《Infracto Animo》Interlude II: The Cards are slowly revealing


King Hector POV

It's been 6 months since Beale left the castle. Beale left us feeling empty, lonely and ashamed. The things Beale did last time made me dumbfounded and... scared. I felt the bloodlust and killing intent coming from my son. It was heavy, painful and full of many emotions: Malice, Hate and Wrath. It was as if I was breathing in a battlefield filled with corpses and bodies of those who have yetto die. It was nauseating. Not something a 12 year old kid should have. But Beale was not a normal kid. He is a reincarnator... A 12-cycle reincarnator, one of the rarest of his kind. And if that was not unique enough, he retained both his memories and powers. But what made him more unique among all others recorded in history is the level and mastery of the powers he currently have.

He is already above my level. My magicians even can't read his status or his skills, not even his titles. Not just that but his 'retainers' as well are on the level we can't even fathom. A single one of Beale's retainer could wreck a medium-sized kingdom and Beale himself... could topple the whole Valois kingdom and our nearest neighbors... What's best or worst thing about it... is that we can't even make him exhaust his whole magicka even if we combine our whole army with me at its helm. And... last month... we made that person, my son, snap... and when he released his killing intent... even I was immobilized... If he planned to massacre us all at that time, I would be powerless to resist or even move a finger. He made me feel what my shadow at that time told me in one of his report: 'A feeling of death while still alive'. "You are 'dead' while still 'alive'". A state of helplessness on the face of absolute power. This made me feel like I have angered an ancient being. A being powerful enough to destroy everything he wants... Even this world...

And now, 6 months after my dear son left, I am sitting at my chair while reading all the investigation reports of the nobles and bureaucrats included in LeCrussant's faction. All of them are found guilty of treason and was executed. Their lands and possessions are now under the crown once again. I put trustworthy people there as supervisors. If they are proficient enough, I would let them have those areas as their fief. But for now, I will put that on hold. And the reason for that is that those nobles who are part of LeCrussant's faction that had their land and possessions are in Agmanac, Beale's fief. My son told me to give him full authority of his principality. And from what I heard from my scouts, things happening in Agmanac are... horrifying. And right now, I am receiving another report from my 'shadows'. And what he's reporting is... something really unbelievable.

"What did you say?! Could you repeat that again?!" I shouted at the shadow reporting to me.

"Prince Beale have finished routing all of the nobles and bureaucrats who are on LeCrussant's faction... and those who are trying to overthrow the Royal rule. He either executed them or enslaved them. Bureaucracy is abolished in Agmanac and all government functions are being handled by the Prince and his retainers. Also, Prince Beale have replaced all the guards, patrols and knights under his command. We have no one inside and any shadow who dare gets near the Prince either dies or gets captured. All we know is that even the castle servants are impenetrable. No informant can go through... and get out. The castle is like a danger zone. No one other than those approved by the Prince can get pass the Grand Entrance." stated the shadow who is missing his left arm.


"What happened to your arm? Could it be...?" I asked, simply horrified of the premonition I am thinking right now.

"I got this from trying to infiltrate the Prince's castle. And what I further found is something very alarming, Your Majesty..." He stated, calming his nerves.

"Wha-what is it tha-that you found out?" My body shaking, clearly afraid of what the shadow will tell me.

"An army, Your Majesty. An army more powerful than I have ever seen. It comprises of cavalrymen, footmen, charioteers, bowmen and battlemages with equipment far more advanced than any I've ever seen. They wore armors like those of the retainers the Prince brought 6 months ago, albeit slightly weaker. Leading them are 2 commanders and a general named Paimon who I felt is even more stronger than the Prince but respectfully follows his every command... Like a loyal servant to his liege lord... Your Majesty. If the Prince declares war on Valois... Forgive this shadow for my words... We will lose... What the Prince have is an army that could take on even Luxum Empire by its own. From the last messages of the shadows we deployed their before they vanished, it is estimated that the prince has an army of more than a million battle-tested soldiers. With the Prince on its helm, I believe..."

"Ho-how could Beale have an army of that powerful?! How does he sustain them?! Does he suppress the people on his fief?! Does he-"

"No, Your Majesty. The Prince never harrassed his citizens. He even lowered their tax rate to 10%. Commerce is booming in Agmanac. Trade is more productive and profitable. Many of the trade unions in the capital is trying to penetrate Agmanac but so far, they are unable. The Prince doesn't like the term 'monopoly' as the people I spoke to speaks fondly of the Prince. They say and I quote: 'The Prince is very private and aloof. Scary and strict. But he never made us feel constricted. The only place we are not allowed is going to the castle or anywhere within a kilometer from the castle's outskirts. We are living life to the fullest and it is thanks to the Prince.' Positive are the feedback of the citizens in Agmanac when describing the Prince."

"How could there be such a big contrast?! Small tax yet he had the supply needed to feed and arm more than a million soldiers? Don't you think it is weird?" I asked.

"I don't know about that, Your Majesty. And forgive me for saying this but... I, who is proclaimed the swiftest and talented shadow at your disposal, can even barely penetrate the outer layer of the Prince's defences and when I tried to penetrate deeper, this is what I get." He pointed at his own arm. "But before fleeing, I found something really amazing."

"What is it? Besides a colossal country-breaking army, a general more stronger than my dear son or the fact that we now realize that Agmanac is richer than we know, what other things could you possibly say that could be more surprising than those things?" I mocked, as if all the shock I had all been consumed in a single day.

"Demihumans, Your Majesty. And not just a simple group. Elves, beastmen, dwarves and even dragon newts. And from I heard, they are gathering their forces. You know of what I am talking about, Your Majesty." He stated.

"The new religion that is currently spreading. They are pressuring our kingdom to adapt this 'all-of-Earth-is-for-humanity' religion. The Underkingdoms of the Dwarves has stopped supplying their arms and merchandise to those involved of the religion. The Elves stopped coming to human countries and stopped using their nature magic for the fields and the forests of the human nations and all demihuman kingdoms have closed all their boarders to everyone-"


"Except Agmanac, Your Majesty. I don't know how they are doing it but elves, dwarves and other demihumans could gather in the Prince's territory. In Valois, Only Agmanac have dwarven equipments and merchandise. Their farms and forests are maintained by elves. Mines are created and mined by gnomes. Hunting and breeding of animals are being done by beastmen while fishing and fish farming are being done by dragon newts. I also heard fairies but so far I haven't seen any."

"Just what is be happening in Agmanac? What is Beale planning? This is getting more confusing as time goes by. Maybe I should-"

The shadow in front of me quickly interrupted. "No! Your Majesty, no! Whatever bad blood you had with the Prince, it will increase if you show yourself there. And you already gave the Prince full authority on his fief. If you want, send someone you think the Prince will never hurt. Maybe-"

"You are thinking of sending Alaine to Agmanac? Is that it?" I asked him coldly.

"Frankly speaking... Yes, Your Majesty. Only the Queen and the Princess are close to the Prince. Maybe they could-"

"Do you know what Beale said to us before he left this castle?" I said every word while gritting my teeth.

"Wha-what is it, Ma-my King?"

"He said 'You are my weakness'. He sees us as a detriment in whatever his plans are. He will not see Alaine. But I have made up my mind. I am going to Agmanac..." I stated sternly, having made upmy mind.

"Bu-but Your Majesty-"

"I have decided and it is final. I am going with only 12 of my knights. Ready your shadow squad. You will go with me. Ready yourselves within a month after we finalize everything."

"Yes, Your Majesty... But I will just say this... You are making a big mistake, my King... A mistake you can never recover from..." saying his piece, the shadow disappeared.

"No, I am not." reclining my back on the backrest of my chair, I stared at the ceiling. "Because whatever move I will do, it will lead to a 'bad move'.

Central Church, Pope Phillip POV

"The spread of the religion is going well, Your Holiness. Many of the human Kingdoms and Empires are now under our blanket." said a cleric wearing a white robe with goldden ornaments.

"Yes... This is due to 'Father's' guidance. But tell me. It seems that isn't the only news you have for me." I said while sitting in my throne at the Central Church here in Luxum Empire.

"Yes, Your Holiness. The demihuman nations have stopped supplying the human nation with their wares and abilities. The nations under our wing are now suffering from famine, poverty and shortage of merchandise leading. Dwarves stopped selling their works and many of them have left human lands, leaving their smithies behind. Elves stopped using nature magic to bless the land, making the fields dry and barren. Beastmen stopped selling their kills from their hunts so the human nations are experiencing a shortage of meat products. Lastly, the mer people stopped trading fish to our ports, again leeding to the shortage of food. In the past 6 months, the crop yield dropped to 21%. Meat and fish are being rationed due to lack of supply. Prices skyrocket to as much as 300%." the cleric reported worriedly.

"That is very alarming indeed. But no matter. We will get over it in due time. after we subdue the demihumans, that is. Any other reports?"

"Your Holiness. As I may have said, human nations are now facing hardships and recession except one. Agmanac Principality on the Kingdom of Valois. Valois itself is facing a recession but not much as the other nations since they are not under our religion. But the curious thing aboout that specific kingdom is the said Principality I mentioned earlier. It is ran by the Crown Prince, Prince Beale Maxime Thierry de Agmanac de Valois. The agents, mules and contacts we tried to plant there have all disappeared as if they never existed. What's more unique is that tax reates there are only at 10%. They sell dwarven merchandise, are blessed with even magic, meat and fish supplies are above the necessary supply and commerce is booming." The cleric exclaimed.

"Demihumans are sighted in that Prince's fief. Maybe that is why the King of Valois is adamant in converting to our religion?" I asked.

"I also thought of that, Your Holiness but I may not be so. Prince Beale stormed out from the palace after convicting the then Duke LeCrussant and his faction, who are the supporters of the then First Prince Ignace, of High Treason. He rounded them all in one fell swoop. He condemned the first prince and supplied the evidence against the faction behind the first prince. After that, heleft for his fief, never returning to Valois' capital nor did he try to communicate with his family even through letters. He practically shut himself inside his dominion for 6 full months." the cleric stated.

"Then how does he supply his fief with gold and food whenhis tax rate is just 10%?" I asked.

"Well... My apologies, Your Holiness but our best scouts and agents have not yet returned from Agmanac so I too, am blind from what really is happening there." he said.

"Don't bother. They aren't coming back. Whatever the Prince is doing in his fief, he wants no one to know of it, even his family. And since commerce and trade is high in Agmanac, he can practically make the bureaucrats run his fief with him just reclining in his chair." I said, reaching that conclussion.

"I'm afraid no, Your Holiness. Prince Beale removed bureaucracy on his fief and is running his entire fief only with himself and his most trsuted retainers. All bureaucrats were sentenced to death due to challlenging the Prince's rule by hiring mercenaries and planning a coup. Now, the Prince have complete control over his fief. He deployed his own guard units, patrol units, and even knights that swore complete allegiance to him. Agmanac is like an impenetrable fortress. Unless the Prince wants something to get in and out, no one can." the cleric explained.

"Looks like we have an unexpectedly interesting fellow developing near us. Summon the emperor. I might have a use to that man." I said.

"May I ask what you are thinking off, Your Holiness?" The cleric asked.

"Ahh! Yes. I am planning to have that little prodigal prince come to our side. With such talent in governance and politics as such a young age, not to mention his military prowess and tactics, he will make a decent champion for our cause. He might even be more valuable than the emperor of Luxum Empire." I said smilling.

"Military prowess and tactics? But your Holiness-"

"You are still too naive, little cleric. How did the Prince maintain ambiguity with all the secret manuevers you are doing? And not just that. I know many tried to move covertly to investigate the Prince, including the Empire and the Trade Unions yet why is it that there are no reports or news of that said Prince? It is because he has a force capable of silencing anyone who dares act against him. A sizable army perhaps? One that could cover his whole principality. And that, my dear cleric, is one powerful force to be reconned with."

"Now that you mention it, the townsfolk of Agmanac is reported to have a zero crime rate. Literally. Plus it is said that the Prince has a very large army, though the people of Agmanac only caught glimpses of them." said the cleric, baffled.

"See. Now you know how talented that Prince is, both domestically and in the military. Now go and summon the emperor. we have much to discuss."

"At once, Your Holiness." the cleric bowed and ran to do what I asked.

I sat on my throne, thinking of what is to come. An unknown variable revealed himself. A powerful one at that. What could he be? An enemy? A potential ally? I must find out. 'Father's' plans must continue. I then stood up and went near the window, looking at the town people below.

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