《Re:Insanity》Chapter 017 : Naive


I looked at them blankly as they stood there. I noticed that my vision is starting to get blurry.

Waves of emotions overflowed in my mind. It felt that my body was about to explode from hatred that I felt.

Suddenly my vision went black. No, it's more like that I got transported to somewhere dark. The strange thing is that I could see my body from the darkness.

I got confused and unable to perceive what's happening. I noticed that my clothing change too. I was now wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt, black pants, and not wearing shoes or anything making me barefooted.

The more that I think the more I get confuse. As I ponder in my thoughts, a voice suddenly appeared behind me.

"Hey, you. Won't you turn around, buddy."

The voice spoke in a haughty manner similar to when I talk to the bandits.

I turned around and saw a figure sitting on a chair. It was a young man with messy white hair and red glowing eyes. He wore the same outfit as I am. He looked at while smirking.

Definitely his appearance was the same as I am. No... he was probably me.

I tried to speak but i couldn't say anything. I wasn't able to think on what to say due to my confusion.

"Couldn't speak because you're confused? Well that's not surprising."

As if he was able to read my mind, he talked in the same haughty manner while keeping the smile in his face.

"Yeah, I can read your mind. I'm you after all."

"What do you mean?"(Jeff)

Finally I was able to speak. For now let's try to know what's going on.

"Well... it's more like I'm a part of the personality of yours."


I still couldn't get what he was saying. He didn't seem to be lying at all.

"Still can't figure it out? Here's a hint, remember when you vowed to kill all those bastards at the lab?"

As he said that. The memories from back at the lab entered my mind. The days of continuous painful experiments. The regrets and despair from killing the test subjects.

But the most important memory I had there was the vow that I made. The vow to become stronger, and killing all those gave me despair and hatred.

"That's right, I was the personality that was born from those emotions. Ever wonder why you feel happiness when you hurt someone? That was me. The reason you didn't fear anything? That was also me."

I see. But then, why does he appear now? And why am I here anyway.

"I know you're doubting a bit right now but let me explain a little. You got betrayed by those who you thought were your friends, right?"


"Now here's what happened. Due to the hatred that flowed in you mind. It kinda overflowed to fact where it transferred your consciousness here. We're currently inside your mind."

What!? What's with these explanations explained in a absurd way?!

"Well that's the truth."


I was dumbfounded. My eyes became dots when he said that.

"Just kidding..."

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. The dark empty place was suddenly surrounded by red smokes. The other me's atmosphere also changed. He stood up from the chair he was sitting on and walked slowly towards.

I unconsciously stepped back.

A chill spread in my spine as I looked at him slowly closing the distance from me.

I couldn't see he's eyes cause we was looking down but I could see the big smile in face that it showed teeth.


A familiar feeling started to overwhelm me. I recognize what it was. It was fear.

"You feel that? You recognize it right? You're long forgotten emotion of fear..."

He suddenly spoke, but this time instead of the haughty manner he had a while ago, now he spoke in a dark and angry tone.

"You stupid naive little brat..."

He suddenly appeared in front of me and held my neck with his hand and brought me in the air.

A painful sensation spread in my neck and head. The suffocation was so painful that I thought my neck was gonna break. But I didn't die, maybe it was because we were in my mind, but I don't know.

"Do you feel the pain?! You let your naivety get the better of you! Because of that you got betrayed!"

He was definitely angry. I don't if it was for my sake. He just threw remarks at me while keeping he's angry expression.

He started to threw me around, kicking and punching me. My body was covered in pain from the abuse that he made. But my body regenerates from some reason.

"Actually, it wasn't just your naivety that brought you down. It was because of that "promise"."

Promise. The promise that I made with Sis. The promise of living my life to the fullest. It was also the reason that I was still alive and kept my sanity stable.

"If it wasn't for that promise, you probably wouldn't gotten caught by that organization. The feeling of wanting to fulfill the "promise" was the reason. It's also the reason that you got betrayed right now! Throw it way already!"

I want retort back but he was right, but I will still keep my "promise" from her. Even if it's the reason of my downfall, I don't care. This "promise" is the only thing that I was still alive. Without it I don't think I will still remain sane.

"So you won't give up?! Then I'll have to force you then."

He held my tired body on the ground. He suddenly started emerging to my body. As he emerge, painful sensations overflowed in my head.

"Wha-.. what... are you doing?!"(Jeff)

"Obviously, I'm going to take your body."


"To show you on what's to be done. I'm gonna show those greedy fellows the effects of what they've done."

"Even if you don't told me, I would done the same! So stop it!"(Jeff)

"No... you'll just get betrayed again someday. So I'll be taking your body. You don't deserve it after all."

He completely emerged in my body. I could feel the control of my body disappearing. My consciousness was also fading. I tried to fight back but I couldn't. All I could do was fall into the dark, endless abyss.

I'm in a bit of a slump... I appreciate if you guys give me some kind of idea or something.

Next chapter in tuesday?

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