《Dragon Fragment》Volume 1 Side Story part 1- The Soul Shards in other realities


-Skill-System Universe. Second Stage World. 3RD POV-

On the second Krosmic Plane of Existence, within the creation and destruction of different types of Dimensions, existed an Alternate Universe with the same relative time flow as the Elemental Universe where James was just born as a Dragon. In this Second World Stage, his forth incarnation, The Hunter, had just been murdered by a Demon Lord and his Soul shard saved from being devoured by another Guardian.

The Soul of the lev 59 Hunter entered the personal Dimension of one of the administrators of the Magic system and transformed into the figure of a 46 year old looking man. The Spiritual body stood on a smooth pink floor inside a large expanse with pink lighting making it a soothing afterlife place, and opened his eyes. "...!! What's going on? What happened? Why is everything pink...?" The man asked politely and meekly while looking around. This is the weirdest reincarnation ever... He retorted and patiently waited for the one in charge.

"Ah, y-yes, coming~" A female voice in her twenties echoed with a stutter in the dimension. *Whoom!* A pink-haired woman in silky pink dress appeared in front of the man. "Kyaaa~! A naked man... Heeelp!" She screamed and shyed away, dramatizing.

"..." The man raised an eyebrow while giving her an appraising look in silence. She's a terrible actor...

"Tsk! No reaction..." She clicked her tongue and pouted unhappily.

"...Goddess, how old are you?" He asked with slanted eyes.

"Hap!" The pink-haired woman gasped with a hand covering her mouth. "Asking my age--... He's not buying it... Around a million years, why?"

Oh, Lord... This woman needs a hobby...or a God... "Please do your job..."

"I am! You are no fun, Ron. A cute Goddess is cheering you up..."

She is cute... "Oh, my apologies... But I had a goddamn fucking terrible day!" The mortal yelled pissed and vented his frustrations.

"Hap! S-such disrespect! What a grumpy man..."

"Hmph! You Gods haven't done anything to earn a wink of my respect lately. I'm an Atheist, starting today." Ron declared and crossed his arms while turning away.

"But-but a cute Goddess is right in front of you..."

"Hmph! I did so many good deeds and fought to save my country, but...my miserable life was ended like a bug! Everything was for nothing! Nothing! And you Gods...you just watched..."

"Well, what did you expect? You picked a fight with a Demon Lord... We can't intervene."

Guh! She-she was watching me? "Che! If it wasn't so hard acquiring Skills and leveling, then I...I...could've saved them..." Ron asserted with regret while looking down and clenching his fists trembling. "Where the hell was the Hero?"

"Dunno~ That's for the lower Gods to manage. I just filter the Souls coming in and out of this Universe in the Middle Realm."

"Uh-huh. Let's cut the chase. Are you my new Caretaker?"

"Yep! I'm Faura. Let's get along from now on, Ronny~" The Goddess introduced herself in a jovial tone and bowed slightly while pinching her dress.

My Mother used to call me that... "Ah, yes, it's nice to meet you, Faura." He nodded in acknowledgement before wondering. "So, Guardians can have other jobs, huh?"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't interfere with my 'Guardian' duties. It is a busy Job with hardly any rest. You know how it is--creatures are always dying."

"Ah, yes..."

"But the reward is amazing~ Energy just keep pouring in and all I have to do is stare at a screen..."


"Ahh, good for you." Said the man in a monotonous voice with unfocused eyes half-open.

"Aww~ Don't be jealous, Ron. You are still my priority."

"Who's jealous!!" The man retorted angrily, then lowered his tone, speaking more politely. "If anything, I'm envious that you are a God already and can evolve easily while I struggle to be a Mortal with only a tiny piece of my Soul... I don't even have the Fragment!"

"Ron..." The Goddess spoke softly, showing simpathy. "About your other incarnations..." She forebode, causing the mortal's face to turn rigid.

"...!!" The man opened his eyes wide and glared fearfully. "W-what is it?"

"There have been new developments with the other 'Souls' and my Grandpa told me to update you on some other matters," Faura informed with a serious expression.

"I see... The time to confront them is approaching, isn't it?" He inquired in a solemn tone.

"Yes, the Soul Trial have begun."

"Urrgh!" The man groaned as if he had bitten on something bitter. "Can I ask about it?"

"Only a few questions."

"I see..." Ron lowered his head, dejected, then thought of a few important questions. "Do they know where my World is?"

"No. They weren't informed..." She waved a hand denying. "They will have to find you with their own power."

Good. Because the Draconian will surely seek revenge against me for wasting his wishes... Next, I need to avoid them. Ron asserted, then asked. "How many of us there are and where are they?"

"There are 7 Souls Shards now. Five are in a single World in a Universe with Elemental system."

"Ah, I heard about that system when making a deal with the other Guardian. He's your Grandfather?"

"Amazing, isn't it? It is a rare coincidence for Eternal Fragments to be related by blood."


"Anyway, another of your Soul Siblings in the Universe where Grandpa took you in outer Space."

"Ah, where that 6th-Dimensional Fox was sleeping surrounded by Stars..."

"You saw a Fox Beast there??!!" The Goddess


"Interesting..." The Goddess muttered as she took a mental note.

"But that future me is wrong! I'm a Human! I've always been human, I like being Human. I like Human Women. I hate Demons and Monsters! I've killed countless of them..." The seasonal adventurer blurted in anger and disappointment as he clenched his artificial fists.

"...Well, your Soul is indeed not very compatible with Fox Beasts now..."

"Damn right!"

"But Ronny, that is your destiny."

"Suppsed to be. No one knows for sure. Am I right?"

"Yes. But life is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen in the next thousand years?"

"Ridiculous! As if I can last that long."

"Um... I'd say you have time. The others won't have it easy either."

"That's not very comforting considering this stupid Fragment System is quite efficient for evolution and some of the others lived on Earth which is technologically advanced. They must have extensive knowledge." I wish I was born on Earth... What Guardian told me about it sounds like Utopia compared to this world...

"That may be true, but this World has many possibilities."

"...Which is really hard to explore with a tiny Soul like mine. Haah... If only I had the Main Soul... The one who has it and the Fragment is the guy from Earth, isn't it?

"...Yes... Some man called, James."



"Do not despair, Ron. The fact that you saw that 6th-Dimensional Fox is proof that you can survive the Soul Trial."

"Yeah, yeah... I heard it before." He dismissed while waving a hand.

"Well, that's enough questions for now. There's something else you need to know about your past life." The Goddess called out with a heavy tone and prepared to reveal. "Hayden became a Demon Lord in your previous World and drove Humanity to the brink of extinction."

"WHAAAT?!?! Tha-that's not--not possible... NO!"

"It's the truth. Hayden went on a rampage after people disturbed your Tombstone and killed all your Monster friends."

"Nononono--NO! Why would people do that?!?! There was peace for over 50 years worldwide!"

"That's 'balance' for you. Human population grew too rapidly and tried to exterminate Monsters and Demons to take their lands."

"Those fools! Didn't they know the Demon God wouldn't allow his followers to perish?"

"They had to know. But the Human leaders grew overly arrogant and greedy in peace times. The Demon God granted Hayden several dangerous Titles, and the non-humans flocked to the new Demon Lord like bees to the hive and became an unstoppable force."

"Urrggghh! What a disaster..." Ron groaned as his face scrunched and looked down as if receiving the weight of the lives ended by because of him. "I...I can't bear the guilt of this Genocide..."

"Ron..." Faura spoke softly before extending her hand to his chin and pushed his ethereal head up. "You, who sacrificed most of your life and dreams for peace, bears no fault. I, the Goddess of Souls declares it."

"Hmmm..." The man pondered for almost a minute, remembering the memorable times with the genderless Humanoid Monster. You weren't all evil Hayden--you promised! How could you do this to me? Ughhh... He closed his eyes, burying the memories to the back of his mind and opened them a moment later. "Yo-you're right, Faura. Hayden was a time bomb. Maybe I should've Seal her before getting too old..."

"No, Ron." The Goddess shook her head, denying. "It could've been some other Demon Lord candidate sooner or later. Hayden was just an instrument. Even the tactics that they used seemed to have been the Demon God's Will. It's possible he's behind what the Humans did to Hayden too..."

"Ugh... To let her-itself be used like that--That imbecile! And that bastard Demon God--! I want to beat him to a pulp and destroy his Soul..." Ron cursed as he gripped his Spiritual fists so hard that they trembled.

Ah, he's more motivated now... Good, very good! I'll probably receive a good Bonus if he's the winner of the Soul Trial. A shame I can't help him more... Fauran thought as she tapped her lips with a long nail.

"Are Humans safe there now?"

"From the Demons? Yes, most of them were killed. But with only one City left, Humans are one disaster away from extinction."


"Yes, that's where the made their last stance thanks to the Holy City's barrier..."

"Oh, Gods..." Ron muttered, and lowered his gaze to the pink floor. "How could the Humans allow things to become so bad..."

"They couldn't do much... The report said Hyden called all the low-level monsters away from Human Lands, closed Dungeons, and contaminated rivers. The Humans couldn't stay healthy, grow stronger nor attain resources. Then they attacked with High level monsters and just exterminated City after City. It took many sacrifices to summon the Heroes and they even had to force the Heroes to kill Adventurers to gain experience and level up."

"Are you serious? Heroes...with good heart...had to kill people... Urk! I feel like puking..."

"And only one Hero returned home alive after defeating Hayden."


"But that gamble cost the Demon God everything too. He's nearly powerless now."

"...And the cycle will repeat again..."

"Such is Life."

"Hmm... Did that fool reincarnated in the same World to cause trouble again?"

"No. Hayden is in a World without a Skill System now. We didn't want that Soul here, you see."

"Hmm... That's for the best." There are enough Demon Lords in this World as it is... "Hold up... Hayden Ascended as well?!!?"

"Yes. It was a powerful Soul after all."

"I see..." Of course, it was... But... "Hayden just...left behind a World in ruins and went to live in another World happily without suffering any punishment... Ugh..." Ron commented with a sour look and wondered. "Just how long will it take humanity to recover there?"

"Uhh... Probably over a thousand years to reach the previous level of development."


"Do you wish to help them?"

"Hm? I would if I could. But they didn't even summon me as a Hero." Though I don't qualify, it would be nice to make up for that disaster. Hayden was my responsibility.

"You could always go to the lower realm yourself with Planar Warp."

"That Mythic Spell? Goddess, I never even acquired Legendary Skills for the Hunter Job, and I've been that for two lifetimes! Two!"

"Well, Skills depend on your Soul Rank and other factors. Maybe you should reconsider being a Hunter again?"

"I-I would never imagine being something other than a Bowman. I love the Bow. My aim is always true. The range is a good advantage and safer."

"But at high-levels you need quite a few Legendary Skills or higher to be half-decent, am I wrong?"

"Guh! T-that... Ugh..." She hits where it hurts... "Yes, the range advantage is no big deal at high levels, and it's pointless when ambushed or inside Dungeons..." Ron affirmed reflecting on his last fight.

"Weeell~ Lucky for you, this cute Goddess already decided to help you."

"What?! REALLY!! Really??" He enlivened and repeated doubtfully. Only Heroes should receive Skills from Gods directly...

"Yes. As a Main Goddess, I hardly interact with Mortals. So, I wouldn't mind a conversation sometimes. If you get a version of the Oracle skill, you'll be able to talk to me."

"Hmm... I think I'll need an Altar and a whole Religion for that! People in my World don't even know about you..."

"Uhh... I don't really need a Religion since I benefit from the Mortals worshipping the lower Gods, but I wouldn't mind having one. Especially with Non-Humans..."

"That's...a lot of work... A lot! But okay. I'll try. But isn't granting me Skills on a whim against the rules?"

"Well, as a Guardian, I have one unused privilege this Millennium that I want to use on you."


"But the other Gods will no doubt make a fuss about me breaking the rules."


"Also, only the Main God of Magic has the System authority to grant SpaceTime Magic and you are supposed to earn the approval of the majority of your World's Gods to receive Planar Warp."


"But fortunately, the Magic God owns me a favor~"


"Now, the Magic God can install the Spacetime formulas into your Soul, but unfortunately, a Rank D Soul is too low for Mythic class Magic, so you will lose memories as a result. You'll also need a Magic Job."


"Don't worry! You just need to Lev up fast! I'll grant you some Passives that won't affect your Soul."

"Ohh! Goddess!" Ron rejoiced and rushed to the pink-haired woman before hugging her. *Pwomf!*

"Fueeee!? R-Ron! Behave yourself!" Faura demanded, feeling her heart thump rapidly and pushed the Spiritual body away.

"S-sorry... Hah hah. I'm just so grateful!"

"Mwu... You shameless man jumping on a delicate maiden..." She mumbled averting her eyes as her rosy cheeks dyed crimson. Muuu... A human has never touched me on this form...

"..." It can't be... She isn't a million-year-old virgin, right? "Can I visit you with Planar Warp?"

"Ah? Yes. At Rank IX. It is a handy Skill. You can teleport between Worlds in different Planes..."

"OH! I could avoid them forever!"

"Yeees... But the main purpose of Planar Warp is to ascend to the Upper Realm after reaching Lev 1000. You can become powerful enough to defend yourself."

"Ohhh! This turned out to be my lucky day, after all. Better than immortality!" The mortal rejoiced and burst out laughing loudly. "HAHAHA!"

"W-well, let me call the Magic God to start the procedure."

"Then, please..."

After the Magic God finished, the pink-haired Goddess granted the Mortal some special abilities also and sent him to capable parents, then resumed her work in the pocket dimension.

The year was now 2491 on an Earth-like planet called calendar Eruan. It was a World of Swords and Magic like his previous world in the lower Plane. Here, Ron would find his own destiny apart from the other soul shards.


-Xuanhuan Universe. Third Stage World. 3RD POV-

On the same Plane of Existence as the Skill World and Elemental World, another Alternate Universe with Laws that allowed Spiritual and Ki refinement had a World moving around the same relative time across the same Cosmic Plane. This fantastic world of mythical creatures and immortals harbored a unique Soul sent here 28 years ago to live within an average Clan under the jurisdiction of a Martial Sect.

A little past midday, a handsome brown-haired man with abundant Yang energy which portrayed his womanizing nature walked on a trail towards a hidden spiritual Lake that he frequented on the other side of a crevice. However, this time, the place was occupied by a blue-haired woman bathing without a care in the world as she was at Late Xiantian Stage and most people from the nearby clan were weaker than her.

Hm? A pretty lady! The Middle layer Houtian stage wearing martial clothes noticed a busty woman and couldn't help but smile. He stopped behind a tree thick enough to hide him 10 meters from the water and peeked. She doesn't seem very decent to be bathing in public... Maybe she want to play? But let's be careful first... He wondered excitedly and took a deep breath. The youth turned around while facing away so as to show goodwill and pulled the right hand out of the cover of the tree trunk.

"Hello to Senior Sister who discovered my secret place~" He called out in a jovial manner and waved from behind the tree.

"...Eh?!" The blue-haired woman sounded surprised and turned pale before looking behind. She saw the enthusiastic youth hiding behind a tree some 20 meters away and focused her senses while becoming bashful. The Xiantian expert detected the low stage cultivator and her expression turned into boiling rage. She was seen by a weakling! "Lecherous Fiend! You dare peep on, I, Karen Yi from the ZhuLong Star Clan?" She declared in contempt and used her elemental technique.

"Senior has it wrong! I'm not peeking. I come here every day and sometimes with my brothers..." He attempted to clear the misunderstanding while sweating profoundly. Oh, shit! Not that Clan full of arrogant pricks... What's she doing here? Ralun Tu cursed his luck and prayed to be let off for being honest. But it was in vain.

*FwuaaAASSHH!* A mass of water three meters wide rose from the 50-meter wide Lake and rushed with great speed at the tree.

The young man heard the sounds and his face changed. "WHA--!" He blurted in a panic and tried to sprint realizing he angered an expert. But the water was even faster and quickly enveloped him.

*Shriiiikkk! Cruak! Kruruak!* The water froze the tree and the youngster in a running stance.

"URK! Uff! Uff! Aargh!" The young man struggled to breathe as the ice-covered him up to the chest.

Damn it! Why would I risk my life peeking on this crazy Bitch?!

The angered beauty swam to the shore and grabbed a sword holding her clothes down, then swung horizontally. *SHUAA!* She sent out a heavy Ki wave that reached the tree trunk in less than a second. *SHRRAKK!* The energy wave sliced up the half-a-meter trunk and continued with enough force to cut down any trees in its path as the one cut clean off started toppling.

Ralun sensed the impending danger and bent his body, breaking the shallow ice. Her Elemental skill didn't seem very powerful, but the Sword technique would slice him in half!

Increasingly desperate as the bluish white crescent wave approached his back, Ralun gathered fire essence on the Ice behind and detonated a yellow-red fireball. *BOOM!* The explosion shattered the ice into many fragments shooting towards his back and pushed him forward while weakening the Ki wave slightly.

"GAH--!" The youth spew a mouthful of blood while bending his body in free fall.

The sword wave reached the inclined human back and cut into the clothes before reaching the flesh. But the angle was too shallow already and only managed to scrape the young man up to the shoulders as it advanced towards the head. He sensed death an instance away as if time had slowed down and the cold sweat that perspirated on his face gleamed while trying his utmost to lower the head in time. *FUASH!* The transparent semi-loop passed over the youngster slicing his hairs near the root and dispersed gradually while the energy streamed back to the owner.

"Oof! Urrgghh..." Ralun writhed on the ground painting the grass blades with his blood and started cursing in English. "FUCK! Fuck! This crazy bitch almost killed me for real!"

*Truk! TruRURUNK! Braashaahh!* The severed tree crashed onto the ground next to the crawling person but not enough for the foliage to cover him. The birds all around flew away from the tranquil place before silence pervaded.

Meanwhile, the blue-haired woman dressed in a hurry and rushed towards the bloodied person from the right. *Thomp!* She stopped with a heavy stomp to call his attention and glanced down with an icy glare while oozing bloodlust.

"Huff! Huff! Guh!" Ralun panted heavily and strained to follow the long legs up and made eye-contact.

"Any last words, pervert?" Karen offered with a deathly tone that made Ralun shiver and lifted her sword shoulder-height.

In the presence of such an expert, the youngster couldn't force his way out, or wait for help and offending the ZhuLong Clan wasn't an option. A miracle never saved him either for he had vague recollections of dying agonizingly in the previous life. He could only talk his way out of this precarious situation.

"You may face me now, vermin. Lay your unworthy eyes on the one that will take your life!"

Ralun gritted his teeth with a scrunched face, clenched his fists and gulped as if swallowing his pride before getting on his knees.

"S-s-senior Sister, such ominous words taint your angelical voice that reaches the ears of this lowly servant like sacred nectar sent from the purest part of heaven." He appeased in a cordial tone and facing her with a smile.

"Hmm... It's not bad hearing praises instead of begging from people under my blade. But I grow tired of adulations."

"Urrgh... B-but Senior Sister is graced by Lady luck when this humble servant was the one who encountered your...training session before the others arrive."

It is a good place to gather essence... The blue-haired woman affirmed and looked down the narrow path stretching from the Lake. She noticed the lively condition and frowned before speaking up. "What other people...?"

"Those are my medicinal herbs around the Lake... And that's where brother and I train." The youngster informed while struggling to indicate the locations behind him. "He is a Xiantian expert that love his dear brother very much." Ralun asserted while forcing a smile and enduring the agony. Though big brother just beats me up every day and those medicinal herbs are for my injuries.

"..." She scanned the greenery around the body of water and noticed the 10-meter wide arena to a side. Oh, dear... I was too excited after finding this place and didn't pay much attention... She realized as a slight blush dyed her cheeks and lowered the blade.

Now you notice this isn't your back yard? Do you bathe in public to attract males like some Devil flower or are you an airhead? Ralun surmised and attempted to reason while prostrating himself. "A-also, if I may remind. Senior's glorious Skills are rare around these parts and will attract attention worthy of investigation. This unworthy one cannot comprehend the reason to bathe in public without servants looking out, but Steemed Lordship would not be pleased to hear any rumors of his loving daughter."

"You! You slimy bug dare lecture me?" Karen cursed furiously while clenching the handle of her sword and lifted her blade, ready to strike down.

"N-no! I would not dare! Subjects can only advise their masters. I am honored to be of service." Ralun blurted panicking feeling a knot in his throat and threw her a pleading gaze while trying to look as appealing as possible.

Her arm trembled as a sliver of the reason was the only thing stopping the blade from chopping down on Ralun when his face suddenly looked entrancing as if he was the most handsome man she had ever met.

...On second thought, it might be a waste to eliminate such attentive and handsome Junior. Yeah, I can make him a servant and keep coming here... He doesn't seem guilty of peeking. "Did you really not see me indecent?" She interrogated one last time while pressuring him with Ki.

Guh! Y-yeeesss! My charming disposition affected her... Ralun brightened as his natural ability activated and answered. "T-this lowly servant couldn't have gazed upon your dazzling figure. Only the marvelous silky hair on your graceful head was visible from afar."

"Mmm... This Senior misunderstood then." She said apologetically and sheathed her sword.

"This lowly one is grateful, oh fair lady!" He declared making a fist-bow.

Hmph! But I'm still gotta teach you a lesson for getting smart with me. "I shall reward the honest Junior by exchanging pointers." The blue-haired woman announced and pulled back her right arm while making a fist.

You still want to beat me!? What's wrong with this violent bitch?? Ralun cursed inwards and swallowed yet another mouthful of pride. "Y-yes. This unworthy one will be grateful."

*Twup! Twup! Twuak!* The Xiantian expert smacked the young man repeatedly in the face drawing more blood with each punch and causing him to swell. The hits and groans resounded within the forest along beautiful humming for ten minutes.

"There. You have been educated~"


"Are you not going to thank your Senior?"

"Tanchiu ful the puointwers, Shishter..." He struggled to make a respectful fist-bow again while wobbling on his knees.

"Good. If you lied, or tell anyone...I'll destroy your whole Clan!" She threatened with an icy glare and a heavy bloodlust that made him forget the pain.

"Yeessh. Yess!" He reaffirmed nodding strongly and repeatedly that looked as if his head would fly off.

"I'll take my leave now," Karen informed and walked towards the cliff. The Xiantian practitioner kicked the ground and gracefully climbed the 15-meter tall vertical walls before disappearing from sight.

"Pheeeew~!" The young man exhaled a long sigh of relief and smiled pleasantly. His natural ability to charm the opposite sex didn't work on all women and couldn't tell them what to do, but being favored, their relationship was bound to improve from them on and he had just hooked a big fish. Although he had to be very careful when approaching someone from the most powerful Clan in the World.

The youngster got up and trudged towards the Lakeshores where he picked some herbs. He sat cross-legged on a rock he used for meditation at the edge of the water and squeezed the plants before applying the cold sap on his wounds.

Having enough excitement for one day, Ralun decided to head back to the walled Town, to safety. Little did he know, a group seeking favors from Karen Yu waited at the gates. They grabbed him, pulled to a side and surrounded the youngster before interrogating him.

"Hey, trash. Why did you come from the same road as the Goddess?" The leader questioned while grabbing the Houtian's uniform by the neck.

"You dare stalk her?"


"He's tired of living!"

I'm tired of living next to you psychos! I want to move away...

"Why do you have those injuries?"


"That's a blade cut. Did you do something to offend the Goddess?"


"Tell us!"

"We...we exchanged pointers."

"With trash like you?"


Stupid Dogs in heat! Do you think chasing a girl around gets you something? Even I whom she tried to kill have more chances!

"Wait... Look! That's the mark of the royal ring on his face!"


"Hmph! A talentless trash dared approach the Goddess... You are seeking death!"

""Let's teach him a lesson!""

Not again!


After receiving a greater pummeling than before, Ralun crawled to the Town entrance with much effort, but his body reached its limit and toppled ten meters away from the road.

"Urk! Ho-hishipita-aal..." He uttered feebly while extending a hand towards the people seeking help.

But the passersby just continued without sparing more than a glance at the heavily injured youth.

A few minutes passed and Ralun continued laying on the ground, awaiting death when the footsteps of a heavy person approached.

"Fifth Brother! What happened to you? Why are you so bashed up?" A burly copper-skinned man called out worriedly as he approached.


"How am I supposed to test my new skills without a punching bag, huuuh?" He questioned mildly upset and picked up the younger brother in a princess carry.

The brown-haired youngster was taken into a shabby house within a mansion and thrown on the bed all bloody as he were.

"Young Master! Not again...!" A green-haired servant called out as she dashed.

"Fix him!" He ordered and left in a hurry.

"Yes, lord Braum." She affirmed with a bow and called out to the back. "Amalia! Bring the healing Kit."

A blond-haired woman with a large bust and short stature rushed to the room carrying a tray containing bottles of medicine before handing it over to the doctor.

"Yooooung Masteeeerrrr--!" She called out and plunged into the bed.

*Bwuong!* The blond woman pulled the weakly person into her bosom.

"Buguh! Mmmph!" Ralun uttered resisting with the last of his strength and seconds later, fell unconscious.

"Hang in there young Masterrrrrr!" Amalia encouraged while shaking him as his head wobbled back and forth like a corpse.

"He died. Bring the shovel."

"Fueeeh!? He can't die!"

"That's right. I don't want to become unemployed either." The green-hared woman affirmed and poured medicine down the man's throat. "Don't worry. I'll turn him into a Zombie if necessary."


"Stop teasing her, Dukia."

A young woman in her early 20s appeared walking sensuality in a revealing outfit covering only the nipples and front.

Dukia gave her an appraising look and criticized. "A Whore?"

"Wrong! It's to impress him. I don't know what else to do..."

"Haa... The Young Master might be talentless compared to other practitioners, but our talent is even worse than his. The lord won't approve of our intermingle either. Give up that pipe dream."

"Uuh--Uuh! That's why we're just servants~"

"But we can't serve him in bed..."

"I wish we could help him..."

"Mortal... Can you hear me?"


"Do you not recognize the one who granted you a wish before..?"

"AH! M-my apologies. It has been 28 years since then."

"It's fine. But I regret to inform you that the vessel I procured for your successor has expired prematurely."

"...Wha--?! How? Why?"

"Soul interfere and other variables. It's not an absolute process. But it's my failure nonetheless."

"Well, that's alright, Sir. I no longer care about the other Soul pieces. I already accepted being taken for a fool and dropped off in this world like some sort of Seed expected to grow to benefit another."

"You...you are despairing..."

"...I wish I could deny that, Sir."

"Hmm... I have to abide by certain rules, but I am able to compensate you..."

"But it was a favor--ah! I would be eternally grateful, Sir."

"As someone from a dark dimension, my kin matters greatly... How may I help you?"

"Uhh... I need to become stronger. But my comprehension of the Dao is poor and essence absorption rate is low."

"I could make a Spiritual Bead, give you access to a Space with accelerated time, increment elemental affinities or fully attune your Soul to Yang attribute."

"Hmm... All good options... What does maximizing Yang entails? Men are primarily Yang, but the body needs both energies to maintain balance..."

"It will amplify your disposition to attract females and increase Paired cultivation speed between ten and a hundred times. But--"


"Yes, but the extreme imbalance is not without a price. Should you lack Ying energy, your body will explode violently enough to harm your Soul."

"Glorious! Are you saying that I need to make a Harem to sustain my Ying & Yang balance?"

"Yes. But a much higher stage practitioner than you or a female with Extreme Ying energy will do."

"Extreme Ying? I heard those girls get their Ying plundered. They are too rare and dangerous to bet my life on."

"Rare indeed. They are a natural version of what I'm going to do to you. Souls that are reborn as females for many lifetimes. Though not humans necessarily."

"I'll...keep that in mind."

"In any case, the three marked Souls with you will help for a time."

"...Marked souls? Ah! My servants?"


"Hmm... They must be girls from my past life then."

"That is logical."

"They are good girls though. I don't want to hurt them."

"And you shouldn't. Plundering Ying is faster but it's a temporary boost. A constant intermingle of Yin & Yang will be increasingly beneficial in the long term for both parties."

"The Cultivation of the girls will increase?"

"By leaps and bounds, if you do what you must."

"You mean Sex?"

"It is the most effective way."

"Glorious! This is...most useful. They'll be happy. My Father...not so much."

"Then, shall I proceed?"

"Please do."

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