《Caligo Tenebris》Chapter 19 - Wetness !!


Chapter 19


Wetness !!


We finally have finished preparations and are now ready to em-barque on our journey toward the peninsula i selected as the starting point of my personal kingdom. I took a pair of black knee booths, short black shorts and black bikini top type of thing from my dimensional room. I had pilled up most of the loot collected on my test subjects and kept it in my 'dimensional room' for occasions like this one.

I never taught Ester any 'modesty' since i never felt it necessary to hide some parts of your body... Ester is beautiful and should be proud of it. Or is it because i always watched her during her baths?! Anyway for some reasons she never felt the need for 'proper' clothes. But this time we are going to meet many other elves so i thought a bit of modesty was necessary. I also gave her a black cloak like mine to wear over when it gets cold.

It as been 7 days since i injected Thorodan with my mana, and so far no side effects... So i decided not to delay our departure any further. He has grown spikes and horns everywhere, his scales have turned obsidian black and his eyes are now blood red as well... Now he truly look like a demonic dragon.

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{Dring! Dring!} (Cellphone)

{Mmhh?} (Michael)

{New information! The forest guardian spirits we had a deal with, now require you to go see them first... Apparently the royal family were already living in the bordering forest the guardians live at and wish to meet with you first.} (Cellphone)

{Royals?} (Michael)

{Yes! The elves have a king...} (Cellphone)

{Ggrrrr and if they don't recognize me as their God the guardian spirits won't let the migrating elves through ?} (Michael)

{Bing Bong ! Correct!} (Cellphone)

'How annoying... I don't intend to accept no for an answer. For their own good i hope they won't be to pompous...' (Michael)

{Tell them i'll be there in 9 to 10 days. Hmff} (Michael)

{Aye !!!} (Cellphone)

Guardian spirits are being who are born from the landscape, a little bit like me except they don't have any wish other than protecting the land they were born at. That's where i differ from them. The land i was born at and where my mother live are very near on the other side of this narrow sea so they should be among the first land for me ton conquer. I will then be able to establish her as sacred tree under protection of my religion and build her a nice monument and gardens surrounding her.


“Ok! Ester ! Come now we're leaving !” (Michael)

rustle* rustle* rustle*

“Masterrrrrrr i can'tttttt !!! I Hate it !” (Ester)

“B..But everybody wear's them....” (Michael)

“I can't !!!!! It's to annoying ! I don't need them!” (Ester)

She then 'in front of me' dropped her shorts, removed her panties, then trowed them away. She then put her shorts back and start moving her legs up and down doing the split.

“Haaaaaaa Muchh better !!!!” (Ester)

If i had a body i would have been tomato red at that moment so i didn't even feel like commenting on this and shrugged it away.

“Let's go! Ready Thorodan?” (Michael)

{Ready when you are master!} (Thorodan)

We jumped on Thorodan's back and i formed a few compressed mana seat since he now got so many spikes over his body, it's really uncomfortable otherwise. We then left in direction of the bordering forest where the king of elf was waiting for me.

We chooses to use the forest part of the border since the forest guardians are obviously easier to deal with for fairies. The border closing the peninsula off the rest of the world have mountains, forests, swamps and glacier type of landscape and there is guardians in each of them. Apparently we want to avoid the mountain range since the guardians there are really monstrous.

7 days of flying, night breaks, flying etc. We finally reach the sea side. Tonight we take it easy, letting Thorodan fully recharge since to cross the sea mean 2 full day of non stop flight. Right now Thorodan is busy eating some hippopotamus looking creature he found earlier. That is the only side effect of his new mutation, he never stop eating !!! Anyway this aside, Ester is on the beach totally mesmerized by the sight of the seemingly endless water. I walked beside her to admire the sunset.

“How are you doing?” (Michael)

“What do you mean? I'm perfectly healthy...” (Ester)

“[...] I mean about coming in contact with many of your kind really soon...” (Michael)

“Ho that... well.. I'm a bit nervous i guess...” (Ester)

“Worried about their reaction to your new appearance ?” (Michael)

“Why should i? My appearance is the proof of your blessing ! I am really proud of it !” (Ester)

To that i started patting her head before adding.

“What ever happen, you will always have me, i won't ever leave your side Ester.” (Michael)

She smiled before giving me a short hug that made her cheeks red. She's getting a bit more daring and i don't intend to stop her. Later everyone went to sleep excepted me (I never sleep...) so i used this 'alone time' to leach mana from a few sea creatures i could find.


At the break of dawn we are gone. We are finally crossing the Asden sea and this should take us 2½ days of flying over water even thought we chooses to cross from the narrowest part of the sea.

2½ days later: We made it across safely and in time so were now only half a day away from the meeting location. Thorodan took a few hours break then we kept going.

{We have arrived! It is 200 feet this way !} (Cellphone)

Thorodan then formed a mana shield around him protecting us as well then went down destroying/piercing the tree canopy, then landing violently shaking the ground like an earthquake. As i look around i see gigantic trees with wooden houses built alongside them. It is nothing 'Royal looking'... Actually this look like a shantytown...

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As i was taking in the impressive sight i didn't had time to expand my mana aura around when 500 warriors elves wielding all type of weapons came rushing from everywhere. They all had blond/grey hairs (depending on their ages) and blue eyes making it look as if they were either high elves, or very DNA selective for reproduction.

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Me and Ester shrouded in our black cloaks jumped down Thorodan's back landing between them and Thorodan. Ester removed her hood exposing her crimson eyes, white hairs and purple skin. At her sight the elves took a step back with faces mixed between fright and awe.

I did the same, exposing my black head and 2 red glowing orbs before sending a nausea inducing massive mana wave around that that everyone in my 'posse' instinctively blocked or in Thorodan's case didn't even affect him.

But our new elves friends dropped to their knees vomiting their guts out. I then started sending black mana tendrils in all directions and said.

“My name is Michael, i have came to see the one you creatures call your king.” (Michael)

They all immediately fell to their knees waving their arms up and down babbling some french words here and there... When suddenly 3 important looking elves came walking our way. The one in the middle is 40-50 years old (human based years) looking with grey hairs, blue eyes and is wearing a beautiful ceremonial looking dress.

The one to his left look a lot younger, blond hairs, blue eyes, annoyingly noble looking attitude and all dressed in white. But those first 2 look very generics in comparison to the one who caught my eyes. The one on the right have black hairs... Is as beautiful looking as Lucifer, have mesmerizing aquamarine eyes and is surrounded by 5 'bodyguard looking' women.

Each of these women could compete in a Miss universe competition, they are simply feminine perfection wearing leather armors. At first i think, This is my body!!!! But then i notice something else... His ears... They are pointy but almost as small as humans...

'Halfling eh... Errrfff how lame...' (Michael)

The Mature looking middle man then said:

“It is an honnor to finally meet you great God Michael. My name is Sadalymn, king of the high elves of central continent. Behind me are my two sons, prince Raunaeril and prince Quynn.” (King Sadalymn)

As i was still staring at the black haired halfling the king then said.

“I can understand your disdain for halfling, i never exiled him since he is from my blood and is not an half human half elf halfling, but if you ask it of me i shall obey.” (King Sadalymn)

“Ho...? And what's his other half then?” (Michael) He blinked his eyes a few time before answering.

“H..half elf... h...half... cave guardian spirit...” (King Sadalymn) He said nervously.

“.... Innnnterestingggg....” (Michael)

I look at Ester from the corner of my eyes and can see what i could feel... My mana aura is now everywhere, so even if under her cloak i can see and feel 'wetness', arousal emanating from her... Her eyes are glued to this black haired prince Quynn... I must admit i emitted a bit of blood lust from jealousy at that moment.

Ester should still not know what those feelings are and her puzzled face seem to be confirming that. She's fidgeting her legs around and is clenching her hands in front of her while blushing like an idiot... Ok it's decided.. This body's mine.

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The pictures in this chapter are not from me.


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