《Trailblazer》06 - Preparations


Chapter 6 – Preparations

While I was still lost in my thoughts, puzzled by the lack of common sense, we started to make our way back inside of the walls. I asked Green to take us to the smith, and he eagerly complied. The Trials were tomorrow, but I realized that I didn’t even have a weapon yet, or rather, anymore. Also, I just really want to see a weapons shop for once in my life. If I get lucky, maybe I could see a fantasy smith in action!

We reached smith’s shop before long. Stepping in, I was reminded from the times when I was a child and my grandpa took me to a candy store. The thought alone warms my heart. It’s the little things that count.

Quite obviously, as opposed to the tailor, that dealt in fabrics, leather and hide, the smith dealt in metals. I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t find any weapons made high-grade magical metals like Adamantine or Mithril.

Speaking of finding things, we didn’t find the shopkeeper either, rather she found us. She came barging to the counter from the back. Judging by the noise, she had managed to knock over at least three different weapon or armor stands on her way. A short young girl no older than thirteen, whose face was all dirty from working in the smithy, emerged from the doorway behind the counter. She had deep red hair tied in two long braids. Of course, the smith had to be a redhead girl! That’s a given.

⌈W-Welcome! My da– uhh... Excuse me. The store owner isn’t here today so I’m here to look over the shop. Oh, I know! You lot must be here to gear up for the trials! Anything specific you’re looking for? I’m sure we have something suitable for everyone! Feel free to look around and be sure to let me know if you lot need help with anything!⌋

Just how talkative do people get!? I guess she is supposed to guide the customers, but there’s a limit to how long you can go on while still being helpful. Or maybe I'm just being a recluse again...

⌈Well then, I know what I’m getting.⌋

Seth said, as he took out his weapon and slammed it on top of the counter.

⌈This weapon has served me well through the years, but I think it’s about the time for an upgrade. Hey, shopkeeper! You got any weapons like this one?⌋

He unwrapped his two-meter long polearm. The blade on its end was designed for cutting instead of thrusting. After taking a closer look, the blade part was quite damaged, and the wooden pole was weathered to the point where I’m surprised it’s still holding up. I remember seeing it among Seth's equipment when I first analyzed him with my eye. Copper Glaive, was it?

⌈Oh? A spear? Wait, no... That’s a glaive, ain’t it!? You don’t often see people those wiggling those around. Yours seems to be almost too well used, though. You should take better care of your weapons! They ain’t going to last a long time like this.⌋

She recognized it! That’s otherworldly expertise for you.

⌈Yeah, this one’s been my partner in crime for damn near a decade.⌋

⌈A c-c-criminal!? I’m sorry we don’t serve criminals here, go somewhere else!⌋

⌈Hah!? Please calm down! That’s just a saying!⌋

⌈Oh.. right. I guess I’m a bit flustered since this is the first day the shop’s been left in my care. The highest tier of glaives we have available are bronze, which is a tier higher than iron. Is that fine with you? They’re brand new though and will last a lot longer than a copper one if maintained well. Not to mention that they’re nowhere near as expensive as steel ones!⌋


⌈Alright! How’s the price then?⌋

⌈Two silver and five bronze coins for the bronze one, two silver for the iron one if you can’t spare a few bronze extra.⌋

⌈Hmm.. That sounds about right. I’ll take it.⌋

⌈Ooh! Thank you for your purchase! Dad will be happy once he hears about this! It’s not often we sell bronze weapons. Ehehe…⌋

The smith girl giggled to herself.

Didn’t she get a little too excited from the sale of a single weapon? No.. I shouldn’t judge people by what makes them happy. Even I’m not that miserable. Perhaps all I really am is just jealous..

⌈Hey, you in the black! Are you looking for a weapon too perchance?⌋

She called out to me, as I was wandering around without a clue.

⌈Yeah, I guess.. I have no idea what kind of weapon I should go for though.⌋

I come from a world of peace. I have no previous experience with swinging a giant two-handed sword or poking holes through monsters with a spear. If I’m honest I rarely ever even went outside. I did do pretty well in physical education classes back in the day, but that hardly helps here.

Something easy to swing around, maybe? How about a dagger? No, I’d have to get too close for comfort, and that’s way too dangerous for my tastes.

⌈Having trouble deciding? We have plenty of time, don't you worry! Just name your budget and I’ll round up a few weapons you can try. You have nice clothes, so you can probably afford a few of our better wares too! No need to hold back!⌋

Oh right, I have a lot of money in my pockets right now. Seth even called me rich. I shouldn’t go out of my way and splurge all my money on a single weapon…

⌈I think I can spend about a gold coin..⌋

⌈Y-y-you...!? YOU CAN FUCKING WHAT!?!⌋

The talkative smith completely lost her composure and broke out into a frightening accent, cursing in disbelief. I felt pride. Undeserved pride, but pride nevertheless.


⌈You.. had such amounts of money with you..? It seems I misjudged you..⌋

Even the elven girls voiced their amazement. The way those two conduct themselves is like the difference between night and day. It’s quite funny they get along. Well, now that I think about it, do they even get along?

Anyhow, a single gold coin won’t be that much of a price to pay. It’s only four times the amount of Seth’s weapon. Is there really any reason for a reaction like that?

⌈Uhh.. e-excuse my rude language. A g-golden coin? My word... Are you perhaps someone famous? I’m so sorry for not noticing earlier.⌋

⌈Light… kiddo. I know you’re lacking in common sense, but..⌋

⌈Nee~, you’re someone important, aren’t you!? Why didn’t you tell me!?⌋

⌈What did I do wrong!? It’s only one gold coin! That’s only about four times the worth of Seth’s weapon..⌋

I hesitantly defended myself.

⌈It’s only one gold coin he says… How does one even come to possess such amounts while boasting such a low intelligence..⌋

⌈Light.. do you not remember anything I tell you? While ten bronze equals a silver, a golden coin is equal to a hundred silver coins. Not ten. You got that?⌋


Eh? I’m fairly sure that in the currency system I wrote about, a gold coin was worth ten silver, not a hundred… Did Seth misinform me? Or did it just pass by me when I heard about the currency and just assumed that it was the same? God dammit. I made myself look like an idiot. Again.


⌈Well, anyways, that’s the amount I’m willing to spend. I think I want something that’s rather easy to use.⌋

⌈You could probably get no less than an entry level Adamantine weapon with that amount, but we don’t have any ancient treasures like that... Oh, I know! I think I have something that will fit you just perfectly in the back! Give me a moment, I’ll be right back! You’re going to love this!⌋

The moment she drew the sword from its sheath, my heart damn near skipped a beat, and in an instant, I knew that it was the weapon I was going to purchase.

What she had brought out was a shining black short-sword, that had a beautiful single-edged blade. The design reminded me of a traditional eastern sword, but the shape of the blade was straight. Ninjato, was it? I’m not quite sure… In cases like this, I'd just have fired up image search on my computer, but alas, that was not possible now.

⌈This is the Darksteel Blade. It’s one of the finest weapons we have. Until now, it has been gathering dust as a showpiece. But I believe it might just be exactly what you’re looking for! Darksteel is an exquisite metal far surpassing the qualities of steel, and the weapon itself was crafted during the old era. I'm still an apprentice smith, but even I can tell that the craftsmanship poured into the blade was unparalleled. The short blade is easy to handle, yet in the right hands, its ability to cut through far exceeds other weapons of similar build and size. The price is set at 75 silver coins. You could arm an entire village for that amount, you know? Are you sure you want to buy it?⌋

I didn't need such a long and elaborate sales pitch. I had already decided before you even opened your mouth! To be honest, I would've spent all my four gold on it if that's what it took. Perhaps I'm just impulsive, but there's no way I'm passing up on this!

⌈My life will depend on it soon enough, so I see no problem in spending such amounts. I would like to make the purchase, thank you.⌋

⌈Ehehehe.. Had you told me just five minutes ago that I would sell the Darksteel Blade, I would’ve called you an idiot. I can hardly believe this. Thank you! A million times thank you!⌋

⌈Please don’t. I’ve been called an idiot plenty times already..⌋

⌈Oh no, I wouldn’t dare. After all, you’re an esteemed customer now!⌋

Maybe I can analyze the weapon itself with my eye? It seemed to work rather flawlessly when looking at people, even if it did sting a bit. I see no reason why it wouldn’t work with a weapon!

【Weapon: Darksteel Blade – Class: Blade – Rank: Regular – Rarity: B】

And worked it did! Brilliantly, in fact. Though my expectations for the analysis were far surpassed.

It’s showing class and rank slots now!? This really is starting to feel like the games I used to play. There seems to be another slot called 'Rarity', too. While the rank is only ‘Regular’, the rarity seems to be a B! I wonder if the rarity goes from F to S as alphabet ranks usually go. As for the Rank? I have no idea how that works, but I suppose regular isn't very impressive.

Seeing as I was surrounded by numerous weapons, I decided to compare mine with the regular stock. I need to get used to the burning sensation gouging my left eye out anyway.

【Weapon: Bronze Glaive – Class: Polearm – Rank: Usual – Rarity: C】

【Weapon: Iron Sword – Class: Sword – Rank: Usual – Rarity: D】

With that, I think it might be safe to assume that ‘Regular’ is a Rank higher than ‘Usual’. As per rarity, it seems to change with the materials. Both Rank and Rarity seem to be universal across all the weapon types. A bronze sword will be the same Rank and Rarity as a bronze glaive.

I wonder what rank the weapons made of greater materials, like the Adamantine she mentioned, would be?

While I was ogling at my new purchase, and took a few practice swings around, the girls made their purchases.

Grace decided that it was a good idea to buy a giant greatsword. Actually, the term 'buster sword' might be a better description of that instrument of death. I have no idea how a girl like her is even able to carry such a beast! I need to remind myself not to piss her off. Actually, can she even get pissed off? She seems almost unrealistically happy all the time. The image of Grace carelessly swinging the monstrous sword around, cleaving through hordes of monsters with a bright smile on her face was horrifying.

Lumi, on the other hand, bought a pair of... bladed folding fans? Is she serious? I mean, I’ve seen people fight with fans on various media before, and they do fit her character more than a battle-axe would, but isn’t it just a little too ambitious to actually fight actual real monsters with them!? I don't even know how people hold them when they're used as weapons! How do you even strike with the blades, anyway? Has she gone mental? I’m actually getting pretty worried for her safety now, even if she does manage to piss me off all the time...

The smith girl was extremely satisfied with the transactions and was smiling from ear to ear the whole time. It was actually rather sweet.

It was getting late by the time we had armed ourselves up, so we made our way back to the inn. I paid the lodging. Again. Not that I mind. I got 25 silver coins for extra use as change since the weapon ended up being less than a gold coin.

Seth and I sat on the edges of our beds in the dimly lit room.

⌈Tomorrow is going to be a big day, huh?⌋

He thought out loud, gazing out of the window on the back wall.

⌈Yeah.. all in all, I’m still as lost as ever. Maybe everything will work itself out eventually.⌋

⌈Sure will. Don’t worry about it, kiddo.⌋

⌈I’m not really a kid, you know?⌋

⌈Haha... I know, I know. You just kinda remind me of the village kids back at home... I really wonder how they’re doing. It's only been a couple of days, but I just can't help it.⌋

⌈I wonder what it’s like to someone to worry about back at home. I was getting bored of being so lonely all the time. Perhaps it really was my time to pass. Well, at least there isn't anybody back at my home who will miss me. And to be honest, this place isn't half bad either.⌋

⌈Huh? You’re on about something weird again, kiddo. I don’t know about your situation back at home, but you aren’t lonely anymore, you know? As weird as you are, I haven’t had the chance to get bored once after you showed up. In a way, I’m really grateful to have someone to stroll around with. I’m not really good with words. Enough of that, though. It’s a big day tomorrow, we should get some sleep.⌋

⌈Thanks, Seth. I mean it.⌋

⌈Oh, stop it, you. Can’t you see I’m blushing here?⌋

⌈Actually, no, I cant. It’s pretty dark.⌋

⌈Hahaha! Good one. Well, good night.⌋

⌈Yeah, night.⌋

Tomorrow’s gonna be a big day, huh?

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