《Infracto Animo》Chapter 9: Advent of the Damned


Belial POV

I watched as Helel, who spread out her 6 large wings, flew out of this hell hole. So that was Helel. She is more than meets the eye. She may hide it but her agendas are now as clear as day to me now that I have Belial's memories. Still, there is no malice in her, only hate. Belial trusted her but that doesn't mean I trust her. As I finished observing her, I turned my attention to the two demons in front of me while they are trying to compose themselves.

"You two, can you at least be refined? You're both being unsightly. That was just a simple provocation but you can't even take it?" I asked sounding clearly annoyed.

""Forgive us for our unsightly appearance, Milord..."" both kneeled while answering back to me.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Ready yourselves. Change to your human forms. We are going to Valois Kingdom. I need to settle some debts there." I said nonchalantly as I played with my wings.

""It will be done, Milord.""

Flame rose up from the rugged-looking fallen angel and engulfed him while darkness gathered and swallowed the form of the demoness. After a few seconds, both fire and darkness dispersed, revealing two human-shaped beings. One was a tall, burly man with long red hair and red eyes. He wore a black set of armor with red outlines and carried a black bastard sword with a red hilt. The other was a lady with flowing long black hair and a pair of alluring gold eyes. She is wearing a black with white outline battle dress. Her ample bust and her bust is clearly emphasized with her attire. She carried with her a pair of black and white short swords on both sides of her hips. Both are exposing an emposing aura that not many mortal can endure.

"Are you done?" I asked even though I already saw their changes.

""Yes. We are ready, Milord."" they answered me at the same time.

I pointed at the man. "You're name will be Malek..." then I pointed at the demoness "...And yours will be Liliana." I put my hand down and stated plainly. "From now on, you are my retainers. You will follow my every command and will execute them flawlessly. I will not put a brand on you but mind you..." I released a bit of killing intent directed in the two of them. "...Betray me and I will destroy you... both body and soul..."

""We will not fail you, Milord..."" Drops of seat formed in their foreheads but nonetheless swore their oaths.

Retracting my intent, I told them. "At least you aren't cowards." I gestured them afterwards. "Come. Let's leave this place."


""Yes Milord!""

Dragon-like wings sprouted in both Malek and Liliana's backs. We then kicked off the ground and started to ascend. As we were ascending, I looked back to where we were earlier. Heaps of dead bodies and skeletons could be observed in my now-enhanced eyes. That is what you get for being human. Getting deceived, betrayed and killed. I will walk that path no longer. White lights could be observed going out of those remains. They showed themselves as if to make me see that they are giving me a farewell. I nodded once and looked once again up front and started to ascend again.

King Hector POV

Three days have passed since Beale have been kidnapped. No good news arrived. My shadow guard picked up something though. As I thought, the LeCrussant family is trying to make the Valois family abdicate the throne. I looked at the notes that are in my hands. To think that Beale uncovered their conspiracies by himself. How incredible was he. Is he really a reincarnator? This notes were uncovered by one of my shadow guards when they were looking for clues for Beale's disappearance. They found it just under Beale's personal desk. I need to thank Beale for this. If he hadn't uncovered this, even I would be blind for what is to come. I was at my wits end. My son has been kidnapped and now there is unrest in the court. It was then that a guard approached me.

"Your Majesty... There's an urgent need of your presence." the guard nervously stated.

"Why? What is going on?" I asked while maintaining my neutral voice.

"The nobles, Your Majesty... They are rushing inside the castle... They want to conduct and emergency session..." the guard replied.

"I see. I will tend to it then." I told the guard as I ushered him to leave.

After the guard left, I slumped on my chair. Fucking bastards! Now they have started to move. Good thing I am not unready. Beale's notes really helped me. But... It seems LeCrussant and his allies have informed the nobles about Beale's disappearance. With the ongoing silent war for the heir of the throne, they will push their agendas today. I can only prepare for the inevitable. I then stood up and began to walk towards the audience room along with my most trusted guards.

Duke LeCrussant POV

Hahaha!!! Today's the day that the Valois reign end!!! Many of us nobles arrived here today due to the instigation of me and my allies. Many were pursuaded while others were obliged to attend. We all gathered here in the audience room, waiting for the king to arrive. A few moments later, a sound of a trumpet sounded from the entrance and the court announcer yelled.


"The King, His Majesty King Hector, along with Her Majesty Queen Victoria and Her Highness Princess Alaine, have arrived!"

All of us stood from where we siited and bowed towards the Royal family. I thought to myself as I saw the king sitting in his throne He looked glum and pale but his eyes still looked very spirited. Count your days numbered King Hector. Soon I will be sitting in that throne.

"All of you may sit." Following the king's command, all nobles sat down their respective seats. The king then followed up a question. "Since you all wanted to have this emergency session, We digress some urgent matter is at hand. So, what is this great matter that needed our attention?" the king asked with a stern voice.

I immeditely stood up and spoke. "Yes, Your Majesty. We came before you to ask an urgent appeal to you."

"And what would this appeal be?" He asked but judging from his expression, he already knows what is happening. Even if you now know, it is too late.

"The matter of the kidnapping of the Second Prince, His Highness Beale as well as the possible threat of destabilization. We are deeply concerned of the investigation regarding the Second Prince's kidnapping, Your Majesty."

"We are currently dealing with that matter. The investigation has made significant lead regarding the said kidnapping so there is no need to worry about it. We ensure that this is an isolated incident and the Prince will be returned in due time." the king stated with a cold voice that seems to be hinting us something.

"But Your Majesty, we can't just wait forever for news regarding the Second Prince's status and whereabouts. The Kingdom need to be stable or else it will collapse. We need a definite assurance that the kingdom is in good hands." I stated while appealing to the other nobles. "We are in distraught. With the Second Prince gone, who will become the heir to the throne if the Second Prince, whom is your own blood, is missing?"

A cold and powerful killing intent appeared in the audience room and it is released by the king who then spoke "What are you implying, LeCrussant?"

I stood my ground and said "With the Second Prince gone, there is only one remaining prince that could be the heir. The people needs to know that their kingdom is safe and secured."

"We are still alive and kicking, Duke LeCrussant. Are you damning us to die?" Cold aura filled the audience room as those words were spoken.

"No! Your Majesty, it is the well-being of the kingdom that we are thinking of. We need to show the people that we are strong. That they are secured. That the line of kings will remain intact." I stated while bowing.

"So... You want us to name Prince Ignace as the Crown Prince? Is this what you are implying, Duke LeCrussant?!" Anger now exploaded as a blast of cold aura enveloped the whole room, maybe even the whole castle.

"Ca-calm yourself, Yo-your Ma-majes..ty... I mean... no disrespect..." I was having a hard time breathing due to the pressure being immited by the king. A monster indeed. I thought.

Retracting his intent, the king then continued speaking, "So first you damned us to death then you made it as if Prince Beale is dead and now you are ordering us to make Ignace the Crown Prince... Do tell me why, Duke LeCrussant?"

I immediately started to yell out loud, "I AM NOT IMPLYING ANYTHING, YOUR MAJESTY! I AM LOYAL TO THE KINGDOM AND TO YOU! I JUST WANT WHAT'S BEST FOR THE KINGDOM! AND NOT JUST ME, MANY ARE JUST LIKE ME WHO WANTS YOU TO SECURE THIS KINGDOM'S FUTURE! WITH THE SECOND PRINCE GONE, THERE-" I was stopped when I heard the entrance slammed open. Furious, I began to shout towards the door. "INSOLENCE! WHO DARE DISTURB THIS SESSION?! WHO-" but I again stopped when I noticed someone in the entrance. A very familiar face. This familiar face is with two people who both release a menacing aura. I stood there in horror as I saw the familiar figure walking forward.

"So, Duke LeCrussant? Lovely gathering you have here. And for it to happen without my knowledge? May I ask why? Why conduct such meeting wothout my knowledge? Also... As much as I say this, I wasn't even kidnapped in the first place. It was attempted murder..." He then walked towards me and stopped right at my front. "Why is it that you are so horrified seeing me? Is there something wrong?"

I can't speak. I stared in horror as I was looking of the person in front of me. The person who is supposed to be dead. The person who's not supposed to be here. Why is he here?! WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE?! I panicked as the person in front of me smiled a sinister smile. Yes... the person in front of me...

is Prince Beale...

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