《"A Dream and a Book"》V. "Time to get up"


But when we came to warn them. But they were already attacked by other orcs. Haruna found Legolas' father and told him everything and then went after three dwarfs and one hobbit. Legolas went after her, and I followed with Fangs. But when we arrived, it was all over, two gnomes were killed. One of the dwarves was the king of the dwarves, and the second was his son, and he was also the one who fell in love with Haruna.

Legolas met with his father and said that he was leaving and his father accepted this and said to find the wanderer. And Fanged and I went with Legolas, and so I, Legolas and Fanged continued to travel in the place ...

I woke up at home in bed to the ringing of the alarm clock and went to school.

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