《Infracto Animo》Chapter 16 : Arrival of the 'Unclean Bloods'


Belial POV

Six months passed in a blink of an eye and many things happened that changed both me and my fief. On the span of 6 months, I have summoned 5 new entities that will serve me in my cause. They are Zagan, Gaap, Glasya-Lebolas, Bathin and Gremory. After summoning these 5 demons, my summoning skill was disabled. I couldn't summon anymore demons or even minions for the time being. Maybe it was due to my level being low or some requirements are needed but right now, I can't summon familiars anymore. I can summon inanimated things but not living beings. Anyway, the demons I summoned were the ones I needed primarily on my conquest of power, dominance and control over Earth. The war with God comes after that. Of the 5 of them, only Gaap challenges me to a battle which led to me getting pummeled while Gaap sustained serious injuries. But the others accepted my dominion over them with little to no resistance wihich is kinda strange.

Gaap is also the first demon I have summoned after Paimon. He is a tall man wearing a black armor with blue ormnaments and like mine, he wore a golden dragon with seven heads in the middle of his chest plate. He is an harpoon and trident user as he is carrying a black trident and a silver harpoon with a blue handle. Like Paimon, I cannot see the important things in his status board. Like me who is a King of Hell, he commands a large army of soldiers. But his specialty lies in the naval warfare. And so, I commanded him to build a fortress in the sea trading city of Leyes at Morson Bay. I ordered him to build warships and naval battlements worthy of his and my name. Before a month ended after Gaap was summoned, he made not just one but two fortresses. One in Morson Bay known named as Hohenfels Fortress and another in an uninhabited gulf 2 kilometers away from Leyes. He named it Birkenfels Fortress. He stationed 70 thousand men in Leyes with 300 frigate-size ships and 150 galleon-sized ones making a fleet. Each frigate-class ship is manned with 100 soldiers while the galleon-class ships are manned with 250 men. Each ship are equipped with magicka-based cannons that can fire arcane blasts that could destory a building or a wall with one hit. Such innovation in weaponry is unavailable to the world because it was Gaap who made it. He left 2,500 soldiers in Leyes Port City to be the town's guard and security. But the bigger group is stationed in Birkenfels Fortress. That fortress is surrounded with a base that can house 150 thousand soldiers. They practically made a military city around the great fortress. At the moment though, the soldiers are manning the 600 frigates and 300 galleons that are scouring the seas for new lands and easily-to-conquer countries. Gaap created a signal station at each end of the gulf, manning it with 500 men each and 10 magicka cannons. The fortresses are maintained with a thousand personnel each and equipped with 150 magicka cannons. In Birkenfels, the base is guarded with 2 thousand men with 50 thousand reserve personnel ready to be summoned at a single notice. But the most surprising thing about Gaap is the report he gave me a week ago.

(Hail, King Belial! King of Hell and Ruler of the Underworld! I bring you great news. I have received a report that there are uninhabited islands in the southeast and one island could house at least five hundred thousand. The smaller islands can keep a smaller population ranging from ten thousand to two hundred thousand. It is a volcanic island chain that is rich in metals and minerals or so the report says. I sent a detached fleet to scour the area and that is what we found. How should we proceed?)


At that time, I sought the opinion of Paimon.

"Paimon, what do you think of this?" I handed her the letter.

She took the letter and started to read it. A few moments later, she returned it and said. "Lord Gaap is an expert naval commander. I trust his judgment plus, this uninhabited land could be a great addition to your dominion. Send a letter to capital of Valois that you are claiming ownership of such islands. Then send a letter to Lord Gaap. Have him set up a fortification around the largest island. Have him build there a port town with a fortress and some battlements for defence. That is my opinion. my Prince." She said while bowing.

Acknowledging her, I said. "I was actually thinking of the same thing. Thanks for the confirmation. Call Elfina. Have her write a letter about what we just talked about. I will sign and seal it after it is done."

"At once, my Prince." she bowed then left.

I signed and sealed the letters made by Elfina the elven princess who now serves me as a servant. Paimon called upon two of his men who could shadow walk to deliver the messages. So right now, I am waiting for Gaap's reply.

A month after I summoned Gaap, I summoned another demon. This time, I called upon someone who could help me with espionage and assassinations. The one who I summoned was Glasya-Lebolas. When she was first summoned, she wore an all-black leather armor. She had her face covered and only her eyes could be seen. Striking yellow eyes peers that peers at a person's very soul. She is also surrounded with a thick scent of death but when I asked her to control it, she can make it as if the scent wasn't even there in the first place. As an assassin, her weapon of choice are daggers. Because of the nature of her work, I allowed her to not have the golden seven-headed dragon crest in her chest armor but I made her carry a palm-sized brooch with such a design. She is a woman no one should mess with. She and her army of more than 200 thousand master assassins created the invisible information blocking system of Agmanac. No spy, informant, mole, or agent gets passed their nets. That is why the world is oblivious to what is really going on in Agmanac. She have sent her assassins, on my behest, to infiltrate the human kingdoms and empires around Agmanac. I also used her men to assassinate or capture the families of the bureaucrats. Her men are the masters in the art of stealth. Even if you are overly sensitive to your surroundings, they can still sneak up on you. As such, whatever information and happenings going on outside, I will know it Immediately. They are my eyes and ears both inside my dominion or outside.

The next demon I summoned was Gremory. She is a very attractive woman, even in angelic standards. Lilith was seething when she saw me summon Gremory. Just like Malek, She had red hair and eyes. She wore a unique red battlemaiden armor with golden ornaments and the golden seven-headed dragon crest on her chest armor. But what is surprising about her is her choice of weapon. It ain't a whip or swords like Lilith or a spear like Gaap. She carried with her a twin-bladed battleaxe whose blade is as big as a sheep and the handle is almost as long as Gremory's height. After being summoned, She removed her armor and weapon and revealed a red one-piece dress that shows her body's allure and charm that even the Seductress will feel threatened. She, along with Paimon, became my adviser on things. While Paimon is a military general and deals with things relating to war and tactics, Gremory deals with the domestic problems and order in the court. She is my spokesperson to the nobles and the demihumans that came to trade with Agmanac. She also deals with the politics inside my dominion so I could focus on other things. She is very trustworthy though... there is something weird about her. She follows me around like a fly on a piece of shit or a dog asking for food. And she is too overprotective. One day, I asked her straight out what's her "problem".


"Gremory, I had enough of your antics. I have better things to do and surely, dealing with your shenanigans isn't one of them." I asked coldly.

"Yo-you misunderstand, My King. I-I just-"

"Enough! I told you to address me as either 'Your Highness' or 'Prince Beale'. I am not a 'King' yet and in this world, I am a 'Prince'. I will have my title back in the future when I am stronger but for now, call me 'Prince'. Do you understand?"


"No 'buts'! Besides, don't you have work to do? Why are you even following me around? Do your work properly! I didn't summon you to annoy me!" I started to raise my voice.

"I-I have already done e-everything, Yo-your Highness. The o-only thing left i-is the me-meeting with the nobles thi-this afternoon." She said while shivering.

"Then do something useful. Don't bother me." I turned around and walked away.

"Belial! Wait!" She yelled while running.


"Don't you remember your deal with me before?! You said you'll come back! You even promised me! And we demons aren't the type to break pacts so long as it abides to the rules we demons follow! You promised me! You promised to return to me! But you didn't! And I waited for 10 thousand years for you to return! And finally, when I had almost given up, you summoned me! I was so happy when you did it! But when I saw your red eyes, I saw that I meant nothing to you! Just a tool for your vengeance against God! It hurts! But I know the pain of what God did to you so I accepted it! I accepted my role as a tool for you! But that's okay. Because right now, you are in front of me... I will never let you off my sight! Because... you still owe me..." tears slid down Gremory's cheeks.

I only stood there,watching the beautiful woman in front of me shed tears. "I am Belial but not the 'Belial' you know. He is long gone." Her eyes bulged as I continued to speak. "I am just an incarnation. I know you because I accepted his will. I cannot return the feelings you have for 'that' Belial because I am not him. He owes you but I owe you nothing. I cannot be his substitute for you. I am me, not him. Accept that because that is a fact."

"S-so he is really... gone?" She asked, staring blankly at me.

"He is. I am 'him' now but I am also 'myself'. Enough of this, I still have things to do." I then walked away from her.

"You are 'Belial' right?" She asked at my back.

Stopping my steps, I replied. "I am. What of it?" My back still facing her.

"Then the contract is still valid. You owe me and I am going to have you return it with interest." She said.

Anger started to build up on me. I turned around and yelled. "I TOLD YOU I AM NOT-"

I was stopped with a kiss from Gremory. Me, with a body of a twelve year old, being kissed by a mature middle-20s lady. After a while, she distanced herself from me and said with a smile. "I have taken 1% of the interest. I'll be taking some interest off you from now on! Prepare yourself!" andwith a puff of smoke, she disappeared. Turning around to walk once again, I muttered to myself. "I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have summoned her."

Gremory had over 150 thousand battle mages and battlemaidens. They are one of the hidden forces I have that are currently in a fortress dug under a mountain in the Agmanac Mountain Range. The are constantly digging tunnels as a series of networks deep within my dominion as a precaution on any form of attack since not all can shadow walk. From the reports I got, they have connected Chernobog Castle to the fortress under the mountain. Supplies are now being delivered there through the tunnels. Soon enough, there might be another city emerging in Agmanac: a city under the mountain. Right now, they are training and honing their skills, waiting for the time they are called upon.

Next to be summoned is a demon who is an expert in handling trade and commerce, Zagan. With his mastery over alchemy and mind magic, he is the perfect candidate for handling my newly founded guild. He is responsible for the flow of coin in my dominion. Give him a bunch of rocks and he can turn that to gold. He can control metals and identiy them so any coin that are fake, he can spot it with a glance. He can also manipulate the earth so he is responsible for creating new stores and making earthwares. He is also a wine maker, capable of making wine out of plain water. He is a one-man coin making company that made Agmanac richer than even the Luxum Empire. Our coffers are now filled to the brim and I can't help but think that it might burst open sue to the excess gold and precious gems in it. The Royal Treasury is filled with enough gold to buy and sell Valois Kingdom 5 times over.

But just because Zapar is like a greedy businessman that you can take him for granted. Sad to say, no. He has an army of 200 thousand battle-tested soldiers. They are expert war engineers. They are the people who expanded Chernobog Castle then created a wall around it. They also fortified and solidified the halls and walls of the castle. They made fortresses around the city, as a subtitute for entrances. They expanded the whole city and made many structures, both defensive and domestic. Everytime you enter the city, you have to first pass by a fortress and a very thorough checkup before entering. Same with leaving. Right now due to my orders, Zapar's men have been making fortresses and walls around my whole principality. Every major thoroughfare will be garrisoned and guarded. All nobles agreed with such a proposition, mainly due to fear and that they will feel secure now that trade and commerce is booming. I have also ordered them to make cities under the mountain ranges just like Gremory's armies. I feel that they will be of use in the near future.

Lastly, I summoned the dimension traveller Bathin. He is the only demon I know who knows space magic and the enchantments along with it. He creates gateways that will bring you to your desired destination. For that reason, Bathin will be playing a crucial role in the wars to come. That is why I made him and his soldiers of 100 thousand strong to make gateways so that it is easier to travel from one place to another. His powers are crucial for troop deployment, blitz tactics and diversion.

He's also the reason why I am able to contact the demihumans. The demihumans who locked their borders to the world, now had a way to use their crafts and skills for trade and barter again. I have sent ambassadors through the gateways Bathin created on the demihuman lands. The sent ambassadors were the ones who tried to persuade the demihumans to trade with Agmanac. They were told that the gateways were safe and that they are free to use it whenever they want. They are alsoinformed that Agmanac didn't embrace the new religion that's spreading which centers to human supremacy so it was ideal for them to trade with us.

Agmanac is the best place for them to do trade. With Agmanac being surounded with the Agmanac Mountain Range in the north and west, it is almost nay impregnable against enemy surprise attacks. Fortresses and walls are made to further enhance the defences there and with the hidden forces of Paimon and Gremory of around 500 thousand, no one would try to conquer us in the north or west. To the east, there lies Morson bay and the newly made Duffleheim Military city where Gaap currently resides have a fleet of 300 frigate and 150 galleons with an additional fleet hidden in a newly founded island archipelago. On the South, fortresses dotted the landscape. Paimon and Zagan deployed more than 200 thousand soldiers there who occupied the lands of those former nobles whose ranks and titles had been stripped, no sane conqueror would try to flank us in the south. Lastly, the capital of Agmanac, Chernobog, has its 100 thousand readily-armed soldiers residing in 4 fortresses surrounding my capital city. But what the residents didn't know is that hidden beneath the city grounds, Paimon's elite 400 thousand demonic soldiers are on standby. Currently, they are making a 'city under the city' to accomodate their large numbers. With that, Agmanac is the most secure and ideal place where the demihumans can trade and work in peace so long as tthey gained my trust.

Domestically, Agmanac's economy is growing. I have lowered the people's tax as much as I could accomodate. I did this so that the humans would be oblivious on what is happening in the principality. I have given them a something to put their attention away from what I am doing. With the ongoing recession the human lands are suffering, commerce and trading in Agmanac is thriving. Due to the growing market and the increase of income, I hereby used it to something the residents could see. First, I renewed the infastructures of the capital which I renamed 'Chernobog'. I strengthened them to a certain degree and decided to destroy those buildings that are too old to use and made new ones over those I ordered to be destroyed. I ordered Zagan to widened and expanded the market district and create a guild exclusive to Agmanac, the Thierry Merchant and Craft Guild. It was made so that the trade and commerce of Agmanac are solely its own. As such, when the demihuman kingdoms closed their boarders to the human countries, I alone had the complete monopoly of their crafts, skills and merchandise. But not all are good news. No matter how isolated my dominion is, the grasp of humans really reaches far.

Castle [Chernobog], Conference room

"Prince Beale, the construction of your guild is complete. I have put necessary personnel that will aid you in increasing your influence among the people, most especially the merchants." said Zagan who is currently in charge of trade and commerce.

"Appreciate the effort, Zagan. Any other reports?" I looked around the men and women kneeling in front of me.

Malek then looked up and said. "The firedrake and wyvern knights of 20 thousand under my command are done with their training, my Prince. I have deployed them around the principality and are now doing there routine inspection on the nobles under your rule and the borders."

"Excellent. Liliana?" I looked on the seductress.

"My Prince, my forces have captured and interrogated a number of spies that tried to infiltrate the castle. As Lord Glasya-Lebolas is in charge of the outer defences including the city and the outlying regions, I mainly focus on the castle alone. We have captured those from the Luxum Empire and from the new Church. Surprisingly, I aslo captured one from Valois Kingdom." Liliana stated.

"If I were the king, I would also do the same. Who wouldn't be baffled and scared if one part of your kingdom began to shut its borders and information about it is blocked? But he is too naive. He couldn't even wait. That is a proof that he doesn't trust me who is supposed to be his son. But no matter, carry on with the reports." I said.

Glasya-Lebolas then stood up and spoke. "I have gathered information about the new church and the strange movements in the Luxum Empire. Here." She then handed me a parchment.

Opening it, I read the information written inside. Closing it again, I asked the masked assassin. "Are the things listed in this parchment verified."

"By my own eyes, Your Highness." She said.

"So the Pope is a Principality, his cardinals are Powers and his knights are Archangels. Interesting." I then looked at Paimon. "Keep the armies ready at all time. We have to be ready to defend Agmanac. But when the time comes for us do destroy this church, I will face them alone." I said sternly.

"It will be done, Milord." Paimon replied.

"Gaap is currently busy on the new land he found, I have already received his latest report yesterday. Gremory?" I looked at the red-haired lady.

"I have neutralized the nagging nobles, milord. No problems have risen on that front. But..." She suddenly stopped.

"What is it? Speak up." I gestured her to continue.

"I have received 3 messages addressed to you, my Prince." Taking the letters out of her bossom, she showed three letters. "One is from the king of Valois, stating his apparent visit. He didn't seek confirmation on this visit from us. He is already on his way here. He will arrive probably in a week."

"So he finally made a move. But not informing us of his visit nor the fact that he didn't wait for ur affirmation shows that he is not honoring our deal of me gaining full autonomy over Agmanac. I will deal with him when he arrives. What else?"

"I have also received a letter from the Emperor of Luxum Empire, Emperor Augustus. He is also asking if you are willing to cede Agmanac to the empire. In return, he will grant you the title 'Grand Duke' and will bewilling to bethroth his daughter, Princess Gabrielle, should you accept it. If you are not willing to accept his terms, he has another offer. He is informing us that he wants to make a peace agreement not with Valois but with Agmanac. He is willing to cease all hostilities and open his boarders for us. His only desire is that we trade with them. But he is still sending Princess Gabrielle to Agmanac to further strengthen the bond between Agmanac and the Empire." she stated, all while releasing a dreadful aura. Lilith too, was releasing her killing intent.

"Calm yourself, Gremory. You too, Lilith. Anyway, did that fool of an Emperor really write me such demands? Maybe I should level his empire to the ground." I declared.

"Patience, milord." said Paimon. "We all know that, even by yourself, you could annihilate the empire but if we are to succeed in our plans, dealing with the empire should be for later. Just entertain the human princess for a while. We will make sure that they wouldn't find out of our secrets. Besides, she could be a good 'pawn' in our plans for the empire."

After thinking for a while, I spoke once again. "Fine. I'll play with this world's politics for now. I do need a suitable 'pawn' in capturing the Luxum Empire. Are the soldiers ready to move out at any time? Just in case this visit will result in a political turmoil between the empire and the kingdom. Sacrificing a single princess to start a war is within what humans can do."

"All forces under me are ready to move out at anytime, my Prince. With Bathin's aid, they can be here at a single order." Paimon stated.

"My battlemaidens and mages are also ready to do your bidding, Your Highness." added Gremory.

"Mine is also ready should you need them, milord." said Glasya-Lebolas.

"My war engineers are always ready whenever needed, Prince Beale." stated Zagan.

"The firedrake and wyvern knights are also ready, milord." Malek included.

"Us space magi and farseers are also to provide you our support should you need them, Your Highness." added Bathin.

"Good. Now, unto the next agenda. I-"

"Your Highness, I beg your pardon. I just received a message from one of my familiars. On the gateways Bathin made that leads to the demihuman countries, a group of people came out. These personalities are someone you yourself must meet. An elven queen, a dwarven king, and a dragonnewt shaman wishes to have an audience with you. They are currently staying at the rooms designated for the merchants and traders who uses the gateways." Gremory reported.

"Then I guess this meeting is temporarily halted. Let us continue later." Standing up on my chair, I looked at my retainers and spoke. "Liliana, have your servants escort the dignitaries to the second conference room. I have to ready myself first." I said to Liliana.

"At once, Your Highness." Liliana curtsied and left to do whaat I asked.

I then looked at Gremory and said "You are to entertain the guests. Try to find as much information as you can regarding their sudden visit."

"By your commannd, You Highness." she then curtsied and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Paimon, you are to escort me in the conference with the demihuman leaders. The rest of you, carry on with your work. I will call upon you when needed." I said with a neutral voice.

"""""By your will, Prince Beale.""""

Queen Anuriel POV, Castle Chernobog

I am currently waiting to have an audience with the ruler of this territory. Prince Beale Maxime Thierry de Agmanac de Valois, heir apparent of the Kingdom of Valois who is a neutral kingdom who didn't embrace the teachings of the new Anthropocentric Church. This Prince is the only one who dare opened his borders and welcomed the elves with open arms, figuratively speaking. He is also the only ruler known to not seek any additional benifits from us and the only ruler who gave us complete freedom inside his dominion so long as we don't break any laws he implemented. And I heard that this courtesy is not exclusive to elves but to all non-humans. "Without the tarnish of the new church." or so reported my scouts and the elven merchants who traded with Agmanac.

When I first heard of the new religion and its effects to the elven race, I made the decision to pull back my people that are helping the human lands in their agriculture and giving blessings to their lands. I don't want my people to be slaves to their "human utopia" world. After making everybody return to my kingdom, I closed all of our borders from any human country. I shrouded my kingdom with a magical fog that any trespassers will go around in circles, never coming back. I, along with the lesser elven kingdoms, lived inside our borders and away from the prying hands of the humans. However, during my people's evacuation, my daughter, Elfina, was kidnapped. I had no way of contacting her and no tracks to follow. I was in despair. My baby girl was taken from me. I was in distraught. But then, it happened.

A great force in the east had awoken. We sought for valuable information about who could have released such power that I felt even though we are a considerable distance away. My daughter's situation is something I want to confirm but after feeling that, I felt my priorities shift. I love my daughter but this concerns the fate of the world. Such power could lay waste on everything that will dare block its way. A few months have passed and my most agile scouts returned with no information of who was the person who released such aura nor any news about my daughter. I prepared my people for what is to come and Elvengard was in high alert. Then just 3 months ago, a gateway opened in the middle of the Shrine of Telperion. What came out of it was my daughter, Elfina. Oh how I thanked the gods for giving me my daughter back. But what is more surprising is the reason why she was able to return.

She said she was kidnapped by the men from the Luxum Empire. For such a country too far away from my country, they really have the nerve to travel to Elvengard just to capture elves. Humans are really creatures you can never trust. But when she thought all hope is gone, the Prince came. He, along with his retainers, helped them get away from the hellhole they are in and annihilated their captors. She then said that she was soul-binded by the Prince. Anger rose up from my heart when she said that but what she said next almost made me faint.

"Wha-what did you say?!"

"Prince Beale is a seraph. An angel with 6 wings. His wings were black though like those of crows but his power is... how can you describe it... A single casual flick from him would cause even General Celeron to fall on his knees gasping to breath." Elfina stated.

"That strong?!" I asked, clearly horrified.

"Yes. Just his intent could cause people to die. But there is something about Prince Beale that really stood out. And that is something that made me trust the Prince." she said with a serious look.

"What is it? My dear daughter, you are soul-binded. We don't know if he is controlling-"

"No, Mother. He only bound me so I wouldn't speak on any of his secrets. What I told you, I have been given permission to say. As for the source of my trust for the Prince... It is his extreme hate and disgust to the human race." she said while looking at my face.

"He hates... mankind? Why?"

"I don't know the full detail but when I asked him why he didn't rescue the human slaves that were with us, can you guess what he said?"

Clearly baffled, I asked. "What?"

" He said and I quote: 'Look at them. They want to be free but did they care of the other people in the other rooms or even those that are in the same room as they are? NO! THEY ONLY CARED FOR ONE THING AND ONE THING ALONE, THEIR OWN SELF! THEY ARE WILLING TO ABANDON OTHERS FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY! WILLING TO SELL THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS FOR A FEW COINS! THEY ARE A SELFISH, EGOISTICAL AND SELF-CENTERED SPECIES THAT ONLY THINKS OF THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL GOALS AND SAFETY!' He stated that with such hate and disgust that I was taken back. Hating humans are one thing but despising them as a specie, he clearly declared his intentions with regards to mankind. So I know you will trust him too, Mother." She finished with a smile.

After that talk, Elfina stayed in Elvengard for a while then returned to Agmanac via the gateway. With her are those merchants who were convinced that they can do their trade in that principality. After a series of successful trading attempts, I decided to visit Agmanac myself. I wanted to see if this Prince is really what my daughter is describing him to be. But a fallen seraph... Is he the one I am looking for? Thinking to myself, I was disturbed by a knock on the door. I opened it and looked upon the lady servant in front of me.

"Greetings Your Majesty Queen Anuriel. I have been tasked to escort you to the conference room where you will meet His Highness Prince Beale along with the other dignitaries." the servant stated.

"Other dignitaries?" I asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have been informed that a dwarven king and a dragonnewt shaman are also seeking to gain an audience to His Highness." she said.

"I see." So it seems I am not the only one who have thought things thoroughly. "Very well, lead me there."

"Very well, Your Majesty. Please follow me." The servant bowed then turned around to lead the way.

I just hope I am doing the right thing.

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