《Zombie Survival》Notice Of Suspended Writing


Many people have asked if I died or dropped this fiction. Unfortunately that would be a No to death, but a yes to dropping the story. As I was writing it started becoming less and less fun. I do this as a release and for no money. So when it started to become more like a job, that I was not getting paid for I just couldn't do it anymore. This story still lives on in my brain and I hope to come back one day and finish it up.

It was just not this story either. I was wrapped up in the editing of my other two stories and had even started writing a new one to see if it was just this story that I could not deal with. None of it worked. I had a good run and I enjoyed the time I posted with my stories on Royal Road.

I will leave my work up for people to read and I hope that I get reinvigorated to write again soon. There is a huge amount of stories inside my head, getting them out is hard. Writing them down is even harder. I am sorry for the non ending in this story, and I hope that I can at least try and finish this up this summer when I am away from school.

Who Knows What the future holds?


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