《Infracto Animo》Chapter 25: Increase in Strength, Decrease in Vigilance


Belial POV

I leveled up. When the feather was absorbed within my body, I experienced a surge of power that I have not experienced since obtaining Belial's blood and memories. When I checked my status menu, it revealed great changes in it.

Name: Prince Beale Maxime Thierry de Armagnac de Valois (King Belial) Level: 953 Titles: Second Prince of the Valois Kingdom, Prince of Armagnac, The Tyrant, The Damned, The Worthless, The Defiled, The Betrayed, The Unwanted, The Plague, The One who Defied Fate, The One who Challenged God, The Fallen, The Watcher, The King of the Unwanted, The Breaker of Fate, The Evil Incarnate, The Awakened, The Returner, The Angel Killer Job/s: Weapon Specialist, Master Warlock, Master Alchemist, Master Pyromancer, Master Conjurist, Master Assassin, Expert Illusionist, Seraph (Fallen) Health : 1945200/1945200 Magicka: 2156640/2156640 Stamina : 596130/596130 Strength : 1137920 Intelligence : 1532700 Agility : 2045820 Dexterity : 1997700 Vitality : 1944800 Endurance : 595000 Luck : 1 Active Skills: Fire Magic : Lvl. 47 Darkness Magic : Lvl 49 Weapon mastery : Lvl 46 Illusion magic : Lvl 38 Alchemy : Lvl. 45 Conjuration Magic : Lvl 49 Assassination : Lvl 45 Curse Magic : Lvl 45 Passive Skills: All-Seeing Eye Angelic Transformation (Fallen) Demon Transformation Corruption Aura Death Aura (Un)Holy Aura Domination ??? ??? ??? Status Initial Awakening Regressed State Sealed Cannot level up though menial means (Needs Angelic Essence to level up) Weakened ??? ??? ???

My stats and skills have significantly increased. My level jumped from 627 to 953. That's 226 levels. Because of my anger, I didn't even bother to check Reziel's status board but who cares. I am now much stronger than I was before. I can now see in my status just what I need to level up. Angelic essence. What does this mean? Should I hunt down angels to level up? As I was watching my status board, Gaap came and arrived behind me.

"Milord, what should we do here?"

"I'm giving this area for you to develop, Gaap. It may be lower than your real rank but I am granting you the title of Margrave of Pittsburg. This will be your dominion. This way, you may be able to intercept any ships going to Agmanac with relative ease. With Glasya manning the new islands of Black Hand, I can be assured that Okeanus is under our rule." I said to him seriously.

"What of the prisoners? The slaves?"

"The prisoners could be used as workers on whatever you want them to do. Kill them if their use is finish. As for the slaves, have the elves, dwarves, and other non-humans be sent to Agmanac. I have already readied their setup there. 3 counties big. As for the children, have them sent to the citadel. Liliana will have a use for them."

"And the adults?"

"I will not have slaves. I've been a slave. I will not have someone else experience that. I may hate mankind but I will not stoop down their level. To those who want to die, kill them. To those who want to live, make them work here. Either way, they are your responsibility. But..." I faced Gaap with a serious face. "Should they try to rebel in any way, finish them without second thought."

"I will heed your words, milord."

"Is there anything else?"

"There is just one thing. Follow me, milord." Gaap said as he turned around and began to fly away using his bat-like wings.

I immediately followed him and we arrived at the royal castle of Semna. The castle was mostly intact, if not for the hole I created when I blasted Reziel out of the castle. We then arrive at the halls of the great harem. Thankfully, all soldiers are under direct control of Gaap. If they were human soldiers, they would have pillaged the castle and raped it inhabitants. We flew down and retracted our wings. We walked until we arrived at a great hall where the women are currently hugging each other. Beautiful women of different ethnicity can be seen here. But what I didn't expect are the small children that has little wings in their backs. The oldest of them is a female about my age but still quiet naive. I walked towards them and the women suddenly began weeping. As if they felt their women's distress, the angel-like children began to weep. I then invoked a spell to calm themselves by making everyone sleep.



I invoked a sleep spell, an illusion magic. One by one, the women and the children began to fall asleep. When everyone was sleeping, I spoke towards Gaap.

"Gaap, remove the women. I have no need for them, but the children... I have something I want from them."

"At once, Your Highness."

With a wave of Gaap's hand, water tendrils began to invade the room and took away the women protecting the children. When they are removed, what remained are 9 children with age ranging from 5 to 12 years old. When Gaap went out to carry off the women, I began to wake up the sleeping children. One by one, they woke up and looked straight at me. I walked towards them and spoke.

"Who are you people?"

Confusion is immenent in their faces. Soon, the girl who I think is the oldest one, began to speak. "We don't know. Do you know?"

"I wouldn't be asking this question if I do. But are you associated with God?"

"What is God?" she asked.

"The Father of your father. Isn't your father Reziel?"

"We don't know. I don't know who God is. I didn't see him. So Reziel is the name of our father." she said while being absentminded.

This children are hopeless. They are too... innocent... Could this be a ploy? I walked towards her and said. "Can I touch your head?"

As if natural, she just smiled and answered. "Sure."

I then proceeded to touch her head and began to scour it for anything especially her connection with God. But what surprised me is something else. She is a black slate. She doesn't even have a name. She just refers to herself as 'me'. I removed my hand on her head and looked at her face. I saw that she was weeping with huge tears flowing from her eyes.

"What did you do? It hurt my head. It was painful. Why did you hurt me?" She said while sobbing.

Soul searching is painful as it scours the soul. "Sorry. I was just looking for something in your head."

"Okay. But don't do it again next time." She said while trying to smile.

I needed angelic essence to level up but judging from their looks, are they even angels? "What do you want to do from now on?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, clearly confused.

"I am leaving now. Your father is dead and you would be left alone."

"What about the ladies earlier?" she asked.

"Ladies? Aren't they your mothers?"

"What's a mother?"

"The one who gave birth to you." I said with a firm voice.

"I don't know."

"Then what do you want to do now?"

"Can't we come with you?"

I found it strange so I asked. "Why?"

"You are like us... I think? I feel you are... just like father and us... only... weird?" She said, trying to justify what she is feeling.

I then released my wings and spoke. "You are not the same as me. I am a... wait! Don't pluck my feathers!"

I shouted as the children ran towards me and began to encircle me with excited expressions in their faces.

"Wow, big wings!"

"Bigger than Papa!"

"Black wings! Black Wings!"

"Big Brother has many wings!"

"Can I touch it? Can I touch it?"

"Cool! Can you fly like father?!"

"Awesome! Awesome!"

"Give me a ride! Give me a ride!"


"You have such great wings! Bigger than father's! Mine is not even worth mentioning!"

Devoid of caution, greed, lust, pride and envy. These children... I then spoke to them as I retracted my wings.

"You all could come with me. I will be leaving now. Follow me." I turned around and began to walk out.

The children walked behind me as they followed me outside. Some gasps and exclaims can be heard behind me but I didn't pay any heed to it. When I arrived at the castle gardens, I met Gaap who suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Milord." He kneeled down and spoke. "The situation is now under control. The whole archipelago have capitulated. Your instructions have already been carried out and executed, Milord. Do you have any other orders?"

"I'm leaving the archipelago's rule to your hands as I have said earlier. I will be returning to Atalanta."

Looking atmy back, he saw a child beside me who then smiled at him. "What of them, milord? They are giving me this... uneasy feeling... They are too... innocent... Makes me want to corrupt them."

"Don't, Gaap. I will handle this kids. For now, just develop this lands and make it prosperous. You are a Prince and a Great President of Hell. Surely this kind of thing is within your expertise." I said to him with a knowing smile.

"Don't worry, milord. I will see your orders done."

"Good. I'll take my leave then. Children..." I looked behind me and saw the children looking right back at me with curious eyes. "Follow me. We are going home."

Chernobog Citadel, City of Atalanta, Principality of Agmanac

Liliana POV

I have received an influx of children from all over the places and areas that Prince Beale conquered. There are more or less 500 thousand children. All of them are currently staying in the undercities beneath the Agmanac Mountains. They are tended with the elven women that Queen Anuriel sent here to take care of these children. Some of them could be integrated in the citadel so I controlled them under illusion magic. Since I am giving them an illusion that Prince Beale is their absolute leader and that they are his servants from such a young age, it would be difficult for any person to remove it as it will soon become their reality. Many children are slowly being 'indoctrinated' as their numbers grew. Even I am having a hard time doing it.

Currently, I am walking towards my master's room as he had apparantly returned from Dya Ntotila which has been renamed the Margraviate of Pittsburg. Before I could even arrive at my master's door, I can already sense his aura. Did he get stronger? I then proceeded to knock on his door.

"Your Highness, It's Liliana."

"Who's that in the door, Prince?"

"Yeah. Who is it? Who is it?"

Multiple voices came from the inside. They all sounded like children. Could it be?! "Milord, I'm coming in."

When I opened the door, what I saw completely surprised me. Children. Lots of them inside Lord Belial's quarters. They are either playing or drawing or just messing around. When I entered, all their attention were diverted to me. But there is one thing this children have that differed from the rest of the children that were brought back from Your Highness' conquest. Are those... angelic wings? Are these angels?! Before I could even speak, Lord Belial spoke.

"They are Nephilims. Born between angel and man." He said while sitting on his chair, a kid on his lap.

"Where did you find them?"

"Back in Dya Ntotila. Their father is the king there. A Principality named Reziel."

A Principality?! "Are you alright, milord?" I asked as I am worried he might be hurt.

"I am fine. Just a bit overwhelmed by this children." Standing up, Lord Belial walked towards me and spoke. "I'm leaving them to you. I have things I need to tend with. Just... Don't corrupt them... Annoying though they may be, they are... they remind me of my past... my naivety, my weakness but also... my innocence. I intend to keep them. Take care of them while I'm away, Liliana. I'm counting on you." He said while looking at me with earnest eyes.

That's foul play, milord. "Your will be done, milord."

Turning arounf, he spoke to the children. "Big sister here will play with you while I go and do my work. Behave, okay?"


"Good. Now always follow what Big Sister tells you." He turned once again and told me. "I'm counting on you." before walking away, leaving me with the children.

Haaaa... This is going to be a pain. I thought to myself as the children came running towards me.

1 week later

Agmanac Southwest Border, Lindisfarme Fortress

Princess Alaine POV

We are currently gazing at an amazing fortress in front of us. I've been through this road but I never saw this fortress before. My carriage went to the grand entrance that blocked the way leading to Agmanac. The knight in front of me disembarked and went towards the guards. Without even telling them who we are, the gates opened and we were allowed to proceed. When the knight reentered the carriage, I began to question him.

"Sir Wold, why were we able to pass through the gate so quickly without announcing my presence?"

"They have already been informed of your presence. I have already received a message that His Highness Prince Beale is now currently waiting for your arrival at Chernobog Citadel in Atalanta."

"Chernobog Citadel? Isn't it supposed to be Castle Atalanta?" I asked.

"Prince Beale have renamed it as he wanted to remove all things that is related to the corrupt count who ruled Agmanac before."

"I see. Well then, let's go. I'm excited to see my little brother again."

The carriage then started to traverse the road. A few more days and I will be able to see you again, brother.

Bourscheid Castle, Celtrieze, capital of Luxum Empire

Emperor Luxum POV

"How's the army's movement?"

"They will arrive here in two weeks time, Your Majesty. 15 million strong soldiers are marching towards the capital as we speak." my adviser said.

"Good! With their arrival, I can finally take back what that snot-nosed brat from the south stole from me!" I exclaimed.

"There is a slight problem, Your Majesty..." he said with an uneasy tone.

What could it be? Is... Is that brat marching towards the capital?! "What is it?! Speak! Is that prince marching to invade us here?!"

"No, Your Majesty. He have made his army stay in Ceawin. My report is about a..." he stopped speaking as if contemplating what to say.

"What is it?!"

"A-a wall, Yo-your M-majesty. He-he cr-created a-a wall." He said with much difficulty.

"A wall? What significance does a wall have?"

"He surrounded Ceawin with 30 meter high walls, Your Majesty." He said while looking down.

"A what?! He encompassed the whole margraviate of Ceawin?! How is that possible?!"

"Not just that, Your Majesty. Algair and Marcia are now of one territory which was renamed Edinburg by Prince Beale. He also made a wall there that connects to the wall in Ceawin." he said seriously.

"How could he make such things?! But no matter! Is there any blindspots in it? Somewhere we can use as a route to destroy that damn brat's army?"

"There are none so far, Your Majesty. All scouts have been missing since they were sent for reconaissance. All familiars has been shot down as well. We have no information regarding what is happening inside Ceawin."

"Just what is going on here...?"

Before he could even speak, a messenger came and spoke. "Your Majesty, urgent news. The Central Church where Pope Phillip resides is devoid of any people. Not even the nuns are there."

Another messenger came and spoke. "Your Majesty, Princess Gabrielle is currently missing. We have dispatch a batallion to find the princess.

I sat back down on my throne while creasing my brows. Just what is happening here? What is going on?!

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