《Re:Insanity》Chapter 020 : Back to Being Me


I decided to take a break before I go back to the city. I went and bought some food at the at one of the stands. I sat besides a tree as I eat my meal.

It was already 5:00 PM when I came out of the dungeon. It seems no one hasn't notice the bodies of Ricardo and the others. I confirmed that no one hasn't came to the second floor yet, but I hope that no one suspects me. It would be troublesome if that happens.

I pondered in my thoughts as I eat my meal. I started to think on what I should do in the future.

I still need to resolve the problem at the church after all. I'll also need to the tasks of being an Apostle.

So far, it seems that Aira hasn't given me any task yet. She said that I'll know when I'll have my task but I don't know when.

After finishing my meal, I decided to come back to the city. I was supposed to meet Yris today, but I'll postpone it for now. There are many things that I should do.

I walked at the road that leads to back to Zelfort. I decided to think on the the ways to help the church.

The problem here is the blackmailing of Augusto. I'll need to think of a way to expose his schemes so that his death won't be any suspicion. But considering he's a powerful noble, that means he'll have a very tight security. The guards that he brought were on par of a C rank Adventurer. Even if their strength are only, if they unite I might get killed.

I don't have enough information on him. I'll need to collect some when I get back.

For now let's think of a way that will help the church, even a little. The kids in the orphanage don't get enough food because of their money being stole by Augusto.

As I was deep on my thoughts, I heard a sudden rustle on the bush beside the road. I confirmed a single presence with my >Presence Detection


A sudden idea appeared on my mind as I stare at the Horned Rabbit.

"Yep, it will definitely help them!"(Jeff)

Due to the idea I had I decided to stay at the forest for an hour.


After an hour, I came back to the city. The guard asked for identification so I gave him my Guild Card, after that I entered the city.

I decided to go straight to the church but before that I decided to shop for some ingredients. I went and bought some vegetables and spices. After finishing buying the necessities, I went straight to the church.

I was greeted by Talyah when I went to the orphanage.

"Hello, Jeff. You came back faster than I thought."(Talyah)

Talyah greeted me with a smile, I also responded with a smile.

"Well, I decided to give an donation again, you see..."(Jeff)

Now that I think about it it hasn't even passed a day when I came here.

"Again? Well... feel free to donate anytime you want..."(Talyah)

Her smile slightly broke but was able to maintain it again. She must be thinking that my donation will only be wasted.

"Umm... you see, is it all right if what I donate isn't money?"(Jeff)

Talyah gave me a questioning look.

"It is all right even if it's not money as long as it's not anything dangerous."(Talyah)

"Really? Well don't worry it's not dangerous anything. What I'm gonna donate are foods after all."(Jeff)

Talyah's expression immediately turned into a bright smile when she heard my words.

"Re-really?!... You're gonna donate some foods!?"(Talyah)

Talyah approached my face as she said. I became flustered from her reaction.

"Ye-yeah... I currently have it in my magic bag so where can I put it?"(Jeff)

"Well then, let's put it at the kitchen. Follow me."(Talyah)

I followed Talyah as we enter the orphanage. She brought me to the orphanage's kitchen where I put the ingredients at the table.

I laid down the 50 rabbit meat, 10 boxes of vegetables, some spices, and other ingredients. All of it cost 2 gold coins.


"So- so many... with this we'll be able to last longer..."(Talyah)

Talyah whispered those words in a small voice but I was able to hear it. I decided to ignore it so there won't be any problems.

"Well, since the church is currently having a hard time, I decided to help you guys a little..."(Jeff)

"Thank you very much! You definitely have a kind heart, we'll definitely repay you someday!"(Talyah)

She bowed to me out of gratitude. I was glad that she's happy.

"Please stand up. You don't have to bow to me, I just wanted to help the kids, that's all."(Jeff)

"I'm sorry.. I lost my composure. But thanks to you, the children here will be able to eat something tonight.

So they were supposed to have no meal tonight?!

"Miss Talyah let me help with the cooking! I'll make something delicious for those kids!"(Jeff)

"Huh? Jeff, wait! You don't have to do that, we can do it ourselves afterall!"(Talyah)

I paid no attention to what Talyah was saying. I took some cooking utensils and prepared the ingredients.

There's no way that I'll let those kids get starved! I will definitely help them!

My mind was fired by the desires of helping the children of the orphanage. I cooked with all my might. Talyah tried to insist on stopping but she gave up anyway. The chefs tried to help me but I refused, I told them to wait for the meal to be done and I'll give their portions too.

This was the idea I had when I saw the rabbit. Since Augusto was only collection the money, I decided to give them food. With this I won't get any suspicion I hope. There's also no way that a noble would also steal these foods, it's not like their high quality or anything. But there might be a chance that he'll see it as a threat, I'll just solve it when the time has come. For now I'll need to help the church while I think of a plan to stop Augusto.

"There you go guys, hurry and eat it while their hot."(Jeff)

Currently all the kids are all sitting beside the long table with the hot meal that I made for them.

I cooked rabbit stew, roasted rabbit meat, alongside with some bread and vegetable salad.

All of them were astonished with the meal I presented. They all took a bite at my food I made.


They all spoke in synch as they tasted my food. They continued eating my meal happily. I also gave some portions to the church's staff and ate alongside with them.

My was contained with warmth of the smile from the children. I couldn't help but smile from the happiness I felt.

Ecstasy: 15%

Oh, it increased. So that's what it meant when Aira said I have to feel the emotion to increase it.

After we finished the meals, for some reason all the children began to gather to me.


"""Thank you, Big Bro!!"""

All of them thanked me with big smiles on their face, after that all of them began jump right me.

"Wai-.. UUf! You'll get hu- Aghh.... Stop it!"(Jeff)

I was buried by them, but I didn't really hate it. I was actually happy receiving their gratitude. Being called Big Bro, isn't bad after all. Once again I'm not a pedo.

After that I decided to go back to the inn since it was already night. All of the staffs including thanked me before I left. I told them that I will donate again, which made them thank me again. Really, they're thanking me too much. But being thanked also makes me happy.

Ecstasy: 20%

When I came to the inn I stayed in I was greeted by Ruka.

"Hey Jeff, you seem happy. Are you gonna take your dinner?"(Ruka)

"Sorry but I already ate so I'll go straight to my room."(Jeff)

"Okay then. Let me know if you changed your mind."(Ruka)

Ruka went back to serving their customers. I went straight my room and jumped straight to my bed.

"Ahhhh... I'm going to get busy now. I hope I'll be able to resolve the problems."(Jeff)

Feeling the exhaustion in my body, I closed my sleepy eyes and slept without changing my clothes.

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