《Infracto Animo》Chapter 2: Unfulfilled Wish...


Bell was all giddy and happy with the blessings he received and the lessons he had just learned. He was so excited that he was grinning from ear to ear all day, hoping for his mother to return home quickly. Morning turned afternoon and afternoon turned evening. Bell was getting worried about his mother's well-being and whereabouts. No phone call or message or anything for three days straight. He is beginning to wonder what happened to his mother.

"I hope Mom's okay... She seems always tired everytime she goes home... I wish I could do something for Mom... I'm trying to do all the things I can to help Mom but I don't think it is enough... What should I do?"

This thought went on all day and the happy mood Bell was feeling in the morning is now nowhere to be seen. The fried rice he made had become cold just like the feeling Bell is having right now. He decided to clean the dining table of the utensils and the fried rice he made. He never ate any of the things in the table as he was waiting for his mother to arrive. Just as he was about to finish his clean-up, he heard a sound of a door unlocking. Excited, he ran towards the entrance as he knew it was his mother. He waited for the door to fully open and he greeted his mother.

"Mom! Welcome back! I'm so ha-..."

Before Bell even finished his happy greeting, what greeted him was not a warm hug or kiss but a heavy hit it the face with his mother's shoulder bag. He was hit squarely in the face that his nose became somewhat crooked and blood was flowing from it. The pain was almost unbearable that Bell started tearing up. He tried to look up but again he couldn't because he was sent flying with a kick unto his stomach. His bleeding face coupled with the new stomach pain had reached the bottomline of Bell's pain tolerance and he began to sob. He just sobbed but didn't cry 'cause he knows that his mother hates that. He could only embrace his stomach to ease his pain while trying to look up to his mother. As he looked up, he noticed that his mother was with someone he doesn't know. Pain and confusion hit his head and he was wondering what was happening. He was in the middle of his thoughts when his mother's voice sounded. He saw her already inside with the unknown man and is now sitting in the couch, eating the fruits in the basket.


"Fucking brat! Getting in my way. I just came home and what do I get? A fucking brat shouting on my ears. I haven't even stepped inside. Now my mood's turned sour..."

"I-I'm so-sorry Mo-om... I-I was ju-just happy t-to see y-you again... (sob)"

"Shut up brat. You're making my day ugly just by hearing your voice. Did you even know why I was away the last few days? I bet you don't know. A brat like you would never know. But since you are related to this 'problem', I think the main actor should know his script, right?"

"I-I do-don't u-unders-stand Mom?"

"Weeeell, I went to your father's house."

"M-my fa-father? I-I thought y-you said I d-don't have one?"

"Yeah. As of this moment, that is. You see brat, your father was a rich bastard and had a very big company and earning millions everyday. I liked that old fart, well, mainly due to his money and status but all in all, I liked him. When you were born, he promised me to support me and you and that sooner or later, we too will be part of his family. But guess what? Only a few months before you were born, your fucking father disappeared from the face of the Earth! I waited for him to come back but he never came back! I was left with you with nothing but this dingy apartment where we fuck all day before! And when I finally found him, he was in the hospital with his fucking wife. When I approached him, can you guess what he said?! He said 'Who might you be? Can't you see this is a private room? Please see yourself out.' just like that! I wanted to destroy that bastard's smug face when I was blocked by his wife and slapped with a bundle of money and then she said 'This should be enough for you to shut up and get the hell out of our sight! I know who you are and I don't fucking care! My husband is no longer related to you. Be happy to have that money is so that you won't get anything from us anymore!' then they kicked me out using their bodyguards. Just like That brat. JUST LIKE THAT!" - Bell's mother


"M-mom! I-I'm sorry. Pl-please I'm sorry! (sob)"

"So now, you fucking brat. You don't have a father and I don't want to give a shit about you anymore. I'll send you to my parents tomorrow so that I won't have to fucking look after you anymore. You're just a fucking liablility."

"Nooo! No Mom, please! Don't leave me! I-I will be a good boy. I-I-I even know how to pray! I can wish to God that we will become rich and we will live in a big house and that my father will return and... and that you will be happy! Please Mom! I'm sorry!"

"Ha! God?! Pray?! If he wasn't so deaf, he would have heard my prayers! How could he grant yours when he couldn't even grant mine! You bastard, no matter what, you are now unrelated to me!"

Not even giving time for Bell to retort, his mother stood up and walked towards him. What happened next was that she slapped Bell so hard that his head was ringing. He was then dragged and thrown towards their storage room. He then heard the door locked behind him. He tried to regain his balance as he tried to stand up while trying to beg his mother.

"Mom, please! What have I ever done bad?! I am always trying to be a good boy! I listen always to you! I clean the house, do the dishes and wash clothes and I can even cook! I did it all for you Mom! For you to be happy! Why Mom?! Why must you hate me so much?! uuuuu..."

"You want to know why?! Because you only brought me misery and suffering! You shouldn't have been born! I should not have let you live! You are my life's greatest shame!"

"Mom, I'm sorry! Please! Today is my birthday! In the TV, they said I could make a wish! I just wish that you will smile for me and tell me I'm a good boy! I just wish you to be happy! That we could be happy! Mom, I love you! Please don't make me go! Please..."

"No. I don't love you and I am not your mother. Not anymore."

"Mom, please! Please don't leave me! Please Mom! Please! Mom, no!"

All Bell could hear are footsteps getting farther and farther away from where he was put into. Never before has Bell felt so alone and cold. He never understood why his mother hated him so much. He tried to be a good child to his mother and did things that even children older than him couldn't do well. And yet here he is, locked inside a cold, dark room waiting for what will happen next. His mind is so jumbled up that all he could think of is ask someone to help him. He then remembered God so he started praying...

"God, it's Bell again. Aunt Susan said I should thank you before I could wish something but... but I don't know what to do... uuuu... Mom... Mom said that she... that she doesn't love me... I... I don't know what to do... I tried to be good and kind and helpful but... but she still hates me... uuuu... And now... she wants to give me away... God, please help me... I don't know what to do... to make Mom happy... God, anyone, please...Help me..."

Sobbing alone in a dark and cramped room, all Bell could do is hug his own knees to ease his pain, both physically and emotionally. He never felt so alone that at this moment. He never felt so unloved before. He was never hit before to the point of bleeding. And never had he felt so lost and abandoned. If only... If only he knew... of what is to come...

(Great! That's great! Feel it. Now you have tasted a bit of what lies in the abyss but not enough. No. It is still not enough. You must suffer more and more and MORE! And when you do; when you fall deep into the abyss, we will be waiting... WE WILL BE THERE WAITING!...) - ???

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