《Project G00》Act.01 Chapter 2: Sensorchip?
Part 1: Energy trouble!
AI command Say Hello, World!
Hello, world!
AI command Say Hello, puddle!
Hello, puddle!
Okay, baby! It’s time for some blind rock!
AI command Say Welcome to the puddle...
Welcome to the Puddle! We got Goo and AIs...
Command AI play me the associated rock music!
User Interface Process can’t reproduce music until levels are above 10%.
Why… Why are you not letting me release all this pent up emotions and non-healthy behavior after feeling like a hamster that was caged by its owner because it went: Reeeeeee!!!
Okay, You guessed right, I wanted someone doing stupid stuff and shout with ‘shun n n n knees’ like a Japanese girl would bend. Hm, maybe I should be adding a 'kyaaa!' shout...
But it won't work, huh…? No music, huh?!
Showing my marvelous skills as a dancer or listening to rock music wouldn’t be possible without energy. Doing the robot or the blind dancer moves I learned in a stupid club session won’t work for today’s situation. I needed to paddle my puddle, a puddle I didn’t understand even with my current control over the admin spot. So I won't do puddle dubstep or blind-rock until I have the will/energy to move.
Without energy, there is a long way to go before we can continue building whatever this ‘puddle me’ is supposed to be.
Command AI search energy, how to collect energy?
Searching… Replying…
Current energy absorption is being done by &%BH)#U units which conform NMs.
Current energy level: 10% (recharging)
Energy can be recharged by using an energy source.
Eh, what do you mean by that wrong thing?
Command AI what is ‘&%BH)#U’
Searching… Error: User input is undefinable.
Command AI What does ‘undefinable’ mean?
Replying user…
The current AI database is damaged. Undefined sectors need to be patched by user manual input. Undefined is a non-declarable or definable variable, concept… by the system.
Oh great! Don’t tell me that’s the reason for so many errors? Something that can’t be easily understood or logical? Like allowing the compiler to make demons with your nose?
Command AI: Why are we recharging?
Replying user… Energy levels are too low to sustain operability, energy 11%, increasing secondary to heat energy, current maximum capacity: H&%)#@...
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Command AI: is it possible to recharge with heat?
Replying user… Heat energy needs %)&JD8n#$, current energy source moderate level, its sustainable for… 3G%B&A(
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Okay, so we have a broken Database which can’t be read completely…
Command AI: How can I repair the database and increase charging speed or get energy?
Replying user…
The current AI database needs manual compilation by User.
The user can suspend parts of the system to reduce energy consumption and increase charging speed.
Energy can be obtained from resources, needs energy storage repair, sensors damaged…
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Command AI: Please suspend the system until the energy levels reach above 50%.
Suspending the 'User' translation program…
Suspending non-priority automatic systems…
Suspending user interface...
Charging reached the declared value...
Reconnecting User Interface... 1-100%
Hm, this sensation of suspension is similar to the one I had at the start. It is boring, like nothing but me here…
After a while, the recharging was completed; and no, I couldn’t sleep if you ask me. Maybe it’s because I am not being totally suspended by the system or who knows what is truly happening, because it's more like I am isolated from everything external, yet my thoughts remain. I think I will become crazy if I stay in such a situation for longer. Thank the AI that the system restarted when I was at the losing point.
Finally! I can at least feel something again. Although it’s the oddly warm and cold feeling I previously felt, it at least feels better than being in a jailed situation.
Command AI: how much charge do we have?
Charging levels at 50% of H&%)#@...
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Well, Supposing we’re really at 50% that means that the charging was done right. With this, we got time to use wisely.
Command AI: How much time does the current charge level gives us for operability?
Charging levels at 50% can be used for M/@B&=# ...
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Great! so the energy is also damaged in autonomy assessment…
Now, what?
Command AI: What do we need to repair the energy problem and the database?
Replying user…
Resources are needed for repairing and energy. Searching for high levels of pur[email protected]#:%&B2
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
Can’t you stop doing that error?… It’s demotivating, you know?
Good, at least it's obvious that we need to search for better types of energy, so my first need is to be able to find resources. As such the best way is…
Part 2: How to sense?
Command AI ask how do I make a sensor?
Searching… Replying…
A sensor is a needed protocol to interact with the environmental context or internal proprioception. It needs a specific number of NMs and a defined algorithm to be functional. The algorithm must be compatible with the current system and be compliable/understood by either AI or User.
Create a sensor with 'User Input'
-To make a sensor with user input, the current user needs admin privileges. Additionally, the algorithm must be understood by the user, have a defined number of NMs and energy. The creation usually needs experimentation as new algorithms may have unbeknown bugs.
Create a sensor based on AI Memory
-To make a sensor with an AI memory, a user needs such AI memory to be compatible with the current project. The Sensor must have user translation protocols, amplifications, filters… The signal or environment input should be processed before arriving at the user’s interface… A user can check the possible sensors to create by asking the respective AI the available memories.
With a description adjusting my train of thought, I delve on how to create a useful sensor for the current situation. The first one that comes into my cloudy pool of experience is 'vision'. A human without eyes has a lot of troubles, they are that important for evolution and life, and if what this system says is true, then I can probably ‘see’ by using the AI to create a vision sensor.
Command AI create a sensor.
Which sensor do you wish to create?
Wait? there is a list to create sensors?
Command AI show me the sensor creation menu or list
Retrieving creation menu...
Sensor Creation Menu
Create an exteroceptive sensor
Creates a sensor for external inputs.
Create a proprioceptive sensor.
Creates a sensor for internal inputs.
Create an Advanced Sensor
It creates a sensor that is a mix of above or different. Needs high-level protocols available.
Ok, this is probably going to be a collapsible menu. It might have too much for me to think right now and I need a basic vision system, so it’s better to check on what the AI has before deciding on an action.
Command AI show me the list of available sensors.
Retrieving the list of available sensors...
Creating a list of available sensors.
Sensor Retrieved List Sensor Name Description Used NMs Status Requirements Heat Sensor A basic temperature sensor. 3 Working. 1 NMs for a specific surface area. At least 1 NMs as Integrator. Gross Touch Sensor (Gross Somatosensation) A basic sensor for high pressure. Not very sensible. 5 Working. 1 NMS For specific surface area. At least 1 NMs as an integrator. Soft Touch Sensor (Thin Somatosensation) An advanced sensor for pressure. ? Incomplete. Needs more NMs and User input. Smell Sensor Basic sensor for lesser particles spread in the ambient. ? Incomplete. Needs more NMs and User input. Visual Sensor A basic sensor to detect light. ? Incomplete. Creates a pixel without color per NMS. An Image with color needs additional NMs. Image processing Needs 1 NMs per every 4 NMs. Needs more user input to complete. Proprioception Allows for feedback from articulations or existing body parts. 3 Working. 2 NMs per surface and 1 per integration, depends on form. Nociception Allows to sense damage ? Incomplete. Needs 1 NM per surface area. Needs at least 1 NM as an integrator. Equilibrioception Sense position over an axis. 9 Working. minimum 2NMs per axis and 1 Integrator. Kinetic Sensor Allows to sense acceleration, speed and other kinetic variables per axis. 8 Working. 3 NMs in speed. 3 NMs in acceleration. 2 integrators. Taste Sensor It allows for bigger scattered particle sensing. ? Incomplete Needs more NMs and User input. Oscillating Mechanoreception Allows for gross oscillation sensing the pressure of surfaces. Also known as Vibration. ? Incomplete Needs more NMs and User input. Advanced Mechanoreception Category to be added depending on the user. It can transform Vibration sensitivity to interpret as sounds. ? Incomplete Needs more NMs and User input. Chemoreceptor Advanced Chemical compound sensor. ? Incomplete Needs to define chemical and NMS to react. Needs Integrators. Energy sensor Senses Specific energy. It can be added by the user. ? Incomplete Needs to define energy and NMS to sense. Needs Integrators. Others Missing information. Should be added or created by user input.
As expected a big list. And many sensors are missing which makes me feel empty. Fortunately, it at least explains the reason as to why I feel this weird sensation constantly.
A surface of me is in contact with the ground and it feels weird because I don't have the kind of normal touch I had when I was a human. However, it should be obvious to me where the term 'others' in the table is pointing to...
Yay! I haven't lost hope in this life and I won't be a stupid skeleton without true happiness!
Hmm... Leaving the stupid but necessary thoughts aside, I need to check on this vision sensor. So I decided to delve into its foundations in an imaginary cycle of design and construction, a project of expanding my knowledge of NMs and sensors. I thought there were only 5 or 6 senses once, the last one of them being that weird sense women have by colloquial definition, a sense that is paranormally right, yet isn't part of the ones in the list. I should take this as a learning experience at least... There are many senses outside the 6 usually known.
Nevertheless, my first idea is to ‘see’ before doing anything else. Seeing is necessary for me to stop being blind and have a better understanding of my environment.
AI command: Show me the basics for making a visual sensor.
Replying user…
The current visor selected needs manual input by the user…
Data parsing error…
Syntax translation between User database and AI database needs adjusting…
Solution: user input…
Trying to retrieve basic sensor information...
Current sensor basics… #2$f%V&6
Failure to compile, Error while reading the database.
What is parsing supposed to mean?
Translation? Like a problem between languages?
Command AI: What do I need to create a sensor and prevent errors?
Replying user…
The user needs to create a design for the AI to use for the building of a device. It can be experimented upon to readjust the missing comparatives between language translating functions.
I don’t get all of that!
However, I understand that I have to make a design. So let’s start with that and hope the AI does the rest.
Part 3: Making a Vision sensor concept.
So I dwell into my memories to remember what 'seeing' is scientifically based upon...
I know an eye uses light to create an image, but that thing called retina is not something I can babble about by using only my memories. So with a different approach to the issue, I remember something most people used in my previous life, a camera. Hmm, how was it that taking photos and videos worked there? It was digital stuff... Never mind, sounds hard which makes me ask myself if I should go for something easier like those paintings in history...
Yeah, let’s go back in time and remember the black and white era. If I remember well, the black and white style was like painting and drawing, it depended on shadows and light effects. You just make things vary in gray scales and get a shadowy painting that included some definition. This approach made me delve into another item I searched when I bought a DLP portable projector. It was cool because the said projector was as small as a phone and had a better definition than some of those bigger ‘video-beams’ in schools.
It used a weird chip that had many microsized yet movable mirrors that received light from a lamp, some sort of NEMs (Nanoelectromechanical systems). Each of the said mirrors reflected the light to a screen or wall. It was the total opposite of photography because instead of capturing light, it used its reflection and the movement of said mirrors to create different tonalities. Even if it was the opposite, it gives me the idea I need, because these microscopic mirrors created each a pixel. It's like getting thousands of people and making each draw a square in different colors.
These little ‘mirror’ artists, used light to paint, a light that came from a lamp beside them. They were like a grid of doors that adjusted their angle depending on instructions received by the chip that moved small motors below them. It made the light pass through all the open doors or none when closed.
Each mirror reflected a fraction of the lamp’s light, like the ultimate watch to the face reflecting weapon! If every mirror could turn and focus the light towards a specific position, you had something like Archimedes' mirror weapon used on your family. Oh sorry, remembered how I used my watch to blind people's eyes…
But the idea should be obvious by now because if each mirror reflected a variable amount of light, you get different whites, grays or even blacks in the case nothing is reflected at a wall. You can say it was like 0 or 1 with 9 mirrors doing tic-tac-toe. Just that it had more than 9.
Example: BWB BWB BBB – Each line worked as a row of the 3x3 grid. When added together it depicted the letter U in black. Turn on, Turn off. Reflect, or not reflect, a dilemma!
That was for black and white, but for assigning a color to each pixel you needed something different and more complex. White light has all colors, so by using a red-colored filter, you would only allow the red color to pass through it. I mean, it looks red because it only allows red to pass, which arrives at our eyes presenting itself as red. A red filter should filter red while a red-colored filter will take out blue and green. It’s a bit confusing so better remember that the lens color only allows the same color to pass because sometimes the said color filter does the opposite. Green interference filter (filters green, lets blue and red color pass, looks magenta. Red-colored filter allows red to pass, filters blue and green, looks red).
This might work for a visor sensor. Let’s see…
Command AI use my current idea to create a sensor.
Replying user…
User needs to create a design based on NMs for it to be compatible.
Eh? Based on NMs?
Part 4: Even a calculator can make a mistake with the wrong input...
Command AI ask how do I make a sensor?
Searching… Showing information. Nanomachine. Term simplified and taken over by the current user database as an injector replacement to current missing data. Defines the basic structure of the project. The basic structure is called 1 NMs. An NM is a simplified concept for an L-enantiomer compound made out of polymeric carbon structures interlaced with silicon and Sulphur bridges in logical patterns. The simplest structures consist of triggering transistor-based polymers and protein chains with extra amino-acidic NH2 terminations to represent the ability of processing-
Command AI Stop.
The weird information stopped playing on my almost fried brain by such weird stuff. It was the type of information that I could grasp but also tried to evade. It took me a while to analyze and summarize such a weird conceptualization of a 'robotic puddle'.
These Nanomachines (NMs) are akin to biological lifeforms that work like an extremely small-sized robot. Is the AI confusing them with a biological cell?
The above convinced me that there was some sort of error made by the artificial intelligence when translating my memories and adapting them to the system. Like when trying to ask directions in another country, everything is fine if we can somehow understand the words 'bathroom' or 'poop' when we have an urgency. I believe in being a nice person, so don’t curse the AI for the bad translation if you can grasp the intention of its wordings.
Yet I cursed because it meant I had to work and translate another's awfully executed task.
The term nanomachine was bestowed because it was the most related term that the AI could find in my mind by following its selection algorithm. So NMs are akin to an agglomeration of transistors, just that they are more versatile and have no actual representation with real modern Earth stuff. Yeah, there seems to be a difference from typically known nanomachines.
How much power is 1NMs compared to an Intel/AMD processor?
In fact, that isn't possible to compare, more like that’s a wrong way to acclimatize the concept. Each of these nanomachines is like a PC of their own, maybe not that powerful, but different. They have things to attach or grab themselves and move for the purpose of a simple or complex function.
The difference in the term is absolutely misunderstood because they can move and turn on by themselves in the presence of certain triggers. A PC usually needs someone to turn it on while a processor is just a part of the PC. Yet a nanomachine can border in a realm that we define as life. Consequently, I need to experiment more and get a better idea of how they work as I am in a penumbra of knowledge.
With better understanding, I can define that each nanomachine is akin to a specific function. Yet here I am thinking of how I am thinking about this thinking process. Yeah, sounds weird, repetitive but I am serious. Serious, because if I am thinking about what I think, it means I am thinking with less than 130 NMs. And knowing the brain should have way more neurons than that, this doesn't seem enough! So if we are even more serious and subtract the ones used by the AI, we get even fewer NMs used as my brain… In the end, this means that I am illogically LAGGING!
Damn… I need more of these little NMs as fast as possible! This is serious. This is why my internal blabbering is odd! Remember that time is relative, so right now I would be like a turtle to other lifeforms, why?
I think a human brain has like millions of neurons. But I only have 130 if I can call them that. Like each NMs has its storage, and maybe I am part of it and their processing speed makes me think this thought speed is normal!
Damn, I'm repeating weird stuff again! The hell is happening?!
Okay, I'm getting confused by this situation, yet I'm akin to a tree having a spelling bee contest with a donkey, and the donkey wins because I didn't start to move. This is bad, I need to get more understanding on these NMs, like a brick assemble manual for kids...
AI please give me a tutorial!!!
Okay, no tutorial. Idiot god scientist or whoever it was that invented this stuff just made things inaccessible to others. I know almost nothing about this. How does whatever God or reincarnation cycle that sent me here expect me to survive without a newbie training zone or a manual stating what this puddle is composed of?
Hell, let’s reread this weird table and the console one, maybe I can find something out of it.
Giving the blue boxes a new gaze with higher scrutiny, I recheck at myself having 130 NMs of which some are being used for sensors and the system. I need to know what an NMs is but the system just threw me another bomb.
Command AI What are NMs composed of?
NMs are composed of micromachines and nanomachines...
Wait! What?!
Shouldn’t NMs be nanomachines? Now I am confused… I now ‘nano’ is like 1x10^-9, and micro is like 1x10^-6, and mili 1x10^-3. But the point is Nanomachines (NMs) based on nanomachines is like saying chocolate is made of chocolate instead of cocoa.
Command AI How did the system define NMs?
NMs is a term defined following user database comparison to AI database language.
So, this is weird… The AI might have confused chocolate with cocoa, cocoa with chocolate cake and who knows what else by translating my language to its code. Doesn’t this make me definable like some sort of program?
Ah, let me check myself a bit as this just came as a somewhat weird revelation...
Part 5: A bit of self immersion...
So what am I?
A project called G00 that's composed of unknown ‘things’ that the AI calls NMs and has taken the form of a ‘pure’ and ‘nice’ puddle.
Who created me?
A scientist? A weirdo maybe? God? Well, It’s somewhat unknown…
What should be my next course of action?
Okay, that one is simple. I need to move and find energy, create a sensor and understand what the AI means with NMs.
Although the energy in the heat form seems to work, it isn't enough for the AI, which shows that I made a huge mistake by activating the autopilot. It made me lose a heat spot and who knows how many AIs and NMs before it moved.
I spit on myself, yeah, curse at me my imaginary self for being so dull… Hell, my poor self-esteem can’t take it. Now, I am not in the mood for music, I don’t have coffee, and no snacks!!! How am I supposed to work or motivate myself?!
So here I ‘goo’… I am motivated~. I can’t cry well, but I am anxious. I had a name but G00 is my current one, which means I need to look at the present and the future... Mommy and Daddy, your child has gone to the afterlife called puddling yellow springs, he is swimming like a baby on a new home while experiencing memory ‘lacunas’ and doing survival stuff. This is insane but I will never forget you…
Ah, a new life comes at the expense of the past… The future can’t appear without the present… I am puddle now and I should be resolved to at least become a lake!
Command AI search: data containing the words ‘soul’, ‘user’, ‘user memories’, ‘user directory', 'daddy puddle', 'mommy puddle', 'how are puddles made?'...
While my little toy doodles on the database, I expect my very specific questions to be answered.
I need to know if I'm inside this weird machine, if I'm controlling a nanomachine drone from some baby-capsule, or if I'm in some sort of weird VR-tele-device. Yeah, this should be the weirdest situation for a reincarnating person to delve upon. I mean…
Where is my soul?
Where is the ‘you’ and the ‘me’?
Why couldn't I become a simple and bubbly slime with cute eyes?
My philosophy classes were dumb, but I am not so dumb as to not notice that I don’t even know where my soul or intelligent thoughts are being formed, so this search is needed.
Data sorted...
Please select the data you wish to view from the list.
Ah, another huge ass list, just what I needed!
It took me a lengthy deal of unknown time to sort things off, but with another hardworking organization, I finally had a better idea. Sadly, I couldn't collect all the information I wanted. Such important data might have been lost over the separation of a minimum of 16 AIs when I did my stupid command ‘autopilot’ and ‘user shut down’. Minimum of 16 AIs because the AI that’s supposed to be with me is called 16, not 18 if you get the idea.
In the end, I settled with discovering two important things. First, NMs have variants. They have many types that can be combined or somehow evolve into differentiated byproducts. Second, is that I need to search for the lost NMs to retrieve data about this world. Seems like most of it has been lost, but a part of it was stored in the separated NMs. There are names in the files, but names aren’t important if you didn’t know them, because most of those are forgotten. Names are important to associate, but at this moment they aren't relevant so I will skip those.
Instead, it’s more important to know where my ‘I’ or the so-called soul is, and guess what... I found it, and the answer is truly what I would call unusual…
Path of the Dragon Mage
(LitRPG/GameLit) (Now on Book 2. Book 1 will be on KU and Audible Nov 23rd!) Born magically talentless, Prince Corvus is an embarrassment the royal family and is removed from succession. However, he still has a chance to win back his throne. The next man or woman to hatch a dragon automatically becomes the ruler. Each member of the royal family is gifted with a dragon egg, but it is the work of a lifetime to hatch it. The first time Corvus touches his dragon egg, he receives an odd notification: He has found a soulbound item and is tasked with an epic quest to hatch it... but only if he can walk the winding path of the dragon mage. Armed with notifications, skill increases, and levels only he can see, Corvus is determined to hatch his dragon.
8 168The War of our Stars (SWTOR Fan fiction)
YAH, PICTURE! Also, I used "The Old Republic", as I couldn't fit in "Star Wars"....... Yes, the title does mean something. I guess this is a SWTOR Alternate Universe Fanfiction? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used glowtxt, Microsoft word, and paint to make that. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE, I got it when I searched up "copyright free". Also, I just used glowtxt, but if whoever made glowtxt wants me to stop, I'll get rid of it. Whilst this is a fanfiction of SWTOR, the setting is VERY different, you will not see any SWTOR characters within this Novel, there will be places both made up and already existing in SWTOR. Take for example, whilst the Dark Council still exists, it will have completely different members. Also, there are minor changes to the history before and during the Old Republic, but there is little overall change, with the main character starting out at a similar time to a starting character. Star Wars the Old Republic Fanfiction. You'll understand the title, not in the first chapter, but as Frederick goes to outer space. Before the Rule of Two, there were multitudes of Sith and Jedi. Numbering thousands of both Sith and Jedi, a great war between the Empire and Republic has existed since time immemorial. From our World, a young boy named Frederick is born into the Galaxy of Star Wars, born into an Imperial Family, he lives up to the expectations of becoming a powerful Sith. But all he wants to do is to survive.... But by surviving, he does more so than simply surviving. Many have made star wars fanfictions, and this one will probably...... (I have read, watched and played Star Wars, so here you go) NOTES: Action and Adventure are a bit light for the first few Planetary Arcs. I'm terrible at comedy and romance will come will really late. Absolutely terrible until Corellia.
8 297Supreme Weapon Spirit: Legend of Maha [Temporary Hiatus]
Long ago, the Furial was a land blessed by gods. There was Flaurn, Satier, and Dwargni. Flaurn was the god of fire and life. Satire was the god of resources and nature. Dwargni was the god of the forge. What happens when these three powers decide to go to heaven and leave their world behind? Maha, the creation of Dwargni before he left to right the mistakes he made, travels the world in search of his creator and purpose in life, and as a result became the Supreme Weapon Spirit
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8 170Alpha King's Human (completed)
I looked out of the window. The huge window had bars on it. It was designed in a way only I could see outside world. That's what I could only do. I could never live there. Why? There were two huge arms wrapped around me like chains as I stared at the window blankly. "Mate, I can still feel your dislike towards me. Tell me, what should I do to gain your affection. I'll do everything you say or buy anything for you. I love you, mate. Name it"I stared at his wolf eyes filled with love which made my heart churn. I pressed my urge to puke and stared blankly at him."Free me" "I told you. I'll never leave you. How dare you think about going away mate. I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to step out of the bed. Then you'll carry my pups. Let's see how you'll deny my love" He growled angrily. In a minute. I was lying under him naked... Again.---
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Day 1: Touch Starved || Arranged Marriage/MarriageDay 2: A/B/O || Boyfriend JacketDay 3: Forced Bond/Bonded Together || AnxietyDay 4: First Time || Civilian Tim AUDay 5: Marked/Claiming || Secret CrushDay 6: Caught || Courtship/CourtingDay 7: Jealously || First Love
8 112