《Fantasial Apocalypse》Chapter 7: [ Aileen Cahlo ]


Allen ignored the pouting Mia and turned around. He then saw all the rest of the students focusing their gaze on him.

Their gaze appeared like they had seen a ghost, and their body was trembling like a patient who could collapse at any time.

“Truthfully, I don’t give a damn whether you live or not. However, as a fellow student, I’ll just give you a heads up on what is happening right now.” Allen looked around and noticed all the students finally looked towards him in full attention. No one complained nor said anything and just kept their silence.

The students backed off a few more steps, all of them terrified beyond help.

Seeing this, Allen thought to himself: “Killing one person, will make hundreds scared!”

All the various voices simultaneously disappeared. Facing true menace means death, all pride and self-respect were meaningless.

“This is an Apocalypse. It’s not by Zombie or flood that you know of but worse, more terrifying. Monsters and demons from myths and legends appeared one after another. That Blood Spider who has captured you is one of it.”

Some people did not understand what he meant and took a few seconds before the meaning sank in. Allen repeated again, and the over 10 people were silenced

‘Are you serious?’ This question was written on everyone’s face.

The crowd took some time to take in the information, and finally, someone asked with some difficulty.

“A, Apocalypse?” A trembling girl reacted.

“That is right. As of this moment, the world that you know of and that peace that you have experienced until now will most likely disappear and be replaced by endless battle and fights for survival. Well, that is if you want to stand up and fight. If not then stay there and die.”

The students continued staring at Allen blankly. Did they fail to understand his words or maybe, they still haven’t completely digested it.

“Right now is the first day of the seven days of chaos. All monsters would be at the lowest Level which was 1 and some would at most be Level 2. The more days passed, the stronger the monster that will appear until the seventh day, which a Level 5 will finally appear.”

“L, Level? 1, 2? What are you saying?”

“Level? Just like those in the game?”

“Yeah, just like those games you know, in the first place it was based in there, after all. Anyway, this building right now is filled with Lv1 monsters, and most were goblins. So this building was now a goblin’s nest. That is why if you want to escape, this is the best time. Don’t wait for a day, which slim chance of escape might vanish into thin air.”

After saying that, Allen turned around to leave. He didn’t have any plan on taking these brats under his arm. Whether they survive or not would depend on their ability.

Mia also followed. At this moment, the students suddenly feel as if their lifeline was cut and immediately stood up.

One girl grabbed Allen’s hand and said, “Wait! I, if you want to leave this place, th, then can we leave together?”

“That’s right! You’re going to leave in any case, why don’t we leave together!” leave here by ourselves? F*ck, that’s suicide!!

“That’s right!!”

The students agreed as they block Allen and Mia’s advance.

“Who said that we are going to leave this place?” Allen’s voice instantly shut off the surroundings.


He looked at the people that all momentarily blanked out and continued, “You might be right, we are also going to leave this place, but not now. We still have some things to do, as for what, that is none of your business.”

Seeing Allen’s cold gaze, the students started back a few steps. They couldn’t understand why this youth in front of them, that should have been one their schoolmate was too cold, like an ice block. They wanted to speak but they were afraid that they would be killed just like their classmate from before.

“Well, if you want to survive then you can go to section Mango. That is my class and I’m certain that compared to other places, that place should be safe. Besides, I’m going there later before I leave because I still have some people I wanted to bring with. If you want you can go with us.” Hearing Allen’s words, the students originally swirling hearts immediately calmed down again.

“That, that is great! I know where section Mango is!”

“Better, the goblins by now should have been reduced by us, so walking in the corridor should be safe, if that’s your luck isn’t limited~”

Allen said as he turned around to leave, however, suddenly something caught his eyes…no, someone.

He wasn’t sure at first because of the messy hair, but when one looks closely, she was no doubt her.

Surprised, Allen started walking towards the girl silently sitting in the corner. Her expression was unexpectedly calm, unlike the other students and her right arm was hiding behind her back.

“…Aileen Cahlo…”

The girl seemed to be surprised as she raised her face and looked at him.

“I never thought that I would meet you here, Aileen…” Allen’s cold face suddenly became soft and a smile creped on his lips. His tone of voice also started to become gentle.

Her name was Aileen!

In the ‘Past’ when Allen started his vagabond life, wandering around, hunting and killing monsters in quest of vengeance, he met her in downtown, together with her friends and comrades. It was a party consisted of eight members, 3 female, and 5 male.

And one of them was Aileen.

She was an aloof person but at the same time, she was very strong. Her knife skill, in particular, was something to be admired.

This was also the reason that even before Allen acquired the [ Equip ] skill, his skills in using a knife was amazing. She was the one who taught it to him.

…but who would have known that she was captured by a Level 2 Blood Spider. Thinking about the ‘Past’, Aileen for some unknown reason should’ve managed to escape from that monster with just her effort.

Allen once again felt that this girl is really amazing.

“Wh, Why do you know my name?! I, I don’t know you.”

Allen didn’t reply and continued looking at her nostalgically. Then, his gaze landed on her right hand which was hidden behind her.

“You don’t need to hide that blade, I know you have it.”

As expected, Aileen’s body shuddered after hearing what he said, but she didn’t say anything extra. She just looked at the youth in front of her, intrigued. He seemed to have known her quite well.

“Relax; I won’t do anything against you.” Allen noticed the worry from her expression and said faintly. After arriving in front of her, he then kneeled to look at her eye to eye.


Aileen’s expression momentarily blanked upon hearing what he said.

What’s wrong with this person? She was certain that she hasn’t met this man in her entire life.

Of course, Allen didn’t know what she was thinking, and asked anxiously, “Are you okay?”

Looking at his deep eyes filled with worry, her heart suddenly jumped all over the place for no reason like a deer.

“I’m alright, some skin just peeled off from my hands…” Aileen sub consciously answered while shaking her head.

“That’s great! It’s good that you’re fine; let me see your hand…” Before she replied, Allen grabbed a hold of her hand to help her stand up. However, there was actually a three-centimeter long wound that was bleeding on her left hand!

“You idiot, you’re still saying you’re fine after getting hurt like this! Just how are you fine?” Seeing this, Allen’s brows furrowed in displeasure. He immediately opened his backpack, took Ethel alcohol, pour it on her wounds and carefully wrapped it with a clean gauze.

His movements were précised yet gentle. Most importantly, his care doesn’t look fake at all.

What is this guy?!

Aileen was shocked after seeing his actions; she looked at him with her mouth wide open in surprise and didn’t manage to say anything for quite a while.

Aileen wasn’t the only one who was surprised by Allen’s strange actions. Except for Mia who was looking nonchalantly, the surroundings mouth already turned into an ‘O’ in shock.

Was this still that cold guy who doesn’t care about their well-beings just now?

Why does he look like a mother dog caring her own puppies?

“Take this for now…” After taking care of her wound, Allen helped her stand up and suddenly gave her a gun. It was one of the two BERRETA92 he had.

He didn’t think that he coincidentally saved her in this life. That’s too much of a coincidence! If he didn’t know better, he would have thought that it’s a written book.

Allen was extremely happy after seeing a former friend, and said caringly, “Although I know you’re good in martial arts and proficient in using knives, the gun was still much better.”

However, Aileen’s shock was only momentary, she very quickly returned to normal. Just like he said, this gun is much better than a small blade.

Besides, whatever his reasons for treating her like this, but from his actions and expressions, he doesn’t seem to mean bad.

Thinking like that, she gripped the gun and said her thanks with a smile. She wanted to bow as well to show him her gratitude but before he could do that, an anxious voice reverberated in the room.

“Allen!!” with a kick, Allen’s body flew to the side and in his former position, three steel claws slashed downward.

Allen’s reaction was pretty quick before his body crashed into the ground, he extended his right arm and while using as a support, somersaulted in the air, ending with a graceful landing.

This was all done in less than five seconds but there’s no excitement on the youth’s face and instead, it was anger.

“M---” But before he said anything, a voice rang out,

“Hell Insect,” Mia said while raising her hand that had a foot long steel claws extending on her knuckles.

But the thing that was eye catching was, at the tip of the two claws was a foot long mosquito like creature, skewered on it. The creature has a skull with a long needle on its mouth.

Hell Insect!

There were tiny and weak monsters but these monsters couldn’t be held in contempt. Once struck by their needle-like Fang, the victim would certainly pass away after a day and thus, these creatures are Lv1 but were treated as Lv3 monsters.

But how could a Hell Insect appear on the first day?!

What was going on?

“Why does a Hell Insect appear on the very first day of the Apocalypse?” Mia held the same doubt as Allen. She looked at him but was only met with a shake of the head.

Allen was also confused. Well, in the ‘Past’ because of fear, he never tried nor dared walk around in the school like this so he wasn’t that knowledgeable about it. But to think that a Hell Insect would appear here and there, that is really dangerous.

Brushing away the dirt on her clothes, Allen walked towards Aileen again.

“Aileen, after you arrive at section mango, you will find a woman who was holding a sub-machine gun there. Tell her that you are my friend and tell her that whenever she saw an insect like that, kill it immediately. Okay?”

“…okay.” After a moment of hesitation, Aileen nodded her head.

“Uhm…your name…”

“Ah right, I still haven’t introduced myself, right?” Allen smiled wryly. He was too excited about meeting her again that he forgot to introduce his self. “My name’s Allen, Allen Bando. Nice to meet you, Miss Aileen.”

“How did you know my name?” this was something she really wanted to know.’

Allen paused for a while, not knowing how to reply. It’s not like he can say that he knows her because she came back from the future, right?

“…let’s just say, I owe you in our past lives.”

It seemed like a joke or even a line used to pick up girls, but for some reason, Aileen didn’t find it strange. Maybe it was because of his serious yet gentle face while saying it? Aileen couldn’t understand.

Although she doesn’t know this Allen she believes, no, she was certain that he won’t do anything on her.

“Just a debt? Why didn’t you say I’m your wife in our past lives?” Feeling relax, Aileen finally squeezed a smile and even made a joke.

Pfft. Hearing her words, Allen couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well, I think you’re right.” after saying that, he suddenly opened his arms and embraced her. Aileen’s body froze and her eyes turned wide eyed. Never would she think that Allen would be so bold.

She wanted to struggle but a soft whisper made her unable to, “I’m really glad to meet you again, Aileen.”

After saying so, Allen turned around and walked towards the door without as much as looking back again.

Aileen could only look at his back dumbfounded. Only when she couldn’t see him did she finally manage to snap back to reality.

Aileen blushed bright red; she actually let a man hug her?

This was the first time she had let someone of the opposite sex get so close to her. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t have any adverse feelings towards it. Allen had left, and the disappointment and frustration continued to assail her heart as if disappointed at a loss.

“Tsk, I never thought I would let any man take any advantage at me… what a mysterious man.” Aileen said while blushing.

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