《Infracto Animo》Chapter 20: Breaking the Leg of a Dying Giant


2 Days Later...

Southern Imperial Fort Garrison, Margraviate of Ceawin

Unknown Imperial Captain POV

Another boring day... I am walking on the rampart of the fort, trying to inspect if the soldiers are doing their guard duty. From the official reports 3rd Princess Gabrielle is having a diplomatic visit to the hicks in the south. It is said that the emperor found out of the thriving economy of Agmanac and wanted it to be his. Thus the envoy.

"Captain, everything here is normal!" The guard on duty yelled.

"Good job... Seriously... Why are we even doing this? Those barbarians from the south wouldn't dare attack the empire."

"Isn't this an honorable job, sir? Fighting to protect the empire?" the guard on duty asked.

Amused by his remarks, I laughed out loud. "Ahahahahahaha!"

Startled, the guard spoke again. "I-is there something fu-funny on my statement, sir?"

A newbie, no doubt. "It is just that it's been a while since I heard those words. You new here?"

"I arrived yesterday, sir. Aren't you the one who received us?" he asks.

"Indeed. Indeed... Young bloods are really enviable... They are still-"

I was interrupted with the sound of the bells ringing and the shouts of the soldiers. Then, I looked over the rampart and saw it. A Black Army. How did they get so near without us knowing?! I then turned to the guard I was talking earlier.

"Lad, you must-"

I stopped my words as I saw a longbow arrow lodged on the youngsters neck. He then slowly dropped with a slam. I was horrified by such an act. They are still at least a kilometer away! How could they hit us here?! But such a question was answered by a barrage of arrows coming from the sky. Sky Riders. Suddenly, a child wearing a full-plate armor arrived in front of me, dropping from a tall height yet landing as if he is a feather.

"So this is the southern garrison. How shabby." he said with an unamused voice.

Could it be...? I then walked forward and asked. "Are you the one leading this army? Are you Prince Beale of Agmanac?"

"Yes. Indeed I am." he said nonchalantly.

"The empire will have you for this. They sent you an envoy to-"

"To survey my territory and spy on my people. They are also looking for weaknesses of my defenses and how I am thriving in commerce and trade. Isn't that right, Mr. Soldier?" He said with a smile.

The emperor invited this tragedy?! I though to myself. No part of royalty would march for war if there honor was not sullied. Looking down, I saw the gate destroyed and the garrison ablazed. Soldiers dying left and right. Such cruel decisiveness... The emperor invited... a Devil into our lands. I looked back on the Prince that is also watching the things unfold down the rampart. He's... too strong for me...

"By my honor as a knight, I demand a duel with you, Prince Beale of Agmanac."

"Honor? See those?" he pointed to the fleeing demihuman slaves. "Slaves fron the non-human races. You vent your anger and lust on those people. Where is the honor on that? You make them to work by force until they die, even the children. Where is the honor in that?" He talked while moving towards me. He stopped a few steps away and continued to speak. "No, my dear knight. You have already tarnished your honor long ago and I am not bound to answer your call for an honorable duel."


Black tentacle-like things converged at his feet and even I can feel the magicka he used to do that feat. I will die today. In the most unhonorable way possible: fighting a child. I readied my sword when I heard him utter a spell.


I then felt the shadow under me move. With a speed of lightning, the shadow formed a spike and impaled me from below with the end of the spike coming our of my mouth. The Prince just looked at me coldly and said.

"Honor demanded me to take your life unhonorably. Fitting for an dishonorable man."

He then turned around and jumped down from the rampart. I couldn't even feel any pain now. Amanda... my darling Amanda... I don't think... I can return... Take care of Little Celty... I then closed my eyes and slept, never waking up again.

Emperor Luxum POV

How could this happen?! Everything was perfect... The little girl from Housser gathers intelligence, the knight defends and my darling rpincess, whose beauty knows no match, finalizes the talks. It should have been done easily! But why?! How could this happen?!

"Messenger, repeat your report"

A noble tried to appease me."Your Majesty, we already heard the-"

"I need to hear it again!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." still kneeling, he began to talk. "Prince Beale of Agmanac have attacked the southern garrison and taken over it. Right now, he is on his way to Ceawin. All fortifications that they have passed by are either destroyed or conquered."

"What about the 2 million soldiers I garrisoned on the south?! How are they?"

"They... They..." The messenger is having second thoughts while sweating profusely.

No, it can't be... "Speak!"

"They are... annihilated... Your Majesty."

When they heard it, the nobles exploded with a loud clamor. Some are angry, some are afraid while others are beginning to plot. I know how the mind of nobles work. But 2 million... annihilated?"

"Messenger, how big is this brash brat's army?" I tried to ask calmly though my hands are shaking.

"They are at least 700 to 800 thousand, Your Majesty." He said.

"Only those?! How could they annihilate the southern army with those numbers? Guerilla tactics?"

"No, Your Majesty. They met the army on an open field."

"Then why did my army suffered defeat?!"

"Armor that isn't penetrable. Weapons that could slice and bash the enemy like mud. Magic that is out of this world. Flying warriors that swoops down the troops. And siege weapons that could destroy gates with a single shot. I have seen the Black Army personally, Your Majesty."

"Black Army?" I asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. All troops from the Prince's army, whether robes or leather arnor and plate armors, they are colored black. The troops, seeing the Black Army, would flee at first sight for they know that they will die if those 'black demons' get them."

"Do you know why the prince and his dreaded army marched towards us?" I asked though I probably know the reason already.

"The Prince was angered due to the blunders created by Princess Gabrielle's escorts. Apparently, Lady Housser used familiars to scout the territory and spy on the Prince and his retainers. This angered the Prince and confronted them. It was this time that Sir Edward lashed to the prince using his sword. The already-angered Prince became furious and captured the princess and her entourage. He killed the Sir Edward by himself and made someone interogate Miss Housser. As for the Princess Gabrielle, she was locked inside the Prince's castle, guarded heavily by his troops." He answered.


He then took something from his rucksack and presented to us a wrapped sphere-like thing. Opening it, we were horrified with what it was. It is the head of Sir Edward, knight protector of my daughter, Princess Gabrielle.

"The Prince said 'I send you this gift courtesy of trying to cut me down in fornt of my own people, in my castle, on my territory under the guise of diplomacy. If you are someone with honor, accept it with dignity for it is the result of you trying to kill me.' That is what the Prince said, Your Majesty."

It can't be... Carmine was a great spy. How could he have known that she was using familiars? I must pass the heat. Looking at the nobles, I spotted Count Housser. "Count! How could you?! On such an important mission, you made your daughter spy on the Prince?! They went there as diplomats! How could you! Now, even my daughter is captured and our southern flank has been invaded!"

Clearly shocked by my words, Count Housser defended himself. "That is outrageous, Your Majesty! How could I even do that?! Carmine has been in your care since she was 4 years old! I haven't even seen her here in the capital! For 12 years, Your Majesty! And I don't even have the time to contact her for I was busy purging the demihumans to the west for the sake of the empire! Now tell me, Your Majesty, how could I have ordered her to do such a thing?!"

Fuck! I forgot about that! The heat seems to be going to my head. "Then who could have done such a blunder?! Who?!"

It was then that General Arthur Canter interrupted us. "It matters not anymore, Your Majesty. The real issue is that clearly, it is the empire that invited such calamity. We all know that it was the Prince of Agmanac who purged those who were dupporting the then-Prince Ignace. He was the one who uprooted a whole faction and destroyed his rival to the throne. And what is more suprising is that he was only 12 years old. Such a talent wouldn't easily bow itself, even to us. And now, we are experiencing the wrath of the Prince and we now know that his wrath is not to be taken for granted. We all know how heavily fortified the south is with its group of fortresses, garrisons and its 2 million soldiers. But the Prince, with half the soldiers, decimated the south. What does this imply? This means not only is he a cunning person, he can also back it up with force. I just hope he doesn't march straight here, in the capital."

Baffled, I asked. "Why, General? He wouldn't dare-"

"He had already destroyed the southern defences which was well-manned and battle-ready. What would happen if he decides to march here? With all our forces concentrated in the borders, it will take them at least a week to mobilized. But the Prince? He only needs two days, maybe three. Bottomline, we cannot defend the capital. That's how serious our situation is." He then sighed and continued. "If I knew the Prince would be this decisive, I would have went there myself to guard Princess Gabrielle. I would have tried to pull Prince Beale to us. Such a talent... If he was from the empire, I would be jumping of joy but... to have him as an enemy... The empire will have a lot to think about." He then stood up and began to walk out.

"Where are you going, General?" I asked, fear imminent in my voice.

"To prepare for what is to come, Your Majesty. I will try to strengthen the capital's defenses for as much as I can. We would be lucky if he decides to stay in the south but if he decides to march here in the capital, at least I would buy us some time before our own armies arrives." He then bowed and tried to walk out the room when he saw a soldier running and panting towards me. The general stopped walking and looked towards my direction.

With a quick bow, the soldier neared me and spoke to my ears. Hearing all it, I couldn't help but exclaim. "WHAT?!"

"It is true, Your Majesty." the soldier confirmed.

General Arthur, who was about to go out, asked me about it. "What is it, Your Majesty?"

"The southeastern port towns and cities... have been conquered by the Prince..."

"What?! But isn't the 3rd fleet on standby there?! How could that be?!"

"The fleet was... obliterated... The Prince's navy destroyed them. Reports says that we didn't even sink a single ship from the Prince's navy."

"Admiral Beckett! Did Admiral Beckett survive?!" Asked the General.

"None was left alive. Even those who surrendered."

"This can't be..." The general muttered to himself.

The nobles are now chattering with loud voices in front of me. The southern nobles then began to stand up. All of them stated reasons that even I cannot say 'no'.

"I would like you to excuse me, Your Majesty. My fief needs me."

"I need to rescue my family, Your Majesty. Please excuse me."

"My people needs me, Your Majesty. Do excuse me."

Facing such requests from them, all I could do is wave my hand to let them leave. Before I gave them my approval to go, I asked the still-kneeling meesenger in front of me.

"Messenger, how could you have known what you just reported to us? We received reports that Agmanac is a dead spot. One cannot go in and out without the knowledge of the Prince. How could you have gathered such intelligence."

"Because I didn't gather them, Your Majesty." he stated plainly.

"WHAT?!" I stood up from my chair and shouted. "This cur dare lie to us! You said you never gathered those information! That means this is all a hoax!"

"It is not, Your Majesty." he stated.


"I was sent here by the Prince himself."

The whole room was sent in an uproar. The Prince himself sent a messenger to them. For that Prince to send someone, he must have a motive. I calmed myself and asked the kneeling messenger.

"What are his demands?"

"The whole Margraviate of Ceawin and the port cities of Marcia and Algair." He answered.

A noble then stood up and shouted. "Preposterous! Ceawin is one of our main source of grain and metal while Marcia and Algair are our major ports for trade from the eastern continent! He dared to-"

The noble was cut off by the general. "Messenger, if we don't comply to his demands, what will be the consequence?"

"Prince Beale will march to the capital and sack it, killing all of those who will stand in his way. He will annihilate the Imperial Family and claim the empire as his own."

I was shocked by the messenger's statement. Sack the capital?! Annihilate the Imperial Family?! Claim the empire as his own?! "Assemble the armies! We must strike down this ambitious twat!"

General Arthur stopped me. "That is impossible, Your Majesty! I already told you! To mobilize the armies, we need at least a month! A month, Your Majesty! By that time, the capital would have been sacked or worst, burned to the ground! Prince Beale will destroy the empire and whether or not we agree to his claims, he has the capacity to march to the capital! Remember, Your Majesty! 2 million soldiers, annihilated! Even if we assemble the armies, they would at least be 20 million battle-ready soldiers but with such a size, marching will take longer than a month! And for us to win against the Prince, we need at least that amount to destroy his forces which is impossible due to time constraints and lack od preparation! Do you want the empire to crumble due to your pride?! If they will not say it then I will! I know it was you who ordered the surveilance and espionage on Prince Beale and his territtory! Because of your actions, you invited the Devil here! You made this situation! Now, we will lose Princess Gabrielle as a political prisoner, lose one of the chief sources of grain and metal, lose our major southern port cities and lose face for losing against a principality of a kingdom we thought was under us! Think about it, Your Majesty! The kingdom hasn't mobilized their armies! Only the Prince mobilized his! He didn't need his father's armies to deal with us! He himself can deal with us with only his Black Army! What would happen if the neighboring countries finds out about this humiliation?! We would lose all face!" He shouted at my face.

To think the general from my father's time would berate me like this. It just means one thing: we are screwed. I was thinking to myself when the messenger spoke again. "Don't worry about that, General. The Prince said he wouldn't tell the other countries of his 'expedition'."

"At least... He still had to give us some-"

"He says 'Why should I share such a big prize with everybody when he could have it to himself alone?'. He says unless His Majesty decide within a day, he will continue his 'expedition' here in the capital and do what I just told you earlier. He also said 'This is the prize for spatting on my face. You dare try to undermine my authority by sending me those ridiculous demands of yours? Are you trying to make a rift between my father and I? And now, under the guise of diplomacy, you tried to spy on me? And don't say you didn't because I have many ways to prove to you and your people the blunders that you, The Emperor, did to me. Now I will make the demands. Hand over Ceawin and the southern port cities or I will march to your capital and claim the empire as a whole. Tell your answer to the messenger.' That's what Prince Beale told me to tell you, Your Majesty." the messenger stated cooly.

All the people in the conference room looked at me with worried faces. Now they all know I fucked up. I looked at the general who is now seething in anger and said. "General, gather some forces. I ask you to be my voice to the Prince. Tell him that I agree to his demands. If possible, try to negotiate with him. And I want to have my daughter back."

Before the General even answered me, the messenger spoke again. "Your Majesty, the Prince also told me to tell you his last message after hearing his demands. Would you like to hear it?"

"What is it?! He still have demands?!"

"No, Your Majesty. He just told me to tell you this. 'I will accept no conditions nor negotiations with you. I don't trust you and I don't care of your reactions. You were decisive in trying to spy on me and betraying my trust. Now be decisive to deal with the consequences. And don't try to scare me. Did you really think that the army I have brought to your empire is the entirety of my whole army? Let me tell you this. Even if you mobilize 30 million of your troops, I can still come out on top. And with your armies in shambles, I can then conquer the empire entirely. You brought this upon yourself. Princess Gabrielle will be a political prisoner and will be released after you have given me the proper documents that states my ownership on Ceawin, Algair and Marcia.' That is his last message for you, Your Majesty."

"Fine! Fine! Tell him that I agree to his terms!" I shouted at the messenger.

"Your Majesty..." the nobles looked at me with worried and anxious expressions.

"What can I do about it? He has my daughter for a hostage and I don't have the proper forces to fight him!"

"This is because of your fault, Your Majesty." Suddenly, the messenger stood up and looked at me with a maddened gaze.



How could this be?! How could such a hick in the south be a great thorn for me and the empire?! I don't want to let go of my position! I even killed my father to have the position of emperor! I removed all political rivals to the throne to be emperor! And now, after only 20 years, I will let this go?! Never! I then looked towards General Arthur.

"General, gather some troops. Meet Prince Beale down south. Be my voice and envoy and tell him that I agree with his demands. Tell him that we will also pay for the damages that this war incurred."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He replied with a cold voice then turned around to leave.

"Let me go also, Your Majesty. My people needs me now more than ever.

One by one, the southern nobles voiced their requests to return to their territories. Some to rescue their families while others are to strengthen their defences. I waved my hand, giving them my affirmation. I know what you rotten nobles have in mind. With an unstoppable army of the Prince, you could gain favor to him by surrendering and becoming his vassals then attack the capital with the combined might of the nobles and the Prince. Even if the Prince does not march here, as long as they can gain his graces, they would be safe from the Prince's steel. Judging from the looks in their faces, they have started to lose faith in me. I have to turn this around or else I will be faced with a civil war or worst.

"Any minister available, report to me."

A few moments later, an old minister came running towards me. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Heed me! Send word to the reinforced armies at the northern, western and eastern fronts. Tell them the situation and have them ready at least 15 million soldiers and make them march to the capital outskirts within 3 weeks at least. Have them feed and battle-ready. The sooner, the better."

"At once, Your Majesty."

He then turned and left. With the General going south, the situation there will run smoothly. Once my daughter returns, I will declare war on Valois. Foolish brat, with the Prince telling me that he will not report this to the countries surrounding us, I can have this advantage and reverse the situation. After informing the nearby countries of the 'treachery' the Valoisian did, they might join us in destroying that wretched kingdom once and for all. Nothing will matter as long as I am the winner.

Southern Defensive Line, Fort Sungard, Luxum Empire

Belial POV

"Are we done with the sweeping?"

"Yes, My Prince. All humans have been dealt with including the human slaves but excluding children under 10 years of age. All elves, beastmen, dwarves and dragon newts have been released and are now escorted back to Agmanac along with the children. But, Your Highness, I have a question that I wanted to ask?" Said Paimon who arrived behind me.

"Go ahead. What is it?" I asked while looking down from the roof of the fortress.

"Why not kill the human children? Aren't they human as well?"

"Truth be told Paimon, I am still having a hard time thinking of whether it is fine to kill children. You see, they are innocent, sinless and untainted. I was hoping that we could indocrinate them. Teach them the ways of not being human. I died plenty of times as a child, Paimon. And even after those many times, I still didn't see what my mistakes were. I only understood a bit after living for a while and dying as an adult. That humans are humans not because of who they are but what they choose to become."

"But in the end, they are still human. They will, sooner or later, betray you for their own-"

"Then I will kill them! If they prove me wrong with my deduction, then I will smite them with my wrath. Besides, I said I am having doubts of killing children but that doesn't mean I won't kill them even if I helped raise them. I will kill each and everyone of them should they rebel against me. I already spared them once. It won't happen again." I said coldly while looking back on Paimon.

"I still believe that you are making a mistake but since you already said that you'll deal with them then I have no qualms about it anymore." Paimon then bowed.

"Well, that's the end of that. Now, tell me about our forces by the sea. I still havent made a mental contact with Gaap through our contract so I couldn't take to him mentally yet." I asked her while I returned at viewing the carnage down below.

"Gaap says he have captured Algair and Marcia with ease. He have also destoryed the empire's fleet docked there. They have freed all non-human slaves and escorted them to Agmanac. All human were purged... including children."

"Good. Now, have the armies ready. We march after an hour. I have received a report from my familiar that my messenger to the emperor have died. Apparently, he killed himself. He must have thought that if he killed himself, I would march to the imperial capital with my whole army due to him not returning. He never thought that I had a familiar attached to him all this time. Humans, really... Even in death, they would use others to have their revenge. Sadly though, I am not that gullible."

"Your Highness, why not march to the capital? There is nothing stopping us from marching there." asked Paimon.

"I wanted them to make more reasons for me to further invade and destory them, Paimon. You see, I already predicted what the empire would do. First, they would seemingly agree to my demands and have me return the princess. But having the princess returned to the empire, they will then declare an all-out war against Valois under the guise of us tarnishing the honor of the empire by taking Princess Gabrielle, who was an envoy, as hostage while invading them. They will rally their forces and with their 'just cause', other nearby human countries might buy it and declare war on Valois also."

"Then why not conquer them all?"

"Because like I said earlier, I wanted them to make more reasons for me to further invade and destroy them. This time, it is just a show of might and power. When they realize my power, force and influence, they will concentrate on defending the south, leaving the north and west, which borders the elven and dwarven kingdoms, unattended and under-manned. When that happens, it will be easily to attack the empire in one clean sweep. And we could cripple the empire in a way they could never stand up. Practically, Paimon, we could annihilate the empire as a whole but we should also let our new allies vent their anger to their suppressors. Besides, with the fer of my army, the southern imperial nobles will surely try to curry favors with me, trying to get my good graces. Fence hoppers like that are the most difficult to destroy, at least in human ways. But we aren't human, aren't we? Lastly, I have already sent messengers to the nearby countries regarding the atrocities done by the empire and what we did to regain our honor."

"But you said to the messenger that you wouldn't inform your neighbors of this attack. Are you breaking your word?"

"I did not. I sent the messengers to King Hector so that he could send them as diplomats to the other countries, informing them of what happened. It will be hs words, not mine."

"Good strategy, Your Highness."

"Mmm. Now ready the troops. We will march to Ceawin within a day and conquer it. Now, how will the empire react? Is it according to my prediction or somthing else?"

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