《Saga of the Cosmic Heroes》Chapter 1: Tragedy:Remedy | The Changing Times



“Victoria! Victoria! Ah…geez… Victoria!” I sprint as fast as my pair of legs permit, maybe even faster. Behind me, I could hear Friederika’s pleas and exhaustive pants growing distant. Her cries were drowned out by my own heavy breathing and the sound of my heart beating in my eardrums. It’s not often that I run like this.

There's only a few memories I can recall; most of which being new game or magazine releases. But this is something different. Something larger in scale than any little cool new hip game or whatever. Of course, I am talking about the first ever launch of the new Metropolitan Space Navy.

There’s never been any talk of this before in the history of, like, ever. Just thinking about the planned launch gets me all excited and giddy. This is history in the making, and I’m not about to miss it. I’ve been looking forward to it so much that I almost didn’t go to classes today. And even though I did, I wanted to ditch before the bell even rang! I first found out about it from a friend of mine a couple months ago over a lunch break, I've been hyped for this moment since then. I still remember the scene like it was only yesterday.


When I entered the class, there was quite a buzz. A number of students were crowded around a desk trying to get a closer look at something. I ignored it at first, and headed over to my desk at the back of the classroom to set down my bag. But curiosity is a finnickly thing. There were some ooohs and aaahs. And feeling left out I attempted to wade through the wall of people to get a closer look. My gaze singled out one of the people I knew all too well: my best friend, Friederika Trachenberg.

“What’s going on, Kiki? That was the nickname I gave her. Even long after I met her, attempting to pronounce Fred-e-kuh properly is too much of a hassle sometimes. But that’s a funny thing to say when my last name is even more ridiculous; Happ-Schwarzenberger. I never liked telling people my last name since they always give me a tease, calling me names like Happ-Shortsburger instead.

Friederika turned to face me with the most uninterested expression. “Oh? Ah… some stream for an announcement.”

“Eh? An announcement of what?”

Friederika wiggled her way out of the human mosh pit, and shrugged with a sigh. “Beats me, I’m going back to my class to watch a M-drama*. I’ll catch you later, mmkay?” I waved to her as she departed, and turned my attention back to the stream. I noticed one of my other friends, Paul Plotte, a guy with big swirly glasses and an equally big bush of hair trying to contain his excitement and. I gave Paul a tap on the shoulder.

“Hey, what’s all the ruckus for?”

Paul pushed his big nerdy glasses up his nose. “Why, we’re about to hear the official announcement of a new military branch!”

I tilted my head in confusion “A what now?”

“A new branch of the military! They’re calling it the…

“Shhh! Shhh!” He waved at everyone to quiet down “it’s starting! It’s starting!” Before I could ask what, I tried to get a closer look at the tablet the stream was one. On stream an important looking man wearing a blue business form took to the podium. There were flickers of lights and the sounds of camera shutters as he gave a wrinkly smile and waved his hand.


“Good evening ladies and gentlemen of Terra, and many salutations to those throughout the Federation of Sol tuning in. I hope you are all having an excellent day. Today, we have an important announcement to make. As I’m sure many of you may know by now… chaos reigns throughout our beloved Orion Arm. The cries of our people in the outer colonies have gone on in vain for far too long.

“Our people on capitol hill have worked tirelessly over the years to bring forth a package to restore order to many star systems wrought with devastation. Devestation on a scale we have not experienced since the days of our great forefathers centuries ago, during the days of the Great Resource Wars.

“But no longer! Today, I am pleased to announce not only the formation of the Federation Space Force, but also it’s imminent construction at several naval yards across our beloved Australia. In time, this great and mighty navy will answer the cries of the bereaved. We will bring an end to this age of piracy together, for the betterment of the Federation and her people!”

The figure finished with a raised pumped fist. The blinding flickers of light and camera shutters that followed were drowned out by the roar of applause from the audience. In our classroom, the silence was broken by a round of applause of our own. I found myself joining in before I even noticed.

“A new naval branch!”


“This is history in the making!”

I had goosebumps all over. I wasn’t too sure what this is about exactly, but it was oddly exciting. I usually don’t care too much for grown up stuff. Much less stuff that happens pretty far away. Though, that did remind me… my father did do his time serving in the Federation’s coastal defense force in the past. And I guess he recently talked to my mother about his enlistment being reactivated for a special occasion. Could the two be related somehow? I tapped swirly-glasses on the shoulder again. “Hey Paul, what was the date of the launches? Could you check for me?”

Paul reached into his back pocket and tapped away at his phone. “Ah… it’s supposed to be about five months from now.”

“Five months?! That sounds awfully fast!” My father did mention being posted sometime over the next coming months. I guess it is related then.

“Well, maybe. I did a little bit of reading during the stream and I guess, like, the prime minister guy used some super old clause that lets him do…what was the word they used Emergency? Yeah… I think that was it. Emergency wartime production.”

“I uh… I… see, I… think I understand.”

“Ho-ho! A mere plebeian like you wouldn’t understand!” He said with a smirk while adjusting his big bulky glasses. I took a step back from him and let out a sigh. Sometimes I wonder how we got to know each other, let alone become friends. But that aside…

“Where are all the sites at? We should totally go sometime!”

“Hmmm… I think there was one near our school… I’d have to check again.” He did some more web searching on his phone and let out an aha! “Yup! Just as I thought. There’s a few expected that’ll happen near our school. Well, I say close but…

“They’re actually kinda far…”

“How far, exactly?”

“Uhhh…like… over 21 kilometers* away.”

“21 kilometers! Thats far! Is it on the weekend or…?”

“Well, I can’t find a set date anywhere. I’ll let you now when the date is closer, okay?” Before I had the chance to answer, I heard the door from before us slide open with such force it sent a chill down my spine. I didn’t even have to turn to confirm it couldn’t be anyone but—


“Oi! Settle down you runts!” With a sneer, our teacher made his way to the front of the class and whacked his podium with his signature wooden sword. “Did none of you hear the bell?! Lunch period is over. So that doesn’t mean you can continue being a loud circus! Get back to your seats!”


All the excitement of running is beginning to take its toll. Before long, a nasty shortness of breath wracks my lungs and my legs turn into jello. I slowed down and used the nearby railing as support. What was it that Paul said? 21 kilometers?

21 kilometers! I should have taken a cab or something. There would be no way I could make it in time. I didn’t want to ask my father if he could take me. I wanted it to be a surprise for him, after all. From behind, I could hear heavy panting as Friederika struggles to catch up. I turn to her with an exhausted grin, wiping away a bit of sweat from my brow. “Ha… ha… you know…ha… you should…. Exercise more often. I heard girls with toned abs are all the rage with boys these days.” I utter to Friederika through gasps of air.

“You… how does running make you have abs?” Friederika asks while she leans on the railing.

“I’m not saying that. I’m saying you should exercise in general. Guys don’t like lazy girls, you know?”

“Why… you… do you want an early death?” Friederika pushes up one of her sleeves, gearing up for a punch. She takes a step, but freezes in her tracks. She looks around, and then I notice the rumbling.

“Hey… whats that?” My gaze shifted over the railing into the distance. “Waaaa…..wwooooow!” Lost in excitement, I throw myself on the railing. The resulting force makes me wobble a fair bit over it.

“H-hey! Be careful! I was kidding about the early death! Hey! Vicky!” Startled, Friederika smacks me on the back. The unexpected impact leaves me more winded than before.

“Woaaahh!” My knees go haywire and my heart thumps even harder in my chest as I almost flip over the railing. I catch a glimpse of the roaring current down below—just she grabs my shirt in an iron grip.

“Ah, jeez!” Friederika yanks me back up. My gaze is once again greeted by superficially large vessels taking off from smoke clouds that dominate the landscape.

“Look! Friederika!”

“Yeah… yeah… I know!” Beneath us the rumbling gets progressively stronger. Even then, strong gusts of wind push me back on the railing.

“Woah… that must be some power.” I put one foot down on the ground to keep myself stable and shield my eyes from the wind.

“You mean the, uh, shock waves?” Friederika holds onto the rail and covers her face just like me.

“Yeah, crazy, We’re so far away and the delay still reaches us!” She shouts over the howling wind and rumbling. Down below I see traffic slow to an halt. Some were exiting their vehicles to get an eyeful of the Federation ships rocketing into the clear blue sky. Car alarms begin going off and the occasional cries of pets can be heard all about. Boy, maybe the shock wave was a little bit too strong? Elsewhere in the sky, similar dark blips charge into the endless blue sky.

“Hey, I wonder how many launch sites there are?”

Friederika gives me a casual shrug. “Beats me. Why don’t you ask your boyfriend Paul?”

“He’s NOT my boyfriend.” Speaking of which, where was that nerd? I didn’t see him at school either. I wonder if he got a ride to one of the launch pads beforehand? Oh, the nerves of that boy to not have the decency to give me a ride! Friederika must have taken a notice because she leaned into my face.

“What’s wrong, Vicky? Worried you got stood up by little Paul?~” I push her away with what strength I still have.

“I’m telling you. He’s. Not. My. BOYFRIEND.”

With an angry pout I storm off in the opposite direction. All I can hear is Friederika laughing uncontrollably. “I never took you the violent type until now!” she calls after me. Before I can storm back and deliver a knuckle sandwich to Friederika’s pretty little face, I look down at the ground. The rumbling and harsh winds have come to pass. I want to say the peace and quietness has returned, but not quite. There are still disturbed crowds of people on the other side of the bridge.

Peering at the freeway below, the traffic is still under a confusion spell brought about by the shock wave made by the Federation ships. When I think about it now, I wonder if it’s a good idea to get a car ride to the launch pad. I would probably get stuck in traffic either way, but, more on the way back home.

Speaking of home…

“Hey, Friederika, you wanna come over to my place today?”

“Hmm? Oh, sure, we can watch that one M-drama together. It has a special two episode premise tonight!” Friederika pumps her fist energetically. Nothing gets her more excited than her M-dramas. That, and possibly the latest rumors on guys she likes.

“Well…. Maybe. There’s a documentary I wanna watch when we get home. I want to watch that first. But I have no idea how long it will be.” The enthusiasm fades from Friederika’s face faster than I expect. Friederika faces the other way and folds her arms. Now it’s her turn to be pouty.

“Hmph! Why don’t you just go find your boyfriend and watch it with him then?” I roll my eyes, then lower my head into one of my hands in irritation. I’m not sure what Friederika’s beef is with Paul half the time, or, if it is just genuine tease. It’s hard to tell with Friederika. Maybe she likes him too?

“Well… that aside. How are we going to get home?” I ask out of curiosity. “Getting a ride home would be difficult right now with all the ruckus going on right now.” I peer over my shoulder back at the traffic. Sure enough, it’s still at a standstill. But, it’s beginning to clear up, if only a little bit.

“We don’t have much of a choice right now, do we? I guess we’ll just walk home.” Friederika replied.

“I better not miss it.”

“I better not miss my M-drama.”

I strike Friederika with a grin as I get into a running stance. “We’ll make it in time if we jog. My house is not too far from here anyway. You’ll live.”

Friederika only lets out an agonized groan. “I think you and our P.E coach share something in common.”

“And what’s that?” I said in the most oblivious tone I could muster.

“Making me suffer.”

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