《Trailblazer》12 - Wishes and Classes


Chapter 12 – Wishes and Classes

⌈So, kiddo. When the God showed up to grant your wish, what did you wish for?⌋

⌈I just said I wanted to know more about the world, but that didn't work out too well for me...⌋

Grant a wish? That’s what it was about? Had I known, I would’ve asked for cross-dimensional travel, or maybe a cool sword like Excalibur or Gram. Wait a second... Grant a wish? He never did anything remotely close to that, goddammit! If anything, it felt like he had cast a damn curse on me! I want a refund.

⌈What a coincidence..⌋

Lumi joined the conversation.

And Grace eagerly replied.

⌈Eh, eh? Did you two ask for the same thing?⌋


Oh? Lumi asked for the same thing? But if we both asked for the same thing...

⌈Why is your eye black when mine is white?⌋

⌈Eye of Void.. You seem to have an awfully short memory..⌋

⌈So you got the blessing of the Void God?⌋

⌈Goddess, to be exact..⌋

I wonder what dictates which God’s blessing one receives. It’s probably dependent on which Manastone you collected. And as I collected all of them, I received the blessing of Origin. Or well, I would have, had I not pissed him off. I still don't know what I did! I guess it won't hurt to ask and confirm my suspicion.

⌈So, which Elemental Manastones did you guys collect?⌋

I inquired.

⌈Does that matter?⌋

Seth returned the ball to me.

⌈I'm not sure yet.⌋

⌈I collected the Manastone of Flame! Those cinderwolves really were something, weren't they? Not a match for me though!⌋

So my theory was spot on! But goddamn, is Seth a showoff. That fight was honestly quite frightening. I really didn’t think I’d end up killing. I get shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

⌈I got the ice one! The area suddenly felt super cold so you couldn’t miss it!⌋

Grace proudly announced.

⌈Eh, I was sure that fire would be the most obvious one.⌋

⌈No way! Ice was the most obvious one, obviously!⌋

Those two were talking way too much again. I wonder if they have ever heard of the word moderation or manners. Or maybe I’m the one that’s too silent all the time. Though, there's always Lumi...

⌈I found the Earth one! It was also really obvious! There’s always a hidden cave behind a waterfall!⌋

Brigid, the smith's daughter, boasted.


⌈I thought that the Manastone of Water would be more obvious since it was right in the middle of the pond.⌋

⌈WHAT THE FU..!? Uuuh... No. you have got to be kidding mee! I feel so stupid now...⌋

Brigid was sulking and holding her face in her palms. It almost sounded like she was sobbing. I’m not sure whether I should feel sorry for her or not.

⌈So, kiddo. Did you perhaps collect the Manastone of Water?⌋


Seth asked once more.


⌈Oh.. But did you get the blessing of the God of Water?⌋

⌈Nope. I also collected the Manastone of Earth behind the waterfall.⌋

⌈Huh!? But–⌋

⌈I also collected the Manastone of Flame.⌋


⌈And Ice...⌋

⌈Eh, Eh!?⌋

Grace was now singing the song of disbelief in unison with Seth. I felt pretty proud telling them about gathering the Manastones of all elements, not that I’d ever do anything like collecting them all ever again..

⌈And you also collected the Nature, Air and Thunder Manastones..?⌋

⌈Yes, that’s correct. But how did you–?⌋

⌈That totals all the seven Manastones that I was able to sense in the Trail. I also gathered all the Manastones and received the blessing of the Goddess of the Void. Void and Origin are the only Elemental Manastones, that weren’t present on the trail. Perhaps the prerequisite for receiving a blessing from one of those two elements was to collect all the other seven Manastones.⌋

Lumi comprehensively explained.


What an awfully in-depth explanation! Not that there really was a point in explaining it. But I guess that does confirm the validity of my assumptions about the blessings.

⌈Huh!? You gathered all of the Manastones!? Both of you?⌋

Seth was baffled.

⌈Honestly... I just did it because it would’ve felt wrong to only collect one if many were present.⌋

⌈I couldn’t resist the temptation either, besides they were rather easy to find, as they emitted such a presence..⌋

Oh, right... Lumi didn’t even have to really pay any attention to the surroundings, as she had the Presence Detection ability. I’m kind of jealous right now.

For a good while, Seth, Grace, and Brigid had their jaws glued to the floor. I wonder if the average intelligence quotient is in the mid-eighties in this world. No... That’s a bit too rude, especially coming from someone like me. But about the blessings, were they given based on the wish?

⌈So, if Lumi wished to know more, what did you guys wish for?⌋

⌈I wished to power to save the world!⌋

Seth declared without a speck of shame.

⌈That’s... awfully ambitious?⌋

⌈True that! But you have to have aspirations if you want to succeed! And the God of Flame seemed to entertain that idea. Sigil of Flame, that’s my blessing.⌋

Really? I guess, the God of Flame is probably just as hot-headed as the one he gave his blessing to...

⌈That’s true! I wished to be able to protect the world, and I received the Aegis of Ice!⌋

What’s with these grandiose wishes about saving and protecting the world? That name sounds pretty cool though. Heh… Wait, she already made that joke, didn't she? Dammit, I was sure this was my moment!

⌈Uuh... I feel a bit embarrassed about my wish now...⌋

Brigid held her face in her palms once more.

⌈Don’t tell me... Did you ask for the strength to crack the world in half? Or perhaps the power to travel across the stars?⌋


Surely it can’t be that bad. Right..?

⌈No... I just wished for the power to become the greatest smith of them all.⌋

She sighed.

⌈Oh! Finally, a normal wish! I like it!⌋

⌈Eh? It’s normal? I thought that wanting to save or protect the world was way more normal.⌋

More normal!?! No, that’s not normal at all! ...Is what I wanted to say. But I didn’t want to belittle other’s dreams, no matter how crazy they were.

⌈I, for one, think your wish is great!⌋

I assured her.

⌈Thanks, Light!⌋

⌈Yeah, yeah! It’s a great wish! What kind of blessing did you receive though? What kind!?⌋

Encouraged by Grace, Brigid took off her iron gauntlets and revealed crude deep brown lines, similar to the tattoos on Seth and Grace, that ran across the back of her hands, and converged in the middle of her palms. The pattern formed was close to that of a pattern found on cracked stone. You could see energy pulsing through the sharp, jagged lines.

⌈I received the Grasp of Earth. I can’t wait ’till I get home and show this to my dad! I hope he will be proud...⌋

Our conversation came to an end as all of a sudden the room we were sitting around in started to fill up with other people. Presumably the other initiates from before. Where did they come from though? And why are they all so beaten and bloodied... Failures?

⌈Attention, adventurers!⌋

The old man called out to the crowds.

⌈I have received a message from the Gods. They have informed me that this year’s Trials will be, how should I put it, somewhat special!⌋

The crowd raised a ruckus.

⌈Calm yourselves, initiates! The Gods have tasked me with congratulating all of you, for you all shall become adventurers as of today!⌋

The endless sea of newly crowned adventurers went mad.



⌈Everyone passes!?⌋


⌈Ah, I knew I could do it!⌋

⌈I did it, I can't believe I really did it!⌋

⌈Wow, did I really pass!?⌋

Did I really go through all that pain and to pass, when everyone just passes for free? That’s… honestly really discouraging. And even more so, disappointing.

The old man started to elaborate on the situation...

⌈You will each be granted a class, and you will set off on a journey to conquer a Trail in the wilds. Once you come back successfully, you will truly be recognized as an Adventurer! Now, I ask you to form a line, and on your turn, lay your hand down on this pedestal.⌋

Next to the old man, at the back of the marble hall, was a weird pedestal, similar to the one found at the shrine on the Trail, and behind the pedestal was a giant blank white stone wall. The lack of seams made it seem like a smooth canvas of stone.

Our group was among the first ones in the line. After a few people who selfishly rushed towards the front without entirely even listening to what the old man’s speech was about. Truly polite, that lot.

⌈Now, place your hand on the pedestal.⌋

The old man informed.


The first adventurer initiate planted his hand firmly on the pedestal.

【Class: Swordsman – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: Sword】

›Health – D

›Mana – E

›Strength – C

›Magic – E

›Defense – D

›Dexterity – E

›Agility – D


A unanimous yell of confusion resounded in the hall as the canvas-like stone wall began to display information in a manner similar to what I perceived when using the Eye of Origin.

A name, a rank and a symbol depicting the weapon type could be seen. And below that, a heptagon, that displayed the values of the seven attributes. Health, Mana, Strength and so on... How interesting! This feels almost like–

Before I could finish that thought, it was Seth’s turn to step forwards.

【Class: Spearman – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: Polearm】

›Health – D

›Mana – E

›Strength – D

›Magic – E

›Defense – D

›Dexterity – D

›Agility – D

That’s pretty damn well balanced! Although, why are most of the attributes of the lowest rank at D? I wonder…

Next was Grace.

【Class: Guardian – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: Two-Handed Weapons】

›Health – C

›Mana – D

›Strength – D

›Magic – E

›Defense – C

›Dexterity – E

›Agility – F

And then Brigid.

【Class: Warrior – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: Two-Handed Weapons】

›Health – C

›Mana – E

›Strength – C

›Magic – E

›Defense – D

›Dexterity – E

›Agility – E

And the last before me was Lumi.

【Class: Mystic – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: War Fans】

›Health – F

›Mana – C

›Strength – F

›Magic – B

›Defense – F

›Dexterity – D

›Agility – C

Lumi’s class seemed to agitate the crowds. Contrary to Seth's Spearman class, Mystic was clearly a specialist one. B in magic at the lowest rank? That's pretty damn amazing... Others were whispering about whether or not war fans can even count as weapons, and to be honest, I’m also pretty curious about that myself. Does she just aggressively flap the enemies away?

Amused at my thoughts, I stepped forwards... Alright, Forsaken Sword, let’s see what you’re made of.

【Class: Forsaken Sword – Rank: Usual – Weapon Type: Blades】

【Class Skill: Savant】

›Health – F

›Mana – F

›Strength – F

›Magic – F

›Defense – F

›Dexterity – F

›Agility – F

The mass of people behind me burst into laughter as my statistics began to display on the giant stone canvas. The heptagon depicting the attributes was reduced to a single dot. So... I really did get cursed, huh? Solid F's across the board... Can I get another class, please? I somehow feel like crying.

⌈Oh my, oh my... We have an interesting specimen here.⌋

A sultry voice pierced through the snickering masses.

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