《Slaying Monsters for Dummies》3.12 Payday


Seren believes that a good job brings you safety and money, and a great job brings you a sense of fulfillment. Nothing is quite as fulfilling as being absolutely fucking badass.

The little trio emerges from the earth like a devil from its box, startling an impromptu gathering. She can see old man Forrester with that prick Lewis, a few employees as well as a pair of law enforcement type. They all arrived with their own wheels if the gathering of muddy pickups is any indication. Their eyes, already wide like saucers, threaten to fly out of their orbits as soon as the first cow starts emerging.

“Well I’ll be.”

A tough as nail woman in a sheriff outfit shakes her head in disbelief. Forrester counts the beasts then spits a gum.

“There’s five missing.”

“They were eaten.”

The statement causes some consternation.

“By what?”

Nathan grabs behind himself and brings Orog to the front. The diminutive humanoid waves, squinting in the midday sun.

“Hi chief Forrester. Many greetings.”

Seren thinks that if they open their mouths any wider they’ll pull a muscle.

The sheriff woman turns to her assistant.

“Tell me, Dawson, you seeing this?”

“Yes chief.”

“Am I high?”

“No chief.”

“You positive?”

“Yes chief.”

Forrester casts an annoyed glare and takes another gum.

“That the cattle thief?”

“One of many and before you ask, this one’s ours.”

“Young man, I’m paying you to solve my problem. What guarantee do I have that my cows won’t start disappearing again if there are more of those?”

Nathan smiles genially.

“I thought you’d never ask. Barrett, if you please?”

Barrett takes out what a kid would recognize as a detonator. It even has the red button. A press later, an explosion shakes the ground. Seren can feel the shockwave on her back.


She doesn’t turn around, none of them do. Cool people don’t look at explosions.

“There, the way to the warren is collapsed. That should block the way for the foreseeable future.”

The sheriff is the first to react.

“Well, I would arrest everyone for possession of firearms, explosives etc, but I can imagine the report and I don’t want to end up in the loony bin. Harold you got this under control?”

“It’s fine.”

Forrester walks up to Nathan. He reaches in his shirt pocket and pulls a folded check, which he places somewhere in Nathan’s tac vest.

“You got a business card, son?”

“Yes sir.”

It is the day that Seren realizes that Nathan does, in fact, keeps business cards when going into mission.

“I’ll believe you for now. If your claim holds I’ll spread the word. If you fucked up you’ll regret it. We clear?”

“Yes sir.”

“Then we’re done here. And y’all can get back to work!”

The trio walks to their rented car and take off, leaving the poor mundanes pinching themselves. Seren thinks that half of them will quit drinking and the other half will get absolutely plastered.

Welcome to the party.

She smiles and relaxes into the seat. With the adrenaline finally wearing down, her body lets her know she is thoroughly wiped out and that it will show its displeasure in the morning. At least now she can finally relax.

“Warrior Seren, you are so many strong. You show Orog stabby stick, yes?”

For fuck sake.

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