《Infracto Animo》Chapter 26: The Approach of Ill Omen


3 days later

Chernobog Citadel, Atalanta, capital of Agmanac

Belial POV

I am currently reading documents in my own room while having a nephilim child on my lap. Whenever I am around the castle, this half-angel kids are always following me around. I haven't thought of any names for them yet so I just call them with numbers starting with the oldest. Right now, on my lap is Seven. She is around 6 years old. Very polite and friendly. She is sitting on my lap while playing with a doll Liliana gave her. She was playing while making sure I am not disturbed.

The others are either sleeping or playing with each other but the eldest, One, is behind me as if acting as my attendant. At first I asked her to just relax but she insisted on standing behind me so I relented. Right now, I am reading the current reports on the status of the newly-acquired lands. Ceawin is in full alert. Edinburg is spy-free. Osburg is producing new aerial riders and Gaap is currently developing his new dominion. Good. As I was skimming thorugh the documents, a knock to my door resounded.

"Milord, I bring you news." A voice from behind the door resounded.

"Enter." When the messenger arrived, he kneeled in front of me. "Enough with the formalities. What is it that you wish to report?"

"Milord, Her Highness Princess Alaine of Valois have arrived. She is currently being attended by Lady Liliana."

"Is that right? Very well. Inform them that I will be there in a moment."

"At once, milord." He then bowed and went out.

I turned around and spoke to the eldest nephilim girl. "One, I leave you in charge with your siblings. Take care of them."

"Okay." she said with a smile.

Taking my coat from the coat rack, I spoke again to One. "I'll be right back."

"Have fun!" She said while waving her hand.

"""""Take care!""""" yelled the other kids while waving their arms, smiles imminent on their faces.

Walking to the corridors, I was immersed with a lot of thoughts. This... This is all wrong... I am... deviating from my path... Is it because... everything is too... easy? In the middle of racking my mind for answers, I felt a very familiar presence.


A flash of light erupted in front of me which blinded me for a few moments. What remained is a figure of a woman wearing a white himation with gold pins and ornaments. She saw me look at her and smiled at me.

"It has been a while, Belial."

"It has, indeed. May I ask why you suddenly decided to show up after all this time?" I asked with a confused tone.

"That's weird... You are mellow. I was expecting you to be more... Angry... Wait..."

She then moved towards me and touched my head. Then I felt Helel's power scouring my head. Fuck! This is painful as shit! I know it is painful but...


"Bear with it... I'm looking for something... Ahh."

With a quick flick of his arm, she drew something from inside me. Looking at it, I was shocked. Could it be...?

Helel looked at me and nodded as if knowing what I concluded. "It is as you suspected. This is wisp of consciousness from the angel you whose essence you devoured."

"That is... affecting my head?!"

Before Helel could reply, the wisp began to form a figure albeit small. "Helel, I should have known... That was why I couldn't fully affect him. That was your doing."


"Indeed it is, Reziel. I can't have my friend and champion be mind-controlled by you." Helel just smiled towards the wisp.

"So he is just your mindless zealot, Helel? Or should I say Lucifer?"

I interjected between their conversation. "Lucifer? The Prince of Hell closest to Satan? I thought... I thought you are just the leader of Grigori."

Helel looked at me and spoke. "Belial, I never intended to keep it a secret from you. As a principal Demon King, you are entitled to know such information but... Right now, you are-"

"Too weak!" shouted the wisp. "I even almost controlled you, a great seraph, with relative ease. If it weren't for Lucifer's intervention by putting memory seals in your head, I would have succeeded! I, a principalitty, a mere 6th ranker, almost succeeded subduing a seraph!" the wisp exclaimed.

I was almost controlled?! Just like that?! I couldn't control my wrath and moved to grab the wisp. "TELL ME! WHEN DID YOU START INFLUENCING MYSELF?! THE ONLY TIME WE SAW EACH OTHER IS AT PITTSBURG! HOW-"

"No use in threatening me, unholy one. I am already a wisp but to give you a prize for being able ot keep your sanity, I will answer your questions. I started influencing you from back when you saw the children back in your castle dungeons or rather, citadel dungeons. One of the wisp present there is a part of my soul which was from a body of one of my incarnations captured by the then Count LeFlamma. Due to the non-intervention policy of Father, I wasn't able to rescue that incarnation of mine. After dying, that part of my soul remained as a wisp and awaited for something to attach itself into. That is where you came along. Hahahaha!!!"

Enraged by the mocking words of the wisp in my hands, I began to squeeze it tighter as if trying to crush it to death. That was until Helel or should I say Lucifer, held unto my shoulders. He didn't speak to me but to the wisp in my hand.

"Tell me, Reziel. How were you affecting the mind of the Belial? Even if he is weakened, he is still a seraph; a being that is far more powerful than a Principality like yourself. How were you able to do it without bypassing my barriers?"

"That is simple, oh fallen one. I tapped into his memories. The ones that are readily available. His childhood as Bell in all his incarnations. I saw everything. And I saw his weakness. You know what that is, Lucifer?"

"I can guess."

"It's his human heart. His compassion to those who suffered like him. He may be devoid of caring the adults but when it comes to women and children, Belial is a bit of a softy. A good reason to control him. His compassion to them is so extreme that he even thought of sparing the little human children. And that was his downfall. Such a big chunk of his armor made him vulnerable to mind attacks. I may not have successfully invaded his head but at least I can brag that I, Reziel, a mere Principality made the great seraph Belial a mere puppet to my whims! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Helel spoke again. Only this time, she is in front of me. "Then why is a Principality here is Earth?"

"Because I sinned, of course. Lust. I lusted over a few things that's why Father sent me here for expiation. I just never thought that you fallen ones dared to walk the Earth again. But no matter. Hey Belial!" You are a fool, an idiot and a dotard! You are think you can have your revenge?! If you can't even protect yourself from me, what would happen if you face the Dominions and the Thrones?! You won't last a single-"


Before he could even finish his words, I crushed him in my hands. This shocked both Helel and Reziel in my hands. Before the wisp really turned to nothing, it still spoke a few ominous words.

"Fa... ther's... plans... will... be... com... plete... soon... You... are... all... pawns... in... the... great... game...You...... all...... share...... the...... same...... fate....... as........ me...... You............. are............ all............ doomed............ to............. die...."

I produced flames in my hand that held to Reziel to destroy any remaining remnants of his wisp. After doing such an act, I turned my attention to Helel who is contemplating about something. I went to her and stared into her face with a maddened gaze.

"You owe me some explanation, Lucifer."

She just smiled at me and said. "Indeed, I do. But does that really matter?"

"It matters to me." I said briefly.

"Fine. What is it that you seek to be answered?"

"Why did you seal some of my memories? The old memories of Belial."

"I needed to do that so you could hone yourself the way you want. You may be Belial but at the same time, you are not. If I release the last of Belial's memories, you will not be yourself anymore. You will become the past Belial. That is something I am trying to avoid."

"Why avoid? Because the previous Belial wasn't your loyal dog?" I said with a smirk.

"I am a fallen seraph like you, Belial. Know that we weren't far from our ranks and I could never put you under me. If I was Pride, Belial was Wrath. But bringing such reckless chaos on Earth would only rouse the attention of God. And at your level right now, you think you stand a chance against Him? You need to know that there are still two thirds of the Heavenly Court. Of those, you will face many great adversaries. Even I am not sure whether I can handle all of those angels. They were once my collegues. OUR collegues. They know of us and they know of our powers. Corrupted though we and our powers may be, they still know how to deal with us and our skills."


"Haniel, Prince of the Principalities. Camael, Prince of the Powers, Raphael, Prince of the Virtues. Zadkiel, Prince of the Dominions. Zaphkiel, Prince of the Thrones, Gabriel, Princess of the Cherubims. And finally, Michael. The Seraph who ousted me from my seat as the Prince of the Seraphims. Those are the angels you need to get through before you could confront God. And right now, your power is not even enough to kill Haniel. What of the others? I sealed your memories the day I gave you Belial's blood. I saw how enraged you are when you inherited Belial's will. If I didn't do that, you would go on a rampage, make heaven notice you, they kill you and that's the end. You never even extracted the only thing the original Belial wanted: his revenge against God. Now you know why I did what I did. Any other questions?"

"Why are you doing this then? WHY ARE YOU HELPING ME?!"

"Because you are Belial, the symbol of Wrath. You are a very good ally and a very good pick to stand against God. I may not be able to wound Him but I you can. You are the most powerful of all the sins. It isn't pride or lust or greed or envy that has more power amongst the sins. It is wrath. Why? Because even God have anger. No other sin has that honor. And that is why I need you. You are my shot in having my revenge. But it shouldn't be just me who gets benefits. Tell me. What is it that you seek?" she said with an open hand gestured towards me. "Take my hand if you have your wish and I will fulfill it."

"I won't play with your games again, Lucifer. Take out a geass scroll. And also... Release your seal in my head. I don't need your baby sitting. I want to have control over my own life. Not one where I am told what to do and be a dog to the person who controls my head and will."

"So be it."

Taking out a geass scroll, she dripped her own blood in it by wounding her index finger. I did the same with my own. The geass then began to glow and faded away. Before I could even speak, Lucifer touched my forehead with her bloodied fingr and began to chant. After her incantation, as if a dam blasted open, huge amounts of information that was sealed in my head was released. And with it, my anger angainst Heaven.

"So that is why you sealed this. Such hate and anger really are hard to control. But... you underestimate me, Lucifer. I am Wrath. This anger is within my domain. Such reckless hate and ire can be controlled by my own powers. But don't worry. With the geass scroll affecting me and you, no treachery will happen between us. No one controlling the other. And as stated there, I will not bring ruin to myself and you. I don't have to say all that there is in a geass scroll right? To sum it all up, we don't get to betray, control, lie, deceive or kill one another. Wrecking havoc can be pointed as 'me trying to make heaven see and know my existence that will prove to be a detriment to your safety' so I will not be able to do it. Correct?"

"Yes. I believe that is so. So we have an accord? Don't go rampaging and I won't go controlling. Go on a rampage if you think you can handle Michael with just holding out your pinky and I would renege the geass." She said. "But tell me... what of the nephilims?"

"They are sinless. Blank spaces without any influence from heaven or Reziel. Check them out before you go. If they seem dangerous... destroy them."

"You don't have to tell me that. We don't want another Reziel Incident."

"If that is all then I need to leave. Politics from the capital is making my skin tingle. Drop by on Gaap's or Paimon's territory. They would be fucking glad to see you."

"I might. Farewell, Belial. Let's meet again when you're stronger." and with a flash of light, she disappeared.

"Flashy bastard. You won't be called 'Morning Star' if you weren't flashy. Shit. Now my eyes are blurry." I then started to walk down the corridor.

I then walked toward the south garden where Liliana brought Alaine. My citdel is gigantic. Zagan really did his job of revamping everything from the old castle. When he moved the city blocks away from the castle, he made it rise and forned a semi plateau where the citadel is now located. He expanded it so much that I can't even tour the whole citadel without shadow walking. The citadel now has three levels. The main citadel, the upper bailey and the lower bailey. Right now, I am heading to the south garden of the lower bailey which is located near the man-made lake that, again, Zagan created. When I arrived, I saw her talking to Liliana. A guard nearby wanted to announce my arrival but I waved my hand. I neared them and when I saw Liliana look at me, I spoke.

"It's been seven months since we've seen each other, Princess Alaine. Welcome to Atalanta."

Alaine who had her back facing me suddenly turned and jumped at me. "Bell!"

"You-" Before I could even finish speaking, Alaine had already grabbed unto me and hugged me in her bossom.

"I missed you, little brother..." She said while her face digs through my hair.

I slowly pushed her away and said "Enough of this conduct, Princess. We are currently at a meeting between leaders. This kind of attitude is unbecoming of a royalty and a sovereign." I said with a stern voice.

"So uncute..." She pouted as she distanced herself to me. She then fixed herself and spoke in a dignified manner. "Forgive me for my earlier behavior, Prince Beale. I would like to speak in a more private area. Some words of mine are not for all to hear."

"So we shall. Liliana, prepare the western solar. The princess and I will conduct our conversations there."

"At once, Your Highness." she bowed and left with her are 6 chambermaids.

I looked at Alaine and said. "Come. I will give you a tour in Chernobog."

We walked through the grand arches of the gardens and went inside the citadel though the southern gate of the upper bailey. Alaine came with her nursemaid, Suzanne and her lady-in-waiting, Lady Sofia Rothschild. They were all having gasps of awe and amazement while observing the citadel. At one point while we were still heading towards the solar, Alaine spoke.

"Little... cough. I mean Prince Beale. May I ask you a question?"

Without looking back, I answered. "What is it, Princess?"

"How... How did you do this? This castle-"

"Citadel, Princess. My Chernobog is a citadel." I interjected.

"Forgive me. Citadel. How did you make this thing in a short time of 7 months?" she asked. Curiousity is imminent in her voice.

"I have gathered some skilled earth magi. They made this possible. They made the citadel by following my designs." I said with a happy tone.

"Yo-you de-designed this?" Alaine exclaimed.

"Of course. It is my citadel. I want it to be how I envisioned it."

"A-and, ho-how did you e-envision it? Prince Beale?"

I then turned around and looked at Alaine with a serious expression. "Is that question asked as a curious sister or a princess of Valois?"

Stunned by my question, she tried to answer but her lady-in-waiting spoke first. "Prince Beale, sorry for the interruption but-"

"I didn't allow you to speak, Lady Rothschild. You may be a cousin from a branch family but you are of no authority to interrupt a conversation between two members of the main royal family. I will site you in contempt for interrupting our talks." I then walked towards the lady and said. "You are not in the Royal Capital. You are in my domain and under my domain. If that is acceptable in the capital, that is not acceptable here in my territory. As a cousin and my sister, Princess Alaine's lady-in-waiting, I will pardon you but this will not happen again. Are we clear?" When I saw her shaking and not answering, I yelled louder. "ARE WE CLEAR, LADY ROTHSCHILD?!"

Clearly shaken, she shakily answered while bowing. "Ye-yes, Yo-Your Hi-Highness..."

Alaine then went in between me and Lady Sofia. "Enough, little brother. Don't bully her. She is just-"

"She spoke out of her place, Princess Alaine. If that is tolerable in Marseilles, here in Atalanta, it isn't." Turning my back, I began to walk again towards the western solar.

"You still haven't answered my question, little brother." Alaine said while following me.

"You want to know the structure of the citadel, right? Sure, I'll tell you..." I went beside her and whispered in her ears. "After we arrive at the meeting place." I then turned again and walked away.

Judging from her stomping, I could deduce that she is very angry. I don't really care anymore. If she wasn't my sister and the one who took care of me while I was little, I would have sent her back while only speaking two words: Fuck off. Still marvelling from the tapestries to the paintings and carvings, we moved towards our destination with no more interruptions. A few minutes later, we reached the western solar where there are no people running or walking around. I then turned to look at Alaine and her escorts.

"We are here." Opening the door myself, I continued. "Come. Let's do our discussion here."

Entering, they saw the marble-ivory-gold ornamented function room. The fully furnished room is equiped with luxurious tables and chairs with a medium-sized table in the middle. The room is created with a high-ceiling that made the everyone in it feel small. The room also includes 5 doors by which four is for the servants while the biggest room, which is in the middle, is the bower for the Lady visiting or staying (in this case, Princess Alaine.) I then began explaning the room.

"This solar is equipped with tables and chairs made of Lignum Vitae, Ebony, Pink ebony and Purple Wood. The ornaments in it are silver and gold mined in the Agmanac mountains. The tapestry and the window curtains above are made by elven weavers wich makes them resilient to being ripped and gashed. The materials that created all the things in this room are all found in Agmanac. I am proud to say that I never had a Royal Pureyor to export things from other places. All this are products of Agmanac." Walking towards the table, I took the chair at the helm and sitted. "Please, sit."

Alaine, who saw what I did, reacted. "Prince Beale, it is customary that the highest ranking person should be the one to sit first. As such-"

"I have said earlier, Princess Alaine. We are not in Marseilles. We are in Atalanta. Customs demands that I respect you by rank. But here in Atalanta, I am the most highest ranking person here. You are an envoy from the capital. That means I am the one holding the reins to this talks and I am the one who has the authority whether or not I would even hear what the capital has to say. And before you speak further, no this isn't treason as it is within my rights to approve or reprove anything that the capital says as decreed by my right as a member of the main royal family and as a prince. Or did the rules and decrees changed without my knowledge?"

"I am still the First Princess, Prince Beale. I-"

"And I and the Heir Apparent in this patriarchal kingdom unless I renounce my position.By the way, I did renounce my position but since I didn't receive any replies from the capital then by right, I am the heir to the Valoisian throne. Am I right?"

Shaken by my clear and concise reasoning, Alaine gave in. "Indeed you are, Prince Beale. Forgive me." She bowed and proceeded to sit near me. Beside her is Lady Sofia while on her back is her nursemaid, Suzanne.

We were about to start the talks when a knock disturbed our rhythm. "Your Highness, Lady Gremory has arrived and wishes to join in your meeting."

"Granted. Send her in."

The door opened an in came the fiery red-dressed Gremory. She then kneeled toward us (or to be specific, towards me) and spoke. "Your servant, Veronique Gremory has returned, Your Highness."

"Rise." When she rose up, I continued. "Come. Sit near me. We are about to begin our discussions."

She then walked and sat near me. I then introduced her to Alaine and her escorts. "This is my chief adviser to internal affairs, Lady Veronique Gremory. She is the person responsible for running the principality when I am out of my territory. She is also responsible for dealing with the nobles should it not require my presence."

"This one is Veronique Gremory. A pleasure to meet you, Her Highness Princess Alaine." She then curtsied.

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Gremory. With your beauty and brains, my brother certainly did a wonderful job finding a subordinate like you." Alaine replied with a bit of sarcasm.

Gremory just smiled and sitted herself on the chair I recommended. She got into a staring contest between Alaine and Sofia that tension could be felt inside the room. I needed to proceed to the talks so to stop this farce, I spoke.

"Shall we get down to business? This may be rude towards the princess but I am a busy person. I have to organize my defenses after my recent win against the empire and the slave kingdom of Dya Ntotila. I have to sign papers for the new trade routes after obtaining Algair and Marcia. Plus the problems of the merchant and trade union. Add the vultures known as nobles and the hyenas known as tycoons, I will probably die young when dealing with them due to stress. Personnel to train. Knights to honor afer the war. Reparations. Relocations. Farming and Mining problems in Ceawin. I have a lot on my plate. So, shall we begin this?"

Gremory, Alaine and Sofia was struck dumb to my words. Alaine then spoke with an apologetic tone. "I am sorry for the unlady-like attitude I showed. Please forgive me."

"As do I, Your Highness." said Sofia.

"I also wish to gain your forgiveness, Prince Beale." added Gremory.

"I no longer have qualms in that. Now that the problem is settled, I will be frank and brief." I looked towards Alaine and spoke. "Why are you here?"

Alaine then composed herself and spoke. "Lord Father first says his congratulations for the-"

"Princess, I didn't come here to hear empty praises. I ask you, why are you here?" I said sternly.

"You're really uncute anymore, little brother. Those are formalities. But since you insist, I will tell you. The capital asks what your next move will be. What you told me earlier is news to me. I mean, we never knew that Dya Ntotila has been conquered by you. So, Prince Beale. What are your plans and designs to Valois?"

"None." I said briefly.

Alaine was shocked with such a brief answer from me. "None? You don't plan to-"

"I don't have any plans towards Valois. I also don't have any plans to share the spoils of war from my exploits." I said to her with a serious tone.

"But... Aren't you a part of the Kingdom? You have the responsibility to-"

"No. I don't have. Not when I had the aproval of the King himself. But since you came here, it means one thing. The king renege his promise to me and the pressure the nobles exerted on him are immense. In a desperate way to avoid civil war, he sent you here to negotiate. He made you come here so that I will not get to angry and I won't declare war against the whole kingdom. They know what I am capable of and they know I can decimate the kingdom with the strength of my army alone. But it seems that my capabilities are just on par with the thought of civil war caused by greedy nobles. Am I right?"

"Li-little brother-"

"I am perfectly aware of your plays in the capital. Because I am a prince and a part of the royal family, I am obliged to surrender what I have conquered to the kingdom. That is why-"

"That is tha argument here, Prince Beale! You, under no signs of conveying your thoughts to the noble council and the proper approal of the Crown, decided to invade the Empire. We are lucky that you turned out victorious but if you didn't, it would be-"

"You talk as if you knew what happened here. I already asked King Hector's approval as HE HIMSELF was here on the time I was conspired against by rhe empire. IF I waited for the council to convene a meeting, how many months will that take? It will take at least 10 days to gather them all in one place and by that time, what would have happened? The empire would have sent me at least 10 million soldiers to decimate the northern border, all while the nobles are bickering on what steps to do against the empire! Then what would have happened?! We would have ceded some of our territories by which the empire will pick my fief, Agmanac! Why?! Because that was their aim in the first place! So if you came here to give me substancial reasons why I shouldn't have marched north then please, tell me."

Alaine was shaking, all while thinking of proper answers to my question. Before she could speak again, I continued my tirade. "Now that the northern borders are pushed further and Ceawin along with the port cities I conquered are rich places, the council now tries to take credit and decided to bicker amongst themselves as to who would better helm those places. Even when they didn't even put an effort to attack the empire. Eventhough they never stepped inside imperial soil. Eventhough they never felt the blood and bodies of the imperial soldiers on the battlefield. If they really want to take what I strived to acquire, THEN LET THEM COME AND I WILL SHOW THEM THE MIGHT OF MY MERCILESS STEEL!" I shouted while slamming the table, frightening everyone except Gremory.


It was then that Lady Sofia got between me and Alaine. "I... I have sinned earlier, Prince. By stepping in between your conversation but... What you are doing right now... is scaring the Princess... Even if you kill me... I will not step away from here..." she said with firm conviction.

I didn't release any bloodlust anyway so I returned to sit and said. "I am not here to threaten or harm Princess Alaine. I am just releasing my anger. As you can see, I didn't even do a single step towards her. I am simply stating the ridiculousness of her demands. As a member of the Royal Family, such foolishness can bring the downfall of the family and the kingdom we are curently ruling. So unless she straighten up, she's just going to be a tool to be manipuated by nobles." I said with a deadpan expression.

"Thank you." Sofia said but still not moving from her position.

"You can remain standing there if you want." I then looked at Alaine. "I will let you speak, Princess Alaine. Without any interruptions. I would like to hear what it is that you are trying to convey." I then rested my back on the chair I am sitting.

Compsing herself and removing the tears that accumulated in her eyes, she then spoke. "I... Forgive me for showing you a ridiculous sight again. Anyway, the capital demands that you surrender your gains to the Crown with all your assets be put under the royal name. Your armies will also be acquired by the crown and be distributed among the desired armies they are needed. In return, you will be titled Crown Prince and be given the areas that the traitorous nobles have left behind. As of why we are taking away your armies, treasury, spoils of war, your military technology and territory is because it is a threat to national security. Your blatant disrespect to the Crown and the council have almost brought Valois to ruin if you didn't win. But since you have won, you have proven yourself as an excellent commander and ruler. As such, you will be given a position of Commanding General of the whole Valoisian Army but is still subjected to the Crown and you will not be able to mobilize the grand army without prior consent to the Crown and the council. That is the message that the capital, The Crown and the council for you, Prince Beale."

"I see." I just said a single sentence while looking at my sister.

"That's all? 'I see'. You don't have any other words? Didn't you go out on an outburst earlier?" Alaine questioned me with a confused tone.

"No, Princess Alaine. I just made up my mind. That is all." I looked at Gremory and spoke. "Gather my retainers. I want them here in a minute. They can leave what they are currently doing to their second in command. Do it."

"At once, Prince Beale." She then stood up, bowed to me and left the room.

"What are you planning, Little Brother? Please listen to me. You can ask for pardon and clemency if you come with us in the capital. Lord Father, Mother and I knows that what you did was right and just but with the power of the council, even the royal family can be scrutinized. Besides, it is just temporary. Soon, you will be King of Valois. You can rule it however you want. Please. At least listen to me.

I just smiled at her and said. "What a well-written script. Did you hear what you just said, Princess? Confiscating my assets, armies, weapons, technology and acquired territories for a title? Be the most highest ranking general but can never exercise my powers because of the restraint by the council? Even an idiiot can understand such blatant attempt to undermine my authority. The council is using you, the Royal family, to undermine my rights. If I give all of those up, who would benefit? The Crown? The people? No. The people who will benefit from it the most are the nobles. But enough of that, my retainers have arrived." I then turned my attention towards the door. "Enter."

One by one, my retainers entered the room while releasing their auras. Princess Alaine and her escorts were all in awe when they saw them walk in. Gremory in her red battle dress, Paimon in her military full plate armor with her helmet under her left arm, Gaap in his admiral uniform, Bathin in his scholar attire, Zagan in his merchant garbs, Malek in his red armor and Liliana in her battle maid attire. When they all stood behind me, I spoke to Alaine.

"Paimon, my Army commander who is in that black full plate. Gaap, my navy grand admiral who wis wearing his navy uniform. Bathin, my chief researcher and researcher in his scholar robes. Zagan, my treasurer and chief engineer who's wearing his usual marchant clothes. Malek, my Aerial Captain wearing his usual red armor. And last but not the least, my chief chamberlain, Liliana. This are my chief retainersin addition to Glasya which isn't here. Now, Princess Alaine. You want to know my answer to your demands?"

"Beale, don't tell me... You are-"

"I guess you are not that stupid after all." I then stood up and turned to look at my retainers who are now kneeling. "Prepare the armies. Have them ready in a week. After the cleanup to all our conquered lands, we will begin our second phase." I looked at Paimon. "General Paimon... As margrave of Ceawin, I order you to prepare the northern armies. make a defensive wall that will block any invaders from both the empire and the kingdom. Kill everyone who dares step on Agmanacian soil."

"As you wish, Your Highness." She then bowed at my orders.

"Admiral Gaap, I order you as Margrave of Pittsburg. Ready the 2nd and 3rd fleets and block any ship, be it trader or military from the kingdom and empire, that will try to head to the port towns and cities under my rule. Sink them all and leave no survivors."

"It will be done, Your Highness." He too bowed to my orders.

"Bathin and Gaap. I need your expertise in building a defensive perimeter surrounding Agmanac. I will give you the troops needed to assist you."

""Your will be done, Your Highness."" Theyboth bowed and answered.

"Gremory and Malek, ready the aerial and central armies. Have them ready to march in a week at the most."

""Your wish is our command, Your Highness.""

"Liliana, you are task to heighten the defenses of the citadel and the capital. I wil give you permission to mobilize your troops if necessary."

"Yes, Prince Beale."

"Now..." turning my back from my retainers and looked toward the horrified Alaine and her people, I spoke. "Agmanac will hereby cut ties with the Valoisian Kingdom. I demand that the kingdom accept this decision of me or else, I might do something the kingdom will weep blood on. I also declare that Agmanac will cut all interaction with Valois. If the kingdom decides to attack Agmanac because of this decision, I will retaliate with brute force. I will protect my sovereignity over my dominion. Now that you have heard what I had to say. If that was clear for you then go. Report to the capital of my decision and tell them, an army of two million now awaits their arrival. If they decide to attack me, I will kill them all and smite them under my merciless blade. Now, leave." I then walked toward Alaine and gave her a parchment. "Take that to the capital and prresent it to the Crown. Since you people betrayed me, I will see it as an act just to sate your greed. I will have this shame and humiliation be answered at a later date. Now, begone from my sight!"

Sofia reacted first and tried to get in between me and Alaine but she was stopped by the Princess. Alaine then spoke. "Take that to the Capital. Tell them that I will remain here as a political prisoner. I, too, have started to doubt the sincerity of the decisions coming from the council. I, too, demand an explanation from them. Sofy, I ask you to do this for me."

"Ye-yes, Yo-your Highness. I-I am so-sorry." Sofia then took the parchment and bowed then ran towards the door and exited without as much as a bow to me.

"See, Princess? How cowardly your retainers are? They only think of themselves." I said to her with a smirk.

"Tha-that was du-due to my o-orders. She-"

"Then let us ask the eavesdropper as he is neither from my side or yours. Hey, eavesdropper. I know you are there. I allowed you to listen to our talks earlier but if you don't come out now, I will have your head." I said while releasing some of my aura.

Suddenly, a figure dropped from above and landed on a place near the table. Before he could even move a muscle, Paimon and the others have already surrounded him and had their weapons drawn towards him. Gremory han her axe on the intruder's neck. Paimon had her sword pointed at his heart. Gaap had his trident located near the intruder's torso. Malek had his sword on the intruder's back. Zagan had his hammer over the intruders head. Bathin had his chains bound on the intruder's right feet while Liliana had her whip on the other. This move greatly surprised the intruder. He then smiled wryly and said.

"Sorry for my earlier eavesdropping. You were too busy on your talks that I had to stay a while before making my entrance."

"Too bad then huh? Judging from your garbs, you are a priest. Know that I already knew your entry in this country a long time ago so don't think I don't know of your movements. Now, If I may ask. Who are you?" I said with an intimidating voice.

"You really are amazing, Prince Beale. I am an envoy of the Church. I am Bishop Kapharel. A pleasure to meet you, Hydra Prince."

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