《Goblin+》Chapter 2: [Psychometric Mod]


The goblin came from a much more technologically advanced world where humans had developed technologies that allowed them to use special abilities. The mod system allowed humans of the Sol system to equip mods that allowed the user to achieve a variety of functions. [Psychometric] was the sole mod that the goblin possessed back in his old world.

[Psychometric] allowed him to analyse objects through his vision. Upon scanning an object he would obtain data containing various details. This data could be manipulated by the host.

It was a useful mod for a data archive manager to have as he could easily manipulate various data with the help of the mod. It simplified his job and was the source of his livelihood. He was too poor to have some of the better combat mods that were lucrative to one who hoped to make it big in society. Combat mods were restricted to the military and upper echelons and paved way for superhuman fighters. It was the new arms race and introduced a higher level of warfare.

None of this mattered to the goblin though as he looked over the information [VIKI], his AI assistant gave him,

“How does that even work though?”

[VIKI] was the assistant AI that helped him with the archives in his old world. [VIKI] too was a type of mod but it wasn’t his but a company issued mod. He would have had to return [VIKI] if he quit his job but he died and it looked like both [VIKI] and the [Psychometric] followed him to the new world.

Mods were capable of fantastic things hence, most mods had in-built restrictions on them so they wouldn’t be misused. This was a strict law enforced by United Federation of Humanity, but the UFA wasn’t present in this world and hence the restrictions on the mod was also lifted.

According to [VIKI] her processing capabilities were higher and her multi-tasking capabilities were increased. This was all good news but the one the goblin was most excited to see was the new capabilities of [Psychometric].

[Psychometric] had somehow interacted with his goblin biology differently and thus opened new forbidden to human and banned by law functions.



Allows user to analyse objects within range. Limited by Host’s sight.




Changes to host biology along with #(&^(*%$^#((%#(*^#%(&^ have enabled a new function.

Host is now able to use analysed data to make changes to host.


New function [Modification] added.


The goblin was puzzled by the censoring but attributed it to his reincarnation. What excited him was the second portion which would play a key part in his chances of staying alive.

There were rumours in his old world that psychometrics were used to analyse and create various body related and some mind related mods. The information obtained from the psychometrics allowed for the special attributes to given to mods.

While not completely sure if his thoughts were correct, the goblin decided to find a boar to test the mod.

He just followed the tracks of the boar that passed by and soon he heard its grunts. Making sure to stay out of its sight he used the [Analyse] on the wild boar.


Species: Wild Boar

Weight: 110 kg




Skills: ???


The weight, height and other details of the boar where all presented before the goblin. The skills section was covered in question marks. In the old world the skills section would have been replaced by the mod section.

Just as the goblin was wondering what he could possibly due with the data, another boar appeared and seemed to antagonize the grazing boar. A few grunts and pants later the two boars charged at each other, but the goblin ignored the fight and instead gazed at the change in the data.


Species: Wild Boar

Weight: 110 kg




Skills: Charge

Requirements fulfilled.

Learn Skill?



The goblin picked yes and soon felt changes in both his mind and body. Knowledge of how to charge like a boar was imprinted in his brain and muscle memory. The goblin also felt a tingling in his body which soon turned into an itch.

He stumbled back as the itches grew and his body heated up and tried to walk away from the boars. The goblin couldn’t handle the new sensations and sat down on the spot waited for the changes in his body to complete.

When it finished the goblin stood up and noticed that he felt slightly more solid than before, a certain strength filled his legs and back. Enquiring about the changes from [VIKI] he realised that [Psychometric] had not only given the information on how to charge but also made slight modifications to his body to support the skill.

The goblin was excited to try this out and after making sure there were no animals near him he used [Charge] at a tree. He hit the tree with his shoulders and watched it shake as leaves fell down. The shoulder felt slightly sore but nowhere near as bad as it should have before the changes.


[Psychometric] could use the [Analyse] function to observe skills and impart the knowledge to the user whilst making the appropriate changes to the user’s body using the [Modification] function to aid in the skill usage. According to the laws of the old world, Genetic and body modifications were strictly prohibited and most mods had built-in restrictions.

The reincarnation released these restrictions. The goblin still wondered how [Psychometric] was able to alter its biology as he was sure had no Nano-machines. He asked [VIKI] who replied,


[VIKI] :

A unique energy is utilized by [Psychometric] to make modifications to host body. This is the same energy source that powers both [VIKI] and [Psychometric].


‘A unique energy? What could it be?’

It struck the goblin that with the absence of any energy source how he was able to use [VIKI] and [Psychometric] in the first place. [VIKI] wasn’t able to tell him what the energy source was, but the goblin made sure to prioritise finding more clues related to the energy in the future.

For now the goblin decided to roam the forest and search for other targets. As far as it was concerned the most reliable weapon in its arsenal was [Psychometric].

As the goblin made its way further, it came to a clearing where it spotted some deer. He took cover in the nearby shrubs and used [Analyse].


Species: Deer

Weight: 100kg




Skills: Leap

Requirements fulfilled.

Learn Skill?



A familiar itch crept up in the goblin’s legs, especially in its calves but it was not as bad as the last time since his legs had already been strengthened.

[Leap] allowed the goblin to jump farther and the strengthened leg muscles also helped increase his speed. The quick boosts in power excited the goblin and he explored more of the forest in search of other creatures.

He hadn’t really explored much of the forest since he was only born a month ago and in that month alone the tribe had been decimated by human hunting parties. It was impossible to completely eliminate goblins though and the remnants of his tribe were probably multiplying this very minute.

Not that he cared, his attachment to the tribe was non-existent with their being no members with more than fifty IQ. It made one wonder why goblins were the way they were, something for the goblin to think about in the future.

Walking through the forest the goblin found himself hungry, the changes made by [Psychometric] consumed his own energy and as a result made him hungry, the goblin not having had a meal in the past 24 hours didn’t help either,

‘Boars would fight back, so the Deer’s are my best bet.’

In the month he spent in the goblin tribe he had learnt how to track animals from watching his tribe members. It was made even easier with his new psychometric ability. [Psychometric] highlighted the deer tracks and other signs allowing him to track his prey better,

‘There you are lunch.’

There was a lone deer grazing in front of the goblin. It didn’t have the numbers to surround the deer nor could it possibly chase it down. His best bet was to launch a sneak attack and finish it off.

There were plenty of trees around and the goblin scurried up one and leaped from one tree to another with ease using [Leap] and arrived near the lone deer. The deer was munching on some shrub a few feet away and had noticed the arrival of the goblin.

With a [Leap] the goblin pounced on the deer from above, going for its neck and using the momentum and its weight to bring down the deer. The goblin expected the deer to struggle but discovered that he had somehow snapped the deer’s neck.

Happy at the unexpected but clean kill, he used his claws to rip apart some flesh and ate the deer raw. One advantage that goblins possessed were their ability to eat raw meat and their robust immunity.

Goblins didn’t get sick and could drink from most water sources regardless of its nature. The goblin had even seen a few of his kin get bit by venomous snakes and just casually shrug it off.

He hastily finished his meal, lest the blood attract an unwanted bear. When he was done he resumed his journey through the forest. The goblin ventured for some time before he spotted a very unusual scene in the forest.

‘A house?’

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