《Now That's Entertainment(a system apoc litrpg)》The Rude Awakening


I woke up to pale gray light and a bitter headache, and I squirmed a little deeper into my bed with my eyes shut while I reached for my cell phone to check the time. I couldn’t find my phone, my flailing hand didn’t even hit the bedside table.

“Good Morning, Julia Crane.”

An unfamiliar voice spoke and I shot bolt upright. Two things occured to me simultaneously, neither of which was pleasant. First, that I was buck naked in the bed, and second that the bed wasn’t mine. Without even a sheet to cover up with I scooted over to the edge of the bed to put my feet on the floor and be in a less vulnerable position. I kept my hands strategically placed to limit the view while I looked around for the stranger. There was no one visible and not a whole lot of places to hide. I was in a beige windowless room just a little bit larger than a closet with cinderblock walls and only the bed for furniture. When I realized hiding under the bed was the only possibility I shot to my feet and took a few big steps away to put my back against the wall so he couldn’t grab me.

“Who’s there? Where am I? What the fuck is going on?”

“Calm down, Julia. You are in no immediate danger.”

I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from, but it didn’t sound like it was from under the bed. In fact when I looked closer I realized the frame went all the way to the ground without a gap underneath. I started looking around the room more closely now, expecting speakers or hidden doors.

“Look asshole, if you know my name then you know I’m a cop. This ends real badly for you unless you let me go right now.”


I said it in my street voice, the one I’d learned to use to keep assholes in line, both good guys and bad. Inside though, a little voice inside me was screaming. I’d cleaned up too many of other people’s tragedies to think I was safe.

“Listen closely, Julia. Life as you know it is over. There was a war and Earth lost.”

“A war with who? What are you talking about?”

“It doesn’t matter, it was brief enough most didn’t notice it. The relevant information is that your consciousness was uploaded into the Tetranoch 437 database, and now you have been activated to participate in the Game.”

“What game, and who the hell are you? When can I get some god damn clothes?”

“Breaking in newbies can be so frustrating. I am D653 an artificial intelligence and if you would stop interrupting many of your questions would already be answered. Tetranoch 437 is an entertainment hub, and your consciousness will be sent through a series of simulations that are streamed live to the network. As a bonus for completing simulations or expanding viewership you can receive clothing and other useful items. Your first task is to travel at least 100 meters from your entry point.”

A bright rectangle of light began to glow on the wall across from me and the disembodied voice called out, “Please enter the portal now.”

“How about not only no, but hell no. Whatever is going on, you guys can kiss my ass. I am not cooperating.”

I expected an outburst or some kind of threat in response, but all I got was a single sentence.

“You must travel 100 meters, pain will increase until you enter the portal.”

I stood there nonplussed, until I realized my headache was getting worse. By the time thirty seconds had rolled around, it was bad enough I had tears in my eyes. I started toward the portal but the pain was so intense I felt dizzy and had trouble walking. This was unbelievable and as I lunged the last couple of feet towards the portal, I wondered if I had waited too long.

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