《New beginning》Epilogue



At the edge of Earth atmosphere on every single ship was silence. They saw whole thing on sensors and still couldn’t understand what happened. Commander took down his cap from head and looked at screen where to giant forces were fighting against each other.

There were two black hole or better said one black hole and one something else. It was like it was complete opposite of blackhole and what should have destroyed planet wasn’t doing anything. They consumed one another without doing damage to planet. Of course whole company building was destroyed but nothing else.

He didn’t know why she did it but what she did was almost impossible. He was still in awe of her piloting skills. He never saw someone to dodge plasma fire like it was child’s play.

When others looked at commander for orders they saw respect in his eyes as he looked at screen. He even took down cap, which was sign of respect in navy.

“Why would you respect someone like her?” asked one officer.

“Why wouldn’t I? She did something that was almost impossible and I don’t know why she did it but it was important enough for her to sacrifice her life. That is something I can respect. I’ll have to look at materials she sent us.” He said.

“It would be false documents…. She’s criminal…. We can’t trust anything from her.” Came from around bridge.

“Maybe, maybe not. At least we find out why she did it.” He said and looked around bridge to silence officers. They quieted and continued to look at displays.

On planet there was change in these two forces and suddenly both of them just winked out. They consumed themselves. There was shudder that went through everything and everywhere. Commander could feel that something changed.

He looked at display and there were changes in universe. There were popping up new stars and whole placement of universe changed and expanded. What they found out latter from materials Leya sent was that game they were playing wasn’t game but another universe.


Scientist finally decided that when blackhole was closed instead of cutting them from one another it brought them closer and merged them into one universe but that was something that no one knew at time on bridge, so they were confused about what was happening.

Only captain was looking around with new vigour. Whatever she did, it would bring exciting times and he would be prepared for it. He was too long just sitting, doing nothing.

“Don’t just stand there. Use scans and collect as much data as you can. We have job to do.” He shouted.

15 years later on unknown planet

“Lara come on we’ll be late to our graduation.” Shouted woman walking from nice new house. It was obviously high tech house with many gadgets on it, even if some of them looked to be home made.

From inside could be heard woman voice, ”Don’t worry Anna we still have time. Uncle John called that he would pick us up.”

“Why didn’t you told me sooner? I didn’t have to hurry so much.” Said Anna from outside.

“Because you’re always late.” Said Lara as she came out.

They were Anna’s daughters that Leya saved from Director. Today were day they graduated from university. Both of them went to study engineering as from small age they loved to make their own toys which in later years transferred to making gadgets and finally studying it for real.

Both of them already picked their jobs. Lara who was adventurous went for ship duty as ensign on new battleship that new federation government built. Anna who liked more quiet jobs stayed on ground and went to research. She worked for company that her mother built where currently both Lee and Gordon whom they still sometimes called Rock.

Her company focused on making prosthetic limbs for disabled people. Lee was helping with making prosthetic limbs for army with weapons already worked inside. Gordon surprisingly became great manager. With his smile he could convince worse enemy that it was good move to invest in their company.


Anna who was depressed at first finally decided to horn Leya by building this company. After five years she met her love and married. He was one of doctors who helped them with developing limbs. They had one more child and this time it was boy and they named him Leonard after Paladin that helped them so much.

About Eleanor and Paladins they couldn’t find any information. They heard sometimes about group that would protect others with asking for money but that was all. They even posted some messages on network but no one answered them.

As for Director. They found him hiding on one of his islands and imprisoned him for life. They took his money and build schools, hospitals and kindergartens. They used them for something that would help people.

There came car with one man inside. It was military car that John borrowed from military base. He would be taking Lara strait to base after graduation.

John parked car before girls, “Come on ladies. We don’t want to be late.”

“We’re waiting for you. If we’re late it would be because of you.” Said Lara.

He chuckled, “Enjoy it Lara while you can. Later today I would be Captain Merick for you.”

“Ok, but right now you’re Uncle John, so make it fast.” Grinned Anna.

“I don’t envy your employer and trainer.” Murmured John.

“Did you say anything?” asked Anna.

“No, just talking to myself.” He said.

Both of them glared at him, but then smiled and entered car. Finally they would be doing something exiting.

??? years later somewhere in galaxy

Sun went up and first rays of light shined on cave hidden in mountain. There on ground ley woman with short brown hair, mechanical arm and slender body. She wore long coat and if someone looked really good he would see shimmering in air couple of inches from her body.

“It took me longer than I planned but I finally made it.” Said voice in the air.

“I hope you’ll forgive me my tempering with your life and preparing you for what you had to do but I had to do it for them. This is last thing before I went back sleeping.” Said girl who appeared in air and changed into beautiful woman who bend down and kiss other woman on cheek.

“Farewell my friend.”

After that there was silence and woman continued to sleep peacefully on ground.

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I'm going to continue with this story but I have dilema. I don't know how far I should move in time. I would have to think it propelly and work out basic outline of story. That would take some time (Not much I hope :D ) so be patience for now. There may be small changes in how she would be continueing but nothing big i think.

I hope you''ll enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I learned a lot by writing it and I'm planning to learn more.

I would try to correct my mistakes, but that would also take some time. For now I would like to continue with story.

Yours Anarin

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