《The Syndicate》Chapter 40 - Ronnie


Ronnie wiped the sweat from his brow and tried to focus on his breathing. Training robots whirred around him on shiny chrome wheels, their arms lashing out whenever someone got too close. He whirled away from a blow, only to run directly into Ari, his sharp elbow jamming through the padding of his training uniform and into his gut. Ronnie clutched his side and attempted to push a robot away with a shield, but his aim was entirely off, and he threw his friend to the ground instead.

An alarm chimed, and the churning sounds of the robots surrounding them began to slow until each one froze in place, their forms slumped and inactive.

"TIME LIMIT: EXCEEDED. EXERCISE: FAILED." The computer's emotionless voice declared from high above.

"Damn it!" Ronnie kicked at a robot in frustration before reaching out a hand to pull Ari from the floor. "That was my fault. I just don't know what's wrong with me today!"

"You're distracted," Carmen's voice responded. A broad prismatic spectrum shimmered as she bent light to make herself visible once more. She threw a broken robot arm to the side. "I can't blame you, but we have to do better than this. Are you ready to go again?"

Ronnie took a deep breath, pushing his anger aside. He nodded to the team.

"Computer: Simulation Reset, Formation Nine." The robots that scattered the room exited through hatches embedded into the walls as the computer voice announced 30 seconds to start. The three trainees took positions and waited for the signal.

With the sound of a bell, the door to Ronnie's right slid open, and a squad of new robots streamed toward them. "4 o'clock!" He yelled.

Ari raced from the back of the room, lunging forward on his hands and feet. Ronnie threw out a long, angled construct that Ari hit like a ramp, launching high into the air. He hit the closest robot feet first, claws sinking deep into its chest plate. With a grunt, he drove it into the ground before vaulting away to another target.

Ronnie pulled at the construct with his mind, standing it upright to protect against a barrage of projectiles from another set of robots. Every shot that impacted the shield felt like a bee sting, but Ronnie brushed them off. Pushing forward with both hands, he sent the wall rushing towards the group and knocked them off balance.

Before they had a chance to right themselves, Carmen arrived with a flying kick, the air around her rippling. Her blow cut through two robots, reducing them to broken, steaming shards of metal. Carmen spun around to face the final robot and clapped her hands together. The air between her and the target flashed. Sparks exploded from the robot's ocular sensors, and it spun blindly. Carmen easily dodged its flailing limbs before knocking off its head with a red-hot punch.

While Carmen and Ari fought yet another group on the ground, drones dropped from the ceiling high above them. Their rotors cut through the air as they fired blasts on the heroes.


"Rampart, keep those off us!" Ari yelled, dodging attacks from all directions.

The space around Ronnie burned green as he stepped onto a construct and rocketed skyward towards the drones. He threw out a volley of smaller forcefields, bright emerald disks that spun with wild energy. One sliced through a drone's propeller, sending it careening into another before both crashed to the floor. The remaining two drones turned their attention to Ronnie, dodging and weaving as he threw out more attacks.

A growl from below as Ari pounced on another attacker and crunched it into the ground. He clawed at the exposed wires until the robot's front console went dim, the last of its power drained.

The drones buzzed towards Ronnie. He frantically threw energy blasts, banking a shot that sliced one target down the middle. The final drone was faster than its companions, evading each attack and shooting its own bolts of energy in return. Ronnie managed to block the shots at the last second, wincing as they were absorbed into the barrier. He had been playing too fast and loose with his energy manipulation, and it was starting to take its toll. Whirling away from another volley of shots, the construct below his feet faltered. Ronnie needed to get back on the ground and fast.

Ronnie hit the floor running as the drone swooped low over his head, firing shots that exploded at his feet. He gasped for breath and unsuccessfully threw another blast into the air. The drone lazily tumbled away and fired a bolt that grazed Ronnie's shoulder. He yelped and felt the muscles in his arm instantly go numb. This was starting to piss him off.

Ronnie focused his attention ahead of the drone's flight path, and a curved wall of light appeared in the air. It collided with the side of the force field with a loud bang that rattled Ronnie's teeth on impact. He reached out to close the sphere, trapping the flying robot. With another steady breath, Ronnie called the construct back to him. The drone slammed against the sides of the bubble and attempted to shoot its way through. Ronnie's mind burned as the force field came to rest a few yards away.

Finished with their targets, Ari and Carmen turned to watch. Ronnie forced his hands together with a scream, shrinking the forcefield shrunk in on itself. The drone held firm against the construct walls, rotors screaming like a dentist's drill as it pushed back. Ronnie dropped to one knee as a wave of power rushed from his chest, instilling the energy field with a scorching green light. The drone's arms bent inward, metal squealing as its entire mass was compacted to about half of its original size. Ronnie's focus finally slipped, dissolving the construct and dropping the crushed robot to the floor in a smoking heap.

"Alright!" Ari called out, tossing a robot head over his shoulder. Carmen approached Ronnie and held out her hand had to assist. He gratefully took it and stood up, careful not to lose his balance as the room seemed to tilt sharply to the side.


"I really hope we remembered to record that," he said, shaking the fuzzy feeling from his head and surveying the damage. Pieces of destroyed training bots littered the room, some still sparking. "That was awesome!."

Applause echoed through the training room. The three turned to see Taran standing in the doorway. He approached them slowly, stepping over debris as he went. "Nicely done. The three of you stuck together and executed the technique well! Ari, nice battlefield awareness and assessing the biggest threat. Carmen, you're focusing your blasts well; just remember to look past your target. No one wants to be lasered in the back." He reached Ronnie's side. "That finisher was new, wasn't it?"

Ronnie pushed the hair out of his eyes and blushed. "I was getting angry and couldn't aim my shots, so I thought I'd try something else."

"That was good thinking," he turned to address the group. "Great work this morning. You're dismissed!"

Ronnie stayed behind, absently kicking at a bit of ruined robot. "How is the research going?"

Taran signed. "I'll be honest, I felt totally useless in there. Maya and Lydia are way better at that kind of stuff than I am. If anyone can figure this out, it's them."

"Still doing okay with everything?"

Taran rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno. This still seems so surreal. I hate that Mom and the others have to wait a month before we're able to act. We don't know where they are or what they're going through," he swallowed hard. "We don't even know if they're still alive."

"Hey, you can't think like that. Focus on the things we can control."

"You're right," Taran nodded. "On that note: your shield before you crushed the drone… it flared really brightly. The same thing happened yesterday with my father. What's up with that?"

Ronnie was startled at the realization. The power surge had happened before in the garden, again making his powers flare with extra strength.

"I'm not sure," he replied. "But I was pretty mad. Emotion seems to be fueling the outburst. Whatever it is, it's exhausting. I can't keep it up for long."

"Well, just be careful. But you never know when we might have to use that."

Ronnie nodded. "Hey, what about you?" he asked Taran. "Have you had a chance to work on your new powers?"

Taran shook his head. "Everything's happened so fast, I haven't had the chance. Soon, though."

Ronnie clutched his stomach as it rumbled loudly. "Lunch together?"

"It's a date!"

They made their way towards the locker rooms, stepping around debris and keeping out of the paths of the sweeper machines that had already begun to clean the arena for the next session.

Taran chatted idly while Ronnie pulled off his reinforced practice gear with a sigh. He dropped the stiff jacket onto the bench and stretched his arms toward the ceiling. It was a relief to have full range of motion again. Ronnie watched Taran from the corner of his eye and caught him peeking as he pulled the sweaty tank top over his head.

"Yikes! That looks like it hurts," Taran exclaimed, stepping closer to examine the large red welt across Ronnie's shoulder. His fingertips left a cool trail as he gently traced around the wound. "You're going to have a nasty bruise tomorrow."

"That last drone managed to get a lucky shot in at the end, but I came out on top."

"You, um, have a habit of that," Taran's hand moved from Ronnie's shoulder and paused at the center of his chest. He took a sharp breath and stepped closer.

They stood frozen for only a moment before Ronnie crashed back against the row of lockers, the cold metal making him gasp before his mouth was covered in a barrage of desperate kisses. They were quick and never lingered in the same place for long, always finding a new home along Ronnie's jaw and then his neck.

Ronnie's mind reeled as he fought to match each kiss with one of his own. His physical exhaustion melted away with every touch, replaced with a growing heat. Taran's boldness was a surprise, considering how careful he was to never show too much affection in public. Ronnie knew that someone could walk into the locker room at any moment, but he didn't care. Taran was the only person who mattered right now.

Ronnie wrapped an arm around Taran's waist and pulled him close. Their kissing slowed, becoming deliberate instead of frantic. Ronnie brushed his tongue against Taran's lips, and he opened them with a sigh. Ronnie's heart hammered in his ears as every kiss deepened, every grasp tightened.

Static began to crackle between them wherever their bodies connected. Ronnie felt the hairs on his arms stand up under Taran's touch, and tiny charges erupted when Ronnie pulled his fingers through Taran's dark curls.

Taran pushed hard against him, and a feeling rose in Ronnie's chest, growing warm beneath his sternum. Bursts of green flashed behind his eyelids as he fumbled with the clasp of his belt.

They finally broke apart when an arc of electricity caught the wall of lockers with a loud snap. Ronnie laughed in surprise, his vision returning to normal as he caught his breath.

"So, I'm going to take a quick shower," he grinned, reaching up to try and flatten Taran's flyaway hair that stuck straight out in all directions. "I'd ask you to join me, but I don't think we'd survive the experience in your current state."

"Yeah, I had better, I dunno, discharge," Taran replied. He gasped, clearly regretting his choice of words. "Ack, you know what I meant!"

Ronnie stifled a laugh. "Don't go anywhere. I'll be back soon."

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