《The path He chose》Vol. 2 Chapter 1: The Situation and Disappearance
Volume 2 - Chapter 1: The Situation and Disappearance
And then…
Souma was struggling to get out of situation he was in as the girls were “attacking” him. Of course he did not mind it but for Souma it sucked because he couldn’t do anything and he was extremely tired from the incident with the Elder. Even if he didn’t pass out like usual, the experiences from the void came at him instantly and he was mentally exhausted. Suddenly the girls stopped and Souma wondered what was going on…
Tamago-chan witnessed the whole situation within the dark. Her master was being chained to the bed and being “tortured”. She hated being in an egg but what could she do, she has yet to hatch and only Souma could solve her hatching problem. Tamago-chan was beyond frustrated as the girls assaulted Souma and she became jealous and furious at the three having their way with Souma. Tamago looked frustrated and several cracks formed from her egg. The color of the egg began to change pure black and red lines were etched around the surface of the black egg and suddenly a purple miasma seeped out…
The result was the three girls being immediately knocked out. The purple miasma acted as a sleeping powder yet it didn’t affect Souma but Souma was trapped. Tamago-chan rolled off the sofa and rolled over to the girls that were dozing away slowly. Akane was still slightly awake and picked up Tamago as if she was being controlled and put Tamago-chan on the bed with Souma. Souma felt the cracks on the big egg as she rested on top of Souma’s chest. He could only wonder what was going on but he couldn’t move. Souma decided to sleep like this since if he struggled, Tamago-chan would fall off and hurt herself. The five slept soundly but the three girls were in their own fantasy as the sleeping powder somehow enhanced their dreams…
“Ohh...soumaaa~ Not there….go gently…”
“Nh~ Goushujin-sama! more more!! harder!! Nyaaaaahhh!”
“P-pyon! pyon~ damee~...Souma is such a pervert...but I don’t mind~”
Similar voices from the three echoed throughout the night and the neighbors could not sleep from the voices and they could only wonder…
Leo and Aerylith arrived two hours after the five slept and Leo wanted to go see the party upstairs but Aerylith beat him with a rolling pin and the two finally slept but unfortunately they could not sleep much as they constantly heard moaning noises from upstairs which caused Aerylith to blush deeply and Leo being furious at Souma for doing this and that to his precious daughter…
Leo bit into his pillow as he laid next to Aerylith and for Aerylith she thought…
‘Souma...you’ve grown...how I wish I wasn’t married...ohhhh!’
Aerylith had these thoughts but she was happy with her family so she wouldn’t cheat just because another man was better than Leo….probably....
Souma’s night passed quickly since he slept with Tamago-chan peacefully and it’s been awhile since Tamago slept with Souma so she was happy with it. Tamago-chan still was upset that the three pulled a move on Souma while he was really tired but she was glad to be there and if anything...she wanted to be first for Souma….
Morning came in a flash as people were busier than ever. The village was preparing for a meeting that involved the safety of the village and the plans that would be discussed in the meeting. The elder was preparing his house for the meeting headquarters where important people will be discussing the future plans for the village. The elder had to focus on the meeting rather than argue with his daughter as she continuously denied her engagement with Souma but inside she felt slightly happy that she was getting married… Alveani spent her time cooped up in her room as she needed to vent her anger but her father wouldn’t let her out unless she was calm…
Souma was still gagged and tied to the bedpost and Tamago slept peacefully resting on Souma’s chest. He could only wonder how an egg nearly half his size weighed so little. The three were still knocked out on the floor mumbling in their fantasies and Souma wanted to move as he woke up before them. One of the ropes were loose on his right hand and Souma moved his wrist in order for his hand to become free from the rope. As soon as Souma released his right hand, he immediately removed his blindfolds and looked around. Tamago-chan was sleeping still on his chest so he gently laid her on his right side using his right hand as support. After laying Tamago-chan next to him, he quickly worked on the rest of the ropes.
Finally Souma was free and as he left the bed he saw the three girls that attacked him last night. They were all knocked out and enjoying their dreams as their faces were blushing heavily from their fantasy. Souma looked at the three and sighed in contempt.
“Haaa...I’ll just scold them later on as usual...I’m too tired and I wouldn’t scold them for trying their best…I have to take care of things...and these three including Tamago are part of my family...I’ll just scold them later after today….”
Souma looked at the three and kissed their foreheads along with Tamago that slept peacefully on the bed…
The sun was breaking Dawn and Souma knew it was going to be hectic today. Souma descended to the first floor and quickly prepared breakfast for the whole family once they woke up. He prepared meals using first class ingredients but he didn’t know that as his Dancing Chef form took the reigns of his cooking skills and put them to their maximum use. The meals would grant permanent stats but Souma ignored the windows that popped up and enjoyed his breakfast. The smell was enticing even to the point of suddenly waking up the entire family from the smell. But as they came to the dining room, the aroma nearly knocked them out. The smell was too good however before they even arrived, Souma had left and he wrote a letter to the family…
Dear Leo, Aerylith and co.,
I am currently working at the moment as I have to help the Elder with preparations and Leo should already be informed about the meeting. I will explain more at the meeting but for now enjoy the breakfast I cooked and take care.
P.S. You three...I have something to say to you all once I return home
P.P.S Thank you Tamago-chan even though you can’t read….
The three girls shuddered as they remembered what happened last night and Souma would scold them...
Souma went down the street and people were getting busy for a meeting. The merchants were quickly selling out of goods as people rushed the stalls like hungry animals. Apparently the people would eat a fantastic meal before they started the serious talks. It would balance out the atmosphere and more people would focus more rather than being irritated all the time during the meeting. The chefs would be busy as people bought ingredients for them and the tailor was no less than busy. Tuinari was being flushed out with orders to make a custom outfit for the attendees that were cooperating in the meeting. Felnari wasn’t an exception as the Elder told him to make brand new swords for the guardsmen. Felnari knew something was going on but he didn’t mind as the Elder paid him a hefty sum for the swords to be made.
Kimuro the Merchant was out of the village but he had received a private letter from the Elder that entitled the details of the meeting and they would be moving.
Souma helped the village people that prepared for the meeting. He went from Tuinari’s shop to Felnari’s forge to help assist with making the items. As he was moving in between the two places, Souma saw a window opened at the Elder’s house and he noticed Alveani was staring at him with a mixed expression. She had a angry yet blissful expression and Souma could only wonder what she was thinking. He quickly ran to avoid Alveani’s glare and that angered her even more…
‘What the hell...I thought she hated me why would she get angry when I left…??’
Souma simply shrugged it off and returned to work.
After making the outfits and swords, Souma returned to the street where the elder’s house was on. He approached the door but as he was reaching for the doorknob, the door suddenly fell on Souma and a girl with a frying pan was seen running out…
Souma was slammed against the floor and he quickly moved the door to the side and got up. Souma looked around for the perpetrator that broke the door. Behind him a girl was going to knock him out with a frying pan but he felt her presence and grabbed the frying pan before it landed on his head. He looked at the woman which was Alveani and she struggled to let go but Souma held on…
“Now...why did you do that..and what is it with you and frying pans…?”
Souma spoke softly to mask his anger at the door slamming him to the ground…
“Uh...ah…” Alveani’s ears drooped and her gaze was looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact as she blushed heavily due to the memories she remembered from yesterday…
“I-i’m sorry…” Alveani spoke and she closed her eyes expecting to get punished from Souma but nothing like that happened. Souma gently patted her head and went into the house.
Alveani was shocked that nothing happened…
‘Mother always said...men were beasts, they are perverted and cunning and once you get them mad they will hurt the women...’
Of course men weren’t like that, well majority weren’t and Souma wouldn’t hurt a girl that he somewhat ‘engaged’ to.
The elder saw Souma and began to greet the boy…
“Ah, Souma welcome. We must hurry and prepare this room for the meeting and I’m glad you were able to come and help.”
Souma nodded and approached the elder secretively..
“Elder..I can change your house inside using my affinity...Just have everyone exit the building and I’ll work on it…”
The elder nodded at Souma’s suggestion and ordered everyone to exit the building. Alveani, who finished repairing the door with her magic wondered what was going on with Souma and her father but her father told her to leave.
The elder was the last to leave and Souma closed the blinds on the windows and began his works…
Souma decomposed the atoms within the first floor to their natural state. The entire room disappeared and Souma intensely focused on rebuilding the entire floor room. Souma didn’t know that his body was incomplete and if he performed a God’s ability, his body would pay the toll. Luckily for him this was only the first floor but Souma didn’t feel any pain as he continued to refurbish the room. The room continued to change as Souma designed the interior. New chairs were formed along with a brand new round table that sat at the right corner big enough to host the 10 important figures that would sit there. The rest of the space was used to host the dinner meal that will be prepared by the chefs. The walls were colored into a light gray color and the floor wood was replaced with oak wood that were 10 times stronger than the previous woodwork. Souma was finished with the refurbishing and went to open the door. The elder looked surprised at the interior but he was more worried about Souma…
“Boy!...you know you have a nosebleed?”
‘Nosebleed… No I don’t..’
Souma wiped his nose and noticed the blood seeping out of his nostrils. Alveani was worried and brought him a tissue to wipe himself...
“I-it’s not like I g-gave t-this to you because I was worried about you! I w-wouldn’t want the floor to be dirty that’s all!”
Souma smiled at Alveani and she turned away to cover her blushing face and Souma wiped off the blood…
“Thanks...Alveani, thank you..” Souma spoke to Alveani who continued to ignore him as her face was beet red.
Souma continued to worry about his state...
‘What the hell happened...Oh well...it’s probably because I was working too hard...’
Souma wondered why he had a nosebleed but he shrugged it off as he thought it was being overworked but Souma was far from being right…
Noon quickly passed and the village people were nearing their quota of preparation. Souma returned home after the little incident and decide to relax a bit and fell asleep…
In his mind, Souma drifted in an endless dark void and a familiar voice called to him…
Souma...I see you’ve already gained three god abilities...You are almost there...whatever you do, do not use your new powers....your body is far from complete...you have to grow more...more stronger…to challenge the universe...
Kami-sama spoke to the Souma that drifted in his sleep and hopefully his message was delivered because it’s becoming harder to talk to himself since Kami-sama is busy…
Souma completely ignored Kami-sama's warning and slept soundly until Leo woke him up...
“Hey Souma...it’s time for the meeting...it’s already evening and the girls along with Tamago-chan are meeting rest of the females at another house. They have to discuss some things that are different from our meeting. So let’s go...”
Souma got up slowly and left with Souma after closing the door to the inn…
Leo and Souma came to the Elder’s house which had its lights on and the two finally entered the house. The elder greeted them and the rest of the figures were eating peacefully. There were two tables that stood on each sides of the room and were catered with delicious food and winery. Souma and Leo gathered their plate and sat at the round table where everyone ate at. The elder, Yoichi, Tuinari and Felnari were present along with Souma and Leo. The other four were 3 guard captains of each respective gates and a female that represented the voice of the female populace that dominated the village.
Everyone finished their dinner meal and the Elder addressed the meeting…
“Everyone, as you already know the two kingdoms are going to wage war on these plains we call home..I already sent a messenger to the other villages that we’ll be relocating to a new place…”
Leo spoke, “Sir if I may inquire, where will we be going?”
“Well, we will be going past the forest of beasts and approach the hills that lie far north of from the plains…”
The guard captains spoke in succession…
“Elder! Not only the forest of beasts are dangerous but the distance would usually take a month’s time and considering the amount of stops for the people to rest would increase that time!”
“Elder! The forest is filled with demonic wolves! This is why this plan is ridiculous”
The captains voiced their concerns and Yoichi quickly silenced them.
“SILENCE! The elder has yet to explain his reasoning! NOW LISTEN YOU CAPTAINS!”
Yoichi was completely different from his usual comedic self but the topic was serious so it affected Yoichi too…
“Commander, But thi-”
“NO BUTS! Didn’t I make myself clear the first time. I will have to reprimand you lot if you interrupt the Elder one more time!”
The captains quickly shut up and the Elder finally spoke again…
“Well, let me explain a few things, you guys noticed the blue and white lights that occurred in the village right? Well, that was Souma..”
Everyone but Felnari and Tuinari looked at Souma with their eyes wide opened but the Elder continued to speak..
“Well, He is a person who recently arrived in this village but he’s very unique and he came up with this plan..”
The captains were about to speak up but Yoichi glared them down. Leo was in turn to speak…
“Elder...what do you mean Souma is unique?”
The elder began to look at Souma but Souma nodded no in response…
“Sorry, I cannot say...but here Souma will explain everything…”
The elder finished speaking and gave the floor to Souma.
Souma stood up and looked at everyone. The female looked at Souma in a flustered manner but Souma ignored everything and began to speak…
“Well...There is a forest on the other side of that hill...It’s a forest with no demonic beasts and the animals coexist with each other...I proposed this idea since I would hate for this village to be destroyed because of some petty war...I’ve traveled back and forth from the hill to the village before...and for the demonic wolves...you don’t have to worry about it…”
The elder noticing Souma’s words ending stood up to begin his speech…
“Well, we must cross the forest of beasts and leave the plains...the other villages will be following in succession and we will build a town over there…”
Souma’s face had a perplexed look…
‘A town...wow...I think I will help...’
Souma was about to speak up but the female representative stood up and spoke…
“Well...the females will have to gather their goods and take a lot of clothing and…”
Before she continued, the Elder interrupted…
“Ah, sorry for interrupting but we already have a solution...right Souma?”
Souma receiving his cue stood up and said…
“Well, you don’t have to carry much...just your necessities like food and other consumables...I will take the entire village..”
Everyone stood up after souma’s comment and spoke in succession
“What the hell boy! What do you mean??”
“Souma what do you mean??”
“Hey you are my apprentice but you are crazy boy…”
Similar voices echoed throughout the room as they criticized Souma’s intent...then Souma spoke…
“WAIT!...Calm down...I will simply show you…”
Souma walked towards the remaining food that remained on the other tables and simply wished for the items to be stored and the food instantly disappeared. Everyone except the Elder was slack jawed and Souma walked back. He lifted his right hand where the void ring rested in his finger and simply wished for the food to appear on the round table and they were shocked from the food that appeared instantly on the table…
“Oh my god…”
They mumbled here and there in their surprised voices…
The elder looking at everyone and began to speak…
“This plan was made by Souma as he wanted to save this village...we are indebted to him but we cannot repay him...I would like to keep this information confidential...Do not tell anyone about the ability you just witnessed...Souma is very unique and the kingdom will hunt him down...I need to contact my wife to see if we can put him under the protection of the goddesses...but I would like this information to not leak out of this room...Understood!”
The elder’s tone went grave from the issue of exposure from Souma’s identity and everyone nodded in acceptance…
Leo looked at Souma and he knew something was different about Souma and Leo knew somehow that there was more to Souma…
The meeting continued to talk about the traveling distance, security plans, cooking duties and similar topics. Souma interjected at the security plans as he was going to be part of the security team that consisted of the guards and guard captains. Souma and Yoichi were going to be the leaders that commanded the security team and the females along with the chefs were in charge of the cooking duties and the rest of the males were going to assist guiding the rest of the females, children and the elderly along the pathway. The plans were going great with many suggestions to help improve the travel experience with the entire village moving in tow. The girls finished their meetings after conversing between themselves after the female representative returned to the house where they held their separate meeting. The female representative spoke of Souma’s plans but made sure to not include Souma’s ability and Souma’s company cheered that they found out that Souma was the one who came up with the idea and they returned back home. Once they arrived home, Souma scolded them as soon as they arrived. All three of them pouted but Souma kissed them and said…
“Welcome home...I’m not that mad...okay...now go to bed…”
The three hugged Souma and they finally rested after a busy day of talking...
The meetings concluded and everyone agreed unanimously at Souma’s plans and they agreed on moving in three days. Within those three days, the entire will be packing their necessities and sending letters to the other villages to speak about their plans and adjust it according to the Elder’s suggestion. The other villages only agreed because they had no other choice since they couldn’t come up with any ideas. They adjusted the plan to send people in groups of 20-30 along the paths and leave their village. The other villages also planned to move one day ahead of the initial date since they were farthest from the forest...
Souma told the Elder that he’ll cast a time dilation field which will accelerate movement of the groups but the elder said that they had to explain but Souma could alter the space within the dilation field to make it seem as if they were moving normal but in reality their movements were doubled. This would decrease the time to at least 2 weeks and less exposure to danger since the faster they made it to the location, they would be safer. The elder finally agreed and Souma finally left the Elder’s house after saying his goodbyes to Alveani who blushed…
Souma continued to meet with the other guard captains as they were in charge with security detail and got acquainted with the guard captains. The tallest Guard captain was named Gin, the shortest was named Sugiru and the bulkiest guard was named Goro. Souma talked with them often as they wanted to solidify their plans for their travel. Souma met the guards here and there and some ignored him but they shuddered once they found out that he was one of the leaders beside Yoichi the Commander…
Speaking of Yoichi, Souma spoke often to him since he wanted to find out more about Yoichi. More like how the hell he became a Commander of a guard unit when he acts like ‘that’. Well, after the two continued to talk more seriously about the security plans they left for their homes to rest since the third day was tomorrow…
Souma slept on the sofa with Tamago-chan as the trio slept in his bed and they slept peacefully…
The trio’s voices mumbled in their sleep as usual hoping for Souma to “attack” them while they slept. They equally loved Souma and wanted him to make his move but as usual Souma was very busy and they wouldn’t want to repeat another situation of “kidnapping” him since he scolded them...
The night sky was darker than usual as it signaled a premonition for tomorrow’s events…
The morning sky rose slowly to beckon a new dawn which was the new beginning for the village people. They spent 2 days preparing everything to take with them and sent letters to the other villages to report their progress and departure. People began to wake and started to move once the horn was blown from the guard captains. The first group was going to move out early at the dawn with a group of guardsmen. Souma could easily catch up to them so all they had to do was exit the dilation field and Souma would instantly notice the change and catch up the the group. The first group left and the others followed in suit…
Souma woke up after the trio had already woken up and gotten dressed. They were already downstairs but then Souma felt it…
Souma could feel the irregularity in the air...and he could sense a large army approaching the village...It would be 4 hours till it reached the village but Souma felt the danger it imposed. Souma quickly donned his clothes and hurried downstairs. Souma was on full alert and it was worrisome for the trio as he spoke..
“Leo, I need you to hurry up and take the family to their groups and leave. I have to talk to the elder and Yoichi.”
Leo nodded at Souma’s desperation but then the girls spoke…
“Souma...What is wrong..?”
“Master...is there something troubling you…”
“Souma-kun...is there something we should know….?”
The three spoke worriedly at Souma and Souma gave them a reassuring smile but they weren’t that stupid to fall for his facade then he spoke…
“No, everything is fine but I just need the groups to hurry up. Okay? Nothing is wrong.”
Souma tried to reassure them and he immediately left after saying goodbye…
Souma sped through the crowds of people and found the Elder and Yoichi near the northern gate. Souma quickly signaled them and approached the two…
“Elder, we need to speed up the process...they need to hurry up and get out…”
Souma’s desperation leaked out of his voice and the elder responded…
“Souma...Souma what is wrong..? Everything is fin-”
“NO! Everything is not fine...I need everyone out of here...now...please get them out of here…”
Souma spoke while interrupting the elder and Yoichi began to talk…
“Okay..we’ll tell them to hurry up...but what are you going to do…?”
“Well...I will explain why I am rushing these things but it will never escape your mouths as it will create an uproar okay…?”
The two nodded at Souma and he continued…
“There seems to be an army approaching the village...I felt a large number of soldiers walking in this direction...Luckily the other villages already left yesterday towards the forest…”
The two suddenly stopped movements and began to assess their current predicament and Souma continued…
“I need you two to hurry up the process and seems to me that they’ll be here in 4 hours...make sure they get out in 3 hours or else…”
Yoichi snapped out of his confused state and spoke to Souma…
“But...Souma what will you do…”
“Sir...Yoichi..I will handle what I can do but please get everyone out of here!”
Souma bellowed at Yoichi which startled him then he nodded in agreement…
Yoichi quickly summoned his guard unit and told them what to do and the Elder told the rest of the village people to hurry up and leave the village.
Souma activated his Time fields on the groups that moved on ahead and Souma saw the last group...
Leo and Aerylith along with the trio and Tamago-chan were in the last group leaving. They weren’t gonna leave Souma behind so they waited for Souma to return. Once Souma told them to go in the last group, the three girls spoke…
“SOUMA! Where are you going!!”
“Master wait! I CAN HELP WAI-”
Before they even finished Souma spoke…
“I have to do something, I promise I’ll be there with you guys okay? Don’t worry I have to make sure everyone leaves together okay?? I promise I will come...” Souma gave a smile as they reluctantly moved with the rest of the group. Alveani was part of the last group and she noticed Souma staying back with her father...
The elder, Yoichi and a few guardsmen stayed behind…
“Okay, Elder and Yoichi please go join the rest of the groups...They need you right now…I will stay back and make sure nothing follows us…”
“Souma! No! We need you with the village….”
“Yeah, Yoichi is right…”
“No, I must stay behind...can you guys handle an entire army? I don’t think so! Please leave now!”
The elder and Yoichi were shocked at Souma’s desperate voice…
“Fine...but you better come after you are done…”
“I will, don’t worry…”
The elder and Yoichi left with the guardsmen and Souma stood at the entrance of the northern gate…
“Haaa...This entire week...was hectic....I was kicked out...attacked by wolves...assaulted by the girls...nearly drowned in skills...and now this….”
After the last group disappeared in the distance, the sounds of marching echoed throughout the plains approaching the Leifan Village….
Souma felt the pressure increase as he wondered what caused this and he finally understood as he looked at the sky darken…
From the last group they saw in the sky darken over the village and suddenly a barrage of fire arrows assaulted the dark sky onto the Village. The fire arrows pierced the sky and rained a barrage upon the Village which Souma was still currently at...
The girls cried as Souma did not return with the group..
“Noooo!!!!!!!!! WHY DIDN’T YOU BRING HIM WITH US!!!”
The entire village was in flames and the smoke rose above the air. No one knew the reason for this as their entire village was in flames…
Souma stared at the sky as it rained arrows upon the village…
‘what the hell....’
Souma was stuck in between the barrage of arrows but…
“Wait...why can’t I move…...WAIT!!”
Souma tried to move but his legs wouldn’t budge. He looked at the ground and a cesspool of darkness clouded his feet preventing him from moving…
Souma tried to use his gravity ability but it was for naught. His skills weren’t working either and Souma tried change into his forms but nothing happened.
Souma roared at the coveted sky that yearned for light but was covered in darkness. From the distance, the sky grew grim and various bolts of lightning sparked the darkened sky…
The arrows continued their assault and pierced Souma’s arms and legs…
Souma continued to yell as the sky grew darker and then Souma was assaulted by a white light that blinded him. The white light unfortunately wasn’t Kami-sama but it was a huge lightning spell that scorched the entire surface of the village. Souma’s entire body disappeared into dust and all that remained was a village scorched in flames and a large crater was formed from the impact of the lightning where Souma last stood.
The groups were already within the forest when they saw the gigantic lightning spell consume a part of the village and the girls wailed even more.
Tamago-chan rustled left and right anxiously but she couldn't express her thoughts so her movements clearly spoke for her...she wanted to go find Souma...
Tifania was the only one silent and despair was written all over her face…
Leo and some of the females restrained the two girls until Leo knocked them out. Leo was then scolded by Aerylith and beaten up in succession.
“LEO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!...you know well...they are fragile…”
Leo apologized repeatedly and looked into the horizon where a large smoke rose into the dark sky…
“Souma...son...I hope you are okay….you promised these girls...I will kill you if you break the promise between my daughter…”
Leo spoke as his voice trailed into the entrance of the forest and they continued on…
Souma’s entire body vanished into thin air and the village was raided by the Algarun Kingdom
The army continued to raid the village and their commander looked at the items they procured....
“Gah! This is where they found Malveric Grass!! Where did they go!? It was like this with the other villages!! Damn, the king will behead me if I don’t find anything!!”
The commander spoke with a scowl on his face…
“Fuck! FUCK! I don’t like this bullshit...I should have told the mage to cancel that lightning spell! I need at least someone to tell me some information!! Damn it all!”
The commander expressed his anger towards the ground and noticed the huge crater left by the lightning…
“*spit* Damn this stupid village...the king wanted more of that damn weed so he sent us here to forcefully take it but NO! Everyone fucking disappeared DAMN IT ALL!!”
The army just looked at their commander screaming to himself…
Souma existence disappeared into thin air but...how come the groups...still moved within their time fields….
And then...
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