《Infracto Animo》Chapter 23: Conquering with an Iron Fist


Belial POV

4 days have passed since I conquered Ceawin. It's capital of Duntanburg is now back on its feet, though it is still half done. Due to the combined effort of the elves and dwarves, we have succeeded in creating a new citadel and a new castletown. I changed the design of the town by making the citadel bigger with the castletown surrounded by 20 meter tall walls, all filled with turrets and bastions. Currently, Paimon is with me in the throne room of the new citadel. Gremory is currently overlooking the developments of the city.

"Paimon, as my Army General, I'm entrusting Ceawin to you." I said while sitting on the throne.

"May I ask why, milord?" she asked while making her way in front of me.

"I need you to keep a close eye on the Empire. With the current situation, I doubt they will not retaliate to take back Ceawin. With the recession going on, thi place is something they cannot lose."

"That doesn't relly answer the question of why you wanted me to stay here, milord."

"I am giving you a rank of margrave and is giving you Ceawin as your fief. I know it is lower than your real rank but for now, I would like you to accept it."

"I see... So that is your plan all along. Brilliant, Prince Beale." she said with a smile.

"As expected of a general... You easily read my moves." I said with a chuckle.

"Blitzkrieg. That is what you are thinking."

"Yeah. I want an army ready to move at a moments notice, attacking and conquering the enemies while they are unaware. With a forward command like Ceawin, I can initiate my moves towards the empire with ease. I can attack at whatever front I want and with the loss of the Southern Imperial Army, they will be short on troops as they will have to defend the brigands and outlaws to the north, dwarves to the east, elves to the west and us in the south." I stated.

"But what of the ttack from the slave kingdom?" She asked.

"I already gave Gaap my orders to attack and conquer that country. I can now speak to Gaap telepathically after I met him two days ago."

2 days ago, Margraviate of Ceawin, Principality of Agmanac

"Milord, the gateway towards Gaap's conquered islands have been completed." Bathin, my summoned space magician, said.

"Much appreciated, Bathin. Are the other gateways already working and stable?" I asked while overlooking the reconstruction of Dunstanburg on top of a plateau.

"They are secured already, milord. Including those on the elven countries, dwarven kingdoms and the dragon isles. We created small gateways used for evacuation and reinforcement should the need arise on those places. I also gave the non-human leaders the access code to allows them to destroy the gateway should a territory where it stands fall." He said.

"Excellent. Great work, Bathin. Do you require a reward for it?"

"No, milord. This is also to ease my boredom. I have been in Hell for too long. This kind of things are a new source of entertainment for us." He said with a creepy smile.

"I see. Well then..." Turning my back to face him, I said. "Let's go. Grem, I need you to overlook the construction. Survey the area and remove all espionage devices." I said to Gremory who is just behind Bathin.

"At once, milord." She bowed and disappeared.

Looking back at Bathin, I spoke. "Let's go."


"Yes milord."

He then made some handsigns and magic circles began to glow on both his hands. A moment later, a black swirling portal appeared in front of us. Knowing what it is, I stepped forward and just like that, I arrived at Chernobog Castle in Atalanta, my capital in Agmanac. We then walked as Bathin led me towards one of the rooms I designated for personal transportation.

"This is the room towards the conquered islands, milord." He said while opening the door.

"Good work. Await for my return, Bathin. I have to return to Ceawin later."

"Yes, milord." He then slowly submerged to the portal he made under his feet and vanished.

I walk towards the gateways Bathin created. Gateways are huge arches with a black swirling vortex in the middle. When I walked through it, it immediately transported to to another room. A bit lackluster than the room I was in, I decided to look at the window near me. What I saw is the vast expanse of Okeanus. I'm really at the sea. Looking down and I saw soldiers walking around while some of Zagan's combat engineers are making things like houses on the castletown. A few moments later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Milord, may I enter?" the voice behind the door said.

"Enter, Gaap." I turned and looked towards the door.

The door opened and in came a young man in an admiral's coat. He kneeled in front me. "Milord, Gaap came to serve."

"Stand up. We have lots to talk about."

Standing up, Gaap immediately spoke. "Milord, I have heard of what happened to your southern territory. What are your orders?"

"Nothing really happened to Agmanac. Not one denizen was captured or enslaved. The slavers however, have incurred massive losses including half of their ships. I will just order this to you Gaap. Destroy that country. Free all non-human slaves and the human children. The rest, let them fend of for themselves. You are authorized to use your two fleets to destroy that wretched kingdom. I will make do with the reserve to protect my fief."

"It will be done, milord. If I may ask, can you make a connection with me via our contract? I requested so that you don't have to personally go here to tend with such menial tasks."

I walked towards Gaap and extended my finger to his forehead. He stooped a little to enable me to reach it. When my fingers touched his skin, an invisible connection was created.

[With this, I can talk to you telephatically.] I said, talking to him through my head.

[Indeed, milord.]

Ending our 'mind talk', I spoke once again. "How long can you capture that slave kingdom?"

"A week, milord. I can obliterate everyone except those you instructed within a week at most."

"I'm counting on you, Gaap. When you are almost finished, use our connection to talk to me. I would like to personally see the fall of such a country."

"It will be done, Lord Belial."

"I will return now to Ceawin as I've done what I came here to do and have given you your orders."

"You won't ask about the currrent developments, milord?"

"No need. I will hear it from you later."

I walked towards the gateway and was transported back to Agmanac.

Present time

"You made Gaap lead the expidition alone?" Paimon asked.

"Yes. I have more pressing issues to attend to." I said to her.


"You have expanded your territories. What do you plan to do with them. I know you are leaving Ceawin to me but what of the other conquered lands?" Paimon questioned me with a serious tone.

"I will give the slave country after it is conquered to Gaap and name him margrave of Hildenburg. The port towns of Algair and Marcia will be given to Zagan and I will name him count of Edinburg. Gale Island will become Malek's dominion and he will be named Viscount of Osburg. I will leave Ceawin's name as I am doing it as a mockery to the empire. The islands Gaap discovered will become the headquarters for the Black Hand which is led by Glasya. That will be a major hub as I plan to make gateways connecting to every part of the continent there. I will not name her as a noble for now." I said while walking away from Paimon.

"This will make the Agmanacian nobles discontented. And not just them but the whole Valois kingdom will be discontented." Paimon said while walking behind me.

"I know but for that, there is a question: did they do anything to help me achieve the things I achieved?"

"You know that they are humans, milord. Their discontent will-"

"You forget one thing, Paimon. I am not afraid of them. I alone could challenge their entire armies and still come out on top. Their malcontent are irrelevant. They will have no share of it. As for the Agmanacian nobles, if their greed got the best of them then I have no further use of them. They remained because I can use them. If they are uncontented, then I have to remove them from their seats." I said coldly while pacing my steps.

"Why not just remove all of them then? The humans, I mean. Remove them all in Agmanacian soil."

"I cannot do that yet, Paimon. Such a huge culling will not go unnoticed. Many will suspect what we did inside our borders. The church will move. The angels will move. God will move. If not for Gremory's sermons, I would have done what you just said to prevent malcontent inside my own dominion but by doing so will attract the attentions of beings that I have no power to resist." I said bitterly.

"That is good, milord. You are now thinking and not just blindingly following your anger. What you did down here in Dustanburg is disappointing but if you have learned your mistakes then I would have no more words to say, Lord Belial." She said with a cheerful tone.

"Hmph. Glasya!" I shouted.

A shadow immediately arrived in front of me and congealed into a figure. "How may I serve, milord?"

"Status report."

"The Imperial Army of 15 million marches towards the imperial capital. They are ordered to defend the capital and when hostilities have settled will march to Ceawin to recapture it. Imperial scouts have been scouring the area and I've released an order to kill them on sight. 241 imperial scouts have been dealt with and 1017 familars have been destroyed. The port cities are under constant surveillance from the empire which have also been dealt with and all imperial agents trying to penetrate the defenses have been killed. Back in Agmanac, we have dealt with the incading slavers and killed 800 of them, reducing their forces into half. They are currently sailing back to their kingdom by which will be intercepted by Lord Gaap. The Anthropocentric church have sent an envoy to you, milord. A bishop." She said with an icy tone.

"Good. Later, set up a headquarters in the islands captured by Gaap. Your Black Hand will be responsible for that area. I will have Bathin go there to create the gateways needed for your work. For now, continue with what you are doing. Deal with every intruder that the army cannot. Leave none alive."

"It will be done, milord." and just like smoke, she vanished.

"The church huh? I can finally see those angels."

"Exercise caution, milord. We don't-"

"I know, Paimon. I said 'see' not 'kill'. I will just meet with this 'envoy' and see if it worth my time. Besides that..." I turned around to face Paimon. "I have killed a lot of humans but why is it that I haven't leveled up yet? Do you know why, Paimon?" I asked her.

"Level up, milord? I'm afraid I don't understand." She said, confused.

"You don't see levels and stuff like that? Skills? Stats?"

"I'm afraid I don't, milord."

"Is that so? You don't have the All-Seeing Eyes?"

"Th-the what? I-I'm afraid I misheard you, milord. Did you just say 'All-Seeing Eyes'?" She said as she held unto my shoulders.

"Ye-yes. That is what I said. What's wrong, Paimon?" Seeing her visibly shaken, I asked her about it.

Letting me go, she spoke. "That milord... is something you shouldn't have. Not even the previous Belial have those. Those are..." she then kneeled in front of me and held my shoulders. "I cannot say it right now as it would affect everything we have done. For now, just keep that fact a secret. About you having those eyes. I promise to tell you what those are in the future, when you are strong enough to protect that secret." She said seriously.

"I see. It is that unique huh?" I tried to probe it out.

"It is more than unique, milord. It is something far more greater than what I have known."

"Fine. I will not talk about this anymore." Removing her hands on my shoulders, I turned around and began walking away from her. "I will just figure this out on my own then. I will go back to Agmanac. See the defenses and the fortifications of Ceawin, Margrave Paimon."

"I will do my best to meet your standards, milord." She bowed while I stepped on the gateway towards Agmanac.

Okeanus, Agmanac's First fleet flagship "Tidehunter"

Gaap POV

"Sir, the slave ships are on sight. Awaiting orders!" A crew member shouted.

"Blast them with our bow cannons! Send the orders to the fleet! Sink every vessel that floats!"

"""AYE SIR!"""

Another crewman ran in front of me and kneeled. "Report! An enemy flagship is waving a white flag of surrender. All other slave ships are doing the same!"

"Useless gestures. Sink them. Lord Belial's orders are absolute. Leave none alive."

After a few minutes of bombardment, all slave ships have been dealt with and survivors are now being pursued.

"Full canvas! We must reach the slave kingdom by midday today! We must conquer it before they could even know what is happening! Let them know the power of my navy!"


Now, the world will know that Lord Belial and his armies are not to be triffled with. I just hope he will grow faster. I would like to see how the heavens will tremble from the might of the one they betrayed.

Valois Kingdom, King's Road leading to Agmanac

Princess Alaine POV

"I can't wait to see little brother again! Though... he is distancing himself with me and our family, I know he is still my brother. I want to see him faster. Driver, drive faster!" I ordered the carriage driver.

"Your Highness, you mustn't do that. The road is treacherous and we might get into an accident with such reckless haste." the knight in front of me said.

"That being said, I don't know you. Who are you?"

"I am Wold, knight under His Highness Prince Beale's command."

"My brother's knights? Why are you escorting me?"

"We 222 soldiers are under strict orders to keep you safe. The other 444 soldiers that are lent to King Hector are tasked to protect the queen and the king." he said with a serious voice.

"I see. May I ask how is my brother?"

"This lowly one does not know the status of His Highness but we received a message that he had already arrived to Atalanta after his work is done in Ceawin."

"I see." I then moved my attention to the scenery outside. "I wish I could see brother faster. But... Would he even meet me?"

Luxum Empire, Emperor's Highway leading to Ceawin.

Bishop Kapharel POV

"Do you think Prince Beale will give us an audience? Surely, you must have heard of what happened in Ceawin, Algair and Marcia." an attendant of mine spoke.

"It is fine. That is their fate as judged by the Lord. And fate made us travel south to meet Prince Beale. All of this is under the will of the Lord. You should not question it." I said with a smile.

"Forgive me, Your Grace but I have a bad feeling about all this."

"All will be certain when we meet the Prince. All will be seen then."

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