《A marvel rise》Chapter 12


The cheering and celebration went on all night, of course the men keep it relatively tame. Alex was sitting around the table as drinks keep coming, the howling comandos they would be name soon. If things staid the way the marvel movie univers went then Steve would come and invited these guys to fight with him and Bucky.

After they came back form the front, Steve was whisk away by the general as if he was advertising his new toy to all the other boys in class. It went well, giving a boosts to morale for the war front and not just as a political gimmick. As for him, sadly most of the document he got his hand on he was force to give them up to his boss, and even delegate the credit to another agent.

"I didn't even get the chance to read all of them." He said with frustration. He was press for time on the trip back he knew that as soon as he touch ground, someone would be waiting to take him in. So he was force to chooses two document to go throught and give up on knowing the content of the others.

He pick the confidential one and another about what appear to be a super tank plans. For the tank it was the big one he'd seen in the movie briefly as Steve blew it up. The document gave more specific detail plans about it but the power output should be impossible, sadly he was aware that Heinrich Zemo the right hand of Johann Schmidt had found the tesaract. Arnim Zola an Schmidt were already making Zola designs of weapons, but at the very least they should not know that he had laid claim to some plan.

As for the confidential one it was about their several attemps on the super soldier serum of professor Abraham Erskine. It took as a base the blood of a certaine red skull or Schmidt, he was glade to see that the project had been put on hold to focus on the Teseract. He did get a nice look on their own spin off for the project and some new ideas that where intriguing. Of course their was alots that was pure fancy and madness in it as well. So he figured it wouldn't hurt to trow this bone to the agency.


They of course where very happy to take everything away, luckily the general step in an ask for a transfer on his behalf to his department. The agency where thorn about it, on one hand they where getting rid of him and on they other they couldn't make his life hell anymore. In the end a compromise was reach, he would be given on probation to the general department, he would stay for the duration of the war and then he would return to them after.

"Here the man of the hours, nice to see you in one piece Steve." Alex said as he raise his drink to him.

"He, I thought for sure the general was going to put him up on his wall or something." James said with a chuck.

"Hey guys, look I have something to say you mind if I sit? Steve said smiling in greating an then letting a more seriouse face to what he wanted to say. In a way Steve was feeling guilty, they guys had just come out from the front, had already fought and now he was here to ask them to go right back in their. He took a deep breath he needed them. "Look their no sugar coating it, I need all of you back out their with me. I'm putting a team together that's going to focus on hydra and Schmidt. An well I would like for you all to join me."

Most of the guys looked to Steve then to each other. A few voice their worried if he was mad, but after a few jabs one after another they each agreed to jump back in the pit once again. James made his quip about getting another round and Steve readily agreed. He got up and made his way to Bucky, who was drinking alone. He was alway curious about something, he was wondering just how much of an effect the serum had on Bucky cause from what he saw. Bucky seem to not exhibit any signs of the serum, so he'd had come to a theory that it had remaind dormant all this time, and had only awoken later once the russian had pick him up.


A few minute later Peggy walk in, in that absolutely drop dead gorges red dress. The room went silent as every men in the room got to their feet. She majestically made her way to Steve never wavering her eyes from him.

"Captain." Peggy said in a smooth voice that traveled all the way down everyone spine. Looking around you could see almost every other men giving jelouse looks at Steve.

"Agent Carter." Steve said in his own deep voice their was a hint of exitment in it. His eyes never leaving Peggy, you could see a certain desirer in them as he stared at her.

"Mam." Bucky said as he puff up.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try, tomorrow morning." Peggy said her eyes staring deeply into Steve. A similar desirer also in her look.

"Sound good." Steve said in a slit husky voice.

"I see your squade are prepping for duty." Peggy said as she look at them in the corner of her eye never really giving them any attention.

"You don't like music?" Bucky said as he tried an failed to attract her attention.

"I do, actually, I might when this is all over, go dancing." Peggy said, one could hear a few guys giving loud gasp of excitement.

"The what are we waiting for?" Bucky said in his smoothes voice, sadly it had zero affect, as Peggy never let her eyes leave Steve.

"The right partner, 0800 hours. Captain" Peggy turn and slowly walk away.

"Yes mam, Il be there." Steve said his eyes trailed behind her.

"Im invisible, I'm....oh God I'm turning into you. Bucky said in a depresses tone. As he also watch Peggy walk out.

"Don't take it to hard. Mabey she's got a friend." Steve said with a grin on his face.

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