《Infracto Animo》Chapter 1: Prayer and God


"You should never have been born!"

"You brought me shame!"

"I should never have let you live!"

"You're a cursed child!"

"You're a disgrace!"

"You're the root of all my sufferings!"

"i should have left you to die!"

Bell always hear one of this lines everyday from his birth mother. He always hear these sentences over and over from the time he could understand what was happening. These sentences are often associated with a slap or a punch or a kick or a hit using a stick or broom but the worst of it is having experienced all of those at the same time most especially if his mother is having a very bad day.

These sufferings he is experiencing started pretty early in his life, long before he understood what was happening. But Bell didn't hate his mother for it. He just thought that he was a bad boy and that he needs to behave and do good so that his mother wouldn't be so mad at him. He started to learn how to clean. First his own mess then his room then it extended to his whole house. He also learned how to cook and do the laundry at a tender age. He never complained and never demanded anything from his mother. He never had new clothes. Surely, his clothes from when he was an infant would surely not fit on him anymore and since his mother doesn't buy anything for him, he uses some of his "father's" leftover clothes. His "father" is someone he haven't met even once in his life. One time he asked his mother about it, he received a beating that left him with bruises all over his face and stomach. After that, he never asked for his father again.

Back to the clothes, he improvised his "father's" old clothes by cutting and tying them together with whatever he could find. He was happy and contented with that as his mother will not get angry at him. As such, he wore his rag-like improvised clothes as a way to clothe himself. Most of the time, he is left alone in the house as his mother often go out for days and not leave anything for Bell. Then one fateful night when he was left alone in the house, he heard the neighbor teaching their daughter how to pray. He was lying on his bed when he heard them 'pray to God' on the other side of the wall. That was the first time he learned about God and praying. He was enthralled because they are speaking to someone while making a wish. He became very curious that he couldn't sleep. He thought 'Maybe I could ask my neighbors how to ask for wishes so that my mom would be happy'. The next day he went knocking to his neighbor's house.


Bell knocked the door of his neighbor. "Excuse me..."

An answer could be heard from the other side of the door. "Yes? Who is it?"

"Ummm... I live next door. My name is Bell."

Someone opened the door a few moments later. It was a woman with smile on her face. "Oh. Hello there. Is there something you need?"

"Err... That is... I would like to ask you something..."

"Well, what is it then? Is there something you need?"

Stuttering, Bell spoke. "I...I would... like you to... teach me... what you were... doing... last... night... with... your daughter..."

"What was that? I didn't hear you, little one?"

"I would like you... to teach me how to pray!"

"Ohh... Hahaha! Is that all little one? It is very simple but it's cold outside. Mind coming in?"

"Umm... My mom might get home and I have to clean the house so I can't stay long."

"Oh... Is that so? Well I'll tell you real quick then. First is to make a cross. Touch your forehead then your belly then your left shoulder then the right using your right hand then end it with your palm open clasped together."

Bell then clumsily demonstrated how to do it. His neighbor had a small smile in her face and said 'Good Job. What a smart boy you are.'. That was the first time he was told he was a "good boy" so Bell was elated! He can't wait to tell his mom about it. As he was about to run off back to his home, he was called back by his neighbor.

"Wait! It isn't finished yet. You didn't do your prayer yet."

"Ohh. Right. I forgot. Hehe..."

"Goodness. Such a giddy kid. Okay next is the prayer. First is you have to take God for the blessings he gave you. You must thank him for..."

"Wait... I don't know who God is. How can I thank him? Is he inside your house?"

"Hahaha... No, silly... He's not just inside my house. He is everywhere."

"Can I see him then?"

"No, little one. He is in Heaven looking at us from down here."

"Ohhh... So he's from the upper floor?"

"Hahahaha! No, dear child. He is there up above the clouds above the sky."

"How can he be there? Is he riding an airplane? Or a bird?"

"No, my dear. He is the Father of all. He created us all. He is our Almighty Father."

"His your father and mine? So are we siblings? I don't get it..." - Bell


"Hahaha! In a way, little one. As for understanding it. You will eventually understand, dear child. In time. Just know that He will hear your wishes and grant them if you are a good boy. Are you a good boy?"

"Really?! I am a good boy. Well, I am trying. I know how to clean, cook, do the dishes..."

"Okay okay little one. Calm down. But that is a suprise. You're so small yet you can do those things already?"

"Yes! To help mom!"

"Oh, what a good boy you are. You're mom will be really proud. But cooking? Can you even do it?"

"Yes I can. I always cook for mom and myself!"

"You're such a kind child, little one. So you want to know how to pray because of your mother?"

"I want mom to be happy. I want mom to relax more so she could stay home."

"Now, aren't you sweet. Well, back to what we are talking before. After thanking God and stating your wishes you perform what you did when you start your prayer then voila, you have now prayed to God. Simple, right?"

"Yes! I get it now! Yehey! I can finally pray for Mom! Thank you ummm... miss?"

"Oh! I haven't introduced myself. My name is Susanna. You can call me Aunt Susan. What's yours, little one?"

"My name is Bell. Just Bell."

"Well, 'just' Bell. It is a pleasure to meet you. Would you like to stay for breakfast? Maybe a quick toast?"

"I... I'm sorry. I have to wait for mom. It is my birthday today, you see..."

"It's your birthday?! Well Happy Birthday to you Bell. How old are you now?"

"I'm now 6 years old!" - Bell

"Congratulations on turning six. Wait a minute. I'll give you somthing to commemorate your birthday with."

Bell didn't understand what Susan was doing. He thought 'Aunt Susan is really kind to teach me how to pray. But what does she have to take inside her house? What is it for?' As he is lost in his thoughts, Susan returned with a basket of fruits and a necklace.

"I'm back Bell. Here. For you."

"What is this for, Aunt Susan?"

"It's your gift. This one has pears and apples and grapes in it. And this one is a rosary. For praying to God. You have to wear it in your neck."

"But I don't have any money. I can't give you anything."

"No. I am not selling this to you Little Bell. It's a gift. To commemorate your birthday."

"What's a 'gift'?"

"You mean you never had a gift before in your birthday?"

"No, I didn't have any. Is that needed in a birthday?"

"It isn't but it is part of celebrating one's birthday. Gifts are given freely and you don't need to buy it or barter anything for it. Now that I think about it, your clothes are too big and old for you. Don't you have anything your size to wear? Didn't you mom buy you some?"

"No, she didn't. I don't want mom to be sad and angry. This clothes are already okay. I'm happy as long as mom is happy. I don't want of anything else."

"I... I see. Well, here you go. If you need something, don't hesitate to visit me. Okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for this Aunt Susan. See you later!"

"See you later too, Little Bell."

Bell left Susan who is having a difficult expression in her face. As he went inside his house, he put the "gift" in the dining table and started to prepare breakfast. He was so excited that he learned how to pray and even got a gift. He was so happy that a lot of happy things happened today on his birthday.

(Aunt Susan said I am a good boy. She also said I am a kind boy. Hehehe. Maybe Mom will also praise me for being a good boy. I need to cook for Mom so that when she returns, she will be happy. Mom hasn't returned for 3 days now and all that's left in the fridge are eggs and beans. I think there is still rice. I'll just cook some fried rice. Hehehe. I'll tell Mom that I made a new friend today and that I know how to pray! Will she be happy? Aunt Susan said I am a good boy so Mom might say that I am a good boy! Bell is a good boy!) - Bell

Happily preparing breakfast, Bell was grinning broadly and skipping as he was cooking. Today is a very rewarding day for him. But little did Bell know that his birthday, which was suppose to be a happy celebration, will be the day that will change his life forever...

(It is now time for you to experience what it is like looking at the abyss. What will you do, Bell? Can you bear what is about to come? Hahahaha! We will see... WE will see...) - ???

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