《Goblin+》Chapter 1: Being a goblin



A lone goblin spoke in a tongue unfamiliar to most in the world of Verzun. The goblin continued to spit curses at the blue sky in English till he got tired and took a break underneath a tree. Things weren’t looking good for the goblin.

He died in his old world only to become a goblin in this one, a rather drastic change that he simply could not accept. It was pure misfortune to be a goblin, he would soon find after his arrival in the new world.

Goblins weren’t the brightest of creatures and that was a generous statement. His kin were barely better than the beasts that roamed the forests. Too an extent, goblins were… devolved.

From a highly advanced human civilization to a lowly goblin stuck in a forest with only a mediocre life or death to look forward too was a blow too low for him, it stung at his pride.

Goblins were pests to the other races of this world. If their population crossed a certain point, parties would be sent out to cull the population. It had already happened twice and the goblin had to hide far away while he watched his kin be slayed.

He was too weak to command them and they were too dull-witted to run away. The goblin wasn’t angry at the humans for he would have done the same if he was still human.

After two exterminations within the span of a month the once numerous goblin tribe he had been born in barely had any members left. He didn’t bother reuniting with them, knowing his kin they were probably breeding and multiplying as usual.

He didn’t want to be in these forests waiting to be slaughtered, he would explore and perhaps he could even make something of this second chance that had been granted to him,


“Shit, stupid boars.”

The wild boars in the forest were a good source of food to the goblins and humans alike but it would require a party of at least 5 goblins to take down one boar. The goblin climbed the tree and waited for the boar to pass by before resuming his exploration.

The goblin had been wandering around for a while but didn’t notice anything special other than the occasional boar. There were bears in this forest, which he made sure to stay far away from, there was no outrunning or out climbing those beasts.

While walking the goblin stumbled and fell down grabbing his head in pain,

“ARGGGG, Fuck stop, oh please stop.”

The blinding pain threatened to rip apart his head and he couldn’t help but shed tears while crying in misery. His vision blacked out and he couldn’t hear the noises of the forest. The goblin started panting and soon even breathing became difficult. Grunting at the ordeal, he grit his teeth and persevered since it wasn’t his first time going through this mess.

After some time the pain turned into a dull ringing in his head and when his vision cleared the goblin stood up to find a familiar floating window in front of him,


Calibration finished. Syncing to host…

100% Synchronization

VIKI resuming operation…

VIKI online

[Changes to host biology detected]

[VIKI is now updating and installing Psychometric mod]

[Psychometric mod has been installed]

[VIKI standing by]


“The calibration hurt more than it ever has in the past and the installation made me want to kill myself. You have some explaining to do VIKI.”

The goblin rubbed his head and massaged his eyes, the changes to his body were on an unholy level of pain. Shaking his head and waving of the grogginess, he looked at VIKI’s reply,




Host’s current biology vastly differs from humans in the Sol system.

Certain measures and modifications needed to be taken to ensure the PM mod can work in current scenario.


“Yeah yeah, being a goblin is tough I know already.”

The goblin was smiling at the notification and quickly manipulated the system to show the changes that were made and whether he could use his abilities from the old world as a goblin.

“Oh this is good, VIKI. Maybe being a goblin isn’t too bad.”

Looking at the system logs the goblin could see that certain inbuilt restrictions VIKI was required to apply in his usage of the PM mod as per the Laws of United Federation of Humanity was lifted because… he wasn’t human anymore,

“Interesting, time to test this out.”







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