《New beginning》Chapter 10: Rescue
So it took more time then I thought. I had to rewrite it couple of times. I hope you'll enjoy it and I'll try to work even more on my writing as there is always chance to learn more. If you have some tips write them to me. I'll be very glad to hear them.
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I jumped from bed and called to Eleanor, “How did it go?”
“Everything went according to plan. The base was completely annihilated. As per further instruction I sent the ship back to the Sorok for now.” She said.
“Yes that’s good we have to warn them about invasion but before that I have to do something.” I said thinking about plan to save Anna’s children.
“Ship is fly worthy so you can use her for quick smash-and-grab but you’ll need help to make it work.” Said Eleanora.
I thought about who I could call for help and came up with only John, Lee or Rock. I didn’t see them in real life but Lee would be good more in preparing explosives for mission then helping on mission.
This leaved John and Rock for actual mission. I could make armor for them before we start rescue operation.
“El call John, Lee and Rock please. I would like their help in rescuing Anna’s daughters.”
“OK, calling them on their Com link.” There was pause in her speech, then she finished her response, “Call accepted by all of them.”
“Hi guys, it’s me Leya. I have problem which I would like to discuss with you, but I need you to come here now as it’s time sensitive.” I told them without preamble.
They listened for a while then Rock said, “Hi there. Didn’t expect to hear from you in this world. I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Can’t it wait till tomorrow?” asked Lee.
“Sorry but I need you today but if you can’t, I’ll make do.” I said.
“No no, I’ll be there I’ll made up some excuse in work. Give me two hours.” He said.
“I’ll be there too. It would take me too about 2.” Said John.
And like this I had guests to take care of. I was nervous about their visit as it was really long time since someone visited me. I prepared some food but still had too much time on my hands so I started to build parts for the armor. I build first parts which I could use in either of their armors.
My armor was already finished when I was working on ship. It was similar design as one in the game but didn’t have direct sensor hook-up. I tested it and everything worked fine.
After one hour I saw Rock coming through scrapyard to my house. He looked around himself at scrapyard but when he saw my house he stopped and stared at it.
That would be probably because my house was huge. It was built whole from metal and heavily armored. There were ten autocannons and many antennas and satellites placed on it. He could see even couple of cameras aimed at him and sensors which he didn’t have any idea what they were for. It was built for protection and he started to understand little what it was like to be me.
I opened door and went to him. I stopped before him and nervously squirmed around. I waited for him to start but he looked me up and down. Finally he opened his arms and waited.
I came to him and hugged him awkwardly. He looked down and hugged me back.
“So this is your home?” he looked one more at it over me and smiled, “I like it and by the way my real name is Gordon Lenard.”
“Hi Gordon.” I said and smiled. I was happy that he liked my house. I worked on it for a long time to be as it is. It’s one of reasons I sleep without problems.
“Come inside while we wait for others.” I said.
For next hour I made him tour around my house and chatted with him about his work and his family. I found out that he has wife and three kids. They aren’t playing Virtua because kids are too young and his wife just don’t like it. I offered him some food and refreshments and we ate until Lee and John came.
They too looked at my house but with different expression. Lee I could tell was excited about it. John wore frown on his face whole time. He looked around but he frowned more and more. I invited them inside and we sat in my kitchen.
Finally I set before them and started, “Well first I have to tell you what happened in tower. It connects to everything I’m going to ask you.”
“We’re listening.” Said Gordon with nod to me.
“OK so this is what happened. We went up elevator shaft and …” I told them everything that happened there and didn’t let anything out. Even Anna’s betrayal.
They were pissed about it at first but with more context they understood why she had to do it. First to understand what I wanted to do was John.
“You want to go and rescue her.” He said.
I looked at him and shrugged, “What else can I do? I can’t let them there.”
Lee and Gordon looked at us, “So you called us to help you rescue them somehow?” asked Lee.
“We don’t have training for something like this. Police should be one to take care of it.” Said John.
Gordon stared at me, “But she told us police is paid off. She can’t go to them.”
“Yes that’s basically it.” I said.
“We don’t have equipment for rescue operation. I can maybe give us some weapons and some liquid protection vests but that’s all. We don’t stand a chance.” Said John.
Both Lee and Gordon nodded at this and wore helpless expression. They obviously wanted to help but knew we couldn’t do it.
“Well …... that’s not exactly true. Come with me.” I stood and went to my underground bunker.
They followed me but stopped at threshold as they saw my ship. It was same ship on which they flew in game for some time now. There were around ten bots working around my bunker. They were organizing things or building new equipment for me.
“How did you build all this?” asked Gordon while looking around, “it’s absolutely amazing.”
“I have working replicator so this wasn’t as much problem to build as you would think.” I said and was happy that they liked it.
“So who goes with me?” I asked.
“I’m definitely going.” Said Gordon then frowned, “I’ll just call home that I would be late.”
“Count me in too.” Said Lee.
Last one to answer was John. He looked around once more with frown, “I’ll go but we’ll have to talk about this.”
I was concerned about what he wanted to talk about but first we’re going to save some kids, “Ok I already started building armors for you but I need your measurements to finish them.”
“Lee I have different job for you. I need explosives to take down doors or walls. We don’t know how we approach but I’ll need more option if this is going to work.” I said and send signal to Eleanor.
Lee was disappointed with my decision but didn’t argue. I pointed him to some supplies and he started to work.
Then I turned to others, “Ok, Eleanor already measured you. Now you can go and pick weapons. It’s second door on left.”
“How come you have Eleanor here? And by the way hi Eleanor.” Said Gordon.
“Hi there guys. How have you been?” said Eleanor.
“Good, …. Good I think. Hi there too.” Said John.
“I think you have some explaining to do.” Said Gordon.
So for next two hours I explained to then what I found out about game and how I build my ship. Eleanor sometimes helped me with details. I let Eleanor worked basic armor structure for them while we talked.
Then they went to pick their weapons and I worked on their armors. I build armors similar to ones they used in game. Gordon got bulky one focused on protection and strength while John had armor focused more on speed and recon.
While I was doing final tinkering with armors they came back. John picked assault rifle with one pistol while Gordon picked wicked looking plasma rifle. I made it especially for shooting through armors but it kicked like hell. I picked my standard dear, which was two pistols, one plasma, one laser and laser rifle. With equipment preparation done we moved to plan our attack.
Lee built us couple of explosives for breaking through obstacles. This gives us more option in our rescue operation. I thanked him and we moved onto ship.
Eleanor downloaded plans of building for us. It was two stories building with cellar. From plans we agreed they would probably hold her in cellar or on second floor. We didn’t have information about number of guards or their defences. Our trump card was my ship. Eleanor would cover us from outside while we rescue Anna’s daughters.
Two hours before midnight we started our operation. I rolled the ship from under my house and silently move it away from my house. I didn’t had it registered so I would have to surrender it but that wasn’t something I was thinking right now. Right now I was thinking about two small girls that we had to rescue.
• • •
Currently we were about nine kilometres above building we wanted to assault. After hours of planning we managed to agree on one. Gordon and John would came from roof and distract them while I jump from ship on first floor with thrusters and start sweeping it from there.
With our armors it should be easy. Even if they have armors they wouldn’t be in them probably. That’s was what we were counting on.
“Eleanor take us down.” I said.
I could feel us plummeting down to ground stopping over the building. As soon as door opened John and Gordon jumped on roof while I jumped down on lawn.
Wind whistled by me and I slowed my fall with thrusters. As I landed I went for the door. I didn’t bother with door handle and smashed through it. Behind it was hallway with four doors and stairs at the end of it. I saw someone duck into second room on left. I run after him as he could be on a way to the children. As I went to these door I was sprayed by laser fire from behind me but my shields went down only by 20%.
I whirled and fired instinctively three shots towards my attacker. I missed my first shot but second and third took him in chest. With my upgraded laser riffle it was enough to get over his weak shield and take him down.
I heard noise upstairs and shooting. That were my guys sweeping up top floor.
“Everything all right?” I shouted to Com and went after guy who ducked into the door.
“Everything fine continue with plan.” Said John.
I went for the door and leaned out from them to scan what’s behind. There were stairs leading down and no sign of guy who went there. I moved slowly downstairs but stopped on last step. My armor pinged me with possible mine under floor. I alerted guys to it and jumped over.
That’s when I heard muffled cry from door on left. I placed Lee explosives to wall and outlined door. Lee made some kind of gel that would melt in strait line from where it was placed. It was great for making door in walls.
I stepped before it and fired it. There was small explosion around my new door and I could see outline of them in wall. I punched in the middle and they crumbled to six big chunks. Behind them I could see two girls on bed trying to escape from the gut I saw going down.
I walked into room and instinctively shot second guy when I saw him move at corner of my sight. He was hiding behind door to room and I hit him in the head and that was all for him. I turned to other one and saw him aiming at me with pistol. I ducked and rolled forward to him. I let my riffle on ground and went for him with my fists.
He tried to take me down with pistol but in close quarters it was wain hope. I slapped it to the right and with quick cop with my hand in head he lost concessions. I would need at last one to interrogate.
“I got them.” I told guys over Com. It was signal for them to mop up top floor from bad guys.
I turned to girl and they were trembling as they stared at me. I took down my helmet, “Hi I’m friend of Anna. Are you her daughters?”
They looked at me and shook their heads. I was confused by it as this should be them. Now that I looked at them better I could see difference between them and Anna’s daughters.
“Do you know where are two girls similar to you?” I said while looking out of the door for ambush.
There was silence and when I looked at them they were shaking their heads. Now I started to fear we attacked some innocent people.
“Did they abduct you or are you living here?” I asked.
“We were abducted from our home.” I could heard silently from them, ” I want my mommy.”
So this is some other girls Director kidnapped. I would have to stop him somehow. He can’t get away with it.
“Don’t worry I’ll take you to your parents.” I said to them and put on my helmet.
“Is it clear upstairs?” I said over Com.
“Yes, you can come upstairs.” Said Gordon.
First I went with two girls and explained situation to guys. They were angry but at same time they feared for Anna’s kids. We didn’t know where they were. I loaded them into ship and let Lee take care of them.
Then I went back for man I stunned and loaded him to ship. I slapped him and poured on him cold water till he regained conscience. I needed some answers and I needed them now.
“Where are Anna’s girls?” I shouted at him as he regained conscience.
He looked confused and looked around himself, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where I am?”
“There were two girls similar to these two. Where are they stashed?” I said.
He looked at me sharper than before, “I won’t tell you anything. He’ll kill me if I talk to you.”
“El open door.” I said.
I heard hissing of opening door and wind suddenly rushed in. I took him by the throat and hold him outside as he was tossing in my grip. When he looked down he stopped squirming and looked at me with fear in the eyes.
“Now tell me where the girls are or I’ll let my ship singe you with laser cannon.” I said and retract visor on my helmet so he could see me.
As soon as he saw me he lost all the color, “You! You can’t do something like this. I know you aren’t like this”
There was short hiss as laser cannon scratched him on arm.
“Maybe I am.” I said and tossed him inside.
“I’ll tell you just don’t kill me please.” He pleaded on his knees as I tossed him on ground.
“Then tell me where are they.” I said.
“They are held in another house but by now they are probably transferring them elsewhere.”
“Where is it?” I shouted at him.
He told me where the place is and Gordon with John tied him up and tossed him in the brig. I flew as fast as I could but I could see ship going away from house. I was too late I would have to think about something else to do.
“El can we disable it without any danger to passengers?” I asked.
“We can take down their thrusters. They would have to crash land but, they should survive it with this type of ship.” She said.
“We don’t have a choice. We must do it.” Said John.
I flew next to them and called them on Com.
“Land on ground and shut down engines. You don’t stand a chance against us.” I said.
“You can’t do a thing while we have girls” said Captain of the enemy ship.
I send El request for preparing missile, “Shot it next to them and let them get splash from it.”
I could see missile going away and exploding next to their ship. That got me attention from their Captain.
“Are you mad? You’ll kill them too.” He shouted at me.
“Give them back or I’ll take you down.” I said to him.
“They engaged thrusters to full and send missile after us.” Said Eleanor.
I needed to show them they don’t stand a chance. I took my ship and rammed their missile. I counted that my shields would be able to take it without problems.
As I hit it there was bright light but I was still there so shield must have held. I looked at damage report but there was nothing. I smiled and speed up after them. They should know by now that they don’t stand a chance by attacking me.
“Stop your ship and give us girls.” I said to them once more on Com.
“If you shot at us, we’ll cut their fingers one by one for every shot until you let us go.” He said calmly.
I was furious. I didn’t know how to save them without hurting them. I’ll have to do something drastic or they’ll kill them.
“As you want, El shot them down and start working on torture equipment.” I said to El and broadcasted it to enemy ship too and with face twisted with anger continued, “I’m going to take you down and for every finger or bruise I’ll spend hour torturing every one of you. Give me kids and I’ll let you go, hurt them and you’ll plead me to kill you.”
There was silence on other side but their ship stopped in mid-air. I could see small power spikes on sensors. I don’t know what he wanted to do but if he thought that I was bluffing then he was wrong. For hurting them I would take my time with them.
“We’ll give them to you, just park near us.” Said new voice through Com. It looked like captain had unfortunate accident.
“Power down your weapons we’re going to you.” I said.
I went next to them and monitored them for weapon activity. I send Gordon and John to take care of girls. It didn’t take them more than five minutes and they were back with them. They strapped them next to other two girls who at least stopped trembling and looked around curiously.
“Who are you?” asked one of them.
“We’re friends of your mother.” Said Gordon.
Before I could go and see them I was interrupted by Eleanora, “There are four targets approaching us.”
I looked at navigation map and there were coming from nearby city. I didn’t want to slug it with police or military so I would have to hide for now somewhere.
“El is there some abandoned tunnel complex where we could hide?” I asked Eleanor.
“Yes there is one about three hundred kilometres from here. It’s an old abandoned mine and there is more than one entrance. I’m sending it to your display.” She said.
I fired three missiles with my ship signature to confuse them and speed up for the mine. Four boogies were slower than me so it wasn’t problem to lose them. I feared more others, which would come after them. I made it into mines in five minutes and immediately hid in one of the tunnels.
“Eleanora shut down all outgoing power sources.” I said to her. There was instant dimming of lights as power source was placed into idle state.
We still had some time before Anna should show up in my house. For now we should at last make girls comfortable and contact her as she came into scrapyard.
I looked at girls who were looking around with wide eyes, “Hi my name is Leya. What are your names?”
They looked at me then one silently said, “I’m Lara after my grandma and she is Anna after our mom. When can we see out mother?” Lara asked me suddenly. Other two were still silent and looked at me.
“She should come to my house in one hour but we’ll have to wait for night to sneak back in my house.” I said.
“And you two. What’s your name?” I turned to other two girls.
They looked down shyly and said nothing. I looked back at others but they just shrugged they’re shoulders.
“Would you like to see ship?” I asked them.
They perked up when I mentioned tour but still didn’t say anything. I sighed and went to change my clothes. When I came back I took them around ship and introduced them to Eleanor. It was she who finally convinced them to speak their names. They were called Liana and Talia. They told us details about their house and Eleanor started to search for it.
We played for hour and called to Anna that we would be late. She was frightened but when I told her daughters were safe she cried into Com and thank me for their rescue. I asked her about other two girls but she didn’t know who they belong to.
I let her daughters talk to her. They asked her when they could see her and she told them it would be only short while before they’ll be together.
After some time we found parents of other two girls. They were working for company Virtua which made game of same name. I called them and arranged for meeting at my scrapyard. They too were thankful for their rescue and more so after talking to their daughters.
Finally on next day we flew for my house. I landed in my bunker and powered down ship. I opened it and Anna with other two parents hurried inside. For next half an hour there was flood of tear and smiles.
The parents asked me what I wanted from them for rescue and didn’t wanted to believe that someone like me would want nothing. It took me another hour to convince them that I really didn’t want anything from them.
I advised them to hide for some time as they would be looking for them probably but, they already had plan in motion. I just hoped it was good plan.
John, Lee and Rock went home as they were tired and had to go to work. I talked with Anna about her future. She told me she can’t return to her work or even home. Both her and parents of two girls were afraid to report it to police. There would be investigation and they would have to go to court.
So in the end I let Anna live in my house. It brought her daughters in my house and that was one of the best thing that happened to me. They brightened my every day. For next three days I let them play with toys I and Eleanora made. I thought Lara how to make them. She had gift for making things and in two days she could already make her first toy.
It wasn’t anything sophisticated but it worked. Small An as I started to call her was shy and didn’t want to learn from me at beginning but, when she saw toys Lara made she too became my pupil.
After Three days came finally day to look into game and found out what my dead did to my character. I wanted to go there as Eleanor told she has something important to discuss with me.
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Yours Anarin :D
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