《Guildmaster》Chapter 17


I’d been itching for a boss battle, but I never figured the boss would come to us. The reason as to why was obvious; the multitude of crab beetle carcasses littered throughout the clearing evidence of that. So much carrion must have attracted the predator to us, but now it sensed fresher prey.


The giant panther padded forward, its huge eyes staring right into my soul. I inched backwards feeling for my blade. It was somewhere behind me, I knew, but I dare not look away from this thing. My heart pounded within my chest like a bass drum and I knew it could sense my fear.

The panther crouched down and I braced myself as it prepared to pounce.

Something small and furry suddenly flew onto its head, screeching. The big cat roared and reared back, as Meep sank his teeth into the big cat’s nose. The panther scrambled backwards, vainly swatting at its own face to get the cat lemur off of it, but Meep was nibble enough to avoid its claws.

Elation and relief filled me. “Meep, you crazy badass! Thank you!”

I looked behind me and scrambled for my sword and then looked for Phee. The Half-Ogress was picking herself from off the ground a few yards away. I ran to her, as Meep continued to distract the panther, running all over its head. The little cat-lemur was doing a great job, but the panther was getting wise to his tactics and switched from trying to swat at him, to simply shaking his entire body like he was drying himself.

“We don’t have much time,” I told Phee as my brain went into overdrive, developing a quick plan. “Give me your axe.”

Her eyes went wide. “What?”

“Trust me,” I said, engaging my amulet and opening a fresh page to sketch. “I just need you to keep it distracted a little bit longer with your shield.”

A wave a doubt flashed across her eyes, but quickly it was replaced by a look of resolve. She nodded to me and then handed me her axe. “I trust you, Cole. Okay, I’m going now!”

Phee ran towards the panther as it leapt back and forth, still trying to free itself of Meep’s tormenting. Eventually the cat-lemur lost grip or perhaps jumped and landed on the ground before zigzagged through the tall grass. The pissed-off panther looked ready to charge right after him, but Phee intervened with a massive shield slap right to the panther’s head.

“Face me!” she yelled. The giant cat wheeled on her and I was terrified for Phee’s safety for a second, but the warrior woman was no dainty princess. She roared right back at the panther and launched a fierce kick straight to its nose. The beast flinched, hissing, but then swiped a claw at her head. Phee raised her shield at the last moment and the massive force of the hit sent her flying through the air with a gong-like ring.

Fuck, I thought. I had to hurry.


I worked the CAD program within my amulet, the design seeping into existence straight from my mind. Phee was warily getting back on her feet, still in a daze. The panther then charged at her, but there was no way she was going to be able to react in time. I had to move now! I dashed towards Phee to intercept the giant panther, stopping just short of her to slam my sword into the ground.

Activating my mana, I forged the steel of the sharp blade into a studded rod, sending the it as deep into the soil as I could managed. The transformation continued as I swung the axe towards the beast’s neck as it ran past me. In a flash of magic, the steel shaft of the axe melted into a thick four linked chain and the head become a wide collar that sunk into the beast’s fur. The ground shook as the panther was suddenly pulled short by its collar and I prayed my makeshift construction pile would hold. The grass and earth buckled slightly with the force of the pull, but to my relief it held fast.

The panther snarled viciously, trying to break free. I rolled to the side to avid its fangs as it vainly tried to gnaw at the chain. I ran to Phee’s side and helped her up.

“You okay?” I said.

“Yes,” she said vacantly, but Phee was more fixated on the tethered panther than me. “How did you do that so quickly? You’ve actually managed to trap it!”

I shrugged. “Gotta think fast sometimes, I guess.”

The big cat leapt for us and the chain pulled tight, causing the earth to heave again.

“That probably won’t hold for very long,” I said.

“It won’t need to. It’s virtually helpless like this!” Phee then let out a loud holler of joy. “Woohoo! I can’t believe it, Cole! Do you realize how much of a prize this is?” Her eyes were wild with excitement. “This is a Lexus! A very powerful creature. Predators like this accumulate mana from their natural prey. And this Lexus is very mature. It could be worth several hundred or even a thousand of these crabs.”

Whoa, I knew it had to be powerful, but I didn’t think it could be that powerful.

“A Lexus huh?” I said with a chuckled. “Back home those are cars.”

“What?” she said, but then she used my line. “Nevermind. We need to find something to kill it quickly,” she said glancing about. “Hurry! Before it breaks free from your chains!”

I was almost tempted to use the last of my mana to turn her shield into a spear to see how just how much the giant cat was worth. 1000 mana possibly? More? But regardless of how much, I already had other plans.

“I don’t want you to kill it, Phee,” I said, staying her hand. “I want you to tame it.”

Phee looked at me incredulously. “Tame it?”


I then realized that she perhaps had no idea she even had that ability. It was only through the use of my discernment ability that I could even see her stats. Perhaps she merely assumed that Meep was a one of a kind forest friend, but I knew she had far more potential than that.

“Trust me,” I said. “You can do this. It’s one of your special abilities. It’s like your magic.”

“But I don’t have any magic,” she said. “I’m an ogre.”

“No. You have something far better in my opinion.” I then grabbed her hand and squeezing it, used 100 points of mana to raise her level again.

You use Enhance on Phee!

You exercise 100 mana.

Phee’s Charisma has increased by +1!

Phee has gained 1 insight!

Phee is now level 3!

Phee swooned nearly falling over. “Oh goddess… what did you just do to me, Cole?”

I grinned as the Half-ogress fell onto me, leaning her head onto my shoulder. “As impossible as it sounds, I just made you even more irresistible than you are already. I’ve given you all of my power, Phee. Now go on. Try to befriend it. I’m sure you can do it.”

Oratory vs Phee: Success

+100 to relationship

Phee glanced at me warily as the Lexus snarled, pulling against the chain, but just like before her faith in me reassured her and Phee eventually smiled back at me with a look a resolve.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m going.”

She approached the giant cat with her shield raised, outstretching the palm of her other hand towards it while whistling gently. The cat flattened its ears against its head and backed away from her.

“It’s okay,” Phee said in a soothing voice. “I’m a friend. You can trust me.”

Phee uses Tame vs Lexus

Success: +150 relationship

Current relationship -850 Savage

Animal Tamer Proficiency has increased by +1

Animal Tamer Proficiency has increased by +1

“It’s working, Phee,” I told her. “Keep going.”

The Half-ogress continued to talk to the beast, gaining relationship points and skill ups in Animal Tamer Proficiency each time. The Lexus continued to snarl and even clawed at her, but Phee didn’t even flinch, her persistence unwavering. I wasn’t sure if she was sensing the success of her actions or if it was her skill levels kicking in, but she approached the beast with growing confidence until eventually her relationship with the Lexus went into positive territory.

Phee uses Tame vs Lexus

Success: +100 relationship

Current relationship: 50 Neautral

“That’s it,” Phee said, holding her hand to the cat’s nose. “Come… I mean you no harm.”

The Lexus growled and then extended its huge tongue to lick Phee’s palm. The Half-ogress giggled in surprise and delight. “Aww…you big sweetheart, you!”

Phee pet the beast and the ground shook as the cat began to purr.

Phee uses Tame vs Lexus

Great Success: +200 relationship

Current relationship: 250 Friendly

“I think you did it, Phee,” I said jubilantly, approaching cautiously to stand by her side. The Lexus growled at me, but Phee quickly placed herself between me and the big cat.

“No, no,” she said. “He’s a friend. This is Master Cole.”

To my surprise the Lexus actually looked towards me like it understood every word she had just said. It then closed its eyes slowly at me and began purring again. Meep suddenly appeared and jumped onto Phee’s shoulder, meeping loudly at the cat.

The Lexus growled again and Phee had to soothe it to make introductions. “Now, now,” she said. “This is another friend. This is Tam Tam or Meep.” She winked at me. “Meep this is…”

Phee stopped short and then looked towards me. “What shall I call him?”

I shrugged. “Beats me. It’s your cat.”

Phee smiled as she stoked the Lexus under its chin. “I think I’ll call you… Lex!”

Tame vs Lexus: Success!

Phee has acquired a new Pet!

Phee has acquired: Lex


Level: 5

Race: Lexus

Primary Skill: +5 Hunting

Secondary Skill: +5 Trap Detection

I then checked Phee’s Tamer ability.

Animal Tamer

Proficiency Level: 7

Pets 2/3

Pet List

Tam Tam


“So,” I said pending down to risk a smile at the big cat. “Lex the Lexus.”

Phee laughed and blushed. “Not very original, I guess.”

“Hey it works. Good boy, Lex!”

The giant cat roared at me, causing me to back off. “Okay, okay.” I then looked to Phee. “Think he’s ready to be released now?”

Phee nodded. “I do sense he would like to be free of that stake.”

It was my turn to courage up as I edged towards the Lexus, and then used the last few points of my mana to sever the chain, leaving the stake in the ground and the collar about Lex’s neck. The black cat grumbled out a growl and pawed over the Phee where he began rubbing himself against her shapely legs.

Phee laughed in delight and threw her arms around her new friend. “Wow…he really is sweet. Aren’t you boy?”

Meep meeped in protest, hopping up and down on Phee’s shoulder.

“Quiet you,” she chided, petting the cat-lemur softly on the head. “You’ll always be my special little guy.”

“Hell yeah,” I said. “Meep pretty much saved the day.”

Phee laughed again. “That he did.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Phee was definitely in her element now, a true queen of the jungle. We’d spend most of the day killing crabs and currently had neither crystal nor gold to show for it, but we’d gained so much more.

“So now what?” Phee asked looked over her shoulder at me.

I shrugged with a smile. “I dunno. Let’s start by seeing how many of these crabs Lex wants to kill.”

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