《Goblin+》Chapter 6 - A farewell


Magic was surprisingly easy for Xenophxi. His body was an excellent conduit for mana, a trait that Riz said was usually observed in magic beasts, dragons and similar creatures. Xeno knew it was due to [Psychometric], which used mana to modify his body.

‘Maybe it’s also a goblin thing.’

There wasn’t much known about his own species but perhaps it was racial trait. While mana could pass through the body it was unable to directly affect the body. It could travel through to ones hands from their mana core and a mage would then be able cast flames from their hands.

This was how mana traditionally worked. The exceptions were magic beasts which were able to use mana to strengthen their bodies and other unique abilities.

Humans and other races were limited to using mana in the form of spells and rituals. In order to overcome this limitation the art of battle-ki was developed that enabled a person to gain strength and power similar to a magic beasts.

From the books in the house along with Granny Riz’s teaching he found that many of the battle-ki techniques were based on actual magic beasts. Xenophxi wondered how different battle-ki was from mana.

According to Riz one couldn’t practice both mana and battle-ki as they were both two very different types of energy.

“Could they be combined?”

Granny Riz looked up from brushing Isabella’s hair,

“Of course they can… but not by mortal hands.”

Gods did exist in this world, prayed to by millions of devoted followers, at the same time they weren’t the only ones that weren’t mortal. There were powerful dragons that could easily contend against the gods.

Such fights led to earth shaking changes in Verzun.

“I guess I’ll find out myself when I become a god.”

Granny Riz laughed,

“Careful now, too much confidence is harmful, you’re barely an acolyte as it stands.”

Acolytes were the starting point of all mages. They were apprentices and beginners to the ways of magic. Acolytes were split up into nine different levels based on their strength from 1st circle to the 9th circle.

After reaching the 9h circle they can breakthrough and become a Magus. Riz didn’t go to in-depth on the power levels and Xeno was also curious about the categorizations of battle-ki users, so he decided to read some books.


After some study Xeno found that both battle-ki warriors and mages followed a nine-tier power system with different ranks. Acolyte and squire were the first rank. The path of magic consists of Acolytes, Magus, Grand Magus, Master Magus and finally Arch Magus.

The battle-ki path started with Apprentice, Warrior, Grand Warrior, Master Warior and Grandmaster. It was said that beyond Arch Magus and Grandmaster was the realm of immortals. From that point on one would be granted with not only great power but immense longevity.

Xeno right now had not even begun to tread the path to power. Acolytes were but servants, and only after becoming a magus would he qualify to be even cannon fodder.

With this knowledge, Xenophxi worked hard to absorb the Granny Riz’s lessons.


[Mana sight] gained.

[Mana sight]:

Allows host to view mana through visual faculties. Limited range.


As Xeno learnt to move the mana within his body he gained [Mana sight]. It was a by-product of his [Psychometric] ability and mana training. With it Xeno was able to see the flow of mana in his surroundings.

When he used it on Isabella he could see the mana permeate her body, but Granny Riz on the other hand was a blank slate and [VIKI] informed him that his sight was being obstructed by Riz’s mana. The old mage had a barrier of some sort that prevented him from seeing her mana flow.

‘Almost all mages have passive shield spells activated at all times. Isabella is young and hasn’t learnt it yet. This will make it harder to observer people.’

Seeing the mana fluctuations would give Xeno the ability to predict their spells and timings and flaws. Albeit this wouldn’t be possible with most competent mages. The defensive spells of mages were one of the reasons why they were renowned in this world.

A month passed by in a flash and soon it came time for Isabella to depart to her new home. In the past one month Xeno had become rather fond of the little girl. If he didn’t die, he would probably have gotten married and had children, maybe a daughter like Isabella.

Isabella reminded him of a future that could have been and he did his best over the month to teach her all that he could, basic fighting and communications skills were some of the things he taught her,


“Remember to never be on the losing end. If someone beats you up then you must return the favour twofold.”

Granny Riz also advised her and taught her about the witches. She helped Isabella hone her telepathy and gain better control over her other psychic abilities.

When it came time for her to go, Granny Riz dragged Xeno aside and told him to stay in the house,

“The witches are wary of… outsiders and they would not appreciate your presence. Its best you stay inside where it’s safe.”

Xenophxi sighed and bid farewell to Isabella,

“Remember what I taught you okay… and don’t forget you can always come back to us if you don’t like it there.”

Her face was still but tears fell down as she replied,

“Thank you Sir Xenophxi. I promise to visit…”

Unable to complete her sentence she came forward and gave Xenophxi a hug much to his surprise which he returned. Granny Riz and Isabella headed outside and waited for the Witches to arrive while Xenophxi went to his room.

A gust of wind circled the duo as the witches descended from the skies in a grand carriage pulled by winged cat-like beasts. A beautiful woman with distinct purplish hair got down from the carriage and greeted Riz politely, and turned towards Isabella with a smile.

Xeno tried to be patient but curiosity soon got the better of him and he looked out of the window of his room. Seeing Riz talk in a familiar manner to the beautiful witch only made her more mysterious to Xeno’s eyes.

Instinctively Xeno used both [Psychometric] and [Mana Sight] and scanned the woman,


Interference detected! Target is shielded.


At that very moment the woman’s head turned and she looked straight at him, her sharp greenish-yellow eyes pierced his vision. Xeno stumbled back and ran away from the window. For the briefest of moments, he felt something both familiar and unfamiliar,

‘The bitch tried to scan me…’

In response to his doubts [VIKI] responded,


Unknown target has attempted to scan host.

Attempt negated by external forces.


Luckily Granny Riz’s house had wards to guard against such attempts.

“I see you have a rather nosy guest Lady Rizellia. Is it something that needs to be taken care of?”

Riz looked back at the house and smiled,

“That would be my… xenophxi. He is a little young and shy and isn’t familiar with ways of the world. Please forgive him, he is still a child.”

The lady panicked and frantically told Riz there was no need to ask forgiveness for such a small issue and at the same time wondered who was the person Lady RIzellia herself considered to be xenophxi… her light.

Soon after the witch left with the tearful Isabella in tow and Xeno came down to bring Granny back to the house. He apologized to her but she told him it wasn’t a big deal.

Xeno was saddened by Isabella’s departure but willed himself to put more time into studying magic so that one day he could become powerful enough to journey to the coven and see her again.

The lessons continued but grew increasingly more complex as Riz drilled into him ancient knowledge and mysteries. Months passed by and Xeno became fluent in the tongue of the humans, Orcish and Elvish. His dwarven was still crude but passable.

His magic grew stronger as Xeno broke through and became a 9th circle Acolyte. There was no special technique involved in Acolyte rank, one merely had to accumulate mana till they broke through the final circle.

With help of [VIKI] and through using [Psychometric] Xeno found it easy to make his body more receptive to mana. Xeno figured If he could use [Psychometric] on a powerful magic beast he would be able to mould his body to be a perfect conduit of mana.

He also managed to find out more about Granny Riz’s past as their relationship grew closer, Xenophxi was almost sure she was some sort of royalty. It was evident from the way she carried herself and ensured Xeno followed proper etiquette.

The knife that she gave him was a powerful weapon and its origins were mysterious as Riz. Xenophxi started noticing other such articles in the house.

One day while cleaning the house Xeno stumbled upon an old painting…

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