《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 198 [Rick]


Unlike every other meeting Rick had with the Earl, this time there were other humans present. Rick and the Earl both stood within a simple small room if, perhaps, lavishly decorated. The others inside this room were well within earshot, but had the decency to pretend they weren’t listening in on the conversation. None of the faces had a name. As far as Rick was concerned, he’d barely seen a handful of them in passing.

If these people were of importance, he’d not known why.

Rick needed to only take one look to make all the others stiffen and look away, but he knew it would be fruitless to ask for privacy. This meeting was clearly intended to be a public display of sorts. And the objective of it was obvious. Dia had already warned him that hospitality was a big thing. Throwing someone out of one’s home was generally frowned upon, even in the harsher contexts.

Which meant Rick’s role in this whole spectacle was clear. He’d been studying up on what to say and how all night. Now was the time to rip off the band-aid.

“I’m ashamed my maiden had such an outburst.” Rick reached out to shake the Earl’s hand. “Thank you, again, for allowing me to properly handle her.”

His words were met by scoffing sounds around him, but not the Earl. The man nodded placidly. “Your way of doing things is… atypical, but the results you’ve shown have been nothing short of extraordinary. None here would have been able to stop a rampaging feralborn maiden the way you had. My hope is that you perfect your methods so that one day you may teach them.”

Rick’s lips thinned in a courteous smile, ignoring the gasps going around, instead nodding along. “If there is any need for reparations.”

“Please, don’t concern yourself. The only damage was to some of the structures. No one was seriously hurt either. Except perhaps Captain Deneva’s pride at not having been able to properly measure your maiden.” The Earl’s gaze twinkled as he smiled. “She nearly asked for a spar.”

“I would be humbled to allow such a thing, butafter Monica has learnt proper self-restraint.” Rick bowed his head. “Though I believe that, even without proper harm to any, my maiden’s actions were a severe breach of etiquette. One I cannot forgive myself for.”


“No need for you to bow.”

“No, there is a need.” He countered. “You invited me to your home, shared bread, and were nothing but an excellent host. I, however, have been a very poor guest.” A slight strain to his shoulders as he bowed lower. “I have procured arrangements in the city.”

There was a slow silence that fell on the room. The Earl spoke. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Rick raised his head, nodding. “And, due to my maiden’s poor behavior, I’ve chosen to move to the restricted district. To ensure your citizens are not put needlessly in harm’s way.”

It was also because the area was the ones with the cheapest rent and Rick had no stable source of income right now.

The silence turned into a series of surprised gasps. Even the Earl’s eyes widened ever so slightly, but only nodded. “It is an honorable thing to think of others. Allow me to gift you with a proper farewell. When will you depart?”

“My intent was to move before night fell.”

This time, he visibly blanched. “Everyone, leave.”

It was Rick’s turn to hesitate as the others in the room had begun moving towards the doors, murmuring and whispers abound. “Should I…?”

“No.” The Earl waited, staring at the former teacher with a frown. It wasn’t until they were the only two people in the room that he let out a sigh. “Is there something pertaining to your circumstances that requires such an abrupt departure?”

Rick was slightly surprised. He grimaced. “Yes and no. It’s become clear that Monica doesn’t handle well sharing… territory with others. To her, this is Deneva’s territory. She feels trapped, and it has been pushing her in strange ways. Moving to the edge of the city would give us a chance to take her outside where she can properly move freely and release some of that stress.”

“And is it normal for… your world to leave so quickly?”

“Yes.” A quick nod. “When we say we’re leaving, we just take whichever date is soonest and most convenient. Short of having complications with our possessions, there’s not much that would normally delay such a thing.”


“I see.” The Earl nodded, appearing relieved as he rubbed his chin. “Here it is usually at least two weeks, unless the guest feels their lives are at risk.”

“Oh.” Rick’s smile was tight. He did feel uncomfortable when surrounded 24/7 by what was effectively a small army, but he wasn’t about to tell that to the Earl. “If such were my situation, I think Monica would’ve just kidnapped me in the middle of the night.”

“A very odd statement.”

“No less true.”

The Earl looked at Rick from head to toe. “I was serious when I said that you should perfect your technique and teach it to others.”

“I don’t have a technique.” Rick laughed. “I just grasp at straws and try to keep everyone happy and not killing anyone else.”

“Have you ever witnessed the methods used to bond a powerful maiden?”

Rick’s face stilled. “I heard of what the Baron attempted to do.”

“It is a needlessly brutal technique that has gained root since the rebellion.” The Earl scowled. “Ferals of great strength, once captured, need to be made to feel helpless and thus submit. But you… did not do that. White Claw, Monica, trusts you, even though she is not obedient.” He quickly raised a hand. “And I do not mean this as an insult.”

“It’s…” Rick’s shoulders tensed. “I just don’t tell her to do what I know she wouldn’t be willing to do. I treat her like an equal, it’s…”

“It is something not many can afford to do.” The Earl stated with a sharp nod, the fat in his neck wobbling along the gesture. “And fewer consider it, as they see it as a stain to their honor and the kingdom’s history. Needless to say, your… actions so far have drawn attention from exactly those people.”

“And I’ll happily step away from politics.”

“Power is politics, and you have power, one wrapped in unfortunate… symbolism.”

Rick grimaced. “Monica has something to do with that, right? It’s not just because she’s strong.”

“You must understand that, in one way or the other, the people tend to gravitate towards things. And maidens are no exception. Particularly maidens of a similar genus will often find themselves shoulder to shoulder with one another… or butting heads.” The Earl stated. “Something the history books won’t mention is that Tigresses and those of their ilk have not always been at odds with the kingdom. Their abilities made them powerful when it came to dealing with strong ferals, and their love for a challenge had placed them as a core to the Hunters. Well before the rebellion, that is.”

“The rebellion changed things?”

“No, Tigresses, amongst several others, had become detached from the kingdom over the centuries. Personally, I believe it was tied to a lack of recognition for their help. Whether it was the case or not, only the elves of the first maidens might be able to answer that.” He shook his head. “Either way, the symbolism is due to the rebellion itself. The Tigress tribes had openly opposed the kingdom and aided the cause. We defeated them, drove them into the wilds, and for the most part, they have become forgotten relics of the defiance they once posed.”

“And now I show up at your castle while a Sabertooth Tigress follows me.” Rick frowned. “People wonder whether it’s a sign that I’m in favor… or against the kingdom.”

“Precisely. Regardless of happenstance, there are those that would see the partner that walks next to you as a representative of the enemies that we fought against.” The Earl nodded. “And you not imposing your will upon her in the manner many are used to is… seen as a potential sign that you are no conqueror of our foes.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Do that. Those who’ve inquired about your esteem and character are people even I hesitate to engage with.”

Rick could only nod a bit more grimly this time.

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