《Infracto Animo》Chapter 17: Coalition of the Unwanted


Gremory POV

The Demihumans. A description used to all intelligent non-human beings with human-like appearance or shape. A name that humans tagged to those who are "of the lower species". Humans tend to see themselves as somewhat a higher form of existence. Since the start of time, when life flourished on Earth, only humans fight for the most nonsensical reasons. This 'demihumans' on the other hand, developedtheir way of life on a way very different from humans. Each species has their own rules and systems. Elves by intelligence, Beastmen by physical power, Dragon newts by skills, Harpies by technique and Mermen by grace. Other 'demihumans' too have their own set of systems but only humans are different. Their ways are the same to that of demons: power through deceit, corruption, malicious propaganda, extortion, bribery, kidnapping and murder. That's how humans pick their leader and how they implement their rules and secrets. Very different from that of the what they call 'Demihumans'. Due to the spread of the new religion, these 'demihuman' groups have ceased their contact with the humans. Yet right now, three heads from the 'demihuman' countries came here, in Agmanac, to seek an audience with Prince Beale who is a 'human' ruler. I could already predict their purposeof coming but the question remains: Why come and take the risk? Right now, these personages are on their way here. Elf, dwarf and dragon newt. Their species are very different from the primitive humans.

For example, Elves rarely fight due to the lack of reason. They are long-lived beings that are capable of living up to a thousand years old. As such, things like lust for power, greed and envy are things they have no concern about. They are also a unique species due to their affinity to nature magic, gaining them the moniker 'Nature's Guardians'. They can make plants grow faster and healthier. They can also enrich the lands used for the culltivation of crops and other agricultural plants. They are also expert builders and engineers due to their affinity with earth magic though not as much as the Dwarves. Lastly, they are expert marksmen. With their affinity to wind magic, their arrows could be launched without any resistance to the wind and and with proper precision, they could kill the enemies from more than a mile away. They are also very dexterous and sgile due to their body build. Elves are also known as the most beautiful living beings due to their youthful appearance. Even their elders still lookslike in their mid-20s. Also the elves are ranked based on their hair as it denotes one's ancestry. There are the wood elves with their green hair, the noble elves with their golden blonde hair and last, the high elves with their silver hair.

Next up are the Dwarves. The People of the Mountain. The Underpeople. The Ale Worshippers. The Godly Artisans. Dwarves are called many names and monikers due to their nature and skills. They are known for their short stature, their straggly beards and their voracious appetite. But the thing that stand out about dwarves is their skills in weapon making and artifact refining. They make a living by selling their finely-made blades and blunts and also their armors and wares. A dwarven-made weapon and armor are more superior than those of humans so they are very sought after by any human kingdom, both freely and enslaved.They are also the species known for their mastery on runes. Their blast furnaces that can withstand the flames where even diamonds melt are rigged with runes that protects the furnace from breaking apart due to the hot flames. Rune magic are not the only things that dwarves can use. They are also proficient in fire and earth magic, making their jobs a lot easier. They are also known to be shrewed merchants that will try and increase their profits as much as they can but unlike humans, they will give you what they promise and they never break their oaths. It is that dwarven trait that many trades with them. They are shrewed but they are trustworthy.


Then there's a dragon newts. The Dragon Kin. The Dragon Men. The Lizard people. They are the crossbreed between fallen angels and dragons. It was believed that they are a crossbreed between men and dragon but that is a lie. Humans doesn't have the magicka nor the physical attributes to support a dragon's potent genes. They will eat the human host mother if such genes are inserted in her, thus making it impossible to make a human a possible mate to a dragon. A fallen angel on the other hand, is a very powerful being capable of housing the dragon's potent magical energy. The resulting offsprings are winged, bipedaled reptilian-skinned creatures that are intelligent and can use magic. They are also long lived like elves and despite their feral outer appearance, they quite civilized. A unique trait of fragon Newts is their so called 'Maturation'. When they 'mature', they will shed their reptilian skin, revealing a human-like skin except at their hands and feet. They will also have the appearance that are in league with fallen angels: an almost unparalleled beauty. What remains of their dragonic outer appearance are their limbs that are still shaped like those of a dragon, their wings at their backs and their horns. In the matter of skills, they are proficient with any elements but they are very famous for their spirit and conjuration magic.

And now, the leaders of these unique beings are here today; to talk to Prince Beale. Of why they want to talk, I can only guess but even I am not certain. I was in the middle of my thoughts when a servant knocked the door at my front.

"Milady, the elven queen, Queen Anuriel Faelar Illithor have arrived."

Before I could even reply another knock came from the west door. "Milady, the dwarven king, King Thormund Fellhammer have arrived."

Really, elf and dwarf came at the same time? And it's the monarchs themselves. This is going to cause me a headache. I finished my thoughts and replied. "Send them in."

The doors opened and in came a silver-haired elven woman with a mithril crown on her head. Dressed in white and green garbs, she strode towards me. I then looked at me left and saw a short but stout man with a beard reaching to his stomach. He was wearing a golden dwarven full armor and a golden crown in his head. His axe, he gave to the servant before going in. They both looked dignified as they strode their way in until they saw each others face.

"It seems the hicks from the sticks are also here. Why is that?" the dwarven king taunted.

"I would want to answer but I fear my world will fall on deaf ears. I mean talking to a drunkard will never bear any sense." replied the elven queen.

"Drunkard aye? At least we ain't malnourished for eating grass and sticks like cows." the dwarf smirked while taunting again.

"If being beer-bellied and delirious what you thought of as healthy, then count me out." answered the elf, clearly bored of the dwarf's repeated uncouth comments.

Enraged, the dwarf roared. "Delirious?! You called me delirious?! I-"

They were interrupted by another voice that came from the other side. Looking at my right, I saw a lady in red robes. I would have thought that she was an elf if it weren't for her horns and the wings on her back. She then talked. "If you two are here to bicker, I suggest you take that outside. I am here to speak to the ruler of this fief, not to listen in your petty squabbles. I came here with an important mission. If you two aren't then please. I suggest you go out." She finished while slamming her staff. She then gave it to the servant who guided her.


The servant vowed towards me and said. "I'm sorry milady. She insisted to come in so I didn't have the time to announce her presence."

The dragon woman then remarked. "It was I who insist on coming in. I'm High Priestess Aryz Nabal, representative of the Rah Yolus Kogaan. I demand to have an audience with your Prince. Where is he?"

The elven queen ignored the rambling dwarf king and talked. "That is also the reason why I came here. Milady, may I ask where is the Prince?"

The raging dwarf calmed down and asked. "For once, I agree with the elf. I am here for your Prince. I demand him to show himself."

Although I was enraged with the dwarf's lack of respect, I still answered politely. "He is readying himself and is already on his way here. Please wait for a while. By the way, my name is Veronique Gremory. I am the chief adviser of the Prince mainly dealing on the problems of his domain. I'm-"

I was interrupted by the dwarf who now sitted himself. "I don't fucking care who you are, steward. I, by my right as king, demand that you either call your damn prince or I'll drag him out of his makeup seassion." He exclaimed with a snort.

Priestess Aryz slammed her hand to the table. "Dwarven king, you are being disrespectful to the host. We came uninvited so the Prince must prepare himself to receive us. At least have that thought and be-"

"Quiet Lizard. You may be a high priestess but I am the High King of the Dwarves. By my right and authority, I could make that prince kneel down and kiss the sole of my boots should I order him." Answered the dwarf.

Such disrespect to my Prince! Such blatant disrespect! Unforgivable! Totally unforgivable! I felt something snap inside me and I started to release my aura when I felt something tap me in the shoulders. Before I could even turn to look, a very familiar voice entered my ears.

"Might you repeat that, dwarf? I seem to have misheard you?"

Saying that, a dreaded aura that even I can feel suffocated, fiils the air. The dragonian priestess, the elven queen and the shitty dwarf all paled when they felt it.

"I readied myself properly to receive you but... If only I knew I would be treated like this, maybe I shouldn't have... Whatever. Before you ask, yes I am the one you are seeking. I am Prince Beale Maxime Thierry de Agmanac de Valois, prince and ruler of the very land you are in right now. And I am not glad to meet you.

Belial POV

I made my intent disappear and sat on the chair designated for me with Gremory and Paimon who escorted me sat a little far at my back. I then looked at the pale faces of my supposed guests. Seeing them motionless, I spoke.

"What the fuck are you all waiting for? You wanted to meet me and now I am here yet you're just going to stare at me. If that's all, I have better things to do."

The pale dragon priestess shakily spoke. "Ho-How are yo-you so-"

"Are we going to talk or do you want me to kick you out of here?" I asked in a cold tone.

The dwarf, who was pale before, is now red showing his enraged face. "BRAT! YOU DARE SPAT SHIT ON MY FACE! I WILL-"

But before he could continue, I cut him off withmy own words. "Dwarf... it seems you don't know what your situation..." Using my skill 'Dominion' I released my killing intent. I continued to speak. "Would you like to test it out?"

The dwarf, clearly angered by my threatening, endured my aura and tried to speak. "YOU-"

"You intruded in my dominion uninvited... You are showing hostility without warning... You disrespected me in front of my subordinate... You actually ordered my retainer to drag me out to meet you... And lastly..." I walked towards the now pale-faced dwarf, clearly horrified on the pressure I am exerting. "You dared to exert your authority in my palace, MY DOMINION?! TELL ME DWARF, WHAT REASONS DO YOU HAVE THAT WOULD PREVENT ME FROM KILLING YOU?!" I released the full extent of my killing intent and bloodlust which made the castle creak.

The whole castle felt the full brunt of my intent, as I heard the screams and wails of despair which I judge are from the servants, knights and guards. But I didn't care. I just want these worms to feel who they are messing with. I even saw Gremory making a difficult face, cold sweat dripping on her forehead. I then looked at the dignitaries that lay sprawled on the ground. I saw the dragon newt priestess trying to stand up, clearly enduring the pressure I am currently releasing. She then shakily talked.

"Pi-pri-prince, Plea-please... kuho... Ea-ease your ang-anger..." She pleaded while she kneeled, unable to stand up.

The elf also kneeled while on fours and spoke while biting her teeth to endure the pressure. "Pri-prince, I-I came to... to talk... I-if we ha-had aquired yo-your ire, ple-please... We-we will talk t-to that dwarf on yo-your-"

"You stepped into my dominion, you got and received my courtesy and you got served the best reception you people could have due to your so-called stature. But do tell me? Why should I even talk to you people? I gave you an access to the human merchandises, spices, resources and technology that no other country in the world have. And what do I get? Three smug 'leaders' walks in here, acting as if they own the whole place and demanded things here and there. Tell me, why should I forgive such people my time and attention?"

Horrified on my statement, the dragon newt prietess as if not feeling my killing intent, bowed deeply. "I-it was not a-our intention, Prince! Please do forgive us if we angered you..."

She was seconded by the elf queen. "We deeply apoligize on our actions and actuations, Prince of Agmanac. Please ease your ire." she said while bowing deeply.

I looked at them and felt that they were really apologetic. My goal was achieved. I showed them what I am capable of and they became subservient. I eased my intent only on the point that they could feel it but no longer pressurized by it. Dominion is usable on times like this and since it is a Passive Skill of mine, it doesn't need magicka to activte. Plus, it is always there. I only limit it so it is sometimes it isn't felt by anyone. I then sent a small fireball towards the unconcious dwarf to wake him up. Surprised by the sudden explosion right on his face, the dwarf stood up and looked around, clearly disoriented.

"Are you awake now?" I directed my question on the dwarf. "I don't have all day to waste so either we discuss what the fuck are you people doing here or should I kick you out of my territory?" I questioned them while I sat on my chair.

Feeling the pressure gone, they looked at me with pale expressions. They sat down in their respective seats and began our discussion. But before starting, I gestured at Gremory. "Inform Liliana of these orders. Use the healers and attend to anyone that were afflicted by my intent. Give me a report afterwards."

"At once, my Prince." Gremory bowed and left, leaving me with Paimon.

I looked back at the dignitaries and spoke. "So... why are you here?"

The dragon newt priestess started to talk first. She stood up and bowed. "Before that, I thank you for the pardon you-"

I cut her off midway on her speech and spoke. "Enough of the formalities. I am a very busy person so talk to me straight to the point. Why are you here?"

Clearly shaken by my words, she sat back down and contemplated a bit. After a moment, she spoke. "I came here to confirm something, Prince Beale. I wish to confirm if you are an 'ally' or not."

"Define what you mean by 'ally', priestess?" I asked.

"It means what it mean, Prince. We demihumans are, unknown to the world, are allied to each other. I am asking you, as a human ruler who opened his borders and territory to us, is this a ploy or an act of free will?"

The elven queen talked as well. "With the growing Anthropocentric Church, we are now pegged on our countries but with the long reach of human influence, we will soon be cornered without a chance of fighting back. So I came here to ascertain your intentions. It seems that the dragon newt clans are also thinking the same way I am. With the dwarf king here, it solidified my assumptions."

"Hmmm... Is that so?" I looked at the dwarf king and asked. "What about you? The elf queen said you're here on the same agenda as her but that was her words, not yours. So, why are you here, dwarf king?"

Looking at me with a pale face, the dwarf spoke. "I came here as a representative of my people to ascertain the ruler who opened up his territory to us dwarves without asking anything. I want to ascertain if this is a trap or not. At first, I was certain that even if this was a trap, I could escape but... Now that I know how much of a monster you are, I doubt I can't even make a single step if you wish to strike me down."

I was surprised by his words but I also expected it. I just didn't expect him to talk about it. I looked at both the elf and dragon newt and asked. "Is that also your circumstance? You were sent here to see if I am a threat?"

The dragon newt priestess replied. "Yes. Frankly speaking, I am sent here because the high council agreed that if you are an ally, you would needsomeone with a high enough position to make deals and bargains with. And if you were an enemy, they thought that I could escape even with your whole army behind me. I know the elven queen here and the dwarf king are sent with the same objective. But... after what you made us feel, the confidence in excaping unscathed is now non-existent. I know that we are at your mercy. I also know that the one behind you is much more stronger than you are."

Before I could talk, the elf queen butted in on my conversation with the dragon newt. "Prince Beale... May I inquire you of something?"

"What is it?" I asked.

"I feel that you aren't... human... I already knew of this because of my daughter. A human with that much power with him as such a young age... realistically, it is impossible to have that much power... I must ask for confirmation. Are you-"

Before she could finish, I spread my wings open. "I am no human. We are late in our introductions but I deem it necessary for you to know who you are dealing with. I am Belial, Great King of Hell, First Fallen Watcher and Antithesis of God." I stood up and spread my wings more, revealing their splendor.

Seeing my wings, the three were petrified. After a while, they stood up and kneeled. """I salute to you, Lord Seraph!"""

"Why are you people submissive to me? I just said I'm a Great King of Hell. I also said I'm the Antithesis of God. Yet why are you still subservient to me?" I asked.

The dragon newt who is still on her knees, replied first while bowing. "First milord, my name is Aryz Nabal, high priestess and representative of the Rah Yolus Kogaan. To answer your questions, it is because the God you are referring to is not my people's God. We believe in the Great Spirit that created the dragons, our ancestors. We bow to you for you are a seraph. A being from a plain much higher than even those of the dragons. Whatever religion or God you pray upon, seraphs are heralds of the Gods. They have the power which are lesser or equal to that of gods and they have divinity. You, milord, said you are one of the Fallen Watcher; the first at that. That means you are one of the chief seraphs of the God you were once serving. Someone of that stature and power isn't something we mortals can even gaze upon. Not even dragons can get this opportunity: to speak in front of a chief seraph, not even a lifetime's worth of luck is enough." She said while shedding some tears.

The elf queen spoke after Aryz. "This one's name is Anuriel Faelar Illithor, queen of Elvengard and I am here to represent my people. I am here milord, to confirm the Seer's vision."

"An elven seer? And? What does this Seer's vision has to do with me?" I asked.

"Everything milord. You see, there was a prophesy for us elves. The prophesy is written in Sindarin but in the tongue of Man, it is translated like this: The time of the elves will soon be over. Man will pillage and destroy all of what defines elves. Cities will burn, women will be raped and enslaved, children will be neutered and babies will he strewned on the ramparts and walls of your cities. Men will be enslaved and worked to death and when the dust settles, the elves will be no more. Dust to dust. And you will be forgotten in the pages of history, consigned to oblivion. But fate is not definite. A herald, fallen from grace. Betrayed by his God and by Man, he will return from the abyss to exact his vengeful wrath on the race whom have forsaken him and the God who sentenced him. He's the mightiest of the Watchers, bold and powerful is he. The world of Man will drown on his vindictive fury. But of all his hate and dudgeon, the elven race is not included in it. Only through this herald's help can fate be averted but be warned... Fate hangs on a thread. This herald can avert your destiny or can be your doom.' This is what was portended. When I heard from my daughter the things about you milord plus the aura you released when you awakened, I believe it is you that is mentioned in the portends." She then bowed deeper and said. "We elves have awaited your arrival milord. We have waited for a long time and now, it has finaly paid off. If you would let us, we will whole-heartedly pledge ourselves to you. If such an oath doesn't satisfy you, you can soulbind every elf alive and kicking and be put under your rule. Please, accept this pledge of mine, the pledge of elvenkind."

I just looked at her and after a few moments, I spoke. "I do hate humankind. Enough that I will eradicate them from the face of the Earth. And you are right, the elves whom God didn't create himself are not part of my vengeance." I then looked at Paimon who just smiled and nodded at me. I looked at Gremory who already returned after giving off my instructions to Liliana. She just smiled at me, giving me her approval. I returned my eyes to the people kneeling in front of me, especially Anuriel. "I accept your pledge, Anuriel. Tell me, what do you seek from me. Protection? Power?"

"We elves only seek your word, milord. Your word that you will help us and exclude us from your wrath. We won't depend on you milord but on our time of need, please do help us." Anuriel begged.

"Then we have an accord, Anuriel. On my side, just be ready for my summons. I wish to have your armies on standby. I will open a bigger gateway on your country so you could deploy your armies more efficiently. I will also build gateways to all your counterparts. It will make evacations and deployment a lot easier. I will also give you some technology to help you defend your country. Is that all?" I asked.

Anuriel looked up with a big smile and bowed again, "Thank you, milord. Thank you." she said while tearing up.

"Enough grovelling. Stand up." Looking at the dwarf who had gone quiet and Aryz. "What about you two? Are you just going to keep kneeling there?"

Aryz spoke. "We dragon newts also seek an alliance to you, milord. We also have the same prophesy given to us by our Grand Shaman. If all it would take is for our kind to pledge our lives to you then I will go back and bring the Grand Shaman here himself. Only he can decide for my people."

"Then go. I will be here to receive him." I answered.

"Thank you very much, Lord Belial." She stood up, bowed and prepared to leave when I stopped her.

"Aryz, hold your steps." When she turned back, she showed me with a worried face. "I will talk to that Grand Shaman of yours but..." I walked towards her and gave her a pendant. "Wear this. With this pendant, I can eavesdrop on your conversation with your superior. Know that I will know if you try to muffle it. Don't tell him about my 'real' name. Just tellhim Prince Beale asks for his presence."

She observed the ring and I know what the status menu of this necklace would be. It will look like this.

Necklace of Communication Rank: Legend


A ring created by the Demon King Zagan. This necklace is always with a pair by which is enchanted with the same enchantment this necklace have. The holders of these necklaces can communicate with each other via talking or telepathy.

Restriction: Cannot be bound

Level 200 requirement

Cannot be sold

Properties: Unknown

Owner: Prince Beale Maxime Thierry De Agmanac de Valois (King Belial)

She returned her attention to me and said. "Yes milord. I personally wish that you would trust me. I wouldn't want to tarnish my name to a seraph, a higher being. But for you to trust me, I am even willing to be soulbound." She said while bowing towards me.

"Soon, if you prove to be one. Now go."

"Yes milord." She then bowed again and left.

I looked at the last remaining kneeling person, the dwarf king. "What of you, dwarf king? Are you just gonna kneel there all day? If you are then I will just leave you be." I said as I began to retract my wings and made them invisible again via illusion magic.

Seeing he isn't talking, I turned and gestured Anuriel. "Come Anuriel. I have things I have to talk with you about. Leave the kneeling dwarf as it seems that he had swallowed his own tongue."

Anuriel walked to my side and we began to walk away when the dwarf talked. "Please wait milord."

I turned around and saw the still kneeling dwarf with his head bowing. "I just didn't have the words to say how apologetic I am milord. Please know I regretted it much. I have been accustomed to being the top of everything and it seems like it went to my head. I am really sorry milord. Do give this old dwarf another chance to prove his honor and worth. I know how heavily I have sinned but please... do give me... give us dwarves another chance." He said while bowing with his kness both on the floor. It almost looked like he was grovelling.

"Stand up dwarf king. I know of your pride... the dwarves pride. I know because I am a personification of Pride. Stand up." I ordered.

"No, milord." he knocked his head on the floor. "This pride almost costed the dwarven race's extermination. I almost killed my people because of my pride. I cannot forgive myself for making such a mistake. I cannot..." He cried while grovelling.

A dwarf crying is even rarer than finding mithril and orichalcum. And the one crying in front of me was a dwarven king. The highest ranking dwarf is now crying in front of me. Such an act is never heard even in tales and songs. Seeing such a scene, I spoke to the dwarf.

"And yet it didn't happen. Besides, I am no harbinger of havoc. What I destroy, I must have a reason. Hate, wrath, loathing, disgust. And frankly speaking, you are not even worthy of my hate, dwarfling. So stand up. I have shown you my dominance and power. You have shown that you are remorseful. That's enough. I can't talk about business if you are like that." I said with a firm voice.

"I-I... Thank you, Lord Belial." He then stood up and tried to clean his face with his gauntlet. After that he stood tall and offered a dwarven salute, a fist to the heart. "My name is Thormund Fellhammer, High King of the Underkingdom. I pledge myself to your cause, milord. Use me and my old body whenever or whatever you want. I, with the entire dwarven race, pledge our allegiance to you."

Looking at a dwarf who looked at me with eyes filled of fervor. "By my name, I accept such pledge. Work for me with ardor and I will reward you and your race with the proper compensations. I know you are greedy as you are artificers, merchants, blacksmiths, whitesmiths, rune enchanters and mechanics. You do things with business, with equivalent exchange. I will not deprive your race with benefits."

Thormund shook his head and said. "We are your servants now, milord. I, as high king, will honor my pledge. That is my pride, my race's pride. I just ask one thing. Like the elves, I would like to seek your help if ever we are in danger. We dwarves believe in the Earth Goddess and the Fire God. Sadly, we don't have any seer or shaman with us as we are not atuned to nature or spirit magic. But meeting you milord, might be fate."

"So it seems." Turning around, I spoke again. "And do change your outlooks in life. First, stop calling yourselves 'demihumans'. Just call your race 'elvenkind' or 'dwarvenkind'. Don't cage yourself inside the halo of Man. Be free of it." I demanded.

""It will be done, milord!"" Anuriel and Thormund replied.

"Follow me. I will show you things that will affrim your loyalty to me." I then walked away with Paimon and Gremory by my sides while Anuriel and Thormund follows.

3 days later, Castle Chernobog

I was reading some parchments in my study. As usual, Paimon is with me along with Gremory. In front of me though are my guest from 3 days ago, Anuriel the queen of the elves and Thormund the dwarven high king. Aryz is also here. She returned the day she came and said that the Grand Shaman is communing with the Great Spirit so she couldn't come. 'She' Aryz said denoting the Grand Shaman is a woman. Aryz said she will arrive after her colloquy. I leaveit be since I know Aryz was telling the truth thoughI don't know about the shaman.

As I sift through the books and parchments, the door was knocked by a messenger.

"Prince Beale, King Hector of the Kingdom of Valois have arrived and wishes to see you."

Before I could answer, another messenger came. "Forgive me my Prince but I bring urgent news. A personage who calls herself Grand Shaman have arrived from the gateway the leads to the dragon newt country. She wishes an audience with you."

Hector arrived earlier. He must have worked his horses to death to come here or... "Is the Valois King riding a horse or..."

"They were riding on gryphons, my Prince." the messenger answered.

So that's why he's early. This should be interesting. "Send for them to the Grand Colloqium. We will discuss our agendas there."

""At once, Your Highness."" the messengers bowed and left.

I stood up on my chair which was followed by the ones in front of me. "Paimon, Gremory, come with me. You three, follow us as well. We shall receive our guests."

So it begins...

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