《Trailblazer》07 - Adventurer Trials


Chapter 7 – Adventurer Trials

There I laid, bound by ethereal chains, down in the deepest, darkest depths of the abyss. A faint cry of despair resonated across the eternity. The echoes responded, telling but the same tale. The faint light in the horizon had faded and darkness roamed unrestrained. Yet… By my side, a single, faint, crimson flame, refusing to be put out by the darkness, still fought and remained.


I woke up once again.


That was the very same dream, wasn’t it?

I felt disturbed, yet I didn’t wake up crying this time.

The dream feels familiar, but I don’t know why. I’ve never been chained in a dark room, have I? Sure, my life wasn’t all that great, but I’m fairly sure nothing of that sort had happened. Maybe it's trying to tell me something? I sure as hell hope it isn't telling me to go and get kidnapped, or anything along those lines. I should ask someone about this. Though the three people I currently know are definitely out of the question.

⌈Haaaaah... Oh! Morning, kiddo. Did you sleep better today?⌋

Seth yawned as he greeted me.

⌈Probably? I mean, I guess I did.⌋

⌈Alright, that’s good to hear! We should get going as soon as possible though. I don’t want to be late to the trials!⌋

I think I still need a little time to compose myself…

⌈I’ll be right there, you go on ahead.⌋

⌈Alright, I understand. Don’t keep me waiting for too long!⌋

I joined Seth for breakfast soon after. It was the same as last morning, but I don’t mind. It’s not like I’m all that picky about food anyway. It took a good while before the elven girls who were staying at the same inn joined us. After we had finished our morning activities we made haste to the town square.


A familiar voice resonated across the plaza, halting the idle talk of everyone present.

⌈I welcome you, adventurer initiates, to the trials on this bright and blessed day. As you very well know, in the present day, the Races are still in peril as a result of the lands being ravaged by the endless monster horde, but no longer we are helpless against the forces unknown! You are here today to prove your worth. Should the Gods recognize your worth, you will receive the title of an adventurer, and shall be acknowledged as a true hero of the people!⌋

The short and to the point introduction was met with thunderous applause from the adventurer prospects and onlookers alike. The event was much more grandiose than I had thought it would be. Rather than a handful of people showing up, the entire plaza was filled to the brim with people from all walks of life. The atmosphere reminded more of a festival than anything else.


⌈I ask the initiates to step onward!⌋

The crowd made way in an instant and no less than a hundred participants stepped towards the building at the back of the square. As the crowds steered clear I finally saw the man behind the voice. It was an old man dressed in white robes, holding a staff made of a pure white material that I was unable to recognize. At the end of the staff was a radiant spherical crystal, that vibrantly shifted from color to another. I got curious so I tried to look at him with my Eye of Origin.





You what!? There are three columns though, so he must at the very least have a special skill.

The moment I took a look at him, the instant he locked his eyes with mine, and gave a wry smile. His eyes were as white as the robes he wore. Did he also possess the same ability as I did? That was a possibility I couldn’t overlook.

The participants, guided by the old man, slowly made their way into the main hall of the religious-feeling building that stood on the back of the town square. In the back of the main hall were numerous doorways, which didn’t seem to lead anywhere.

Seemingly amused by the confusion of the participants, the old man hit the ground with the butt of his staff and in an instant, the doorways lit up. They looked like passageways to empty space as they began to emit a magical purplish glow. The amazement of the participants seemed to amuse the old man even more.

⌈Initiates! You will soon step through into the realm of the Gods. What you enter, is an instance that is known by the name ‘Trail of the Gods’. I assure you, you will know what to do once you enter. Do not worry, your life won’t be in danger this time, as is the will of the Gods. Think of this as a simulation to test your might. You will succeed once you manage to satisfy the requirements. Your position in the queue will not matter, as your trials will begin simultaneously. Best of luck…⌋

My life won’t be in danger? That’s good. I don’t want to die again. The crowd cheered in excitement. Soon after, lines were formed behind every passageway. Grace and Lumi lined up before Seth and I. I started to look around the place as I was waiting for my turn.

Compared to the other participants I suddenly started to feel really out of place. Most of the participants were rugged men dressed in heavy armor, carrying giant weapons on their backs. There were few women here and there, but I personally wouldn’t call those beasts women. Well apart from one of them. The redhead smith was there! She seemed to carry a massive warhammer on her back. Compared to her short stature, her choice of weapon seemed almost comical. What’s with girls choosing impractical weapons in this world? But I'll admit, now that she was geared up, she didn't really seem like a kid anymore.


⌈Getting excited yet, Light?⌋

Seth asked, as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck.

⌈No, not really. More anxious than anything.⌋

⌈Don’t worry about it, kiddo. You’ll do just fine.⌋

⌈Are you sure? Looking around us, I feel severely outclassed.⌋

⌈That might be the case. But don’t let that get you down!⌋

⌈Are you trying to discourage me?⌋

⌈Of course not..⌋

⌈That didn’t sound very reassuring.⌋

⌈Being an adventurer isn’t all about being able to smack a monster with full force, you know? Strength is only one part of the equation, and by the looks of things, those walking chunks of meat don’t seem to possess anything else.⌋

He somehow manages to do it every time. It’s a vicious cycle of him acting like a jackass, actually proving himself helpful and instantly going back to acting like a jackass again.

⌈Oh, oh! It’s going to be my turn next! I’ll see you guys on the other side!⌋

Grace entered the gateway with full force and a bright smile on her face.

You might want to reconsider your choice of words, ma'am! And what’s with that confidence?


Lumi walked in without any visible reaction.

She was as calm as ever, or maybe she’s just tired all the time? I honestly don’t know.

⌈Alright, kiddo. It’s my turn now. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t make it, so you better give it your all, cause I sure know I will, and you wouldn’t want to lose to me now, would you?⌋

Seth gave some warm words of encouragement and stepped in.

⌈Ah... It’s finally your turn.⌋

A familiar voice called out for my name.

It was the old man.

⌈That much is true, yes. However you’re not here to announce that it's my turn, are you?⌋

⌈Ah. You’re quite sharp.⌋

⌈Not really. This is just the only time you’ve chosen to talk to a participant.⌋

⌈You seem to possess interesting abilities. Or rather, you seem to be an interesting individual as a whole, Son of the Heavens.⌋

⌈That isn’t the first time you’ve called me that.⌋

⌈Ah, you see, this is the first time I’ve seen one of your kind after all. I found it near impossible to contain my curiosity.⌋

What a weird old man. Although I guess I am to blame too. I did try to analyze him with the Eye of Origin after all. He was able to almost completely negate it though. All I saw were blanks.

⌈Oh, that? Why don’t you go ahead and try again.⌋

Did he read my thoughts?!



【Nero – Human Male – Age: 83 – Class: Arch Sage – Rank: Legendary】

【Equipment: Robes of the Apostle, Grand Staff of Akashia, Comfy Slippers】

【Special Skills: Eyes of the Gods, Ability Interference, Clairvoyance】

⌈T-That’s amazing.. you’re a Legendary rank? And wearing slippers nonetheless!?! What are ranks anyway?⌋

The old man responded with a tone that was slightly remorseful.

⌈Yes, Legendary indeed. Although, you should know that my capabilities have been given certain limitations by the Gods. Well, to put it bluntly, they’re severely incapacitated, making me unable to participate in combat. I am here to act as a guide on their behalf. And about the ranks... you’ll hopefully find out what ranks are soon enough.⌋

⌈Why did you call out to me, then?⌋

⌈That should be obvious by now.⌋

It’s not obvious! Unless it’s about my eye? But he also possesses the same kind of eye! Two of them, in fact.

⌈Don’t be mistaken. My eyes aren’t the same as yours. Anyhow... Good luck! Don’t let me down. And don't you dare tell anybody about the slippers!⌋


The old man pushed me through the passageway.


In an instant I found myself falling through empty space. The surreal experience of finding myself in another world was nothing compared to the wonder of descending through the seemingly endless horizon filled with stardust and decorated by countless unknown constellations.

My freefall through eternity came to an abrupt end, as I felt my feet planted firmly on the ground. I was no longer surrounded by stardust, but grassy terrain and clear skies. Before me, laid a twisting, beaten forest path. The landscape was filled with uncountable trees, shrubbery, and flowers. It reminded me of the forest I found myself in after I was thrown into this world, but unlike that time, I now felt an imminent sense of danger. My hesitation and uncertainty vanished into thin air, only to be replaced by determination and decisiveness. Just this once, I’ll give it my all.

The voice of the old man called down from above once more.

⌈I welcome you once again to the adventurer trials. You’re in right now on the Trail of the Gods. Soon you will receive the clearing conditions for the Trail from the Gods. Do your best to fulfill the given conditions. Should you emerge victorious, and have your worth recognized by the Gods, you will be granted the title of Adventurer. Inability to fulfill the conditions, or suffering defeated in battle will result in failure. These are the only rules, but they are absolute. Godspeed, initiates.⌋

Alright. No backing down now. Bring it on!

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