《A marvel rise》prologue rewrite


A ten-year-old boy was staring down at a newspaper article, he was sprawled out on his house's living room floor, The paper article was about a new up and coming company, Stark Industries. Alexander Grey or just Alex was stunned speechless.

"How is this possible." He mumbled, for the first ten years of his new life he figured that he had come back in time on earth, a weird odd earth but still earth. He figure he'd reincarnated to a time before he was ever born, like way back in the past compare to his previous life. Now, the truth was right before him, he didn't come back in time, he traveled into a completely different dimension.

"What? This is so not fair! I'm in the fucking marvel universe and I don't get anything?! Where are my mutant powers or cheat system, why God why!" He was rolling on the ground mourning and bitching about his lost opportunity.

It's a good thing that for the past ten years he had shown off an above level of intelligence. While he did show off, it could easily be traced back to him remembering his past life. He had grown to be a 40-year-old man before dying of a heart attack. So understanding his school work and having A+ on all subject was easy, since before he was living in the year 2020 when he died. And now he was in the year 1929, and so since he had shown a high level of intelligence and maturity his parents didn't mind leaving him home alone for a few hours.

At first, he was sad on loosing everything and anyone he knew, he also was frustrated that he was back in time before anything even close to his level of comfort. He bounced back form that in about the first two years, to which he had promise to black out that periode of his life, the humiliation of being completely defenceless was not pleasant and other darker things as well. So he came up with the idea of becoming an inventor of all kind of product and making billions. But now with the revelation of him being in the fricking marvel universe, he started to slowly re-evaluate his future plans.


"Ok enough moping." He stopped rolling around and wiping off his tears and snot with a tissue. He was still shocked that the world as he knew it was completely different, and that it was a world were he was at bottom of a very dangerous food chain. Just thinking about all the future events and then looking at the year he was in, he realized that in few years ww2 would start, instead of simply having to fight a bunch of human natzis, he would have to watch out for other supers in the war.

"I'm so very screwed, if this is anything like i think, my chances of survival are very low rigth now. I thought that I could become a scientist and stay back in a base surrounded by soldier creating stuff, instead of being in the middle of a fucking war. But this crap, even if i stay in a base, theirs a good chances that even staying in a safe place could put me in danger. Wait a minute, isn't the birth of Captain America on the horizon." He stop and thought about this, could this be a chances to bring up his survivability.

"If I could..., maybe I could become Captain America! Yeah that could work, all I need is to prepare now and I could become one of my all-time favorite superhumans!" Alex grin as imagine himself in that classic red white and blue, and let's not forget the shield. The more he thought about it the more he liked the idea of taking up the role of one of the most iconic superhumans in the Marvel universe.

"Sorry Steve, I'm going to take your place in history." Alex said with a grin as he laughed.

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