matter, we never considered your trespassing as a threat before. Because many human sea vessels pass through our domain daily. Even your military vessels were no threat to us, but everything changed after the battle that happened in a surface city called New-York. We have seen what you surface dwellers are capable of. Winning the battle against the formidable army of Chitauri is not an easy feat. So our king who sits on the Throne of Neptune sees you surface dwellers as a possible threat to our nation. He ordered us to eliminate any military ship that enters our domain, but I don't want any unnecessary bloodshed, so I came here to ask you to turn back.

Before anyone could say anything Thor, Hercules and Percy all came running towards them, Natasha and Banner following them.

"Mr. Hercules, have I not clearly asked you to stay in that room and let us handle the situation, so why you and Mr. Jackson are out here?" Fury was glaring at the Demigod. He turned to look at Percy and his eye widened, because Percy was walking towards Lady Zartra. "Mr. Jackson, what are you doing?"

"Get back here kid, this is not a child's play." Tony yelled. "Dammit! Listen kid."

Percy ignored them and kept going towards Atlantians with seriousness in his eyes. A water droplet fell from the clouds and landed on Percy's head.

"Are you really Atlantians? You look totally different than the Atlantians I know." As he neared them a spearman stepped forward and pointed his spear at Percy. He looked at the spearman and then at Zartra. He swatted the spear aside and kept walking towards Zartra.

He did not notice, but everyone around him was looking at him with baffled expressions. Hercules and Thor were surprised as well but they quickly recovered. This was because with just a swat Percy broke the tip of the spear without even realizing it.

Suddenly lightning flashed in the darkened sky followed by a thunder and it started raining, but nobody cared about it, they were more focused on Percy than their surroundings.

Percy stopped in front of Zartra, "hmm… So your king sits on the Throne of Neptune?" He asked.

Another spearman stepped forward. He thrust his spear at Percy. But he sidestepped, grabbed the spear and kicked the warrior in 'This is Sparta' style. He flew backwards, hit the Aero-sub behind him and lay unmoving. His spear left in Percy's firm grip which he thrust in the ground.

Two more Atlantian warriors charged at Percy, one with a spear and one with a sword. Percy tapped his wristwatch and a glowing bronze shield popped out. A boy holding a sword and riding a Pegasus was engraved on it. He blocked the sword with it, dodged the spear and sent the spearman flying like the last one. Seeing that the swordsman stepped back. Four more swordsmen joined him. They formed a half circle in front of Percy.

He ignored them and stared at Zartra again, "who is this king of yours? Is he a god or a demigod? What gives him right to sit on my father's throne?"

"Your father's throne? Who do you think you are, surface dweller?" As Zartra finished, a swordsman slashed at Percy with superhuman speed.

Percy blocked it with his shield. He then pulled out a pen from his pocket. He uncapped it and suddenly it turned into a glowing bronze sword.

Other warriors charged at him as well. Percy's sword slashed the air in the smooth arch and cut the swords of all five warriors in half like they were blades of grass. He then swiftly moved and hit their heads with the hilt of his sword.

Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were awestruck. Because what was happening before them was beyond their expectations. Even if Percy felt his movements normal, for the normal human eyes they were inhumanly fast.

Tony and Steve both had frozen where they stood. Percy's movements were too fast for human eyes to comprehend. To them Percy was appearing and disappearing between the Atlantian warriors.

"He's like Ares." Hercules muttered to himself.

Horror was clearly showing on Zartra's face. As Percy knocked out the last warrior and walked over to Zartra again, she knelt. "Who… Who are you? How can a surface dweller be so much powerful? What did you mean before, when you said that it's your father's throne?"

"First tell me who is this king of yours.?"

"Attuma, he became the king of Atlantis many years ago when he defeated and killed the previous king, Namor. He does not have the royal blood. He's not a good king. He wants to destroy the surface world, but I want nothing but peace that was before Namor became king. Please don't kill me! I'm not with Attuma! I'm not with Attuma."

Everybody was frozen in shock after seeing Percy fight, but they quickly recovered their senses. Fury was one of the first. "Not with Attuma? What does that mean?" He asked.

"He's not a true king of Atlantis. He's from a nomadic barbarian tribe. He killed the previous king and eradicated his bloodline. I was the prime minister of king Namor before him. After he killed Namor he let me live, but gouged out my eye as punishment for serving Namor. He's a cruel, vicious monster who kills for entertainment. I am the leader of the rebel army who wishes to remove him from the throne. I actually came here to ask for your help."

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