《Worlds Defenders》Chapter 026 - Climbing the Rank (1)


After finishing his meal, Alex walks out of the restaurant and immediately go back to his personal space. He is curious about Ichiko Kagawa's gift, so as soon as he exited the [Transporter Capsule], he pulls out the brown pouch from his backpack and starts examining it. Unable to find anything, Alex uses [Observe] on the brown pouch.

{Spatial Pouch - E}

{A pouch made from special material that contains spatial power. By combining spatial magic and technology, this pouch is able to hold a stable separate dimension inside it. This E-rank spatial pouch holds a 3 cubic meter dimension inside of it. By controlling time and space, items placed inside the separate dimension will decay at a much slower rate compared to outside. Can be controlled with [Magic Chip].}

Alex was surprised when he found out what this pouch really is. It is the legendary spatial storage item. According to the limited E-rank information from UDA database, spatial storage items are only available from E-rank store. They are included in the most expensive list of items one can buy from the E-rank store. This makes Alex curious about the identity of that mysterious beauty. She is clearly only an F-rank Defender, but she has the ability to acquire this type of treasure. Alex has a suspicion in his mind, but he quickly dismisses it as it sounds ridiculous to him.

"E-rank spatial pouch detected. Do you want to link this spatial pouch with the [Magic Chip]?" Fay's voice suddenly sounds in his head while Alex is thinking.

"Uh.. Okay," Alex replies after he wakes up from his own thoughts.

"Linking process started," Fay's voice once again sounded in his head.

After a few seconds of waiting, Alex once again hears Fay's voice in his head.

"Linking process finished. Do you want to learn about the [Storage] function of the [Magic Chip]?"


"Yes," Alex replies.

Fay then starts the explanation.

"After obtaining your first spatial storage item, the [Storage] function of the [Magic Chip] will be available to you. To [Storage] function will enable you to see the inside of your spatial storage items. It will also enable you to store and pull out specific items with a thought through the [Magic Chip]. To store an item, you need to touch the [Spatial Pouch] with the item you want to store inside. To take out an item, you need to touch the [Spatial Pouch] with the hand you want to hold the item. You should try it out."

After hearing Fay's explanation, Alex starts trying out the new storage function and gets familiarized with this new function. Having familiarized himself with the new [Storage] function of the [Magic Chip], Alex proceeds to spend the rest of his day training the {Energy Manipulation} and {Energy Arrow} skills.

Noon of the next day, Alex once again goes to *Schmidt's Equipment Store* to retrieve his ordered items and finish his transaction. Alex Volff comes out of the store fully clothed in iron leather materials. A sheathed sword hangs on his left waist, while a brown pouch hangs on his right waist. With the new full set of equipment, Alex confidently walks to the southern forest to start executing his plan of raising his rank quickly.


Alex runs quickly through the F*-ranked creatures' territory and avoid meeting any F-rank 1-start creatures. He quickly arrives at the F**-ranked creatures' territory. Not long after arriving there, Alex meets his first opponent. Or maybe victim is the more suitable word instead of opponent as he easily gets rid of this creature.

Alex's first victim is the . After dodging its first sneak attack, Alex immediately unsheathed his new katana and got ready to fight it. He entered the normal mana-enhanced state and waited for its next attack. When the raven dived in for its second attack, Alex swung the katana to meet the raven heads on. The sharp katana coupled with his enhanced physical stats bisected the raven into two parts. He heard Fay's voice giving him 4 credits after the raven was killed.


The raven that was so hard to kill previously is now an easy target for Alex. Releasing his mana enhanced-state, Alex immediately continues his journey inside the forest. When he has killed 9 other ravens, Alex finally meets with the .

The is harder to deal with than the . It has varied attacking pattern and it is more intelligent in guarding its vital spots. Nevertheless, Alex still managed to kill it within 10 moves. Alex proceeds to hunt inside the F-rank 2-star creatures' territory. The usually only takes 1-2 moves to kill, while the would take 5-10 moves.

After 1 and a half day of hunting, Alex finally manages to kill a total of 50 F-rank 2-star creatures. Having met all the criteria to advance in rank, Fay's voice once again sounded in his head.

"Congratulations, Alex Volff. You have ranked-up to F-rank 3-stars Defender. You have been awarded 100 credits and one {Evolution Potion (F-ranked)}."

After hearing this voice, Alex immediately goes back to Beginner Town and tells Fay to transport him to his personal space. Not wasting any time, Alex takes the {Evolution Potion} from his [Storage Box] and proceeds to use it inside the [Evolution Capsule].

When he comes out of the capsule, Alex once again uses [Observe] to see how his stats have changed.

>-----Name: Alex Volff

Age: 15

Race: Human

Rank: F***

Credits: 389

>-----Basic Stats:

- Strength: 53

- Speed: 49

- Agility: 51

- Endurance: 56

- Spirit: 81

- Mana: 81/81


- Energy Manipulation (E)

- Energy Arrow (F)

>-----Kill Count: [60 F*], [50 F**]

Achievements: 1

Records: 0


His stats has once again see a massive change after another evolution. Alex rests for the day, preparing to continue climbing the rank quickly. He doesn't forget to train his {Energy Manipulation} skill and {Energy Arrow} skill before resting. Consistent training has been the reason he has managed to quickly gets stronger.

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