《Slaying Monsters for Dummies》2.15 Dawn of War


The 6 AM alarm rings with the noise level of a Challenger shuttle taking off, tempting Nathan into grabbing his seventh alarm this year and propel it across the room in the hope that it collides with something super hard, hopefully a hydraulic press. Unfortunately the noise comes from someone else’s cellphone.

“Rise and shine pretty boy.”

Nathan’s expensive alarm soon emits sounds of waves crashing on rock. His bedroom gradually lightens in an illusory dawn.

The light does not reach the corners.

And yet, despite the darkness of winter, and his situation, he smiles.

There is something about waking up next to Sara. Ok it’s not the romance of the year, they would be both fired if someone found out and the threat of kidnapping is a heavy burden on their minds. Still, the white light falls on her slender body tangled in his sheets , revealing here a soft shoulder, there the curve of a hip. A messy waterfall of hair the color of midnight runs down her pillow and covers most of her back. He leans close enough to let it tickle his nose. Jasmine and vanilla over silk.

She feels him moving and turns around. Chocolate eyes and a mischievous smile meet his own. She blocks an errand hand diving under the cover.

“Nuh huh, we have a long day ahead.”

Nathan grumbles and jumps out of bed thinking to himself that monsters or not, at least there are mornings that are definitely better than others.

Nathan’s first floor is barely recognizable. His living room’s dining table has a crude map of the property on it, escape routes included. A laptop displays images captured from small cameras set up on all reasonable access points and movement detectors are linked to an alarm system “in case they show up early”. Nathan is not completely sure it would work on Varogs but it seems that it made the good detective happy. His trust is in Gwahin’s promise of protection and in running very fast.


“Good morning Seren”.

Seren looks ready. Her white blond hair are held in a tight ponytail. Her face is focused, if tired. She is wearing heavy trousers and rangers, though her top is covered by a comfortable looking hoodie. It looks a good size too large and was probably stolen from a boyfriend

There is something wrong with Seren. She should look much happier than when he rescued her. Well, when they rescued each other really, and yet she doesn’t. Cleaner, healthier, less fierce yes. No concussion. It’s her eyes.

They say eyes are the mirrors of the soul. Seren’s has taken an extended vacation. Her gaze skims over reality without stopping on anything long enough to show any trace of concern. She is alone with her thoughts, in a dark place. Nathan would bet a month’s salary that if eaters were to crash through the door this instant she would just sigh and look vaguely annoyed. It’s none of his business really, except that he needs her fully awake and kicking. Time for some low level manipulation.


“You ok Seren?”

“… Uh? Yes.”

“Do you want some breakfast?”

“… Hum. Not really.”

“Do you want a shot of vodka?”



“Are you asking because I’m half Russian?”

“No I’m asking because you look like you need it. You’re half Russian?”

“You thought Nechayeva was Korean?”

Seren’s reptilian brain woke up. Nice. Now to reach the cortex.

“How about we sit down and have some food before the brothers arrive. How about some nice French toast with Marple syrup? The good stuff.”

Nathan displays his nice, nice smile. Here. Completely harmless.

“I.. Suppose. Yes. I should eat. French toasts sound really good actually.”

Cortex reached. Nobody in their right mind would refuse French toasts soaked with genuine maple syrup. If they do they’re probably worse than a Varog anyway.

An alarm rings. Nathan walks to a monitor and gets a glance at a passing Humvee. All good.

“it’s ok!” He yells, and Sarah’s rushed feet stop in the middle of the stairs.

“Oh good then I’m going to dry my hair”

When did she even bring a hair dryer? Nathan could swear that as long as a woman stays anywhere near his place for a night, hair pins and make-up would spontaneously pop out of thin air for a month. And they would clog his shower.

Nathan sighs then steps out to welcome the twins.

The gray colored monstrosity roars its way in the clearing and reverses before stopping a few inches away from the wooden stairs leading to his main entrace with barely enough room to open the car’s back door. The twins jump out. Michael smiles and winks.

“Is that your car?” Nathan points at the monstrosity. The Humvee is painted a neutral gray instead of the expected camouflage, but it feels like someone put a clown nose on a lion. The thing is clearly military surplus.

“I’m terribly sorry about your dick Michael.

"If you think I’m compensating right now wait till you see what I brought.”

True to his words, Michael opens the back and Nathan whistles. There is enough there to start a small war. Nathan wonders where he got it.

Martin starts unloading with a grim face while Michael proudly lists the contents: body armors, weapon names that mean nothing to Nathan, explosives.

“Wait. Explosives?

Nathan looks speculatively at the heavy secured container in his hands.

“Oh I forgot to ask. How much do you value your front yard?"

"Not as much as I value my life."


Michael suddenly takes a serious air.

"Excellent! I should probably tell you that storing those boxes together violates OSHA regulations."

"That’s totally fine, I’m sure we’ll violate many more laws before all of this is over."

Michael nods wisely as if Nathan had said something brilliant while Martin looks like he would very much like to hit his head against the closest wall.

After they’re done unloading they gather in the living room. The delicious smell of French toasts caress his nostrils like a seductive lover with promises of luscious amounts of marple syrup. Sarah is in the kitchen working her magic. Nathan realizes with a pang that he had said he would cook. He hopes this will be the only commitment he fails today.

“Hum thanks for taking over.”

“Your time is better spent carrying heavy stuff around and mine is better spent making those. “

She turns around with a scold.

"Your toasts are too soggy anyway. Go, the others are waiting."

Nathan stomps away to the living room grumbling about how his toasts are not bad and that nobody complained before and some people like soggy anyway, so there.

The group has gathered around the old oak table and what a group it is. On his left Martin sits upright with a scowl on his face. He even brought notes. Michael lounges with a sardonic smile right next to him. Opposite them Seren reclines on his most comfortable chair wrapped in her black hoodie. It has seen better days. Come to think of it most of her wardrobe has seen better days. The table is already laid and the sweet aroma of fresh coffee improves his mood. If not for the weapon this would look like a b&b for neurotic people.

“Alright everyone…”

Just then a whiff of life and growth spreads across the room. Toothy emerges from his tea pot with a stretch and a yawn.

“Well now that’s a surprise.”

Seren’s glare turns to delight when the Sylvan lands on her hand and the twins stare at him wondering if he finally lost his marbles, both of them seeing nothing. That leaves Gwahin free to prepare her grand entrance.

She actually looks good. Gone is the stunted creature, in her stead is a lithe huntress with eyes of molten gold, still too small to look truly impressive, but Nathan suspects the whole “I’m not human” effect will be good enough to make an impact.

Gwahin uses the distraction and her natural abilities to stand unnoticed atop one of his chairs (with muddy feet for sure), then gives him a playful smirk. To his surprise she has not only brought her own weapon, a wicked looking bow, but also a quiver of arrows and what appears to be pearl earrings

Time to play the game.

“Gwahin, so kind of you to join us.”

To Nathan’s guilty satisfaction, everyone recoils in surprise and shouts erupt along the line of “what the fuck?!”. Seren’s surprise seems the greatest of all. Gwahin herself surveys his three guests with a grim expression. Only the glint of her eyes betrays her amusement.

“What a sorry lot. You look like you could not take down a one legged skunk, much less Varogs.”

She sighs.

“Mortal, it appears that you need my help."

"Does this mean you will fight with us?"

Gwahin pretends to look pained.

"Aaaah mortal, what a waste it would be to have you die so soon."

She dramatically brings her hand to her chest.

"Although as my host you should not invite danger upon yourself while I am in your care, I cannot let you die unaided. I have taken measures, and will help you. This once!"

"Wow thanks that is unexpected. Hum. Everyone, meet Gwahin she is a “Yol”.”

Nathan catches Michael discreetly pinching himself. Martin just looks like he swallowed a whole lemon. Nobody asks what a Yol is.

“Oh hi Gwahin, I thought I heard you. I made extra and here is the syrup.”

Gwahin’s ominous air is immediately ruined by a look of pure gluttony at the sight of the steamy stack and the tension in the room eases somewhat. Everyone sits and start digging in regardless of species. Ah the magic of maple syrup. Nathan looks around the room. Six determined people. Six people who have all faced death at least once before. Weapon. Explosives.

They can do this.

“I assume you have a plan?”

Nathan smiles and nods to Martin.

I do, and to summarize it: it's a trap

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