《A marvel rise》Chapter 5


"He'll see you now." The secretary said, as she motion to go in with one hand, as she switch the paper in the typewriter.

Alex nodded as he made his way to the door, before opening he knock.

"Come in." Lamberge voice came out muffled from the door.

Alex open the door walk in. "Close it behind you." Lamberge said as he looked up from the file he'd been reading. Lamberge was 40 year old chubby grey hair ugly bastard. His face looked like what a Doberman mix with a human in a bad marriage, would look like. His eyes were bloody from all the wiskey and tobacco. He did manage to retain a head of full of hair, to his credit.

Alex nodded, close the door behind him and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Lamberge desk. "You wanted to see me sir." Alex said in a neutral tone.

"Do you know the shit storm you've gotten yourself in, AGENT!" Lamberge said as he look at Alex in anger, but his eyes were telling a different story, they were filled with glee. "Not only do you have a un sanction kill in your cover apartment. But you got the balls to bail and leave us on clean up! Ive been on phone all day trying to clean up your F***ing mess. Month of undercover work gone up in flames!..." Lamberge keep going on and on about how much of a fuck up Alex was and how he'd screwed up, right left and centre.

This tirade keep going for a good 15 min without Alex saying one word, his face remain neutral from begining to end. As he sat and remain still during, Lamberge demonizing him as the worse scum to walk this world.


"Well what sorry excuse do you have this time AGENT!" Lamberge practically spiting in Alex face.

"Sir, the attacker was already in my apartment when I arrive." Alex said in a neutral voice. "Sir, since he was their I did not want to take a chance that more were on their way. Sir, so I followed protocol an went dark sir." Lamberge just stared at him with contempt and fury. "Sir, was the team able to identify the attacker?" Alex ask not really expecting much, it wouldn't be the first time he was frozen out of information buy his own agency.

"That not your concerns anymore, you've got another problem." Lamberge said in a calm menacing tone.

"Sir?" Alex said as he had a questioning look, his grey eyes reflected cation. Inside he was piste, not only did he have to sit and listen to an undeserving sermon, but on the first question he was shut down. Not for the first time he wonder if he should just Leave. He had hit nothing but walls with this agency, saddly he knew that event if he wanted to leave they wouldn't make it easy on him. And he wasn't ready yet to just give up and walk away. Not until the end of the war, at the very least, he'd own them that at the very least.

"We'll you've been remove from your liaison duties with Josef Reinstein, so you need to hand over all files and information on the good professor." A smirk was on the old ugly face as he had a look of triumph. For months the power that be had wanted Josef to disclose more info on his serum, but he keep all crucial information in his head and refuse to give it up. So the boss decided to trying black mailing him, only problem no one could find his brother and niece once they arrive in USA. And the only person who knew was him Alexander Grey, and he also refuse to share their location. Witch was why his boss was so happy to finally have better negotiation chips for the serum.


"No sir I can't do that sir." Alex said in a neutral tone.

That brusted Lamberge bubble. "What did you just say? This is not a request Agent! That was an order to hand over the info!" Lamberge got up and staired down at Alex, hunching over his desk, his face was filled with rage. You could see a few veins pulsing. "Your going to hand everything now you dumb shit, or else I send you down in a hole so deep,that they will have to dig all the way to the center of the earth to find you."

Alex reach inside his jacket pocket and placed a folded letter down on Lamberge desk. "No sir, after you've read this you will not do anything sir. And don't worry sir, you can keep this one."

Lamberge blink, he was confuse since he had no idea about this letter. Hell he was pretty sure that his group had no idea about this letter either. He pick it up and started to read, and very slowly he sat down his eyes never leaving the letter. He keep reading it and going back and reading it a second time around.

"H......ho........how.....how t.....how the......how di..?" Lamberge keep trying to finish his sentence but couldn't. The letter was a presidential pardon, and a document that stated that the person carring this letter, was following orders directly from the president.

"I trust this will but an end to my dismissal. Now if you excusme sir i need to get in contact with my asset sir." Alex got up and walk out, leaving a Lamberge still trying to understand what just happen.

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