《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 2



Maria Hill was showing me the video of me falling from the sky on a high-tech tablet thing. In the video I saw Scarlett Johansson. I thought I was looking at a movie scene. "Scarlett Johansson?" I exclaimed. "She is the Black Widow in Avengers? Stoll brothers have a crush on her."

Maria Hill looked tensed, she narrowed her eyes and looked at me suspiciously. "Who's Scarlett Johan...?" She got cut off by a massive quake. Emergency alarms blared off. She stood up alarmed, pulled out her gun and pointed it at me. "Who are you? How do you know about agent Romanov? Who do you work for?"

Instinctively I put my hands up. Now I was genuinely confused. First I get hit in the head and fall into Tartarus. But instead of Tartarus, I fall into someone's swimming pool from a hundred feet. I wake up to find myself in an unfamiliar place. Then this woman comes, first she asks me questions with a smile, then points a gun at me. "Whoa, Whoa! Easy there, miss. Don't shoot me. What did I do?"

"Don't act like you don't know, Black Widow is a codename of agent Natasha Romanov. How did you find out, are you a spy?"

"I'm… I'm not a spy! I'm just a normal kid. Who's Natasha Romano…?" I gasped as I realized. "That's the name of Black Widow, she's one of the Avengers! Scarlett Johansson plays her in the movie." I said excitedly.

"Don't take me for a fool boy, you think she's an actress?" She asked pointing at the video, I nodded in answer. Her eyes widened, she was about to ask another question, but another quake interrupted her. She grimaced and put her index finger in her ear. "This is Agent Hill, what the hell is going on? What is all this commotion about?" Whatever the person on the other side said, it made her eyes wide with surprise. "Yes sir, of course, I will sir." She frowned.

I was looking at her dumbfounded, my hands still in the air.

Third Person POV-

As Thor, Steve and Tony emerged on the runway of the Helicarrier, they saw a golden chariot. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had surrounded the chariot and were pointing their guns at the rider.

The rider was huge, compared to others around him, almost as big as Hulk. He had brown hair and finely trimmed beard. His clothing was Greek styled, white with gold lining. Gold bracelets adorned his arms. A golden circlet like headgear on his head. With an everlasting charming smile he jumped out of his chariot and landed on the airstrip. Carrier shook again as he landed. He looked across and fixed his gaze on the Asgardian.

"Hercules?" Thor could not believe his eyes.

"Thor, my old friend, it's so good to see you again!" He bellowed and walked towards Thor, ignoring all the agents around him. He reached the wary looking Avengers and pulled the Thunder god into bone-crushing hug.


"Hercules! It's good to see you too, after such a long time." Thor hugged him back with equal force.

Hercules held Thor at arm's length, "yes, indeed. It has been… what three millennia?"

"Wait, did you just say, Hercules?" Tony couldn't believe his ears. "The Greek hero Hercules?" Thor nodded. Tony was bewildered, it was completely unexpected for him, first Thor, then Chitauri and now this. The world he knew was getting more and more weird.

"What're you doing here, my friend? I thought you left the Midgard, after... You know!"

"No, I did not. I'm here on business. I felt the presence of Poseidon in this area. I think he's not gone, but was dormant somewhere." He looked concerned.

"So, that's what father meant by the godly power of the sea. Now I understand, why that boy felt so powerful and familiar."

"Thor, what do you mean by that? Surely you're not referring to the kid, are you?" Captain looked wary.

"The kid? What kid?" The Greek hero tensed and was looking at the Avengers suspiciously.


It cannot be described in words what I was feeling. I was dumbfounded, horrified, excited, confused and worried at the same time. Basically I was overwhelmed.

Just two days before my Underworld trip, Stoll brothers got permission from Mr. D (Dionysus, the god of wine) to have a movie marathon (I'm still not sure how they managed that, they wouldn't tell anyone).

All the campers, nymphs and satyrs were cramped together in the dining area. Ares, Athena and Nike cabins almost battled for the good seats, until Mr. D and Chiron decided to join. Near the hearth I also spotted my aunt Lady Hestia in her child form.

After a lot of heated debate everybody settled on MCU marathon. So that night we used the dining area as the open air movie theater. We started with Iron Man-1 and finished with Avengers Infinity War.

I'm telling you about all of this, because the actors in the movies were right in front of me. And I wasn't on a movies set at all, it was one hundred percent real. The Avengers in the movies were now reality for me. It's like I was in a movie (see? I can't even put it into proper words, that's how absurd it was).

The people in front of me were Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man/Tony Stark, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and a very masculine, hulk looking guy.

Before I met them, Maria Hill transferred me from the infirmary to what looked like an interrogation room. The first one to enter was Robert Downey Jr. I almost fell from my chair when I saw him.

"Ssup, young man!" Iron man said.

"What're you doing Tony?" Scarlett Johansson asked. Seeing her this close took my breath away (I can't wait to tell the Stoll brothers about it, they're going to be so jealous).


"I've seen kids like him talk like that, so I thought I'd…"

"You're scaring the kid. You stay back and let me handle this." She walked over to the table and sat across me. "Percy Jackson is it?" I nodded transfixed. "We know you're not a normal human. Thor here has confirmed that you're somehow related to the gods. Would you like to tell us the truth."

I looked at everybody's faces, only one guy looked suspicious, it was the giant looking man in Greek clothing. He was glaring at me, but I also saw a little hope in his eyes.

I sighed and began, "my name is Percy Jackson and I am a Demigod, Son of Poseidon."

"Impossible!" The big guy bellowed. "A Demigod, in this age, and that of Poseidon's, how?"

"Let him tell his story first, we'll ask question later. Sorry for that Percy, please continue." Scarlett Johansson's smile was heartwarming.

I gulped and continued, "so, as I was saying, I'm a Demigod, half mortal and half god. My dad's a Greek God, Poseidon, Lord of the Seas and the Earthshaker. I was born in New York."

"So, you're a Demigod! But that doesn't explain how you ended up in my swimming pool." R.D.J. put his both hands on the table and leaned towards me, staring in my eyes (classic good-cop, bad-cop style).

I smiled at his childishness. "Classic move, but that's not intimidating." That brought some chuckles. "So, as I was saying I live in NY with my mom, her husband and my baby sister. I was having breakfast when a skeleton arrived with an invitation/ order from Hades, so I went to the Underworld. There having no transportation system, besides a boat ride, I had to walk a lot of distance. When I was walking by the cliff that dropped into the Tartarus, I got hit in the head and fell from it. Then I lost my consciousness and woke up in that room I was in." The big guy's mouth fell open.

He was about to ask a question when everything froze around me except me. It looked like someone had paused the time. Suddenly an oval shaped portal opened in the corner. From the portal came Benedict Cumberbatch, wearing his Dr. Strange costume. His necklace was emitting green light.

"Hello Mr. Jackson, I am…" He began, but I cut him.

"Dr. Strange, yeah, I know." He looked surprised, but not for long. He smiled softly.

"Then you must know, why I'm here." I shook my head, "huh, well I suppose, I should explain things to you. You are not in your world Mr. Jackson. You're from another reality."

"Thanks, but I already guessed that. From where I came from, all of you are movie stars. I have seen your movies just two days before I got here. And if you're asking how I got here, then I don't know that either. I was peacefully falling into the Tartarus, but instead I fall into Iron Man's pool."

"Then, I'm inviting you to my house. Come here when you get away from them." He handed me a visiting card. 'Sanctum Sanctorum, 177A, Bleeker Street' was written on it. He stepped into the portal, but stopped and turned around and said, "be careful Mr. Jackson, this world is much weirder than it looks."

"I know, I've seen the movies." I said putting the card in my pocket. He smiled and went through the portal, it closed behind him.

As the portal closed, time unfroze. "You're lying boy, the gods you named have already been faded into oblivion. Even Tartarus itself has vanished. It is impossible for you to be the child of Poseidon." The big guy looked angry.

R.D.J. pulled out a circular device and put it on the table. Light emerged from it and a holographic screen appeared in the air. It showed my SPQR tattoo. "Jarvis!" He said.

A male voice came from the device. "These tattoos were used in the Roman Empire by the Twelfth Legion. The Trident is the symbol of Neptune/ Poseidon. The black strip represents the years of service."

"What else did you find Jarvis?"

"Only that the soldiers in the legion would tattoo their arm with the symbol of the god they worshiped." The floating screen vanished.

"I might have an explanation." I raised my hand. Everybody's eyes turned to me. I gulped and began, "I'm from different reality, where all of you exist but as actors, not as superheroes. It's like I'm in the movie. Anyway I know all of you, but I don't know who this guy is, I never saw him in any movie." I pointed at the big guy.

"I'm Hercules kid, the Greek Hero and the God of Strength." He smiled proudly.

Suddenly Samuel L. Jackson put his finger in his ear. "What do you mean from the ocean? Understood, Mr. Stark, Captain, Thor, Mr. Hercules I might need your help." His tone was super serious.

"What is it sir, is there some kind of problem?" Captain America asked.

"Yes actually, there are some unidentified bogies coming from the east and they seem to be armed." He explained.

"Sir, we are currently in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, am I right?" I asked raising my hand again. Nick Fury nodded and looked at me confused.

I cracked my fingers and grinned.

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