《Black Blood (Dropped...)》Chapter 21: Hail to the king baby...... Wait, but I'm not a king though?
now for everyone upset about the bonus last chapter, and how only patrons seem to get a major plot point chapter. you will learn it in time as well so chill. all the bonuses will have backstory, or reveals, or plot points like that. they aren't NECESSARY to the main story because you will learn about them to in time with the story's natural progression, but they ARE immense satisfying to read. to show you what i mean the 999 follower special will contain chapter 23 AND bonus chapter 3. and it is going to be available to ALL, on RR. your welcome....
next i'll ALSO let the fans decide what that bonus will be on. so answer the poll and chose your fate.
I'm such a nice guy........
anyway since many of you probably read the teaser, and got a glimpse of how Carmen thought a few months ago (story time wise about a month and 3 weeks.....) you may be confused at how mature she is now. just accept that there is a reason for that and move on, or go read the ENTIRE bonus to find out. no comments on her being so different...........
anyway Alty goes hardcore power mad this chapter
As I walked with Yan and Carmen to the place that was prepared for me to address the Vampeerus houses mom ruled, I thought about what the fuck I was going to say to them.
I don’t really identify with this kingdom anyway, its just mom’s not mine. I’ll make my OWN kingdom later, this one is just the one that I’ll live in until then. Like baby teeth…… baby kingdom? Whatever….. It only matters because mom cares about it, so I’ll make sure that it’s nice and safe for her when she wakes up.
“Lord Alt, I must ask if you are sure using yourself as bait is the wisest tactic? I predict a near 42% chance you will suffer injury from this plan.” (Yan)
“It’s fine. I made this plan and I trust Fera’s recruits to do there part, so I’ll follow through with it as is. Is Till waiting for us ahead?” (Alt)
“Yes master Alt, Till is presently waiting for us on the raised veranda overlooking the east yard. She should be controlling and quieting the crowd for your address.” (Carmen)
“Good. Oh and Carmen, call me Alt or Lord Alt. master is only for the bedroom or when I am feeling especially evil……” (Alt)
“Yes Lord Alt. Your will be done.” (Carmen)
As we approached my little stage, I thought back to the other day when I hatched this crazy idea of mine…..
Fera arrived back from her mission at about midday. That was good, with mom and my sisters at risk, I wanted the best to guard them. Fera was the best of the best, the assassin that might’ve even been able to best “Black Death’s Smile”…. And she was trustworthy. Beyond reproach even.
I looked her in the eyes where she stood. We were inside mom’s room, I was here guarding my family from whatever might come to harm them. Fera was here because I sent for her.
“I assume you know what happened?” (Alt)
“Yes. I apologize for my failure to uncover this plot while I was in enemy territory, my angel.” (Fera)
I just continued looking at her. She must think that I’m angry with her, I’m not. How could I expect her to find out about something of this level with only a few weeks of infiltration? No I wasn’t mad at her, but I did need her…. And I needed that mini-army of assassin trainees of hers as well. They could be VERY useful.
“Irrelevant. I need you and your division of recruits for something far more important than reflecting on past failures or what you could have done differently. You have instilled in them loyalty and devotion to the highest degrees possible in this amount of time, I assume?” (Alt)
“Yes my angel, I have conditioned them to the standards you set in parallel to their training in the arts of stealth, infiltration, and death. They are not at the level I’d like, not yet, but they carry out and further both their training and conditioning on their own now. I believe that some of the first I found have already begun to truly worship you as the Ascendant Angel. They pray at the little shrines they constructed constantly whenever they have free time, these twelve are at the level I wish in devotion at least. The others are loyal, and would happily die for you if you so asked, but they still have a ways to go.” (Fera)
I had first thought she meant she had found a FEW new recruits not a few under a hundred. Fera will always be Fera though, I guess…….. But this works out well. I can use them for so many things, and perhaps thin out the ranks a bit in the process. Quality over quantity after all, and nothing breeds quality like experience in the field….
“Good… Fera, I will take charge of your division temporarily. I need you to do something for me. Listen very carefully, you CAN NOT fail in this do you understand?” (Alt)
Fera nodded and her face took on the look it did when she focuses. The face I have come to understand means that whatever I have just asked of her would be done and done perfectly and without failure. This was the face of the Innocent Ice Assassin at her best.
“I need you to stay in this room and guard my mother and unborn sisters. No one and nothing without my EXPRESS and DIRECT permission are allowed to even enter. If even an insect crawls under the door, if even a speck of dust floats in, if even a slight mote of light appears in the night, they are to be destroyed with the same prudence as you would give an attacker who was targeting my life. This room is to become more secure than a magically sealed vault buried thirty feet under the sand at the bottom of the ocean. Is that understood Fera?” (Alt)
“Yes, Lord Alt.” (Fera)
“Not even I am to be allowed entrance without your direct inspection. If mom awakens you are to inform me via one of my two PERSONAL servants stationed outside the door. Do not OPEN the door, just call through it. I have moved mom to her safe room for exactly the purpose of limiting any possible points of entry, and there will always be at least two of my servants present outside the only door at any time. If there is no one present then consider them either dead or somehow compromised and take the appropriate actions. You have training and experience as a midwife correct?” (Alt)
“Yes, I have aided in multiple births, and personally seen to the safe delivery of several newborns alone on more than one occasion.” (Fera)
“Then you shall do so again. You and ONLY you will deliver my sisters. No one else is allowed to be present at their births, not even me. After their births, your focus will shift to guarding solely them, even if mom has not fully recovered by that point. This is your duty, you are not allowed to fail.” (Alt)
“Yes, Lord Alt. I shall fulfill my duty just as you have described it. I assume we are using the codes you had me memorize two years ago as proof of your allowance?” (Fera)
I could feel myself start to smile.
Fera will always be Fera….. Beyond perfection in everything I could ever need her for….. She’ll see to it that my family is safe….. at least while mom is unable to. Everything is gonna be fine now….
“Yes, of course.” (Alt)
I turned and opened the one and only door into or out of the room, it would be the last time it would ever open until mom was able to overpower Fera and open it herself.
I didn’t look back or talk with Fera again, I had said all I needed to and we both knew that this wasn’t the time for an sort of sentiment. It was a time for cold, hard duty………
And we both will do our Duty……….. heh….. Do our duty……… It feels so good to let myself relax a bit and laugh again…………….
I shut the door.
Yan and Till were waiting outside with two of my servants, they feel into step behind me.
“Till, we all are going to see combat soon. Find any rouge elements in my organization and either see them controlled and converted, or see them purged from this world. You and Carmen are now the active leaders of my Inquisition forces. Brief her while you prepare.” (Alt)
Till had a grim expression on her face when I looked at her.
“Sure Alt, I’ll get it done. No one is gonna stab us in the back from inside of MY people, I won’t allow it.” (Till)
“Good, but before you go Till, Yan and I came up with a name we feel would be perfect for my organization and its many branches. 'Angelic Guard'. Pass the name around to your people, it might rise some more morale and loyalty.” (Alt)
Till started to make her old charismatic smile, the one that made you trust her and want to follow her lead, the one that I have come to love seeing on her face as often as I can. She gave a small nod.
“Yeah, I’ll do that too. Angelic guard huh, reminds me of our Ascendant Angel faith…. Cool I’m sure everyone’ll love it. And it sure beats out 'Carmen and Till’s gang'.” (Till)
Yeah……… I couldn’t convince Yan on a name that didn’t reference me or how special I am in some way…….. At least “Angelic Guard” isn’t “Alty’s Army of the Faithful and Loyal”……….. the naming sense of Yan scares me…… what was wrong with “The Federation” or “Hand of Sauron” no one in this world would understand the references besides me anyway…………
Till broke off from Yan and I as we walked towards my office. We had to plan my debut as temporary ruler of the kingdom, and the address I was going to give. I had the workings of a plan in mind about that too, but I doubt Yan was going to like it much……..
It doesn’t matter if she likes it, it only matters that it works. History tells us that new rulers are always targets, and since I WANT to find the ones who would hurt me or my family, that makes them perfect bait as well. I’m just such a new ruler, and a small “helpless and dumb” child to boot. I’m sure Frayed Assurance will send SOMEONE, and I can prove a point to everyone else at the same time. Two birds one stone……..
I was looking over a crowd of thousands……
Who knew that there were so many fucking houses in JUST mom’s kingdom….. sure some are just influential people or people wealthy enough to make it into the gardens without the invitation Yan sent out, but this is ridiculous…….. Why did I bother to televise this through viewing crystals at all if just word of mouth would serve to carry the message just as well. Haaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh so many goldettes wasted……….. Oh well, at least the people will get a show, and they will get the full impact of seeing what I’m capable of themselves………
I put on my cute and innocent look, waved, and blew kisses to the crowd. I was really hamming it up, pulling in cheers and “AWWWWWNNN”s alike. Cuteness really is a great weapon, but it is even better as a distraction. The faint memories of cat videos on some video sharing site my old life had taught me that much. People could look at cute things for hours without being bored, but I didn’t need that long, just a few more minutes.
When Yan tapped my shoulder, and Till gave me a slight nod, I knew. Everything was ready, I could stop stalling now.
Perfect…… time to show this world what happens if you fuck with Altorus Phantus and the people he loves…….. I hope you’re watching Frayed Assurance. Your time is coming soon, and I think I’ll take my time teaching all of your members the REAL meaning of TERROR you fucking pieces of filth……….
I dropped my smile and the cute act. I had learned that after my charm hit 100,000 that even without me doing anything, even as I THREATENED and TORTURED people, they would still feel a rather strong level of attraction to me. This allowed me to invoke a unique sort of visceral fear in people. The fear that would normally come with whatever I was doing, as well as the fear that they were losing control, that they would come to LIKE what happens next.
“People of the kingdom of Noir’letia, my name is Altorus Phantus. I am here to tell you today that I am not your new king, I am not your prince-regent either. I am your new TYRANT!” (Alt)
Annnnnnnnd pause for dramatic effect………….. Oh look that one woman in the front row has even fainted…. Should I be offended that she didn’t think something as cute as I am could be an evil tyrant? Nah…… that should be enough time for them to process THAT little surprise. Back to the speech…..
“Honestly I don’t think of any of you as countrymen OR my subjects. I don’t even view this kingdom as my own. This kingdom belongs to my mother, Queen Natasha Nosferatusa. You are HER people not mine. Unfortunately for everyone some organization was stupid enough to poison her. That organization is known as Frayed Assurance. If you people are so unhappy with your queen that you will allow such a group to move uncontested throughout your kingdom, then I will show you how foolish you are. If you wish to depose and despise a ruler that cares for you and rules you fairly, then fine I shall show you another option. I won’t rule you people, I refuse to, I will CONTROL you though. You are now all under martial law. If you break the rules that I set you will die. To name a few: If you aid, or ever have aided, Frayed Assurance, you die. If you attempt to rebel or create public unrest, you die. If you attempt to depose ME from power, you die. How long or painful these deaths can be, and whether or not your family and house will share your fate, will be determined by how you act after breaking these rules.” (Alt)
More time to let THAT sink in, not to long though. I don’t want to be interrupted by the sound of everyone’s complaints and protests about how I can’t do this or whatever.
“Now I have far more important things to do than deal with than a kingdom whose people act like nothing more than ungrateful, and vastly, stupid children. Unfortunately I have a few more things to say, out of duty to my Mother whose kingdom I WILL protect while she cannot, before I leave you all to your lives. This woman…..” (Alt)
I gestured to Yan, as she stepped forward into the view of the crowd and the recording crystals.
“… is my right hand. Anything that you would take to the council before, will now be taken to her. When I am finished speaking she will explain the other rules you must follow while I am in power. She will also see to it that notices are placed throughout the kingdom, so that you may remind yourselves of these rules at any time.” (Alt)
Yan gave a short bow then stepped back.
“These women…” (Alt)
I gestured to both Carmen and Till who stepped forward just as Yan did.
“…. Are the heads of my own Personal faction, and multi-tiered, multi-faceted organization, known as Angelic Guard. This organization is subject to only myself, and has the right to enact any decision it sees fit by any means it deems necessary or appropriate. It is also acting as my inquisition force. They WILL investigate any and all things that may have even the slightest connection to Frayed Assurance or any other group I deem a threat to the crown. They will have the right and access to anything they so wish in these investigations. This includes any and all personal property and documents you people my have. Allow me to assure you that I, and by extension the inquisition, does not care about most illegal activities it may discover. The inquisition will only seek out and punish those things deemed a direct threat to the crown, drugs, trafficking, murder, abduction, wrongful enslavement, and other petty crimes will be overlooked unless they are found to aid in a direct threat to the crown. These two women, and by extension the inquisition, however WILL have access to EVERYTHING they may need or require, both from the kingdom and from YOU. If they or the inquisition tells you to jump, you jump. If they tell you to hand over documents, you hand ALL documents you have over to them. If they tell you that your daughter must be taken in for questioning, you don’t resist and allow them to do what they must. If you do not you will discover that there are far worse things than a long and painful death in this world.” (Alt)
I took a deep breath, this crystal amplifier I was using was great, I could talk softly enough to convey TRUE menace in my voice and tone, and it would still pick it up and make sure that everyone in the crowd or watching a crystal screen could hear every word.
I want one of these things installed in my fucking throne when I make my own kingdom…….. COWER BEFORE ME PUNY HEROES!!!!! Oh how did my voice resound through the palace while still having perfect inflection and acoustics? Skillz that’s how…..
Looking out at the crowd I could see looks of terror and fear on some faces, but others had looks of confusion or worse open hostility and rebellion. Well it was time to nip THAT right in the bud. THIS cute little overlord isn’t fucking around here, and he SURE doesn’t tolerate REBELLION…
“Some of you may doubt that I could ever enforce this, I am a small child after all….. Let me tell you, DON’T. Since I have been speaking….” (Alt)
Till and Carmen gave the signal to their people to raise up the posts that held the surprises that were prepared while I was being all cute and lovable into view on the wall behind the crowd. The wall that also contained the gate out of the yard. Everyone would get to see the surprise whether they wanted to or not, they would have to if they ever wanted to leave.
“My agents, the ones that are hidden amongst the populous even as I speak, have combed the crowd for the assassins targeting me inside. They were VERY thorough. If you look behind you, you will see what happens to those that doubt me, and chose to oppose me in this. That’s it, do you see them? The way they must have suffered in the time you were listening to me speak? Oh look at that, the second one from the right is still alive! She won’t be for long though….. Ask her any questions you have now, while she still clings to life. Go on, she knows JUST how capable I am of enforcing myself and my rules. No, no one will? Oh well. See those symbols and colors hanging on the posts with them? Those represent the assassin orders and guilds they belong to, they won’t exist in this kingdom much longer……….” (Alt)
I watched the crowd as they looked at the ten mutilated corpses, and the woman slowly choking to death from the blood coming out of the severed arm that was nailed into her mouth. The message was clear, the majority of the crowd was horrified by what they saw. Some vomited, and some lost consciousness where they stood. If they only knew that these 11 were only half of those that Fera’s division of assassin trainees stealthily acquired for me from this crowd. The others were still being interrogated for information, when that was done I would “re-educate” them then send them back to their friends in their guilds.
Over all I think this little address to the people has gone VERY well. I doubt they will ever forget it, and they will be MUCH more supportive of mom taking back power and bringing their lives back to how they were before. The grass is always greener after all, that is until you actually see that grass and see that it is fertilized with the blood of countless friends……… then you’ll take your slightly yellow grass and love it all the more for its security…….. Now i just have to check in with Philly, and get down to the real hunting……
“Now I’ll leave you to my capable retainers here. I’m tired of all you people…..” (Alt)
I turned away from the still horror struck crowd and began walking back into the palace. Carmen followed me, close on my heels.
“You have located and secured the Phantus that we suspect infected one of mom’s personal servants with her blood correct?” (Alt)
“Yes lord Alt. I have my best with her, they have already taken the solution for Phantus blood and should be immune to anything she could do to them. Though we did lose a woman when she wasn’t careful cleaning some of the old blood. It had melted her down to almost just her bones when we found her….” (Carmen)
“Shame. I want to see her. The Phantus not the melted corpse, that would just be weird….. You HAVE been torturing her right? I want to be the person she can relate and connect to. The one good person in the sea of bad. The innocent Phantus child that understands her, and just wants to know why she hurt Mommy….. Then when I have all I need, we kill the bitch with that new pain solution that I made a few months ago. She can at least be useful by testing if it really does just cause intense pain without inflicting physical harm.” (Alt)
“Of course, Lord Alt. we may go now.” (Carmen)
I felt a smile slip onto my face. Most would call it cute, perhaps even beautiful, but I knew that it was a smile that held much more cruelty and malice than any I have ever made before.
I think I may actually like my body as it is….. I might even need to thank Hellatia when we next talk. Looking like this is SUCH an advantage in so many ways. And it opens up so many opportunities…… no one ever suspects the cute, innocent, beautiful child. They could never hurt a fly……………. Especially not a fly that shared the same blood as them, a fly that is looking for someone, anyone, to help her…….
I felt the smile grow.
Oh, how I’ll “help” her……………………………………………………………
there you go folks!!!
you all know the drill by now: comment, like, review, share, theorise, wait for the next dose of vampire crack to hit RR...............
the works.
anyway i raise a question to the fans. i wrote Alts speech in a VERY specific way. it accomplishes 6 things besides just informing the people of their new (evilish) leader (Tryant)............. can you find them all.
btw for those who missed when i said it before. i added numbers to the divines (???) in the negotation part of chapter 19. you should go back and reread that part. it is KINDA super important to the plot.......... yeah sorry about that..........
Author out!!!
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